Here's your Blade bro

Here's your Blade bro

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100% fine with it. i like this dude
probably still won't see it, cuz the only worthwhile blade was the first and on the spiderman cartoon

Cool with me

Aww hell naw

inshallah but unironically

He has a cool presence, great choice.

Ali is based fuck off

he looks like a crackhead. they should have picked somebody meatier and probably had some sort of fighting ability

Hard to have a problem with this, really. He’s one of the better actor choices they could’ve made.

Finally some fucking diversity, not enough poc's in movies these days.

Why the fuck have they cast a black guy as Blade?

>Blade 2 isn't worthwhile

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I thought he had a pretty kino vibe in that Hunger Games sequel, which I inevitably watched on tv eventually

Strong but also good

At least they didn't hire Boyega. Yea Forums would melt down

>netflix trash confirmed for not canon

Both of those things will undoubtedly be fixed. All the male marvel actors are in ridiculous shape in the movies, and they would obviously train him to fight at least a little bit.

If he gets jacked up for the role he could be a good Blade.

>when nigs are in fantasy/scifi

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It could work

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Wesley Snipes is Blade like Chris Hemsworth is Thor and RDJ is Iron Man. Accept no substitutes.

I see these motherfuckers decided not to ice skate uphill

>female Thor
Or did they?

Good actor. Good casting.

the movie isn't going to be out til 2022 at the earliest

I can see it

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He could do it and he's much less of a dick than snipes.

Marshemellow Ali :p

Genuinely good choice


he's not a muslim

easily the best pick


Too skinny. Too old. Too good.

You know he can just like, lift weights for 10 months.

Bravo, user

As it turns out, shortly after your post when he called up Marvel and said "I want to do Blade".

I like Ali a lot but it should have been WESLEY. I hope it is an action horror closer in tone to Daredevil rather than quipshit

>Nation of Islam

it's like saying that Mormons are Christians

Mahershala Ali is great and should be Blade. Hopefully the mouse's executives will completely overlook the Blade film and the director will be able to provide a good film that isn't just more capeshit filler.

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Wesley is a nightmare to deal with.

Wesley Sniper is clinically insane.

Could he be browsing this website right now?

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Wesley Snipes is shit and can fuck off.

Snipes was only good in Blade 1.