They do know Wesley Snipes outta jail, right?

They do know Wesley Snipes outta jail, right?

Attached: Mahershala_Ali_Wesley_Snipes_Blade_Marvel_Studios.jpg (628x380, 31K)

you do know Wesley Snipes is 56, right?

So is Robert Downey Jr

>picks an actor no longer playing his iconic role who never did any significant amount of stunt work outside his cgi suit

Attached: alita blade.png (1920x1080, 674K)

That stunt shit was in early 2000s. Everything has CGI now. Don't expect anyone to be doing any good stunts. People care about quips, not flips. RDJ is more popular than Wesley Snipes ever will be

No one gives a fuck about Wesley Snipes anymore.

>RDJ is more popular than Wesley Snipes ever will be
ok but what does that have to do with this thread

And the nigga they just got is 45. All these niggas are old. Who cares all the stunts are cgi

and he still knows karate or whatever it was

jackie chan was still doing his own stunts age 56

He had a cameo in What We Do In The Shadows (series)

have sex

They talked to Snipes a while ago, but probably couldn't reach a deal or Feige just wanted to start from scratch

>RDJ is more popular than Wesley Snipes ever will be
Sad! Many such cases

he has those jail gains and mahershala is skinny

there's only one blade and that one said "Some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill""

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Blade 1 and 2 were good. Blade 3 was shit. And the biggest reason for it being shit was Snipes. Read up on it. There is really no point in bringing him back if he'll act like a diva again and fight constantly with the director.

what role do vampires play in the marvel universe

I mean, didn't that dumbass Goyer shove in those 2 new shitty vampire hunter characters taking up a lot of the screen time from Blade?
I would've been pissed too

10 Reasons Why We Need a White Blade.

The reason he sabotaged the piece of shit movie was because they took him off creative. Imagine creating a franchise and coming up with shit that makes it a big hit then some faggot executives say "Fuck off nigger this is our show. Now play sidekick to this faggot white boy and this 7th Heaven bitch". Guarentee you'd sabotage that shit too.

When I saw alita I at first thought ali was a surprisingly young looking snipes, in spite of having seen the man weekly in true detective shortly before.

This guy actually knows how to act. Shame disney-marvel signed him for their shitshow.

I think it's more to do with him not working out and juicing anymore. He's a lot thinner than he was at peak Blade condition. That's a steep hill for someone his age.

Fuck. How much are they going to mess up Blade now that it's officially in the MCU? There's no way they'll strike that perfect aesthetic the first movie had and even the the second movie to some degree. The new casting choice is understandable though.

Don't worry bros, multiverse and shit, I'm sure Wesley is coming back as a surprise haha, r-right?

snipes is a well-known cunt and extremely hard to work with. why would feige jump into bed with a guy best known for making life on set hell for all involved?

Jackie was doing is stunts because he is a stuntman before an actor.
And this didn't stopped him from breaking.

Why didn't they cast me? - From Blade

It's funny how the only time Snipes has been reported to be hard to work with is on Blade 3. It's almost like he purposely acted like a cunt to get back at the people who bumped him off his own movie.

He's very old, probably difficult to work with if those stories about him are true, and there isn't a history of them bringing back the actors from the pre-MCU movies besides that one cameo that people posted from the new Spider-man movie. Why would anyone expect them to go with him for this?

That, too. And, he may have demanded too much for his salary - he's still fighting with the IRS for what he owes.
I remember reading last year that he was in talks for doing it, I guess that fell apart.

You do know Blade Trinity happened and all the shitshow in that film? Why would you rehire somebody you can't control?


A bit, in the sense that the the heroic scenes in Iron Man do not show the face of the old aged actor, and they can be done with CGI or stunt doubles.