What exactly is 'the dark side'?

What exactly is 'the dark side'?

Its never explained

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don't worry about that. It's just background color for the romance story

using the force to benefit yourself and enforce your will on the world. the light side is just acting as a vessel for the will of the force

Dark= individual liberty

The Jedi were the bad guys all along.

But using the force as ''good'' is equally for your own benefit

They are being selfish on either side but shit on the people who have a different opinion than them, I.e like trump using presidency for good but people calling it evil

> children that only watch the Disney soft reboot garbage
It explained in the original trilogy. Being an ass basically turns you evil. It's not a very complex concept.

Disney are nowadays an entity that buys dying franchises and milks until they die totally. They did it with Pixar, they did it with LucasFilm, they did it with Marvel.

They just bought 20th Century Fox. X-Men to die too.

They also bought Orville. Not that it was a masterpiece, it was partly a shadow of tng and partly shoehorned fart jokes but now it's totally ded.

It was pretty fucking clearly explained in Empire's Strike Back, you retarded zoomer.

They have money, power and gun rights

The star wars religion is buddhism

Offers no explanation
spergs about Disney who have nothing to do with the force lore

No it isnt
Offers no explanation either

It used to be a fucked up, unnatural, cancer like part of the force , basically a sickness of it which allowed you to gain power easier and quicker at her cost of your own life force and sanity. But that was before Disney, when there was no Light Side outside of EU, it was just the Force and the Dark Side.
Doubt even Disney writers give a fuck about what it is now.

You get it

Thats the dark side thinking. Your ego is not you. The force is you. Choosing the dark side is being a slave to your false self. You can see this clearly in Vaders decision to save his sons life.

If you're such a moron you can't get the simple concept "if you do evil things you are evil" it's not our problem. Some things can't be expressed with words after a point you have to have some basic logic already.

What I WILL admit as a FLAW of the original trilogy on this is that it claimed "you can't return from the dark side". Though, it could be ok if it implied the Jedi were wrong, since Anakin did return in the end.

No one has explained fhe dark side in this thread yet

All making conjecturous statements and phillibustering nonsense

lack of character development side
that's why Rei is a true diversion of standards, it's ALL being subverted and flipped upside down
note: Sheev was based and the Emperor was dull

You are a moron. You basically ask "what is the evil side"?

It's what everyone considers ethically wrong stupid.

>the jedi could be wrong

Are you just now coming to the truth?

The jedi in the prequels literally operated on the belief that to bring balance to the force was to eliminate the sith, which isn't balanced at all. They were extreme zealots.

The dark side is exploitable by evil men and therefore we get sheev, but it is bot inherently evil.

it's explained, the explanation just changes from movie to movie

>What I WILL admit as a FLAW of the original trilogy on this is that it claimed "you can't return from the dark side". Though, it could be ok if it implied the Jedi were wrong, since Anakin did return in the end.
They tried to "trick" Luke into killing his father it's to be used the old jedi were blind zealots and Luke was to bring about a more open-minded Jedi. The prequels and legends do this, but Rian decided Luke gets to be as dumb as the old jedi.

>The jedi in the prequels literally operated on the belief that to bring balance to the force was to eliminate the sith, which isn't balanced at all. They were extreme zealots.
Lucas says that Balance is no dark side.

It isnt evil though

What have they dont thats so evil?
Youre going on the words of people likw Yoda and Qi Jon Gin who was known to have killed lots of innocent people

Vader isnt killing millions of people
Yet the rebels and LUKE who leads them, literally...literally killed millions of innocent people in the death star following the 'light side' of the force

So why is using powers for one good and power for the other bad?

Can you explain why then? Seriously if you could I'd appreciate it because it sounds like we are talking about the exact opposite of balance

>isn't killing millions of people

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VIII is a disgrace. Its only chance to make sense is that if Luke got some kind of clinically psychological disease that made him forget his entire life between IV and VI which they don't imply so the entire movie because destructive to the entire saga.

What the fuck is viii use numbers faggot

Or the title of the movie not latin numerals
No one uses that anymore unless youre >50 or a ubernerd trying seem cool

Dark side isn't natural it's a corruption. In Yin/Yang they are both supposed to exist. He basically wanted the best of both worlds with east and western philosophy.

Vii is a name you moron read the comics and fanfictions and then you will understand

It’s like saying we need a balance with faggots. You don’t balance a tumor you cut it out before it spreads and kills the rest of the healthy body.

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Therefore...we should not kill off the sith.

''Can i have 2 tickets to see star wars vee eii eii eii please''

Yeah, no. Dont think so

''Can i have 2 tickets to the last skywalker please..here you go sir''

See the difference?

But the rhetoric and morals change when you change the tumor to human beings.

The Jedi were evil (too), there doesn't really seem to be a clear reason not to believe this. Are we to suppose that the dark side automatically makes you big evil and mean?

In all seriousness, Roman numerals are incredibly simple and it is easy to automatically mentally hear "" when you see VII. There are intuitive reasons to still use Roman numerals in science and it's cooler in movies

Mentally hear "7"

So why not write 7 rather than bean a tryhard

What would you ask for at the cinema?

The guys with the black coats and red lightsabers.

Do you think Disney or George Lucas are good enough artists to code the villains in a different way other than the most cartoonish, mustache-twirling way imaginable?

>The Jedi were evil (too)
t. Anakin

you don't understand how stupid normies are, they don't know or care about roman numerals

>Are we to suppose that the dark side automatically makes you big evil and mean?
yes because it’s a film series for children with a core narrative of hope and redemption

>what is symbolism

Because the light side is balanced passions, and the dark side is unbalanced passions. Mixing balance and unbalance doesn't make a balance.
This is pretty obvious stuff just looking how Lucas portrays the Jedi and Sith. Even the flawed prequel Jedi are always calm and level-headed. The Sith are gloating maniacs, angry, or self tormented fools.
Retarded EU people tried to make grey jedi because they are faggots who understood nothing.

>Bad guys wear black clothes and use aggressive colors like red
>Good guys wear white/light clothes and use calming colors like blues, greens and whites

This is elementary school level of symbolism, user.

for elementary school children but I do agree

The force is just the force. How you tap into it and shape the force is what is light or dark. Dark side users access the force using hate and anger to channel it within them. Light side users access the force and shape it using love and compassion.
It's easier to do it with anger than it is to do it with love because it's easier to summon up. That's why it's a tempting path, because it's a quick way to become powerful.

reminder that the jedi were made to be retarded on purpose. they weren't a good representation of the light side by design, lukes new school is. oh and the nu-trilogy didn't happen.

it would have been cool to have qui-gon stick around longer and illustrate the point better.

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In prequels the Light Side was not canon yet, by Lucas words there was the Force which was natural, and there was the Dark Side which was unnatural and a corruption in the natural Force, something that shouldn't exist and it was feeding off of dark side users like Sith. Thus no Dark Side = Balance.

Now Light Side was made canon by TFA and both sides are just Yin/Yang so it doesnt matter anyway.


Seems to be the light side is "others" focused, and the dark side is "self" focused. In every regard, even the times when it seems that one needs to care for themselves - that's considered the dark side. That's why the Force needs balance.

It's why one of my favorite Star Wars moments is when Anakin is burning and Obi-Wan, for a split second, makes is personal. About him. "You were my brother, Anakin - I loved you." He realizes that the Dark side is poking through. Jedi are forbidden to love - romantic or otherwise, it seems. It breaks him - not just seeing his friend burning to death, but that the Dark Side has made it's position known. It wrecks him a bit. Rather than returning to what is left of the Jedi, he goes into exile. I imagine he does a lot of thinking while he's hiding out in the desert, looking after Luke from a distance.

He figures it out, though. That balance can exist - putting others first, but never forsaking the self. He reaches that point where the liturgy and oppression of the order of the Jedi is balanced with the chaos of the self where he can truly understand what the Force is. That's why, I believe, he gets to become a Force ghost - why he joins the union of the Force. Yoda does the same, after his own exile. Anakin does... eventually. He has to learn the hard way, too. Luke tried, but in The Last Jedi, we see that he rejected the Force through the trials, until the end when he understood the balance. I dunno, just seems to me that "light" is outward focused, "dark" is inward focused, and there is a proper balance to both.

And yes, I'm fully aware that Lucas/Disney very likely has not written these fun space adventure movies thinking of all that, but whatever. It's fun to think about.

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Sequel trilogy should have been focused on the Force User Question. By this point the galaxy should be sick of Jedi-Sith shit and outlaw force use. Examine the nature of the Force and retcon out the stupid from it, making it inherently neutral and explaining the "will of the Force" as the sum of personal desires scaled by Force sensitivity. This eventually makes the Jedi necessary in order to keep the will of the force decent.

Could have kino Sith and Jedi vs. everyone else fights.

>What exactly is 'the dark side'?
Not something the jews will tell you. JJ (the jew) turn the dark/light side into childish concepts. The dark sider is an angry emo and dressed black, the lightside is a smiling cunt who dresses beige, and that's it. Kathleen Kennedy added a feminist coat to it, now the Force is Female.
For George the dark side is when ppl fall to their anger, they lose control and restraint, they're focused on profit and personal gain etc... The lightside is about selflesssness, loyalty, courage etc...All the things (((they))) want to destroy.

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