Nostalgia is a helluva a drug
How do you retards not get it? They could literally shit in a movie reel and play the shit flopping movie reel in a theater, as long as they market it as a "black movie" blacks will come and literally watch shit. It was hyped up that most of this cast is black. Just like they blindly supported Madea and Black Panther due to race they did this too.
lol that's not why people see it
Nah, all it needs is the Disney logo. Then Disney-drones will go see it.
LMAO I specifically said black people not people in general. Tyler Perry could become a billionaire in our lifetimes despite creating some of the worst movies and plays ever. However they all pander to blacks so blacks blindly support it.
This movie will outdo Endgame as the highest grossing film ever made, screencap this
I hope so, it's shit but still better than capeshit and imagine retarded capeshitters to see another CGI schlock to beat their precious CGI schlock.
>$185M worth of negroes
>why does a mass appeal film have mass appeal
idk user, it truly is a riddle