What are some times when comedians went too far?

What are some times when comedians went too far?

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it was literally just her that was mad about it

It's based that they're anti-normie, but they take that "muh secret club" thing way too seriously in Berlin.

Its not even secret, its one of the most famous places in the world.

it's arguably the most well known club in the world, you're just not allowed to film in it, which Conan didn't (nor would he be able to)

so him talking about the club is the controversy?

there is no controversy, it was just that one woman (surprise she's American) complaining and not understanding what Berghain actually is

What the fuck is Berghain, why should I care, and why is OP such an enormous faggot?

There's no controversy, its literally just some retard taking some moral high ground stance because the club is okay with trans and gay people. Its like if you made fun of a TV show and your moms said "I cannot believe how you could mock Jeopardy, it is an institution of knowledge and wits. Please show some respect." Its literally on that level of bullshit.

Did you edit the date out so people didn't know this story is nearly 3 years old?

It’s a club for shit eaters and piss drinkers.

Some weird german techno/sex club.

Ricky Gervais at every awards show


I know it's popular. I mean the level of secrecy. Like people are having sex inside, so what? Although, I guess it helps them cultivate an aura of mystery.

they want it to be a secret because theres loads of closeted faggots who don't want it to get out that they take it up the ass.

berlin is a digusting shithole that needs to be nuked
it's the california of germany

What are some times when comedians didn't go far enough? (Off of the resort, that is)

Attached: conan-visits-resort-in-haiti.jpg (1276x549, 291K)

Was he actually mocking Haiti?

As you can see, they rejected him before he even got to the front door. Seems like this chick is trying to get "in" with the Berghain owners

Thoughts on their advice to get inside /teevee/?
>Minutes later, a groggy German couple emerged from the club having queued for two hours and partied for a further 10 on Berghain’s sprawling dancefloors. “There are a lot of fairytales online about how to get in, but you should just be yourself,” one of them told me. “The people at the door can tell if you are pretending to be something you’re not.”


I've been inside and they're right, just look like you're actually there to dance and enjoy the music instead of a tourist going for the spectacle

They didn't let him because he had camera crews trailing after him, and they knew that if he cracked jokes about their club during his show, that'd ruin the whole aura of mystique they're trying to cultivate.

Bunch of faggy boches.

Did you have coitus inside?
They rebuff any retard that can't answer in german so you sound about right.

giddy up!

I would say that's true. If you're not the type of person who fits the club then they won't let you in, and you should move on to sisyphos or tresor. General tips though are: wear black, don't try too hard, dress casual, know who is playing that night because they will ask you, speak a bit of german at least, don't be a loud and obnoxious tourist while in line.

Haiti is beautiful though if you have money lol. I went there two summers ago and had the time of my life getting trashed on beautiful beaches haha

no I didn't, but I should have
they only asked my age

Also for the record yeah Haiti has some shitty places, but I would trust Haiti before South side Chicago, Detroit, or East Philadelphia lol

it was when trump called some countries shit holes including Haiti and Conan did a segment of his show in Haiti to somehow disprove what trump said

conan is also jewish

Bro Haiti is beautiful if you just don't go to the areas with crippling widespread poverty

Irish* my bad

During the cold war, Berlin was basically the place were high ranking spies and diplomats went to do their super cereal work. So a lot of places and people adopted a very hardline code of secrecy regarding tons of things just because otherwise you might have a French spy beating your ass because you took a picture of him at a bar. Cultures like that tend to stick around.

Berlin is cancelled.

Attached: Berghain_1.jpg (750x675, 118K)

he is actually part jewish, he has said it on video


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Where's the rest of the review?

So he's changed his story since?


Attached: Berghain_2.jpg (441x624, 98K)

And 3/3.

Attached: Berghain_3.jpg (750x1070, 196K)

thanks user

Actually, there are much worse cities in Germany nowadays.

>super cereal
subtle kek

>homosexuals are just normal people that love the same sex

that isn't actually true btw

clearly, that's why i greentexted it


I mean the review

lmao based

>yelling "Balles Tief!"
>German for "Balls Deep"
that's literally a google translate tier translation, no german would say balles tief because in german you almost never use "Ball" or "Bälle" (pl) for balls.
Which makes me conclude the whole review is likely fabricated and homosexual.

>"Balles Tief!"

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Wasn't this obvious to you from the very beginning?

evidently not
in my defense I'd bet my right nut that in Berlin there are clubs that come pretty close to what that review describes

yeah that whole story is obviously made up conan is half jewish


It's an obvious exaggeration, but disgusting shit does go on at the bathrooms and backrooms of Berghain. It's the same kind of shit that happened in the 1920s and 30s that led to the rise of you know who.

there are
but in Berghain it is pretty tame, you'll maybe see people (men and women) having normal sex or oral on the dancefloor



He’s accurate about the doorman though

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>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

President Hindenburg.

Nice. So I take it incels don't exist in Germany if all they to do is make a short trip to Berghain?

it's been that way for 20 years at least though

They would not be let in.

Right. It'd be something like "Bis zu den Eiern" oder einfach "Ganz rein!" ("Fully inside", which can also be interpreted as "totally pure", funnily enough. Homophones!)

Are we supposed to know what Berghain is?

they would probably be rejected at the door
after I left my friend that lives there said if I wanted to fuck all I would have to do is walk into the dark rooms and there are girls (and men) horny on GHB just waiting for people to come and fuck them

If you bothered to read the thread you'd know.

Who you calling a homophone,bitch?

fucker deleted his review
i cant find it

>le straight people never have casual sex
have some yourself incel

stupid zoomer

eat shit

He was probably threatened with legal action, or violence (the club has ties to criminal activity and sex trafficking)