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Do actors in kino get their physiques naturally?
Daniel Thompson
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Nicholas Sullivan
How common are steroids in kino?
Nathaniel Walker
Of course not.
Kayden Anderson
No, you can't bulk up like that so quick.
Carter Hernandez
Post some kino actors who you believe to have naturally obtainable physiques
Landon Gomez
Yes, they do. Injecting 500mg of Test e into your butt twice a week is perfectly natural, user. It’s a natural hormone.
Blake Foster
nigga 5’10” lmao
Gabriel Thomas
Nah, it's basically they audition, get the job that starts in a few weeks and they prepare for the role
Luke Thomas
Me on the left
Ayden Parker
no. they do it too rapidly for it to be natty most of the time. they also have best doctors available to do it safely
Jason Sanders
Is this natural?
Robert Cox
All athletes and actors use HGH and testosterone to get in shape.
Liam Sanders
>naturally obtainable physiques
Maybe this guy
Jason Sanchez
This. But normies have literally no clue about fitness (just like all the larpers on /fit/ claiming astounding numbers on first session/after a month despite apparently being a completely sedantary loser prior).
Bale went from dangerously underweight (The Machinist) to too buff to play batman in the space of 6 months (he had to lose muscle mass) and people still think it was natty.
Joshua Russell
this is literally 2 months at the gym and not eating like a fat fuck
Henry Nguyen
Post physique
Christopher Powell
Achivable natty?
Bentley Evans
No and it doesn't really look good, looks like a toy. Pitt looks lean, Efron looks bloated and like he's overcompensating.
Juan Thomas
no he just has a trustworthy professional who can safely juice him up or slim him down depending on roles
Camden Roberts
I see he went for the spray abs too
Hunter Gray
How much did Pitt weigh here?
Gabriel Nelson
You think girls would turn him down because he looks bloated?
Jonathan Peterson
me from /cbt/
Chase Anderson
They get on HGH + test, plus the studio pays for a personal trainer to work with them every day and and control their meals so they have the perfect diet.
Some funny stories come out of it. At one point Hugh Jackman got so lean for Wolverine he lost the fat padding on the soles of his feet and couldn’t walk for long periods of time because it was too painful.
>tfw so cut you cripple yourself
Oliver Brooks
Nicholas Hernandez
Adam Hill
Bruh that pic has been posted on /fit/ for years
Ayden Watson
you look bloated. cut the bread nigger.
Jason Rivera
yeah, I know, it's me
Robert Brown
Faker, that's from /fit/
Michael Sanchez
Fuck off
Landon Russell
he's always been in shape, no crazy flux
Isaiah Gonzalez
>t. >:'(
Gavin Evans
Post the same picture with timestamp
Michael Barnes
Jackman has some serious leg problems in general
Brody Reyes
Nobody really takes steroids anymore. The only thing people really take anymore is HGH and all that does is help your muscles recover faster, which allows you to work out more often. I don't even think it should be illegal for sports because it is safe and most athletes use it anyway since it's hard to detect unless the dude is being retarded about it.
Lincoln Wright
in /fph/ ? nigga please cut
Gavin Lopez
Every single one of them is on gear.
Juan Collins
imagine getting beaten up by that guy lmao
Kevin Bailey
Peter Dinklage really got in shape
Noah Miller
not roids
didn’t Hugh pass out on set from dehydration all the time too?
Landon Hall
>I want to jerk off to your perfect body
fuck off faggot
Leo Bennett
5'11", 165 lbs and like 8% bf if I remember correctly
Matthew Jones
Jesus Christ. And then you have daft bints online that begin thinking those physiques of easily attainable or average and how the rest of us men suck for not having those bodies 24/7. And there's another thing: idiots everywhere need to understand a person looking amazing isn't a constant state. Take someone after their work out, cleaned up, dressed to the nines, done everything right to maximise their looks and then 10 hours later after a night out, heavy, heavy drinking, drunkenly eating a massive takeaway meal, etc. and they suddenly look like dogshit, bloated, etc. Say what you want about that cancer ridden Polack called Furious Peter, his old Before vs. After video was kino and perfectly illustrates my point.
Jaxon Gonzalez
No way his body fat % is above 5 there
Nicholas Garcia
I thought you need to take other drugs to negate any possible side effects of HGH alone?
John Long
You have no idea what 5% body fat looks like.
Juan Gray
I have my goal now
Angel Russell
There are no side effects for HGH unless you're taking retarded amounts.
Sebastian Perry
Don't they go be you stuff to dehydrate you before shooting, so your skin deflated against your abs to give them more definition? Eggs Benedict cucumber said that was his least favorite part about playing dr. Strange
Jayden Foster
I would beat every single "amazing looking" celeb bitch in this thread and every single reddit btich that has posted in this goddamn thread in a one for all brawl. Don't @ me.
Jeremiah Howard
That's how it's done
Andrew Russell
It is absolutely obvious that Hollywood actors use all manner of "drugs" in order to stay in shape for their roles; after all there is so much money at stake that you do whatever it takes.
BUT, I do think that many "Hollywood bodies" are indeed attainable just through hard work and godlike genes (Henry). Sure, bodies like Thor and Captain America are all roids, but Brad is easily attainable.
Cooper Green
Try it yourself. Don't drink water for like 12 hours and you'll see how much more defined your muscles look.
Jason Wilson
You couldn't beat your own dick even if it was erect faggot
Aiden Hernandez
>Why, yes. I do believe Star Wars The Last Jedi by Disney is the greatest movie ever. How could you tell?
Eli Harris
This is what natties look like at low body fat. You can't normally cut down so low while retaining the thick, full looking physiques guys like Jackman, Hemsworth, Cavill, etc. have in their movies. You also can't do it nearly as quickly as they do. You might be able to lose 1 lb. of fat per week on a responsible cut while retaining the maximum amount of muscle, and even then you'll lose a good amount below 10% body fat.
Daniel Walker
You mean beat their assholes with your dick?
Cameron Morales
Just stay focused brother, we're all gonna make it
Parker Reyes
>image name starts with 15XXXXXXXXXXX
Austin Bailey
Lol, do you really think Statham is natty? You're a retard
Austin Long
He just ate a lot of vegetables
David Brown
Brody Allen
>Some funny stories come out of it. At one point Hugh Jackman got so lean for Wolverine he lost the fat padding on the soles of his feet and couldn’t walk for long periods of time because it was too painful.
That sounds amazing. Do you have a source for that story?
Adrian Long
i miss him so much bros
Julian Clark
Why don’t actresses cycle var for capeshitto
Cameron Young
Is the Scoobster natty ?
Jace Barnes
Actually immediately after eating junk food you look even better...But not for long.
Christopher Brooks
My goal is to get a body like the guy on the left, mostly because it seems achieveable.
But I will always remain midly slobby/unfit. Having a slow metabolism fucking sucks bros ;_;
Carter Powell
Gavin Hughes
>tfw 6'1 170 lbs ~18%
At least I don't have a massively protruding gut anymore.
Brandon Adams
This is most likely natural. Used to be an Olympic diver and always done martial arts, he may take test now as he's nearly 50, but wouldn't be surprised if he didnt
Jordan Parker
Night and day. I've seen the fraud tactics used by instathots so interesting to see the ones Chads will use. Or erstwhile Chads considering what Murphy looks like now.
Jaxon Walker
Scooby, Chalamet... it's great when homosexual Jews are /our guys/.
Kevin Walker
They could but do you seriously think they have the time and commitment for it?
They just roid the fuck out of it to get there. Athletes do the same and they get "regular tests", actors have nobody to answer to.
Kayden Mitchell
Post ur current stats breh
Anthony Lewis
Dude, there's a technique in Hollywood for this shit: Instead of building you up, they strip all of the fat off of you to expose your natural muscle. You build 'some' muscle in the process but not a lot.
It's an absolutely miserable diet to be on, though: You can't eat virtually anything and you're starving the entire time. Two or so days before the money shots, they also go light on the liquids to get you extra cut. You can bet that after all of the shirtless moments were done, they were pounding down hamburgers and milkshakes for days on end to get back up to a healthy weight.
Thomas Thomas
if you aint cheatin you aint tryin
Adrian Rivera
Say what you will of this guy, but he supposedly went onto "Ellen" and advised people not to attempt to attain this physique because it's really hard to do and hard on the body afterwards. A rare instance of responsibility from Hollywood when it comes to body perception.
Matthew Price
you dont seem to understand the correlation between big muscles and actual fighting ability, this what an optimal fighter looks like
James Diaz
93 kg
I'm a slob, but I've actually went down from 106 kg over a couple of weeks because I started going outside/cycling again but I'm constantly hungry and just eat unhealthy shit from ALDI every day
Not gonna make it ;_;
Gavin Lee
He's still clearly built and has a low BF%
Fedor's fatass would be a good example
Jose Young
Luis Jones
>went down from 106 kg over a couple of weeks
>to 93
Wait what?
Jonathan Gutierrez
do you drink much alcohol?, since ive limited my drinking to once a week ive made more gains in the past 8 months than i have the past 3-4 years, much leaner too
John Moore
Is that natty?
Luis Cooper
What a PUSSY
Nicholas Cooper
he forgot the roids
Ryan Flores
fuck off with the excuses.
Mason Miller
No alcohol
No smoking
No drugs
No sex
Well, more like a month and a half but yeah I'm outside riding/walking every day
Connor Hill
Dunno. Maybe not.
But that is achievable natty. You don't even need to overdo it to look like that, barely above ottermode.
Lincoln Lee
>don't eat anything after 7 pm
How is any normal human being supposed to pull that off?`That's where I get the most hungry
Lincoln Williams
>No sex
Josiah Collins
Just keep going man. You already lost 10 kg which is awesome. Drink water exclusively, fast occasionally to cultivate discipline and drop weight (I fast from Friday evening until Sunday morning and then have a nice breakfast) Keep the physical activity up. You're gonna make it, if I catch you doubting yourself again I'll beat you up >:(
Robert Wood
Masturbate and eat your semen
Joseph Jenkins
Dude 13 kilos in 6 weeks is not a very healthy rate of weight loss.
Levi Howard
''Old'' Bronson looked natty or at least something anyone could get with some effort.
Juan Roberts
What happened to him?
I haven’t kept up with /fit/ culture in a long time.
Benjamin Parker
I was about to recommend intermittent fasting to the ALDIanon. First 3 days are kinda rough, but then it is really really easy. I usually don't feel too hungry even at lunch time. My best time (I did drink water though) was 57 hours of not eating. I'm a recovering skinnyfat slob btw.
Caleb Garcia
It's not suprising if he went from being a lazy fuck to actually doing stuff
Dominic Powell
Dude just drink water/tea/coffee lmao
Just fill the void in your stomach ayyy
Thomas Scott
some faggot doxed him so he stopped posting there
Jaxon Campbell
>this what an optimal fighter looks like
No, this is
Angel Rodriguez
But how do i gain weight bros
Brandon Barnes
I'm actually just jealous, I've lost 16 kilos myself but in more than a year's span.
Cameron Foster
Yeah, you can't underestimate the power of being an athlete and having had a great body built for actual performance.
Dominic Rodriguez
It's a necessity. I lost my apartment and I'm currently in one of those emergency shelter things and I gotta share my room with some 150 kg super fat dude who stinks even after having taking a shower. It also gets insanely fucking hot during the summer apparently (i.e. barely able to breathe before nightfall) because it's basically just an elongated container, more than a regular building, so I'm kinda forced to not stay indoors too long otherwise I'd go fucking nuts. And since I have to share this place with 90% spics/niggers/arabs/pahjeets I don't dare use the kitchen, because it's fucking filthy and I'm afraid I'll catch some HIV or something, so my nourishment comes mostly from cheap to-go food from the supermarket.
Julian Phillips
Eat oats and other long-chain carbohydrates.
Chase Parker
Eat a high protein meal right at the end of the feeding period, preferably with some whole grains and vegetables. That should tie you over till the morning. Presuming you sleep 6-8 hours, and go to bed around midnight, that means you can eat again as early as 10 the next day. It's doable. You can drink water or unsweetened coffee/tea during the fast period. Just be warned, it takes some getting used to.
Justin Morgan
Eat nigga
Nathan Mitchell
No. He's too old for his phisique to be natty, he also always dodges the question
Matthew Harris
I don’t get home from work until like 6:50. I have ten minutes to cook and eat??
Nathan Phillips
the question you should be asking yourself isn't "can i look like this roid monster so i get some likes on instagram", it's "can i run 5 miles without passing out" "can i swim 100 metres in 90 seconds" "can i do 20 pull ups without taking a break" "can i get my ass through an assault cause without getting laughed out of the class" "can i paddle through a 9ft breaker"
strength is nothing without endurance, agility and application, let alone looking strong with nothing to show for it. unless your main preoccupation is grindr.
Jacob James
Fucking hell, you deserve to make it the most
Carter Russell
I want those abs
Adrian James
I used to be in this kind of shape, andvjust got there thru push ups, pull ups, and a twenty minute jog every day.
Noah Howard
Have you also played college ball?
Brayden Phillips
Why are /fit/ and other chad boards always bullying us? Can't they leave us alone ffs not everyone is a winner or achiever...
Jonathan Adams
>want to get in shape
>spent so long be lazy and smoking I doupt I could even keep up a jog for 5 minutes
What do?
Brandon White
this 5'2 scrawny ass manlet would get dabbed on outside his weight class
Ryder Gomez
slow metabolism is a myth you retard
Count your calories and read Starting Strength
Hunter Peterson
Exchange smoking with something less unhealthy to fill the void
Work from there
Bentley Sanders
>all these broscience memes
Lucas James
read the sticky on /fit/
Camden Brooks
>slow metabolism is a myth
lol no
Jackson Reed
Join SS
Go mad
Jaxson Peterson
Except for just about all athletes, male movie stars and gym rats
You're a retard, kill yourself
Jackson Adams
Just move the fasting window to the morning, so you dont eat breakfast and get to start eating at lunchtime onwards
>inb4 blah blah something about carbs before bed
Fuck off, I've been fasting with a 14 hour window of not eating starting at 11pm ending at 1pm the next day and its working.
Liam Carter
Imagine how girls must feel when they're getting railed by this. You will NEVER make a woman feel like that.
Jordan King
I literally didn’t play sports, outside of PE requirements, and I went to an arts college that basically didn’t have sports.
I was later out of shape, so I started doing pushups, since they didn’t require equipment,
then I set up a tall ladder, since my apartment had 14 foot ceilings, and did intermittent pull ups while watching Seasons of TV Kino on DVD.
Then I would get up early in the morning every day and run all out as best as I could for about 10 to 12 minutes out and back.
I would also routinely walk anywhere that be walked to in twenty minutes, with an occasional longer walk.
It took about two or three months to start looking decent, and another two or three before chicks started calling me svelte.
I’ve since started eating too much and stopped exercising and got out of shape, but it’s fully possible to get into shape without a gym membership or a trainer.
For getting really into shape look up the exercise program Bruce Lee used.
Connor Cox
Since when is /biz/ a chad board? Just because they know how to make money?
Colton Diaz
it's a myth. fat people underestimate their intake, skinny people overestimate. the variation in metabolism is negligible
this news should disappoint lazy fat pieces of shit
Joshua Jones
>just because they know how to make money?
KEK! biz is full of larping retards
Dominic White
I’ve been gymmaxing for almost 2 years. My physique has improved immensely but I know I can look so much better if I just juiced just a little. It’s like a tiny voice in my head that’s egging me on. What should I do bros?
Aaron Garcia
They all believe the world class trainers and personal chefs meme
Isaiah Morgan
this looks like TREN
Samuel Evans
>NOT SELF REPORTED study where people who overate 1000 calories above their maintenance gained radically different amounts of weight
keep spewing your nonsense though retard, it amuses me when uneducated people try to discuss things with me
Luke Foster
DYEL? enjoy your aesthetics brah. bloatmaxx ftw
Adam Moore
Have you actually ever been on that board? It's 90% retards thinking they're going to become millionaires by buying bitcoins.
Jordan Perez
Lincoln Adams
this is exactly how shatner, and everyone else looked, who was in shape prior to the fitness industry explosion after arnold and all the other bodybuilders that redefined the physique
Zachary Price
eat more food you dumbfuck
Xavier Adams
Nimoy has my body and i have some regular manual labor job. I also dont eat american cuisine if you catch my drift. No breakfast ever. Fuck /fit/.
Noah Price
>some people move more when they overeat
you're dumb and fat, glad you're amused
Nathan Johnson
no coiner detected. stay mad
you should eat more and hit the gym you'd be stacked in no time friend
Cameron Nelson
look at the range on the baseline resting energy expenditure and the overfed resting energy expenditure. Virtually no change. Slender people didn't burn off the excess calories with fast metabolism.
Move your body more tubby, you are lazy
Liam Cruz
roids, plays a character who has autism rage
natural, man is always in control of his emotions, just fucks cunny and worksout.
A true hollywood alpha
Hudson Stewart
I browse tv, v, fit, and sp what does that make me?
Cooper Scott
>2 utmost shitboards
>1 chad board
Got bad news for ya mate
Kevin Cruz
pay no attention to that image friend
Cameron Anderson
Yes. Most of this is moderate exercising and low body fat, which is mostly dieting.
Gavin Russell
well yeah, but everyone deep down wants to look attractive not even just for women.
Parker Richardson
Not very common, as it is highly dangerous.
Nasty shit.
Based homo. You can always tell a man who lifts for cock gains in his mouth. Straight here, but I might let you suck me off to reward you of your impressive efforts.
Xavier Gutierrez
This genuinely scares me. Is this a shop? It's fucking frightening.
Sebastian Cooper
>knees caving in with like 5 pounds on the bar
Nolan Lee
Hemsworth is pretty kino. I mean you're pretty much arguing apples and oranges here.
Josiah Brown
>chad board
Hunter Butler
Are you me?
Same, only it's been over 3 years, got dumped after a 10 year relationship, was a fat fuck then, considered suicide, ended up getting a gym membership, lost like 50 kilos in 7 months ( from ~130 to 77.9, I know, I'm an idiot ).
That tiny voice is getting louder and louder and the only thing I would consider is test, but I'm afraid of the long term effects (my test is at around 800 normally and a buddy PT says it's a bad idea to juice because of that )
It's just so annoying working my ass off at the gym and getting negligible results while testfuckboy21 is shredded as fuck with half the work.
Joshua Brown
Whats wrong with /tg/ these days?
Nolan Cox
One day, anons, one day...
Jacob Lee
You sound like a faggot desu
Mason Evans
Why even bother getting such a retardedly heroic body in the first way? Keeping it is going to be insanely hard as you grow older, and nearly impossible by your 40s. Entropy gets us all, just fucking doom it.
Gabriel Parker
That's achievable naturally, but you won't be able to get it for a part you're playing in time. In general, most actors are massive roid heads.
That doesn't change the fact that even in higher weight classes the fighters don't have good looking physiques. And for the average (5'8" ish) man that is the best fighting physique for grappling.
Juan Ramirez
hell no, his grapes probably look like raisins
Nolan Barnes
Unironically a good idea
Mason Lopez
I work out at that gym. Sad I've never seen him there. Did lift next to Anderson Cooper last week though.
William Collins
I legit hate not knowing whether I look handsome or not. I think I look pretty damn good sometimes in the mirror, when I have applied to modelling agencies in the past they accept, and I've gotten a lot of compliments both behind my back and to my face from people my age group to old fuckers, these compliments have been casual so it's not like I'm saying shit to prompt them, get rated highly online whenever I post a pic, etc. but never, ever detect the slightest bit of interest from women in real life outside of a few club situations where they've been inebriated anyhow.
Brody Morales
Test is a weird thing. I'm 963 ng/dl which is slightly above average yet I as sure as shit cannot grow a beard. Voice is pretty deep, I can make gains without being autistic about the schedule and shit, etc.
Austin Rivera
That's funny, I'm basically the opposite, with my over 800, I'm hairy as fuck everywhere, have a thick beard, started balding at early twenties, while my voice is relatively high( not squeaky or anything, but unfitting to my physique and football hooligan face ).
Connor Flores
He's only 4ft tall so it's easier for him
Gavin Nelson
Kind of taught me the hormonal stuff is much more complicated than highest test possible = good and getting the whole package.
Jose Brooks
>he wasn't here when based anons did some digging and ousted him as a 3'9 frauding as 4'0
Oh dear. Lurk more.
Sebastian Cox
Dyel spotted.
Nolan Lewis
Why is it ok for trannys to get hormones? As a skinnyfat I identify as a jacked man and demand testerone in my ass cheeks.
Ayden Parker
Oh the little shit
Jackson Diaz
>have cupcake-sized man-titties
>no matter how hard I train they don't go away
Lucas Foster
Sounds to me lie you're a good looking lad and it's your personality that needs work.
Don't listen to the memers here, sure, looks are super important but they are not the end all be all, being fun and easy to get along with will get you much further with actual quality women .
I have I guy at work, he's tall, handsome as fuck and his real name, no joke, is Keanu. When he started, the women were creaming their pants, but because of his extremely quiet personality, eventually that changed to mocking and making fun of him.
Lucas Johnson
>are people who live off their physical appearance/performance natty?
They're all on roids.
Henry Thompson
Nathaniel Phillips
>slow metabolism
Is it primary or secondary hypothyroidism? What treatment are you receiving?
You did come to this conclusion based on medical tests rather than self-diagnosis because you eat too much/little, right?
Anthony Garcia
I don't need to be a scientist with a medical decree to know that my metabolism is fucked. I eat, I get fat - I work, I stay fat.
Daniel Perry
CICO is literally the only thing that matters and there is no such thing as a fast or slow metabolism
Josiah Cruz
Iceman got ripped
Andrew Lewis
Diet and ab routine?
Bentley Carter
already been proven incorrect in this very thread brainlet
Kayden Gray
this really.
I have friends who never get laid and they're good looking guys with decent jobs and I know some absolute wasters who have girlfriends.
Fact is for the most part only /fit/ and that kind of community care about whether you're lifting 90kg instead of 80kg. If you look after yourself, exercise moderately regularly, wear clothes that fit you properly and talk to people without being bitter as fuck most girls will find you pleasant to talk to if not attractive. I've slept with 18 women and I have dentures at the age of 23 if I can do it you can do it.
Easton Myers
Small suggestions I have, intermittent fasting (I skip breakfast and start eating around 11) and taking cold showers (supposedly actually helps your metabolism; if you cant handle the cold water, go on a run first which of course will also help)
Michael Gutierrez
Say it to my face and not on the internet motherfucker. I'll rip your fucking pants right off, grab you by the shirt tail and head-butt your groin.
Zachary White
Also my sleep pattern is fucked, does not getting restful sleep have an effect on that?
Chase James
>a system that consumes less energy than it uses and yet grows bigger
user you are a perpetual motion machine, call NASA they will want to study you
Anthony Gomez
Right, you're full of shit and looking for excuses. You're not magic. Count your calories and you'll find you eat too much.
Jaxson Nguyen
He would have been the greatest Mike Blueberry.
Dominic Reed
>been proven wrong
In the study that didn't account for NEAT?
Hypo- and hyperthyroidism are real. Thing is, the people who claim to have a "slow/fast metabolism" have no clue where the thyroid gland even is. They're looking for excuses so they can give up without trying.
Gabriel White
I'm in a similar boat, my work schedule is fucked and I might have insomnia. Sleep is a factor, ultimately it's going to help your body process everything and recover more efficiently. Sometimes benadryl or unisom helps me. You can also do the whole avoiding blue light an hour before bed and shit. Dont start drinking to sleep though, shit turned me into an alchie and I'm only just getting back on the wagon (but its Sunday so I'm fucked up)
Dominic Thompson
Yes. Not sleeping enough basically means you lose more muscle when losing weight, and build more fat when gaining weight. Sleep is probably the single most important thing to overall health.
Austin Walker
Your body does not deny the laws of thermodynamics you absolute retard
Logan Mitchell
Utter shite.
Go for a run fatboy
Jace Gutierrez
Women will choose left over right. I know this is controversial.
Aaron Price
Elijah James
Pretty much. To look really great on camera, actors get insanely lean because it makes your muscles pop. You don’t need a ton of mass to look big on camera, just be really low bodyfat.
James Robinson
God yes, getting shit sleep means your body can't recuperate (both mind and muscles) as well as not produce enough testosterone. Get that shit in order.
Hudson Wright
Deadlifts destroy your lower back over time. Even with good form. A good alternative is hex bar DL. Less strain on your back and you still get a great workout.
Dominic Collins
Jason Thomas
Not exaggerating, broiled chicken with broccoli and beans for months
Adrian Gutierrez
How caN I lose belly fat while simultaneously putting on muscle
Brandon Miller
Guys like that just look even worse when they go full ripped. Nigga, you're fat-ass face is never going to change, you're gonna look like a kid with his head through one of those carnival pictures.
Julian Harris
Any vitamins and supplements? What's your shoulder routine like?
Landon Hernandez
Probably can happen if you've never lifted before.
A lot of people say it's impossible but it isn't.
Eat less, but not too much, make sure you're getting a lot of protein and lift.
Landon Sanchez
>Deadlifts destroy your lower back over time. Even with good form.
Ask me how I know you've never lifted a weight in your life.
James Gonzalez
>Locking your knees straight while lifting
I know this dude has basically nothing on the bar but that still looks incredibly unsafe
Owen Richardson
It's his hair and gay beard, he's unironically look better if he were bald. He needs a shorter hair cut, not one you have in your mid teens.
Jayden Hall
Whats the alternative, recommended way? I just got a big fucking gut even though the rest of me is normal
Dylan Sanders
ZMA and the big cums stack
Shoulders? OHP
Connor Morris
Yeah, you're right. He's short, but being a bald, ripped, manlet looks better than some roided guy with a baby face.
Christopher Brooks
these really inspire me to do steroids
Brayden Campbell
All of these guys are wrong.
Alcohol. Alcohol is how you gain weight.
Benjamin Baker
Girls will choose left over right women will not
Elijah Richardson
How far can a guy get doing just push-ups and shit? I don't want to go to a gym it's full of muscly faggots who will laugh at me
Bentley James
Nobody will care about you.
The only instance I can see someone walking up to you is if you are at risk of breaking yourself in half because you are using a machine wrong
Parker Green
I can do 65lb OHP and cant seem to go beyond that, its frustrating the hell out of me. I take zinc regularly for skin shit, but I'll try adding magnesium to my daily routine
Noah Barnes
This. Breakfast is a Kellogg meme to sell cereal. No one did that shit until the modern age.
Christopher Thomas
he probably could take on some middleweights to be honest
Jackson Williams
You are fat because you lie.
Gabriel Sanders
it's still pretty funny to hear body builders like arnie and the other guys back in the day all said that bruce lee had the perfect body.
Joseph Watson
All you need are pushups, squats, pullups, some lunge variations, and some bridging variations.
Chase Rodriguez
I doubt anyone will laugh at you at the gym at the most they'll tell you that you are doing something wrong and save you when you attempt to kill yourself bench pressing well above your max.
Jose Perez
Not guy but I need to do a reset occasionally, i.e. awake for over a day, go to bed early, get up early thereafter, and be right as rain and have a stable sleep schedule. That's fine right? As long as it's not chronic.
Jacob Williams
Buy dumbbells.
Jason Butler
Nobody will care about you because everybody is busy doing their own shit
Cooper Bennett
Brad looks natty, but a lot of the time, no roids are needed to make the transformation happen fast. Had a friend who worked on SOuth Paw that said Jake Gyl was having bad roid rage.
Landon Lee
Christian Wilson
I'm already close to the left pic, I need to drop some beer lbs and I'll be back there
Isaiah Ramirez
>dude just go to the gym bro
ofc gymcels cant actually answer the question lmao
Jason Sanders
If an actor has crazy traps, they are using roids. if not its natty. The more you know
Carson Barnes
I lol'd
Andrew Sanders
>"hurr suddenly chix just fall out of the woodwork calling you hawt once you put enough work in"
You know how I know this guy's full of shit?
Jayden Parker
>Just because they know how to make money?
Andrew Baker
is it possible to get a body like on the left without going to the gym (just running/biking and home exercises)? I'm 5'11 and 150lbs
William King
stop eating so much and go for a run every two days
Benjamin Torres
Like it negates he's a good looking/in shape dude
Julian Williams
this thread is full of gays
Jaxon Russell
lose weight fatty
Henry Kelly
alcohol is my achilles heel. i don't eat much, and find it easy to deny myself food after 7pm, and i enjoy working out. but i also enjoy getting shitfaced.
Cooper Butler
What the fuck this guy is real? i've seen a bunch of shitposting images but i assumed they were shopped to hell and back.
Andrew Miller
Nathaniel Sanchez
Got incredibly fat two times in my life and there is still a lot to go but I went from 105 kg to 82 kg with keto and carnivore diet, first time I’m actually seeing gains from 3 years of going to the gym. Pants that I used to wear first time I got skinny and was about 72kg for now. We all are going to make it
Ryan Hernandez
try eating less and moving more you fat fuck
Charles Garcia
Adrian Reed
I respect /fit/ for their discipline but there is a point where it just gets homoerotic. A lot comes down to personality, you don't need to be ripped to be good looking too. I would always say work out though for health.
Lucas Cook
/tg/ back then used to be a bunch of regular dudes with actual social lives and jobs and shit discussing funny stuff like "who would win in a fight, a grizzly bear versus a gorilla trained to use a knife", and everyone knew it was okay to shitpost and have fun.
Now it's populated by the 90's stereotypical dorks who'd get shoved into lockers and develop complexes about it, and they're all boring hacks who can't write or be creative for shit.
Jonathan Lee
t. you
John Garcia
Honestly for me it's just how fucking white-knightey and leftwing they've become. Not that I want /tg/ to be politically leaning in general, but you can't make a single joke (or even remark) about certain topics without triggering half the board and their SJW sensitivites and ruin the thread. Also their jokes are cringey and their tastes in games are god-awful. They actually defend Age of Sigmar and hate old Warhammer for fuck's sake. 4shame what happened to /tg/, 4shame.
Jack Cooper
my bodytype but i have smaller arms
Evan Fisher
>Eat clen, Tren hard Anavar give up.
Anthony Green
Alexander Sanchez
Been bulking lads. How do I look?
Ryder White
Pfffft, fucking memes
>eat whatever shit I want (just had a whole costco pizza for breakfast)
>get 7 hours of sleep
>never run
>lift for 1 and a half hours, 3-4 days a week
>all by myself
>at a cheap college gym (20 bucks a month)
>only been lifting for 2 years
>"Oh gee, you probably look like shit"
>pic related
Yeah, I'm not exactly the king of /fit/, but I have zero problems attracting women, I have zero problems when sized up against other dudes, and I live however the fuck I want to live as long as I continue to eat and lift.
Nathan Wood
this exact photo has been circulating around /fit/ in "goal body" threads and "current body" threads for YEARS
Jace Torres
Tyler Reed
Liam Cooper
The problem I have with hex bars is that I'm tall and my legs tend to get hit with every rep. I've just dropped all DLs for now as I already have back problems because of other reasons. Suggestions?
Julian Rogers
yeah you do look like shit
Justin Morris
In a good way though right? Pure man body.
Adam Gomez
based turbo manlet BTFO all these tall quitters
Liam White
Based and Chadpilled.
Carson Sanders
nigga what are you talking about
also, caring about "bitches" lmao, have sex
Joshua Carter
Gabriel Howard
>>at a cheap college gym (20 bucks a month)
That's sounds pretty expensive for me. I'm slightly worried that you'd call 20 bucks "cheap".
Evan Hall
good thread btw
Juan Ortiz
starting weight matters a lot. body weight doesnt even matter that much anyways, bf% and maybe bmi does. ok lean body mass maybe
Hunter Bell
how is this you dream? looks like a pretty sad life actually...
Nolan Jenkins
>they know how to make money
kek, they know how to lose money. but yeah, not chad boards. The
Dominic Bailey
Thanks for confirming you’re a fatty
Julian Watson
that is retarded. the 5000kcal worth of pure horse cum you chug on a regular basiswill not metabolise the same way as 5000kcal worth of bread for example you stupid fucing mouthbreater
Jayden Campbell
>making money
/biz/ is 80 percent pajeets shilling scam coins and a couple of retards dumb enough to buy them
Connor Wright
Please tell me that picture is for real
Nolan Reyes
You do.
Shit fucks your liver up. You aren't supposed to drink while on HGH and it's recommended you take it with milk thistle in addition to post cycle therapy.
Tyler Brooks
Aye. Maybe go to a local park that has some pull-up bars too.
Jeremiah Walker
... why? Right is ultimately sexier and in better physical shape
Lucas Harris
It's pretty well know by now women don't like excessive definition and shit. That's why bodybuilers aren't perceived anywhere near as sexy as twink lords like Titanic DiCaprio or River Phoenix.
Jaxson Parker
>in better physical shape
>ultimately sexier
Josiah Martin
You got him! Good job! I'm going to tell everyone on twitter about how cool you are!
Lincoln Foster
>River Phoenix
Why? He looks like Scarlett Johansson
Joseph Fisher
She survived a xenomorph birth or what is that fissure?
Tyler Long
>Right is ultimately sexier
As a gay man, you'd think that to be true. But is talking about women.
Owen Sullivan
I never understood why. Same reason they're all for otter-mode guys. Are they afraid or something? Shouldn't they evolutionarily and genetically be craving dudes with super muscles?
Jason Evans
Size is also dependent on workout intensity
Most of the times actors are juicing cause their lifts are too light to create any noticeable gains. If an actor started lifting heavier and doing more reps, and switched to a different diet accordingly, they'd get more substantial gains than just roids alone.
We need an actor to try out the Colorado Experiment
Ayden Rogers
>I, the straight man, know more about what makes a man sexy as fuck to the sex that is actually attracted to men and wants to be fucked by them
Next you're going to tell me Delon wasn't a handsome Chad cause he didn't have a square as fuck jaw/chin. Now stop being so obtuse. Haven't you seen those graphs about what a highly attractive man looks like according to men vs. according to women?
Charles Flores
Fit, athletic men don't look like bodybuilers with the excessive vains and definition and shit for God's sake. Ottermode is much closer to what a naturally fit man whose have function strength and fitness will look like and what women have been programmed to find attractive.
Nicholas Johnson
Wearing tight clothes doesn't make you "bigger"
I wear a size Large tee,but I fit into a size small and look like I lift.
Be yourself user.
Tyler Bell
I just know they like white men with dark features.
Alexander Rodriguez
im going to after i finish cumming in your mothers gaping asshole
Nolan Adams
This is Yea Forums/4channel. Any benefits o the athletic lifestyle practiced by /fit/ are erased by their neuroticism.
Nathan Foster
Look at every weightclass in the UFC. Do you see any bodybuilders? Or look at Ruiz vs AJ.
Big muscles are for vanity, not use. They're mostly only possible due to roids.
Ryan Jones
>Big muscles are for vanity, not use
You clearly never met a strongman IRL
Jason Flores
Are you in college? You can make those mistakes and still look somewhat ok when you’re 20.
Andrew Collins
You probably have gynocomastia. See a doctor and they’ll figure out treatment, you might have to have surgery.
Levi Hernandez
What's with this fast meme? Just eat whenever the fuck you want, I eat giant fatty meals right before I hop into bed (without brushing my teeth, that way I can still taste the food for longer) and I'm doing fine fitness-wise.
Unless you wanna go Auschwitz-mode, you don't have to bother with fasting or the whole "don't eat anything after 7pm" shit.
Austin Williams
i've been dirty bulking for 15 years now
Luis Diaz
Honestly baffles me that a man can actually be attracted to a woman with no titties. It instantly turns me off
Oliver Turner
no they wouldn't. you are buying into memes user
James Ward
Kek this. Lifting weights and obsessively tracking progress comes easy to autists. What doesn’t come easy is socializing and doing stuff like team sports.
Liam Rivera
Jason Thomas
>fags always pulling up their underwear like I give a fuck about their quads
Hunter Wood
lmao yeah he’s real. See him in action
Nathan Powell
Any strongman is on oodles of roids, a speciality diet, and a life in the gym. It doesn't transfer to anything else and again, shit cardio.
Hunter Edwards
>he weighs less than 200lbs
>calls himself a grown man
Asher White
>Implying 200 lb is the cutoff to be a man
It’s 200 kg
Nathaniel Evans
That's a FtM tranny.
Daniel Miller
Low body fat, cardio and weight lifting. You can look like that in a year or two assuming you aren’t really tall and are able to consistently do the right things in proper amounts.
The tough part is that most people are depressed or don’t really have the right environment to do so; so thats something you overcome if you really want to look like that.
Also, why do you want to look like that? If it’s for girls and the envy of other dudes; you’re doing it wrong. You’ll find that being fit is a minor plus at best; and you’ll lose motivation to do that and fail on your routine, making you doubly feel like shit.
It ain’t easy being cheesy
Alexander Thompson
This reeks hard of bullshit. Why do you lie on the internet? What’s the gain