Was it really as bad as people say?

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It was alright. But definitely too long and the entire plot with Cameron Diaz completely halts the momentum

It’s a bloated mess that was horribly miscast save for DDL. Scorsese exposes himself a little bit with Gangs of New York. The editing is sloppy and he struggled with the scale of the project. The revenge plot was boring and played out as fuck.

Yes and no. 50% is kino. The other 50% is pretentious trash. Had Amsterdam raped that bitch early on for stealing from him it may have been better all around. Also they should have said the N word more often.

I liked it, but it was too long and Leo was out acted by DDL so badly it became a miscast.

It looks great but it's not well scripted and di Caprio's narration (which makes no sense because corpses do not reminisce) is outpaced by sub-standard intimidation dialogue. It's like a rogue cop drama set in the 19th century, and it doesn't deserve the status of a period piece. It is a fine study of grandstanding nobility vs. a more introverted priesthood, but that's a more interesting dynamic for Catholic audiences, or people who are into the introvert/extrovert thing. Jonathan Rosenbaum assesses Scorsese's films very well, and I hope he's consulted before The Irishman is released desu..

It would be better if Vallon was seen writing in a journal before being struck down, then the narration would make some more sense.

Bringing Out The Dead is better because it at least shows characters with a positive goal.

I enjoyed it.

Would've been kino without DiCaprio and Diaz