
Patton oswalt never showed up as was predicted. Mchauley McCulkin lives in Milwaukee now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You do realise they release these months after shooting them, right? The one with Patton probably won't come out until mid-to-late August at the earliest

shut up jay

Wow if they really have anything to do with the wife murdering pedophile I'm out

Turned it off halfway in and jerked off to tranny porn. No interest in going back whatsoever.

I’m surprised Rich is back in action so soon after his hip surgery. Or did they film this before June?

oh man, they're gonna have patton oswalt on? gross.
can't that guy find a way to craft his own damn fame instead of trying to make some kind of cult following without having to do any work for it by appearing on talk shows and parasitizing off internet creators?
the only reason everyone is cool with mack is because he had his few years of fame as a child actor which everyone knows is hard on the kid and it's cool to see him not be a trainwreck.

He was already in Space Cop

Why would Patton Oswalt be on there? I figured they would be too problematic since he's an ultra SJW cuck.

if you think the gentlemen hacks from milwaukee have any principles you'd be mistaken.
anything to have a d-list celebrity on their internet review show to boost their brand.

Can’t wait to see Patton on the show! Pic related is a real tweet btw.

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Is it worth watching? I really feel like these guys have lost all energy since 2017. And McCauley is a black hole. I wish Freddy and the Canadians were there more.

I like Culkin as a guest, but this wasn't an interesting episode. The other Bunny Ears guy wasn't a good dynamic and the selection was boring as fuck.

Shut the fuck up you obvious fat virgin retard. You don't get an opinion.

Hope this faggots wife dies of an overdose.
Oh wait...

Just watch the Roar section for lionkino

Jay found a bf and moved to Vegas. Mac is a new regular on the show. I'm calling it now: Jay will have left RLM by the end of the year. His last video is most likely already shot. And Mac being his replacement.

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don't you take that tone with me young man

is jay gay

If Jay ever left, RLM should just be Mike and Rich talking about Star Trek and Star Wars forever.

not true, jay was on his biannual hooker killing run in Nevada
you can see in his face that he really resents being spotted by a fan, which ruins the alibi mike had constructed for him

Sure, me too. But this is too much Culkin. After I watched this YouTube recommended Culkin pointing at things in Milwaukee. The preview was enough to tell he needs to go back on drugs before he necks himself from boredom.

>Mike and Rich talking about Star Trek forever
I'm ok with that.

>implying that would be bad

Oh please...

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Jay goes down to Nevada to visit the legal brothels.

But since all he gets is sex and not the lovemaking he needs, he comes back a little bit emptier every time.

Apparently Jay’s new “friend” comes from a super wealthy family and is willing to bankroll Jay’s horror movie that he’s been trying to get made for years.


>He's never watched Space Cop.

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did anyone isolate him getting jiggy to that gay porn tune

nobody did......

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He needs to be arrested for his wifes murder

FUCKS SAKE i was enjoying it untill the awful last part of Winter Beast discussion.

With Jay and Mike drifting apart, I hope they can both at least settle down and start families.

Jay gives off an air of pretentiousness, and fake laughs at literally everything. I can't think of any memorable moment of him from the last eight years other than sitting next to Mike and agreeing with him about everything. He's never even cracked a joke once.

I'll take the bisexual guy from Home Alone over him any day of he week as long as he leaves his bunny eared friend at home from now on.

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Shut it off once it was clear shawn was on the panel.

Fuck that terrorist-supporting faggot.

how can anyone watch these boring ass RLM videos? every single one I've seen has just been a group of old fucks sitting there and mumbling about nothing for over an hour. if there is an actual entertaining RLM video out there link it to me because i am yet to find one. i have no idea why these videos are so popular when they are so boring.

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maybe they were there gaying togther

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Ok this is actually pretty based


The absolute pinnacle.


Who /grabowskis/ here? Real RLM shit.

That triple "transporter accident" was perfect

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of course not
have you?

i finally figured out what these guys mouths do...
they sucka dick

is it gay to watch tranny porn?

this nigga hair look like a ice cream cone

yes, always, regardless of the sex of the subjects

This last episode was terrible.

Only if they're getting fucked by a guy

>Patton oswalt never showed up as was predicted. Mchauley McCulkin lives in Milwaukee now.
what does this even mean?

Other way around I mean

That tooth

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This episode was worth it for that transporter accident triple take

patton oswalt (relatively famous american actor)'s wife posted a picture on instagram of him watching movies on BOTW. We got another Macaulay Culkin episode instead.

His new wife you mean, the one he hasn't murdered yet.

>rich gets replaced by fatbeard
>close video

no thanks, couldnt they have gotten jay

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i guess he wanted to be on camera next to the incredible culk

that dual audio echo is still a thing fuck that user who pointed it out

I have to admit I laughed at the abuse of the fat guy

Well. Roar was good pick. Other guest wasn't that good. It is better if wheel choose movies.

jay has such a big dumb grin on his face

im glad to see him so happy

Are you blind or retarded? He got stopped by a fan on the street and took a photo and clearly just has a polite half smile


He really needs to fuck off. One guest appearance is funny/cool, staying around is just sad and annoying.

using his privilege to force his way into friendship lol

Or they all just enjoy hanging out together

I miss Jack

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He was literally in the most recent episode of Best of the Worst before this one

said no one ever

Make that bunny ears shill disappear permanently and we're good.
He is not an internet friend.
Shills are not your friends.

Jack's a shit, but at least his different opinions meant the rest of the guys could give a rebuttal. Without him, it's all a circlejerk.
>Mike says something sucks
>Rich agrees
>Jay paraphrases what Mike said
>Mike agrees
>Rich paraphrases what Jay said
>Mike laughs at him but agrees

Except that's not accurate at all. They constantly disagree. Just look at the final verdict on what 's best of the worst. They're always arguing.

>We got another Macaulay Culkin episode instead.
They filmed this episode a long time ago. They talk about it on that Macaulay Culkin podcast.

Good decision, Culk's Jewish friend is so annoying it was actually a breath of fresh air when Beardfat joined the discussion

I did, all I can remember from it is a scene with Rich walking down the street with a trash can on his head.

The feeling I got from it was that they have spent so much time ridiculing mistakes other filmmakers made that they were scared to really try for anything themselves and maybe fail, so just played it safe with "ironically bad"

I was actually pining for Aidsmoby

>all I can remember from it is a scene with Rich walking down the street with a trash can on his head
That's pretty impressive that you can remember something that doesn't happen

The website he's trying to promote must not be doing well if he needs to keep bumming change off RLM and Cinemassacre like this

Is Culkin trying to segue into youtube?

I love how Jack pretty much "outed" Jay as a homosexual in that episode.

>I treat obvious jokes as if they are serious

Uh what’s funny about being gay, user?



the episodes with jessie in them were the best

Jack could have saved the episode if he replaced that faggot in the blue hat desu

I'm a RLMfag. Holy shit that patrician drawing. My sides.

I don't know why I used to hate Jack, he's a pretty solid ingredient. Even Wizard seems good to me now though so maybe I'm just growing up.

Creating a scene where a monster eats a baby doesn't exploit anyone because it's just special effects. Creating a scene where they get a woman to be naked and simulate being raped most definitely involves degrading her and treating her like shit, especially for some no budget flick, especially when it has nothing to do with the plot. Marina Sirtis has tons of stories of how poorly she was treated in those old exploitation flicks she did. Yeah, it kind of saps the fun out of a b-movie when you know some poor girl was abused in the making of it.

they main guys have good buddy chemistry which you just don't get with any of the guests

>Mchauley McCulkin
im sick of this fuckface goddamnit

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That new guy is the worst, I hope that's the last time we see him

this, it's pretty obvious. mike will suck any cock that has ever been on a red carpet, hoping one of them will save him from his miserable life of paying his ugly friends to watch shitty movies with him. he had max landis on, for fuck's sake - a flamboyant cancerous sore of nepotism that fit the group like a ball in a square hole. you think he did that because he liked the guy? clearly not since he went out of his way to pretend it didn't happen in a later episode

No it's his boyfriend, Jay is gay

If you watch the Bunny Ears guy, you can see he clearly can't stand him either. There's a part during the screening where Josh drags out some obnoxious sound and he gives him a long dirty glance. Also the look of clear discomfort when Josh joins the discussion. It's comforting to see.

Jay mispronouncing ‘Wascavage’ as ‘miscarriage’ in Suburban Sasquatch was the best joke in the whole review, and that episode was mint.

The part when he did that flamboyant impression of the guy staring into the camera gave me hardcore douchechills like I haven’t felt in a long time.

Does Mike have the final say on all guests?

>Patton Oswalt is the one who told Norm Macdonald the worst thing about Bill Cosby is that he was a hypocrite

Maybe he really doesn't have a problem with drugging and raping.

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It makes the movie better.

Jack is actually funny. Beardfat is too uncharismatic and can't hang with Mike, but he's decent on re:view.

Culkin's friend needs to go. Just dont come around no more.

That begins the scenes BunnyEars thing is shit. What is Mike hoping to gain from Culkin?

I miss her.

No, it doesn't.

josh cant hang with mike for several reasons

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Thanks for the laugh. And I agree.

I wonder what he had to say about the muslim terrorists that killed 30+ people in Somalia a week ago.

everyone is cool with mack because the last time we saw him, he was a complete trainwreck and now we're happy for him straightening out

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It's so hilarious to me that Patton sperged out about James Rolfe's mild criticisms of the Ghostbusters remake but still loves RLM even though they were much more brutal and spent a year shitting on it.

that bitch barely talked

whats up with the meme that he killed his wife

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speak for yourself cunt

If it's a no budget movie the bitch could just say no.
If it's a high budget movie the bitch could just say no, but won't because she's a whore and wants her money.

His wife died using illegal pills. Patton got remarried in like less than a year. That's really all there is to it

What happened to her

Why are they even friends with someone like patton oswalt?

creepy fans created a subreddit for posting screengrabs of her fat tits and ass and scared and drove her away

he was very busy tweeting about more important things

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nothing funny about it, it's tragic, revolting and the people who push for acceptance of it are enemies of society

No, she was fine with that. It was the foot talk that creeped her out.

connections, Patton Oswalt used to do stand up about murdering George Lucas for the prequels being bad, he probably loves Plinkett.

That Culkin onions friend makes beardfat look like a sexual tyranossairus...
>I have to take meds because i feel sick watching a movie!

For fuck sake...

meanwhile based aidsmoby is behind the camera and not in front of it. disgraceful

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Because most normal people don’t base everything in their lives including who they hang around with completely around politics.

Rich got legit pissed off by Mike this time. Read the room Mike! The jabs are often fun but sometimes you notice he does it too much, uncomfortable to watch

I don't care if he's a head in a jar, he's interesting and funny in an goofy way.

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Me. There is good times, and there's bad times, but mostly baaaaad.

His wife did a lot of drugs and he waited for a long time before calling 911.

He's really laidback, people who hate him zone in on his politics and can't see anything else because they define everyone by their politics. Boring incels

>I took Xanax
>Hides his face like an absolute s*yboy
What the absolute fuck get this cuck off the show

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>I take my pretend friends very seriously

Sup aids.

Sup bro.Loved you as the stripper announcer in Spacecop.

Patton Oswalt isn't a normal person though, I don't think he has many friends with different political beliefs.

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>murdering your wife is now a political opinion

Inshallah, brother

Do we know for a fact that Mike is not like this?

Hard to hang with people who call everyone nazis, because that's what these so called normal people do

Mike used to post neocon supporting comments on some website while wearing a fedora, and recently shat on gender politics shit in an awkward gag. He's probably not the same as beardfat

I wouldn’t know because I don’t know him personally.

Oh wait you don’t either.

>y-yeah bro I didn't mean you
We know enough from his online postings.

As long as he doesn't bring that shit to the RLM shows I couldn't care less. And so far he hasn't.

more like REDDITletterGREEDia

I respect beardfat's retarded politics but he still isn't very funny. Good on Re:View

this guy needs to be appreciated for showing just how powerful this smug aura of moral superiority of hollywood liberals is.

He could call for the extermination of half the world's populace and nobody would call him a bad human being for it.

Wow.Never seen botw. This actually made me cringe. Couldn't get past 2 minutes. Who watches this shit? People without friends?

It's not a popular opinion, but I agree. Early 2010-2014 era Jay utilized sarcasm decently, but also had an authentic and genuine tone to his voice and mannerisms. For the last few years, you could replace Jay with a tape-recorder that randomly drops the most obvious and deadpan nomedy and no one would notice. His cadence, mannerisms, everything about him now oozes this perma-sarcasm which makes my skin crawl. It's actually pretty fucked up.

That's exactly what someone like Patton Oswalt does.

I saw a meme gif of patton oswalt standing next to his wife and she fades out and is replaced by the facebooks frog. Anyone seen it?

based Wizard still triggering incels

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>People without friends?
yes, its a market segment, look it up.

unironically yes

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the latest botw is probably the worst one in a long time

whats this from

>dude it's a friend simulator
We are on a friend simulator right now, retards

if you can't find it from the information given then you don't belong here newfag

Guys like this are why I’ll vote Trump.

Well I fuck all my friends, bend over.

Same, and I've only ever watched a few episodes here and there.

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Both Jay and Mike seem to have gotten bored with RLM but can't really kill it without completely destroying their income and having to go look for an actual job

You don't have any

So they have to do it forever...
Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Like a bad episode of Star Trek.

you mean simulate bending over?

Rich seems to be the only guy who gets what an easy meal ticket rlm is and is fine with it.

Fat, scraggly beard, balding, glasses, on the spectrum. Why do orange man badders so frequently fit this profile?

Guy is the only one that actually talks about the films and their plot. Jack and Rich just repeat their "oh my God" and "lol so random" shit ad infinitum.

Behind the scenes footage

Mike surprisingly lets Rich give him stage directions.

>he still believes in the "earning money should be fun" meme

Nice non-sequitur brah

The last Black Spine episode wasn't that good either.


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Rare footage of Jay from behind.

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are you gay user?

He needs to squat more.

I like how everyone's expression is purposely exaggerated, except the one from Jack, who always does that.

In case you hadn't noticed they all rotate roles.
Except for editor, that's always either Mike or Jay.

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Do I need to be gay to appreciate Jays manly physic?

They literally did the same ""degrading"" shit to women for the Plinkett reviews, Jay is a weird hypocrite faggot


No they didnt

lol no they didn't. What the fuck are you talking about?

They made an actress suck on a cane for feeding frenzy.

>tying up women that Mr Plinkett tortures isn't degrading
Then neither are any of the b movies Jay says are degrading for the actresses

You sound like a lunatic.

This is a picture from a fan who met him, it was originally posted on the RLM subreddit

Yes they did, watch any of the early Plunkett stuff

You sound like an RLMfag

You sound like a delusional retard

I don't recall them making anyone get naked and pretend to get gang raped.

So like any show or mag that covers celebs, if only we had a term for internet celebs, hmm....

One out of two isn't that bad.

She isn't naked and she isn't simulating rape. She's literally not even in the shot when the "rape" is happening. Keep trying, you fucking psycho.

Sometimes he mentions movies Mike wouldn't talk about, he also is the best straight conversationalist of the group and doesn't indulge in onions platitudes like Rich ("this was a movie", saying "yes" when given to options to a question). If RLM was a sandwich he'd be the bread; not the highlight, but without him things have a tendency to get messy.

has ANY episode with Josh on it been good? he's so fucking awful

Bro that lion movie...what the FUCK

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Hip surgery is real fast recovery, you usually walk the same day.

Anyone know the video where Jay is triggered by a catalog where little girls can buy custom-made dolls?

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>literal flat cap wearing soi boi hiding behind the hood of his sweatshirt cuz he's too afraid to watch the film allowed on
>Still no episodes guest starring
>James Rolfe
>Nostalgia Critic
>Perturbed Pedro

Fuck I would even sit through Rian Johnson if it's really true that he watches them but never let that faggot on again. Made me realize how great Aids Moby is

Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #12

Oh no

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Did Sissy think he was funny interrupting everyone talking about Star Trek? Who does he think he is?

how drunk is mike in this pic?

Can we stop the friend simulator for a moment to talk about how insane ROAR was?

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>look mother! I'm projecting!

thos fucking people are crazy

>I really feel like these guys have lost all energy since 2017.

How pathetic

And back in 2017, I can guarantee this guy was saying
>RLM has really lost their energy since 2014

>tfw all pictures of Mike gets transformed to paintings of a pudgy Italian aristocrat

Jay was behind the camera in this episode, you can hear his voice at one point. Stop projecting your dreams onto Jay.

Patton Oswald routinely raped his daughter, drug addict wife threatened to go to the cops, patton purposely made her OD

I wish RLM would just stick to the power trio of Mike Rich and Jay. Literally everyone else they ever have one, whether it's regulars like Jack or guests like Culkin, is at best tolerable and at worst like Culkin's faggot friend in the last episode, intolerable.

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Not that that guy wasn't writing a fanfic, but Macaulay episode was taped and banked several months ago.

>“cinematographer Jan de Bont was scalped, requiring 220 stitches; Griffith was mauled by a lion, which required facial reconstructive surgery; an A.D. narrowly escaped death when a lion missed his jugular by an inch; Hedren, who was also attacked by birds on the set of “The Birds,” endured a fractured leg and multiple scalp wounds; and Marshall himself was wounded so many times that he was hospitalized with gangrene.”

>Marshall and his then-wife Tippi Hedren made the film back in the late seventies, casting their own family, including Hedren’s daughter Melanie Griffith and Marshall’s sons Jerry and John

Imagine your daughter's face getting mauled in front of you because your husband is a catfucker.

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>mfw that burn

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Gay for pay.

imagine getting GANGRENE because you were in a movie

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Are those cigarettes

mike is so fucking hot I wish I could see him naked and worship his cock and balls

Why does Jay have SpongeBob arms?

the random friend of Kevin is better than beardfat or Aidsmoby.

>t. hollywood jew

Women are retarded.

oh he's totally a jew.

To be more case specific, women are attracted to dangerous men.

No. No one puts cigarettes in a back pocket. They would get crushed. Most likely it's his wallet.

He unironically brought up "the patriarchy" in one review. Which didn't even make any sense.

It’s his wallet you dumb motherfucker

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How new do you have to be not know about ROAR?

Who the fuck is this fourth guy?

McCully's associate. Shills their website.

Associate? That's what shady jewish handlers want to be called now?

Based Jay, finally moving on from that leach Stoklasa.

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Why the fuck would anyone take the time to photoshop this? You faggots are pathetic.


Get your ADHD checked zoomer

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kys zoomer scum

Whenever Jay poses for a pic with another man they look like a advertisement for equal rights.

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>those nipples hard enough to drill rocks

>looks right into the camera
>looks down at his phone
>looks into the camera
>yawns again
>doesn't like Roar because it made him feel uncomfortable
>looks into the camera
>only thing he contributes was a solid impression of an old jew
>looks into the camera
>hides in his jacket like a babby
>while hiding in his jacket he peaks through and looks into the camera
what in the fuck were they thinking letting this literal who be a guest?

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>Jay edited the episode
>probably spent more time than any of them
>had to watch it, then edit all the shit.

Mike sat back and got drunk.

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Now that i think about it, aren't the RLM actual real legit fucking boomers? they are almost 40 i think but their attitude doesn't make you realize it.

I've been watching videos of and from fucking boomers all this fucking time? jesus christ.

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>Jay edited the episode
>did so in such a way that it made bootleg jew Fred Savage look like an unlikeable pussy bitch
Bauman doing the lords work

Jay constantly exhudes the same level of phermones of a lactating 17 year old woman. It's not any man's fault to react sexualy stimulated around him.

Boomers haven't been 40 for 30 years.

this guy is a trumpet

youre really fucking stupid.

very disrespectful

The only real boomer is Jack since he's married with children, the other members are just manchildren.

Based Jack!

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McCulkin CIA handler

Mike and most of the guys are pussies when it comes to real gore.

They screeched over the Exploding Varmints vid and that one vid about how to skin a deer.

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Jack is younger than Jay. Wife and children age you like nothing else.

is jay on a leash?

Nah, she was investigating the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker for her book and end up digging up a bunch of dirt that implicated Patton for several of the later rapes, so he killed her and destroyed the evidence so that some mentally ill old fart got implicated instead.

Mike's blown past 40. He's around 45

underrated part of the episode
>jew says Roar is the worst thing of the night and thinks everybody will agree with him
>Josh tells him "umm what? that's where you're wrong, kiddo"

when you get heem'd by Josh, you know you're an absolute faggot

Also Mike was totally gonna destroy Winter Beast. But than the jew picked it as his Best of the worst so they just ended the video without voting to destroy one.

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Sure that is why ;)

Where is the fucking Midsommar review

Ebin bosts :DDDD

Jay: it was ok
Mike: Ehhh

What superhero does that have in it?

Imagine being a tiny little bit of a man. You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed. You almost roll off and fall to your death. Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is. You climb down. Now you see an ant. The giant brute lumbering toward you. The smell of tiny man meat intoxicating the insect. You run, or more like you hop, towards the safety of a small crack in the wall not even the ant can fit in. Take a moment to rejoice and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You're so small you can see every individual ray of light. Hungry from your morning adventure you decide to eat. Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you. You eat barely a third of a neutron and you're stuffed. That's when you notice you've accidentally begun to fall through the very fabric of existence. You grasp out but everything is too big to hold onto. You fall into the abyss.

I would slam the fuck out of fem rich

I think it's from episode 2 but that got taken down.

what's it like cuddling with a big kitty

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ROAR is legitimately fucking terrifying, just to think that poor crew had to deal with actual lions and that one guy got his fucking scalp ripped

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Those things will tear you to shreds.

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Jay shared some thoughts about it on twitter but I guess they aren't going to review that or Spider-Man. Both will probably be at the end of the year round up


Look at that dick.

>Religion has nothing to do with homophobia
>Re: Muslim killing homos, as they do in all their own countries

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He’s 41 this year.

But, but, user. Islam is the most peaceful and loving religion in the world all the SJE tell me this.

Not just that, they also called her stupid with terrible opinions. You know general internet hate comments. The bitch just has too thin skin.

He was selling his grief over twitter for a long time, posting cute pics about hard life as a single dad, how hard is it and how tragic her passing was, then got re-married less than a year later.

His dead wife's book helped to catch Golden State Killer after literal decades with no clues, so that's pretty fucking cool

>married less than a year later
Real heart broken