You can only kill off one franchise

You can only kill off one franchise

Which is it

Attached: starwarsstartrek.png (780x424, 280K)

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Star Wars.
And I don't even watch Star Trek.

Star Wars, the fan base is so toxic it actually infected the creators.

They are already both dead. Let me revive one.

unironically Star Wars, its dead already

Star Wars, Trek contributed more to society than plastic toys.

Star Wars needs to go.

Star Trek: Discovery also needs to go.

Star Wars because it was once dear to me.

Nuke Star Wars from orbit

whichever one would cause the most butthurt. i want to savor the sadness

Does "kill" mean cancelling any sequels or erasing it form history completely?

Disney Wars, Trek can still be saved

Star Wars. I want reddit to be nuked as well, thank you.


Star Trek. There's nothing left for it now. It's on fuckin' life support.

>You can only kill off one franchise
JJ Abrams already killed both.

Trek still has a chance as unlikely as that is, Star Wars is beyond redemption at this point. It's poisoned and has been for a long time.

Kill Star Wars,not out of spite but for mercy.

They are both dead, Jim.


Star Wars.

Nuke Star Trek because The Orville now exists.

Kill off both.

This guy gets it

I mean I don't give a shit, the star trek I like still exists, and it's not like its hard to ignore discovery.
I'm still salty about lucas memory-holing the theatrical version of the OT though.
Still, if you want to know the best way to get back at these companies, just stop giving them money and attention.

I'm a star wars fan and I say star wars. Should have never made new ones

Dr. Who

Wars. I never gave a shit about Trek

Star Trek Beyond was kino, ST was finally starting to go in a good direction. SW is permaJUST

have you been living under a rock? Discovery has already ruined ST. Picard will be the killing blow.

Star Trek because I care about it more and don't want the series to suffer any longer.

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Should’ve been first post, cuz /thread

It has to go.

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