Just how accurate is South Park's portrayal of The Mouse?
Just how accurate is South Park's portrayal of The Mouse?
i don’t watch sneed park
>le epic mouse xD
It only gets more relevant the more powerful disney gets
Mickey should be portrayed as all controlling though rather than just singularly powerful. They could easily do an update (but would probably fuck it up)
Disney wouldn't let a man put spiderman on his dead childs tombstone.
They're heartless, ruthless monsters.
Close, but they toned it down to match the IQ of the typical SP viewer.
if only you knew how bad things really are.
>The Mouse
This shit is so embarrassing. It’s like when liberals call themselves “the resistance”
a man wanting to put spiderman on his dead kid's tombstone is fucking retarded and everyone on the planet should've been loudly telling him not to do something so idiotic. i get that people aren't thinking clearly when they're grieving but so fucks sake. if "likes spiderman" was the biggest fact you knew about your kid you're a shit parent.
The child was 6 or something. 6 year olds really like specific things.
As someone who has lost a parent I can only imagine how much worse losing a child feels. Especially a young one.
The man should be allowed to put whatever dumbass thing he wants on his kids tombstone. Ffs user, don't be daft.