Best fuckin movie

best fuckin movie

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State of the art bang-bang

it's the law of the jungle..... ooohhhhhohohohoho!

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>nice shooting, son

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>why me?

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>Bitches, stay

Love this movie

they must've had such a good time writing this, every line is a hoot


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It's just a really damn fun flick. I think I enjoy it more and more with time.



>In 20 seconds you must do what I say

>steal money, use it to buy coke, sell the coke to make even more money
>capital investment, man
There's few better examples of a remake completely cutting the heart out of a movie than the remake of this one. This shit was subversive as fuck for the 80's.

>does it hurt, does it hurt?

>"what kind of car do you want Miller?"
>something with reclining leather seats that goes really fast and gets really shitty gas mileage
>"how about the 6000 SUX?"

Why couldn’t Bobby fly?

All time classic and part of the holy trinity of sci fi. Part 2 is pretty fucking awesome too.

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>Part 2 is pretty fucking awesome too
Anyone who's never read pic related, hugely recommended. Feels more like a sequel than anything past 2 & is dark as all hell. Catches the humor & subversion fucking spot-on too.

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Lewis is also hot as FUCK in this.

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raelly maeks ya thunk huh

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Hell yeah I have it thanks to the clearance section at HPB. I always liked how Frank played Frank in 2.

It’s enjoyable on so many levels.

>Yea Forums praising subversive leftist propaganda that rips daddy raygun a new one

Robocop 1&2 are my all time favorite movies. It’s campy but serious at the same time and the special effects are top notch. Don’t think we’ll ever get a movie like this again, because everything has to be “self aware”, ironic and/or “woke”. The remake was enjoyable but not great. It just trampled on the original with generic action.

Have you ever taken a shit that wasn't at gunpoint?

did the original negative get destroyed or something? the blurays doesn't look too hot

that was one of the many atrocious things about that comic

In the 1980s film stocks were going through changes in emulsions and it took them a while to fine tune it so it gave a lot a washed out grey look
which I think suits the era
You can see it in Ghostbusters, The Goonies, and Aliens too

i mean the original is self aware as hell too, but it plays it completely straight which is why it works, there's no winky shit that takes you out of it

i love how excited this guy gets at the end

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>once I even called him... airhead

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I guess that makes sense but it's weird how something like Spartacus and Lawrence of Arabia can look so pristine on Bluray. Another 80's film that seems to have a terrible transfer is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

Just looks like a lot of grain. I'm sure there will be a 4k.

>you're gonna be a bad mothercrusher

>i love how excited this guy gets at the end

One of the best moments in the movie full of best moments

I always have to rewind it a couple of times

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There's a lot that fits the aesthetic of the world.
That fucking OCP cunt discovering Murphy still has pain nerves
using them to force his compliance with 10,000 new bullshit directives
bringing in his fucking wife to see him disassembled to destroy his remaining humanity
Every fucking new Robocop they try to make kills themselves once turned on
insisting the next one get his brain & spinal column removed while awake with no anesthetic so he always knows exactly what he is
Sorry you couldn't enjoy it.

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>your company built the freaky thing, now I've gotta deal with it?
>I don't have time for this baloney

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That’s kinda what I’m getting at, for some reason every campy movie has to be ironic. When the actors play it straight it’s so much more genuine. The so bad it’s good or campy for the sake of campy ruins movies and I just find it lazy.

I was sad as fuck when Clarence and his gang got killed. These guys deserve their own movie.

Fucking hell, Miller.

Have you seen the 4K of Ghostbusters? Don't get your hopes up, HDR is great and the enhanced resolution means it definitely looks better than ever, but it isn't sorcery.

why thanks

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Miller doesn't get Robocop

He doubles down on the edge and cynicism but lacks Verhoeven/Neumier's heart and wit

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>lacks Verhoeven/Neumier's heart and wit
I respectfully disagree. There's tons of scenes from the commercials & news/TV shows that are indistinguishable from those in the movie.

Clarence was kinda sexy but Emil was such a QT

the politics of RoboCop would also clash with him

I have both and sure it isn't sorcery but it's by far superior to the regular blu ray and lightyears beyond the VHS I grew up with. If those are any indication then bring on the native 4k Robocop.

Verhoven is based.

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2 is better
yo i'm about to eat

I love the look of Robocop/Murphy with the mask off. The way his face merges with the robotics on the back of his head just looks so cool.

no its not

I think you mean the way his skin appears to be stretched over the metal skull

one detail that I liked more and more with repeated viewings was when Bob Morton is being shown the Robocop-in-progress and the grip hurts his hand. He then stares in its face and whispers "you're gonna be a bad motherfucker!"

I kinda get swept up in Morton's excitement about his project coming together. Bob Morton in other ways is a real piece of shit, but his project was better than ED-209, and he was personally motivated to make it as good as possible.

There was truly some horrifically cringeworthy marketing shit done in the early 90's with him.

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Something I've always thought really bizarre was the RoboCop received no Academy Award nomination for Make Up Effects in 1988
Only two films were nominated: Happy New Year and Harry and the Hendersons
Harry won obviously
Why no nomination for RoboCop? The prosthetics were amazing.

Eh probably right I just fell out of love with the first one when it became the libertarian flogging child.

>Orion Studios wife needs shoes

My sides.

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Just good writing, and good acting. All the corporate suits are fleshed out a little, like the black guy mentioned up the thread.


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it's still happening and it's still fucking rad

Not really the writing, they wrote Morton as an 80s corporate sleaze ball but Migul Ferrera just brought his own thing to the roll and really pushed him into being a likable asshole

Vaerhoven is based

And they have fucking Peter Weller voicing those ads too

I'd buy that for five dollars!

>that fucking robotic laughing
I hope Weller got paid a fuckton for this.
KFC always does shit right on the border between hilarity & cringe.

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it's an important movie for any libertarian to watch because it forces you to level up from a lolbertarian "corporations are better than government" pleb to a voluntarist who understands how human nature relates to the power of the state. there's a bad turn that newly formed libertarians can take into supporting corporatism/fascism and enabling the very worst aspects of the state.

How many volumes were there?

On Amazon there's a volume 1 and also an omnibus

Far as I know it was just the one series. At least that's the only one I've seen or read.

I'd say both, though has any film featured so many based character actors?
Clarence and his boys is similar, they all have a distinct personality rather than being Hood #3

The omnibus just seems like a fancier version of it.

Irvin Kershner is pretty underrated though and there's something to be said of how unapologetic his style is.

On a side note my childhood cat was named Robocop.

>I never miss a tigers game
>missed one that night
what did paul verhoeven mean by this?

I got this one issue of the Marvel Robocop series and it was one of the most fun reads I’ve had

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>it's an important movie for any libertarian to watch because it forces you to level up from a lolbertarian "corporations are better than government"
>newly formed libertarians can take into supporting corporatism/fascism and enabling the very worst aspects of the state.
That's the natural progression of libertarianism
Look up the histories of Mises and Hayek
That's what the film was about

we'll even throw in a Blaupunkt

> how unapologetic his style is
lolwut, RoboCop 2 repeatedly cut away from the gore and violence, it is the first one that refused to look away

Marvel's comic adaptations were always pretty good under Stan. Usually didn't give too much of a fuck, as they were cash grabs, so the writers & artists had carte blanche.

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I remember their Blade Runner was pretty bland
That 2001 was done by Kirby so that's a whole different ballgame

I meant more in the matter of fact tone he injects into everything. 2 gives me those Empire vibes.

Stan left them to do their own thing, was dependent on how much of a fuck those working on it did or didn't give about it.

man, that RoboCop comics are great, hot girls in every issue and RoboCop like a total alpha

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Kirby in his prime was like the comic version of Frazetta. Even on his worst day he couldn't make anything less than gold, but at the end of the day it was just a job.

lol it's fine you can stay ;) haha

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>Join Robocop thread
>excited to discuss Robocop
>it's somehow still about Marvel
I'm going to kys myself now. It's time.

>shitting on the remake

Neil Blomkamp says he is bringing back the original Robocop suit 100% for Robocop Returns, but no confirmation of Peter Weller coming back yet.

The fact Weller did the Robocop voice for the KFC commercials is a good sign, tho.

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Actually it started with BOOM!.

Hopefully Verhoeven doesn't get massively assblasted at some point like Scott did & tank the project like a cunt.

>Neil Blomkamp
>"it should be the proper Verhoeven if Verhoeven had directed a movie right after RoboCop."
>"Imagine watching Verhoeven do a follow up film.”

Guy pisses me off. You can't assert legitimacy by propaganda. It's not going to be authentic to someone else's work just because you acknowledge it, especially when your talent and body of work is massively inferior to theirs

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>it should be
He's not fucking saying that's what it WILL be, or that he's on their level, you twat.
He's saying that's what he's aiming for.

The idea that it CAN be is laughable

We're talking about a 10/10 GOAT and a director who shat out classic after classic

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Why they always have to over-sexualize women in this kind of comics? My mom was always looking at me funny when my edition of Witchblade arrived, for example. Seems like similar stuff.

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u gay?

Dont worry, Marvel and DC have all their women covered up now, you can take them seriously and you will be able to read the story instead of masturbating.

>”nice shooting son, what’s your name?”

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Damn Turner... RIP.

Fuckin' rad.

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Regardless, Blomkamp isn't an egotist about it, and I'll take anyone sincerely trying to aim for authenticity in these decades later sequels & soft reboot type endeavors over Rian Johnson tier modernization & genre subversion any fucking day.
Trying to emulate your peers sincerely has a much larger chance of actually putting you somewhere near their level over time than trying to "correct their problematic mistakes" does.

No, I was just raised in a stable household that respects both sexes equally.

>you can't objectify women
>modern women voluntarily objectify the fuck out of themselves & wholly rely on that for income
And this is in a reality where they can go for virtually any job they want & get preferential treatment solely because they ARE a woman.


definitely gay

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have sex

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Got that one wrong, friend. I go for plenty of that pussy.

Buy some more GamerGirl Bath Water.

Yeah sure whatever fag.

>robocop is about the history of economic thought
wtf r u serious?

pay attention, user

This is such an incredibly huge tryhard kind of statement. Like some shit a 12 year old would say.

He didn’t fly so good

i still dont understand why his limbs grew so long as he was falling. it doesnt make sense

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Shitty, primitive, early 80's CGI.

It was just freddy in disguise user.

that is the most soi-through statement LOL

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>early 80's CGI
Meant early CGI in the 80's, not "early 80's CGI, I know when it was made.

How does it feel user?
To know someone who respects women is getting his member sucked as he writes this?

>getting dick sucked
>while talking to dude's online

Pretty fucking gay user.

>implying realistically knowing & stating their nature is "disrespecting" them
You can only ever truly respect something by understanding it.

always thought clarence was a weedy little runt
think i was wrong

Vacuums don't count as "women", user.

Robert Cop

Shhhhh, he's just cleaning his room.

The intention was to do a forced perspective shot but the prop didn't work out and they kinda just had to go with it.

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That's a big hand

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I know I've been baited

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for jews

your arms grow longer when you fall down a building because of gravity, didnt u know that

because only he had the arms to retake the streets of Old Detroit

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you have to go back

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where to, friend

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>nice shooting, son. What's your name?

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>everyone who says this is so well acquainted with reddit they instantly recognize "reddit shit"
>this somehow doesn't imply they also need to "go back"
Or are you just talking out of your ass & ascribing every opinion with which you disagree to those ebil nazis/redditors/incels?

need to make more webms

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I always thought this was a britbong censoring. Was there an edited Americlap version?

I can’t wait till they make robocop 3. There’s no robocop 3. I repeat: it’s a shame there is. No. Robocop. 3.


I saw that version on ITV.

what a faggot

>flies in your path

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>There’s no robocop 3

I sincerely think Robocop 3 is better than 2. And I like 2.

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Precisely what I was thinking. Genius

What’s this awful fan art about? Thank god that’s never made it into a movie

It's funny I remember this weird dream I had about Robocop flying with a jetpack and fighting ninjas to save an orphanage or some shit

>I sincerely think Robocop 3 is better than 2. And I like 2.

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That sounds like a terrible dream user. Watch robocop 1 and 2 to take your mind off it and join me in wishing they’d hurry up with 3. It’s been long enough

Wasn't RoboCop 3 so bad that the release got held back for a couple of years? I seem to remember that.

robocop 3 is a bunch of corporate suits taking "robocop is for the kids" a bit too literally

Kids did really love the shit out of RoboCop though.

The fuck are you two on about?

Pretty much this

Robocop didn't need sequels, the first movie said everything it needed to say

2 was for fans who wanted more and 3 was for kids who lapped up the cartoon, toys, and the first two movies they weren't supposed to watch, but Hollywood greed was happy to overlook any moral issues because money was to be made

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holy digits

Kinos women will never understand

yes, but precisely because it's *not* a kids' movie

Not really. They wanted to do another one right after RoboCop 2, but once Weller dropped out that had to take time out to recast.