Could you really walk up to a brothel in the 70's and fuck 13 year old hookers with no repercussions?

Could you really walk up to a brothel in the 70's and fuck 13 year old hookers with no repercussions?

Attached: taxi-driver.18755.jpg (1000x1500, 216K)


>no repercussions

have you seen this film?

Are you implying that it's certain or probable to get killed by some random loner for soliciting child prostitution?

You can do it now

Yes. New York City was that bad back then.

Yes. New York City was that good back then.

imagine being a wholesome and innocent cunnysseur enjoying some lewd time with a top qt cunny and then a crazy incel poltard shoots up the place. truly scary

God bless based Mexican mafia that guarantees safe cunny for reasonable prices

Can anyone else list me some New York kino?

I already know:
A Bronx Tale
The Warriors
Death Wish
Escape from New York