And, you big bald purple space nigger

>And, you big bald purple space nigger.

Did they go too far with this?

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Raimi was right

this scene was kino af and no shitposter will change it

how based would it be if raimi directed one of the 6 upcoming captain marvel sequels

Someone spoil it for me.

Ironman gets gauntlet and snaps and saves the day

he shoves the gauntlet up Thanos' ass then begins to jerk him off for 30 minutes

>thanos wants to use the gaunlet
>says 'i am inevitable'
>turns out there are no stones in the gaunlet because ironman stole them
>ironman says 'and i am ironman'
>kills thanos with the gaunlet

>rushes back to the closest kinoplex

Why would you leave out the right in the infinity stones line

But who was phone

Why are whites so fragile?

>And, you big bald (hair formerly on head) purple space city slicker.

Did they go too far with this?

This movie is fucking garbage and you guys are killing cinema supporting this shit, kys


as if cinema was alive to begin with. fuck off, pseud


>Eat it, Barney.
What did they mean by this?

MCU is kino. Die mad

>said I'm iron man
>his body didn't turn into iron

Oh shit, i'm sorry.

He teleports ant-man with the space stone into Thanos ass, ant-man then turns into giant-man.

die hating nothing

Tony get glove

how did thanos even get there? particles depleted and all

how thanos die

what does ant-woman do

>(hair formerly on head)
I laughed too hard at this

Becomes giant-woman with mega titties and big pusy

wtf i thought only raimi had an issue so this avenger director got it too, what happened ?

I think punctuating Tony Stark's death with an internet history joke was really in poor taste.

Holy fucking.....BASED!!!!!!!!