Is Mark Hamill /ourguy/ again?

Is Mark Hamill /ourguy/ again?

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so the solution libtards want is to allow these beanerlets to run amok in america while their asylum shopping claims are processed? obviously illegal aliens need to be detained, HOW CAN ANYONE FUCKING DISAGREE WITH THAT?

Can we just fucking dump every last mulatto muttskin in hollywood hills and force the rich jewish left wing celebrities there to house them all?

Luke's final redemption arc

>Just in Bieber says "your"
>Mark Hamill uses quotes and says "you're"

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These people are either mentally ill, deranged radicals, or brainwashed right? How can so many people not have common sense? Or is it just a media phenomenon to make it look like there are lots of them? Someone explain this to me.

But muh baby cages user

THEY LITERALLY ARE OVERWHELMED, BECAUSE THE CRISIS THE DEMOCRATS HAVE CREATED ON THE BORDER (remember a few months ago when "there was no crisis drumpf a liar"?)

why can't liberals stop themselves from virtue signaling at all times, even when they're thanking somebody?

>Or is it just a media phenomenon to make it look like there are lots of them?
they've been brainwashed by the MSM since birth. This country is fucked long term. it's on its way to becoming second world within my lifetime

So, why?

I walk a great deal through the desert
No place to rest or sleep
White men find me
They give me a place to stay, to sleep, they give me food and water, they clothe me and treat me well
Imagine my shock at this disgusting display of kindness

>amerishards politics

some drugshit faggot retard celebrities pretend to be moral authorities

He's neither liberal nor jewish. He's devout christian acting out his beliefs
Reductionism to one party one stance is just obedient good goydom

He just got trolled by a fucking zoomer.

Why do you seethe at white men?

I only know this because I follow Dan Crenshaw on Youtube.

>Muh concentration camps

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any money a lot of theses celebs are conservatives but have to push the liberal side so they dont get alienated out of Hollywood

Nope, this is cringe. Bieber's tweet works the way it was written. Hamill is old and doesn't understand internet speak.

Because PS4 has no games

>being forced to play ps4 games
This is cruel and unusual punishment

nah remember most of these celebs are thick as shit, of course they're leftards

Bieber is a Christcuck, he's probably more conservative than not, but like many Christcucks he falls for the humanitarian meme cause muh Jesus.

Why are they making these children pre-diabetic?

That's a real argument people make except for that last part.

They already voted for a 4.6bn spending bill.

>not American
Nobody cares what you have to say, so shut the fuck up mr. All caps

To make them American

>concentration camps are large internment camps to concentrate a large amount of incarcerated people
Sounds pretty bad to me. Just out of curiosity what do you get out of actong retarded?

Concentration camps were the people trek for miles to get in them. Sounds legit

Why are they showing employees?

>obviously illegal aliens need to be detained
lmao why

Are we cherrypicking images user?

t. seething switch faggot

Why does Trump hire a bunch of illegals?

Please show me irrefutable proof that these kids are being mistreated in any way. Oh, and I know it's like pulling teeth for a liberal, but do try to be honest for a change and not post photos taken from the Obama years.

Do you even fucking read what you write, dipshit?

If it's that bad why won't you get back to your country? Surely Mexico isn't a literal huge concentration camp.

Because nothing says America like indebting yourself for life to big pharma.

>no swimming pool
literally worse than hitler famalam

What does that have to do with what he said?

>on mondays they play soccer and playstation
>but on tuesdays it's "back to the cages"!

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It's worse: it's full of Mexicans.

Those are the same conditions Jews had at Auschwitz and that doesn't stop people from claiming that Hololcaust happened.

Do you think it's good for a child to be separated from their parents?

so youre saying it both happened and didnt happen
your brain on pol

Just like USA

Do you think it's good that their parents are irresponsible assholes that they drag their innocent kids to illegality?

They had Playstation and Tropicana in Auschwitz??

it is, considering that a third of the parents that cross the border with children turn out to be genetically not related to their supposed children.

Like when their parents commit a crime and go to jail?

Like when a mother gets 100% custody?

Like when these kids are literally kidnapped and used to try and get access into the US, which is the very fucking reason these detention centers exist so they can be returned to their real parents?

Surely the blame for that lies squarely with the parent. They commited a crime, the children didn't, so the parents get incarcerated and the children get separated.

Don't be dumb user, it was a SEGA dreamcast

Hitler was an epic gamer.

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do you think it's good to commit crimes that separate you from your child?

My fucking sides.

If I was Trump, and Bieber had said "Please release the children from the cages Obama built" I would have actually considered it.

If i was Trump, and not just a normal user, like you.

Can't even answer a simple question.

I'm sure have already read the IG report. That's not from the FAKE NEWS MSM LIBTARD SJWs, but Trump's very own DHS department.

This guy thinks Mexicans are incapable to feel any kind of responsibility and they shouldn't
Actually racist

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No, it's not healthy, but it's the least bad option, since the alternative incentivizes people to bring their children along for a dangerous crossing.

Every single American citizen gets separated from their parents when they commit a serious (you're spending the night in jail) crime.

Do you think it's good for those children to be separated from their parents? Would it make you feel better if we put the children in jail with them? Or should they just be released by default because they have a child with them? What if it's not actually their children? (As is often the case at the border)

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They answered your question. You are just ignoring it.

So there is absolutely no difference between the Obama and the Trump administration in this regard? Is that what you're saying?

Any parent that's willing to put their children's lives in extreme risk just to use them as a shield when they cross the border is a shitty parent and their children aren't missing much not being around them.
Think of the detention camp as a summer camp.

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It probably would have been good to that girl that drowned with her dad

Also, if you commit any crime with a kid in tow, your child will be put into foster care until you're out. Why should illegal immigration be any different

Bieber had the chance to redpill millions, who built the cages and made the laws. Instead Bieber took an opportunity to swipe at the prez and get some twitter points.

It's bad for the child when the parent is put in jail which is just even more reason why americas racist-private-prison-for-profit-with-slave labor-complex is evil

>Can't even answer a simple question
Your question makes no fucking sense. Kids get separated from their parents all the time. Should public schools be abolished in favor of homeschooling? Should parents be spared going to jail because they'd be separated from their kids?

>NOOOOO, don't separate the kids form their parents
>NOOOOO, don't put them in cages with their parents

literal clown world

because crossing a border shouldnt be illegal
you retards literally cant see a difference between morality and the lawbook or you just quite literally love the taste of boots on your tongue

>More brown people = less white people
>Less white people = good
This is the conclusion of the debate

> crossing the border shouldn't be illegal
Every country in the world has some degree of border protection.

Everything mayos do really comes down to this fact, that mayos be seething over this

>because crossing a border shouldnt be illegal
Can I come into your house whenever I please?

>comparing public schools to being detained in over crowded facilities
What did he mean by this?

Yes it should


>you just quite literally love the taste of boots on your tongue

Unironically my fetish.

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Are you allowed to leave school any time you want? Because people in these detention centers literally can at any time if it means going back to their own country.

>devoted Christian
So, jew's dog

mark hamiil is a child abusing pig

>because crossing a border shouldnt be illegal
Absolute state of Yea Forums

ayy just go back and get killed bruh

It's their law and you are not a citizen of that country so it's none of your business, but you still insist in having a say anyway.
Why can't we respect each other on equal terms like both countries' constitutions state?

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better than a pig abusing child



So you don't know. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

I could have left schools whenever I wanted if there was a reason for it.

Call it what it is, a fucking cell. The kind you put people who commit felons in, like unlawful entry.

If this people were in proven danger, they would qualify for asylum. Contrary to popular opinion, being Mexican is not grounds for becoming American.

>B-but, if these illegals go back, they'll be killed.
>Let's allow them in so they can kill our own citizens instead!

>school is basically prison
This is quite the juvenile argument.

Seriously this is such an obvious thing.
its not even on the level on "Muh brown people bad"
its not even on the level of "Muslim bad" where you cn argue muh religious freedom and muh middle eastern conflict.

No its on a level of "Do we have laws? yes. should these laws be put into effect ? ???????"

How can anyone who isnt a complete brainlet even disagree with this

The felony of fleeing for your life after the US government fucked up your country because they did not support the democratically elected party.

Literally child analogy
Just go masturbate or something kid, you're aren't made for these big ideas

Right, so it's bad for the child when the parent commits a crime, everyone gets that. Now that you've got your lite virtue signalling out of the way, let's get to the important question.

A parent is put in jail for some manner of common law burglary, and then prison after their day in court. What is your solution oh progressive one?
1. Release them from prison and reunite them with their child.
2. Leave them in prison and put the child in with them so they aren't separated.
3. Leave them in prison. Separate the child and put them with another family member, or if not applicable, up for adoption (in the case of the border, another facility where they are babysat).
4. (Border DLC) Deport both of them back to where they came from.

Yet you're the one comparing these facilities to Auschwitz.

Crossing the border is a misdemeanor.

Hah nope sorry sweetie but Snopes has already debunked all your talking points. CNN, the most trusted name in news, has reported that Donald Trump is solely responsible for creating Nazi death camps on our southern border.

Mark Hamill is secretly redpilled but has to keep his mouth shut or they'll destroy him.



Where did I compare these facilities to Auschwitz?

>because crossing a border shouldnt be illegal
can I kick in your house window and start living there?

liberal owned with facts and logic

>because crossing a border shouldnt be illegal

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>the batting cages, that is

So you won't answer the question. Why is that? Do you not want to think about it?

Not all of these people are from Nicaragua, and this isn't the 80's anymore. There's no legitimate reason for them to come to America.

>They'd rather be in a cage than Mexico

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crossing a border is a misdemeanor and youre literally arguing about something else mayo

"Yeah sure thing Biebs, we'll get them out as soon as possible. They'll be okay to stay at your mansions, right? No? You want us to put them back in the cages okay"

>canadians in charge of american politics

Naw he's a far leftist

>it's either your house or a cage
conservative intellectuals

You're arguing in favour of all these clowns says these are like Nazi concentration camps, so their argument is your argument.

It literally is the best argument to have
I can't break inside your house and start living in there because it's a law, a law that people abide to
Why border laws shouldn't be the same?

so any isis member can enter the usa without a background check

you got bfo so hard boi
not because of your dumb argument
life has turned you into an attentionwhore who wants to be gangbanged by (yous)
open your mouth bitch boi becaume im cummming :-)

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Where will they stay after they've been released? Do they get free housing and welfare, too?

Damn, extremes like in nazi concentration camps minus playstation.

>its bad because it says so in the law
conservative intellectuals

>because crossing a border shouldnt be illegal
So you gonna open your home to these guys or what?

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>Americans are debating whether or not they should be a country

lol you guys are finished you realise this

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I hope you're not implying that Mark Hamill supports ICE

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You're wondering why we need to prevent people from running away from authorities while their (mostly fraudulent) asylum claims are being processed?


would you have a problem if random strangers started living in your home without you approval?

I know you american cuckolds would rather keep having money stolen from you by filthy rich capitalists but yeah ideally there would be housing programs for every person in the country

Is this you?

kys commie scum

>not approving of a law means you hate the entire lawbook
conservative "intellectuals"

So by following your logic you want to exterminated all jews and hang all blacks.

Truly the shoah of our century.

This is what we have come too. One of the reason why I am an acceleration fag now.

What the fuck mate learn to reply properly

i know you're just a redditor trying to be sarcastic and all, but i can feel the seethe

Why do you think you have a say? If they can enter your country illegally why not your home?

answer the question

>come to the US and get a free house
>suddenly, the entire human population on earth swarms into the US

Can't see anything wrong with that.

>I know you american cuckolds would rather keep having money stolen from you by filthy rich capitalists but yeah ideally there would be housing programs for every person in the country

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ok i just got about 15 magapedes to seethe while posting from the toilet

your home is private property

Then lobby against it, you'll find out people just don't want niggers living in their houses
I won't give (You)s to retards

>in america rappers who kick people lying on the ground in the head are let to go free

no wonder you have such a nigger problem over there

If you're troubled by the fact that I said prison, replace prison with a few months in jail (which is what has to happen on the border given they aren't US citizens), and then felony with a serious misdemeanor (for first time offenders, felony thereafter).

Now same question, and same answers.
1. Release them from prison (or jail) and reunite them with their child.
2. Leave them in prison (or jail) and put the child in with them so they aren't separated.
3. Leave them in prison (or jail). Separate the child and put them with another family member, or if not applicable, up for adoption (in the case of the border, another facility where they are babysat).
4. (Border DLC) Deport both of them back to where they came from.

he cant, dont bully him :(

Yes, but not for the reason you think.

So what do you propose? Every time someone strolls across the border, they get treated like an actual citizen?

and the country is the governments property

They dont respect your laws

>t. Ultracapitalist far-right winger

im actually cringing at you

A fucking leaf

*states property aka the people of that country
he's a kiddie he can't grasp such simple concepts

Then just remove a > you fucking sperg.

>what? we're just going to treat people like human beings?

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>muh tired, poor, huddled masses
"you can't have a border because of this Jewish poem goyim"

>still traumatized by trump


Sorry I don't lilaw book private property laws, but that doesn't mean I don't like the lawbook.

>states property aka the people
I see you’re something of a kiddie yourself

>hmmm we're all people of the earth man

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>Even violent gang members who behead and skin people alive

the people who have elected the government to run the country

>open borders
>socialised housing
Neck yourself cunt

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Human beings get incarcerated for breaking the law.

go back to school

they are not yearning to breathe free, they are not opressed, they want money

>dude we need to let everyone in what could possibly go wrong?

I think we should keep the families together and deport them all.

32 (you)s, seethe more lmfao

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You won't answer the question because you know American children are separated from their American parents when they are jailed in the US, and you know that the same thing happening at the border is no different. Not only that, you know that it's the appropriate response, but you won't answer or admit it because you're a coward. Now type cringe all you want, it won't change that fact.

> I was just pretending to be retarded because I crave attention

>4 more years
Not american, and expected a little more of him during presidency but he makes lefty trannies so mad, I just want more of him

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True progress is when everyone is a docile brown ebonics speaking retard living in their government allotted 200sqft box in a concrete sea of identical boxes in what used to be a national forest before it was clear cut to make space for more boxes.

>counting (you)s

no sexually active man does that shit lol

Jokes on you, you just gave me one

Imagine being so immature that you can't have a politics discussion without accusing your opponent of being angry lol
Explains the retardly naive worldview, too.

Wrong. The kids were separated from their parents long before they arrived at the border. These detention facilities are the moral solution to reuniting them with their biological parents and arresting the adults for child trafficking.

no i was right and got seething replies

I see you learned the Hebrew ways

no brother true progress is when everyone lives in little segregated boxes out in the desert maintaining our fake lawns and eating unseasoned chicken with a sideo of mayonnaise

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Why did you change topics from politics to how angry everyone else was if you were so right?

>I'm a citizen of the world

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>eating unseasoned chicken
well at least our people enslaved niggers :-)

You'd have to be an idiot to think that's worse than being crammed into a highrise like sardines.

sounds comfy desu

imagine going from that to becoming a minority oh no no no no

bieber is retarded, he cant write one sentence with proper english, holy fucking shit.

> Pretending conservatives care about the environment
That's new.

American politics. Pick a side and dig in no matter how retarded your arguments are.

Fuck me am I glad not to live in that shithole.

>unseasoned chicken
are your taste buds so fucked up from all the crack that you need to dip it into all sorts of this the even realize you're eating food?


The law is very clear that illegal border crossing demands prison time

> Unseasoned chicken
> Meat is well-done
> I'll take fries with that
America is truly where food culture goes to die.

Wow so mayos literally have NO culture. Even your gated communities were created by someone else. Bruh moment

Holy fucking based.
>Levitt refused to integrate his developments. The Jewish Levitt barred Jews from Strathmore, his first pre-Levittown development on Long Island in New York, and he refused to sell his homes to blacks. His sales contracts also forbade the resale of properties to blacks through restrictive covenants, although in 1957 a Jewish couple resold their house to the first black family to live in a Levitt home.[11] Levitt's all-white policies also led to civil rights protests in Bowie, Maryland in 1963.[10][12] The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union opposed Levitt's racist policies, and the Federal Housing Administration prepared to refuse mortgages on his next Levittown. Nevertheless, Levitt would not back down and continued planning another whites-only Levittown in Willingboro Township, New Jersey. He fought legal challenges in New Jersey courts until the United States Supreme Court refused to hear his case.[13]

What kind of absurd fucking deflection is this? Of course a lot of the kids are brought over by people who aren't their parents. Are you legit trying to argue that it's not REAL separation because many of them are being separated from other adults, and not the REAL parents? Therefore this is somehow relevant to the original question and I must be wrong because you're agreeing with what I've said before?

This is a good start but instead make every other person an unassimilated foreigner to erase any small sense of community there is left.

Damn, it’s like a better summer camp, now I want to cross the border illegally.

>not giving my government free cash means its failure is your fault
Literally cope

slaves were majority n the plantations too
>tfw your grand-grand-grandmother got raped by our ancestors lol

Unlike all those liberal environmentalists, right?

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>demands prison time
No. The person can be fined or imprisoned, or both.

lmfaoo this is literally you

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Yeah, man! Why can't American food culture be more like China where they eat dogs and insects? Or like in Africa where they eat mud and call it a cake?

I'm sure if that collection of drugged out teenagers had been conservatives, the whole thing would have looked much better.


Where else would you keep the kids during the time it takes to locate their real parents?

did i lied? :-)

I'd rather eat dogs or insects than well done beef, that's for sure. Besides, everyone with a taste bud will tell you that Chinese is infinitely superior to American.

Probably would've been sober enough to find the trash can, for starters.

But they weren't, so your point is irrelevant.

>muh seasoning
put the fork down fatty

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holy fucking KEK

Conservatives don't drink?

Go on then, prove me wrong and eat a cockroach. Living or dead, it doesn't matter to the Chinese.

Bieber is a faggot anyway

In MIT with a full scholarship because thats what they deserve for not being white.

>say something stupid
>get btfo by multiple people
>act like you were pretending
>can't even commit to the pretense and hang around the thread because you're still so mad
Lol what a funny thread.

the credit is right there on the picture, what is erik vidor's problem??

Wow, I love paying oil companies to destroy the planet now!

So it demand prison time

technically prisons are concentration camps. the question is if the people in them are supposed to be there

You have trouble finding the trash can when you drink?

>54 instances
seethe mayo

>doesn't understand what or means

he cant stop replying at this point hes so angry
real life kino

the artist's signature is right there what did he mean by this

>I'd rather eat dogs or insects than well done beef
based street shitter

He said on his computer made with plastics.

I'd call you a liberal hypocrite, but that would be redundant.

>Trust me goy, THIS time my doomsday prediction is right, and the only way you can avoid it is to blindly accept socialism RIGHT NOW

Why yes I do lobby for Mexico to abolish their border laws so I could rape brown girls, what gave it away?

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The fuck are you on about?

He was correcting Bieber's incorrect use of "your".

How is this much cope possible?

wheres the leftist faggot i want to bully him too

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You would shut the fuck up real quick if you were born in a shittier place.