ARE YOU READY, Yea Forums? I am really HYPED!
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Kevin Feige kicked off with an overview of the feature film “The Eternals,” a new team of Super Heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Feige introduced the director, Chloé Zhao, followed by stars from the film, including, Richard Madden as Ikaris, Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo, Lauren Ridloff as Makkari, Brian Tyree Henry as Phastos, Salma Hayek as Ajak, Lia McHugh as Sprite, Don Lee as Gilgamesh and Angelina Jolie as Thena.
“The Eternals” will make their Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in theaters on November 6, 2020.
Feige spoke about the feature film “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” and detailed how the legend has been hinted at in the MCU films since the first “Iron Man.”
He then announced the confirmed casting of Simu Liu in the title role of Shang-Chi and both the actor and the director, Destin Daniel Cretton, came on stage to greet the audience. Kevin also shared with the audience the casting of Awkwafina in a yet-to-be-disclosed role. Then, Kevin revealed to the Hall H audience that the real Mandarin will be played by celebrated Chinese actor Tony Leung.
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” will be in theaters on February 12, 2021.
pretty hyped for blade desu
whoa. why the fuck is t.b.h. still filtered? it's been like 3 fucking years
>WHAT IF...?
They're going to bring RDJ back aren't they?
I don't care.
Take your cape shit back to plebbit
>no Guardians 3 or Captain Marvel 2
Where the hell is Ant-Man 3?!?!?
I need more Scott & Cassie adventures bros!
>I am really HYPED!
Really? It all looks kinda bland. There's no way Doctor Strange actually delivers on the horror they're promising
>ready for capeshit
fuck off back to redit and take your söy with you
did they seriously name a movie what if
It's an animated tv series.
I'll give Doctor Strange and Loki a chance
The rest are a hard pass
We're going to get capeshit for another decade, aren't we.
Kid, some of these characters have been in the public eye for 80 years now.
40 years ago Superman topped the charts
30 years ago Batman topped the charts
20 years ago X-Men topped the charts
10 years ago Iron Man topped the charts
Don't worry though i'm sure one day someone will make movies about your favorite chink cartoons that you can discuss about in public.
"What if" was a comic book series with shit like: What if Daredevil joined the Avengers and What if Venom had possessed the Punisher. Each issue was a new scenario.
Tfw no baby Cassie anymore
>real Mandarin will be played by celebrated Chinese actor Tony Leung.
baka desu senpai
Why are the Eternals multicultural? In the comics they are all white people.
In the comics Heimdall was a white man but the comics were written in the 60s and thus white supremacy was at it's peak.
no way Falcon, Hawkeye and Black Widow work well as individual movie, come on now, marvel drones are not that dumb and won't go see every singe movie
Thor title design gives me massive Flash Gordon vibes
>reinvent Thor in thor 3, audiences love him now
>kick him out and replace him with female Thor
This isn't even leftism, it's a stupid business decision
No. We're about to go to Mars thanks to a white man.
Trump is pres and racist.
We all use 5G thx 2 whitey.
White supremacy is now and it's great!
>posted from his phone
As bad as the capeshitters.
falcon and hawkeye are disney + shows. black widow however is a feature film which is retarded considering she is already dead and is a side character just like the other characters that are getting shows instead of movies
Stop replying to the fucking Wojack posters. They are mentally ill and/or underage. They desperatly grave any form of human attention, because they got non in the real world. Just don't give it to them.
Surprisingly interested in this.
You can really tell how the noose is starting to tighten around the capeshit era.
Most of the original MCU actors are getting replaced and they're really starting scrape the bottom of the barrel for more material to turn into film.
They didn't make enough money last time so they're gone baby, gone.
Looks like trash.
Only interested in dr Strange
I fucking wish they were actually scraping for shit to use. I've been waiting on a Nova movie forever now and this just confirms they're not using him. Hell I'm pretty sure Beta Ray Bill won't get used in the new Thor so his best chance is in Guardians.
This. Remember when they used to make movies about big and important characters like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man? Eternals looks like it could very easily be Marvel's first major flop. Capeshit fatigue is at an all-time high and nobody knows who Eternals is.
They wont kick Thor out. The MCU isn't anywhere near as comics accurate as people like to pretend. Just look at Civil War or A Weekend at Ultrons
>tell my young cousin that another thor movie is coming out
>gets really excited as thor is now his favourite superhero after ragnarok and the avenger movies
>then tell him that the love interest from the first 2 movies is thor
>face goes from a massive grin, to confusion, and then a look of pure disappointment
>What if...?
>What If...everyone was a black woman?
No thank you. i don't want this. Dr Strange and Blade are good. Everything else is about side characters that won't work on their own to carry a full script.
The only What If scenario I'm interested in is "What if the other half of the universe got dusted" That's bound to be one of them
i made a promise that I wont succumb to any capeshit films after seeing Endgame
but if DS2 is going to be a wild balls-off-the-walls trip induced shit show then fuck it, im in
im in all the way
They already confirmed the cast for all the What if? episodes.
What if and multiverse are the only things keeping this agenda representation trash train rolling. Fuck these feminist cunts. Im actually mad about movies i waited my entire child hood to be made.. atvleast we got infinity war.
They can repeat this formula ad infinitum, can't they
Dr. Strange has Elizabeth Olsen in it so yeah.
Hopefully fake Mandarin gets to be in it too
>real Mandarin dies
>drugged out actor Ben Kingsley Mandarin takes the rings and becomes a better Mansarin than the original
Itd never happen because Kingsley is white male in a post woke hollywood but itd be fun to see
My friend told me they wanted Nat for Thor. I didn’t believe it & I barely do now.
This was the character so fucking useless and boring they wrote her out. Good god. Why? Even Valkyrie makes more sense.
The Strange movie is probably going to have Shuma in it so it's bound to be interesting. The first already had a black dude and they killed off their female lead.
imagine being such a pathetic incel that you can't stand seeing more hot women in movies
>kingsley is a white male
Nigga wat
Disney got to keep Hemsworth around for future movies, chances are it's giving her the hammer to appease the female crowd and Thor himself keeps his battle axe and full on lightning abilities, Thors a God of thunder not hammers
Imagine seeing such trash as this
How they keep getting away with it? Just making the same movie over and over again? Will people ever stop watching capeshit?
imagine being a lying faux-hipster on the internet
that's top shilling my dude.
and literally only "what if" is remotey interesting
Only hope I have for the next phase of marvel movies is that eventually it reaches full on into the magic and horror shit.
>Dr. Strange
>Sony is doing a Morbius the living Vampire movie
>according to how you see agents of Shield multiple Ghostriders could already be running around behind the scenes
I mean a Midnight Sons movie is an actual possibility at this point
Stacked up against full on slant eyed asians, the blackest of blacks, and brownest of Indians they'd still call him a white male because even though hes a good bit Indian hes still got a good bit white European in him.
They did announce both guardians 3 and cap marvel 2. I guess they aren't in this picture cause they are obvious
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.
None of these looks exciting. Most of these are TV shows too, how tf would that work?
It's a way to get more people to subscribe to Disney+ by hiding half of the MCU behind a pay wall
>None of these looks exciting
Yeah, they're just titles.
Only RDJ and Chris Evans left. I'm not sure about the others though, but I can see ScarJo leaving after Black Window because her character was killed off.
Is the ten rings a chinese thing? How will they explain the arabs in iron man?
Mandarin doesn't care about ethnicity.
maybe each ring is a cell organization in different points on the planet
The Arabs in Iron Man were likely an arm of the Ten Rings. We already know that Ben Kingsleys "Mandarin" was killed by an agent of the actual Mandarin. I can't remember if they said Ben Kingsley's character had plastic surgery in Iron Man 3 or not but I'd like him back as the proper Mandarin
Most of them were bleak and everybody died.
I actually loved What if Wolverine became Lord of the Vampires. Punisher as a vamp hunter was a great idea.
actually, he'll be cgi most of the time
>Kick him out
Was it confirmed he wont be in it at all?
>Thor Love and thunder
Is that a nod to “Blood and Thunder” from Warcraft?
Also most of these titals are terrible
A Red Room movie taking place in many time periods would have been a better idea.
Blood and Thunder was a Thor comic in the 90's, dumb-dumb. It had Thanos as a good guy.
>studio makes movie based on chink cartoons
>”doesn’t look like muh-waifu, why couldn’t they cast someone that looks/acts like a twelve year old rape victim !?!”
Weebs are cancer
>capeshit does kung fu
>literally the perfect opportunity for classic hong kong martial arts comedy to come back
>cast some fucking sitcom actor in the lead role
>Then, Kevin revealed to the Hall H audience that the real Mandarin will be played by celebrated Chinese actor Tony Leung
Marvel blowing the fuck out of brainlets who complained about the Mandarin being white washed, when they heavily hinted Kingsley wasn't the actual Mandarin
After the shitfest that was Iron Fist?
Why? It's going to be full of cgi, bad stunt doubles, etc. anyway.
I doubt that their idea to make it like Crouching Tiger is going to be wirefu and real fighting.
this is a trash take and a cope if I've ever seen one, if anything the MCU will be more lit now, senpai *dab* xD
>studio makes movie based on chink comic
>use CG to make character look EXACTLY like the animu waifu
>Marvel blowing the fuck out of brainlets who complained about the Mandarin being white washed, when they heavily hinted Kingsley wasn't the actual Mandarin
There's so much to unpack here that I don't even know where to begin
Sorry mr comic book fan.
>thanos as a good guy
I thought that was endgame?
I don't know what an Iron Fist is (because I don't watch netflix) but I'm interested in the Ten Rings lore and the Mandarin, not in whatever you're upset about.
>All that announced on the same day Endgame destroys Avatar as the top grossing movie of all time
Holy fucking BASED. Feels good being a MarvelCHAD.
Die mad, haters :^)
>After the shitfest that was Iron Fist?
Because they weren't made by the same people at all?
No Endgame was a Captain Britain story where The Fury kills Mad Jim Jaspers.
the netflix shows were done by different creative team and kevin feige wasn't involved in them, so I wouldn't be worried about that
good lord when will this cartoon garbage end
emma fuhrmann needs to say something she was at comic con
>cringe quips
>cringe reddit comic relief side character
>over half of the movie is pointles shit that don't really even mean anything
>le ebin battle scene with loud ass orchestra music
fuck you and your marvel shite. i'm not watching that shit for an nanosecond you stupid mongoloid.
Well let's see here
>started in 1938
Yeah I'm guessing they're not going away in your lifetime.
You will and you know it. Nobody's fooled.
yes they are
>he thinks
I sorta hope they don't make Mandarin his father. Zheng Zhu/Fu Man Chu is a better fit and the ten rings of the Mandarin being magic sorta ruins the martial arts film that Shang Chi should be.
The one where xaivier was a bad guy and basically mind enslaved the world was cool
It actually added to the real character by showing how disciplined and moral he was with his power
They're using Mandarin because Fu Manchu probably has some copyright issues.
Wandavision is a reference to technology branding in the old days, like Smell-O-Vision, Panavision, etc
>the only interesting one in that lineup is Doctor Strange because of multiverse shenanigans
if you told me this several years ago i wouldn't believe it
Yay their literallymaking the woman/nigger era of marvel comics so exciting ...
I know about that but "Zheng Zhu" doesn't. They been using "Zheng Zhu" since the copyright was enforced.
Really don't like Whor being used. Jane being Female Thor was so boring in the comic books and I don't trust them to even translate the good design of Whor. Thor movies should be retired. Either that or make Asgard come back as part of the reincarnation cycle so they can explore more of Thor lore.
To be fair I only read the original series and the ending was perfect. No need to see my main man Chang get destroy in other Marve4l books or a shitty badly draw mini series.
Or make Thuderstrike female. At least that character was okay. Using a good character and making him female is fine if we don't get borefests like Jane Thor.
male, female, I want Frog Thor and Alien Horsey Thor aka Beta Ray Bill
it's just a rock and roll sounding name
am i remembering incorrectly or wasn't that the entire twist of rionman 3?
>after Rocket Racoon the idea was to make Frog Thor a small part of the Thor movies
>but because of the hate on pepe thing, that idea was scapped
Looks like a whole bunch of boring shit. Nobody's gonna watch this and they're gonna panic and try to bring back the Avengers again.
I'm pretty fucking hyped OP
literally giving disney free money directly into their bank account by posting about it all
It was. But SJW Marvel Drones are such brainlet they missed that part because they were too busy vibrating in anger at the sight of a "white" male culturally approriating an asian character.
I like how they call the waves of capeshit 'phase 3, phase 4' etc, it's like they're not even trying to hide that it's societal programming anymore
>being this delusional
not only that but jane foster was easily one of the worst aspects of the first 2 thor movies. completely boring character. the movie won't flop, mainly because it's marvel. but when marketing comes out and it's hershlag's face on it rather than hemsworths there won't be good reception
all the new movie's continuity is about the world getting dhittier and shittier with good guys winning at an enormous cost
last movie of Phase 4(?) is the new heroes getting together to travel back in time and save Stark, Steve and Nat (or whoever died, I only saw the first Iron man and the first Cap movie).
lol the actor looked so quintessentially arab that i'm surpised anyone cared . i thought that made sense since that entire terrorist cell was mudslimes in ironman
Angelina is about washed up as her dried out cunt
Yeah this looks like shit
but Osama bin Kingsley is Indian
Blade: Starring John Boyega
Yes, let it sink in that there are people too brainlet to get the twists in Marvel movies. They flat out had his character go 'Oh, I'm just some junkie actor, I'm not the Mandarin' and explained Pearce wasn't the Mandarin either since that would make zero sense and people still reeed about it.
>NOOOOOO stop making these movies that everyone likes! They are bad and and are all the same. I know from watching shitty cam rips of them in fast forward on my phone because I am a neet mutant with no money or friends to watch kinos in a theater with.
Honestly this. These movies are the most normie-core movies possible, to hate on them is to isolate yourself from human experience.
He looks white. To SJW that means WHITE MALE REEEE
They all sound garbage apart from Dr Strange horror movie
>Is that a nod to “Blood and Thunder” from Warcraft?
Why the fuck would you even think that?
People said the exact same thing before the first GotG (pic related made all the non-Marvel MvC players collectively seethe because it had took the spot of fan-favourites like Cable), and that turned out to be the adrenaline shot the MCU was looking for.
It still can flop, but i'm calling out unpredictability here.
>People said the exact same thing before the first GotG
>I like something because other people like it and I'll be excluded if I don't copy them!
Loki? wtf he died tho.
You suck McAnon.
Guardians had a great cast and interesting characters. Angelina Jolie and the other literal whose in the ethernals wont have that
They threw a giant pile of money at him and he came back to life
what should we do to stop capeshit bros
The only real big names were Batista and Vin Diesel. Literally nobody cared about Chris Pratt before Guardians.
>I hate something because others like it and being contrarian on an anonymous image board makes me feel better about my lack of life, work, education, sex, and makes my tiny brain and peepee feel big.
So whats about Keanu in the Eternals? Was it just rumors?
We'll post le ebin facebook frog and Reddit feels guy. That'll show them.
post angry comments on imageboards
Bradley Cooper and zoey saldana were also fairly big already. Chris pratt was basically the only one without hits under his name but he was already famous for being the fat funny guy of Parks and rec
>(to the theme of Knocking on Heaven's Door)
>I'm dab-dab-dabbing on Marvel cuuuucks~
Support animu waifu movies, like Alita.
>never ending capeshit
Should have supported Godzilla.
Thought the guy from Kims Convenience was Korean nonetheless he can take my boipussy anytime.
I have not seen a single MCU or DC movie.
Somethink snapped inside me in 2006 and I stopped watching TV and Movies. Also I stopped listening to music.
To me all of it felt wrong. I'm not muslim. Just something snapped as in
> I'm an adult now. I need to work 9-6 and there is no fun. Fun is for young people and not for an old fucker like myself.
they can, and it's fucking glorious
Right and it sounds retarded.
You already knew that though mouseshill.
>wagie can't even watch the telly in his wagie-cagie
He says, browsing an imageboard for pop culture
I refuse to believe these are real, Shang-Chi is using the fucking league of legends font
Eternals is the only one that looks like it could be a real logo
>imagine thinking any of this is kino or that you have the ability to identify it
But this is real though, you can go check yourself.
The only thing I'd maybe be interested in is Blade, and only if they bring back Wesley.
Of course, they're not gonna do that, and therefore I shall not be watching any of these shitfliks.
Everything in the MCU is trash, granted, but at least the ''phase 2'' had Ant-Man and Civil War/Winter Soldier which were, for capeshit, pretty ok.
The rest is bottom of the barrel trash, including Avengers.
>Somethink snapped inside me in 2006 and I stopped watching TV and Movies
Then why are you on this board in particular?
>pg-13 Blade
Civil War is phase 3.
>Natalie Portman female Thor
>A semite as a Nordic God
after the shit they pulled off with hawkeye in endgame, i'm not worried for blade
Go to twitter ask emma fuhrmann
>Destin Daniel Cretton
>He directed 2 Brie Larson indie movies
Brie Larson fucks Kevin Feige, isn't it?
What If
>slightly hyped
>why bother
The rest
He just killed some random Japanese people, how is that anything like Blade's blood sprinklers?
This is your brain on capeshit
mmmm wanda titties
This, also
>looks like shit, muh-ps2 graphics
>watches cam rip on tiny screen
Too white
Way too male
whats the meme illuminati thing about?
It's bizarre, they'll pull something out of their ass to bring him back at the same time all the other old guard white male characters are ended. I can't imagine what Hiddleston and Renner are doing for Feige, but then again they are only streaming series.
Killing people gets you an R rating
Killing aliens, monsters, robots and in this case vampires, generally gets you a pass
hawkeye killed a bunch of people in endgame
You can get away with real violence in PG-13. Not sure how, but you can.
it's obvious before you even look it up. it's set before he died and it's a show
To rage and vent that I have missed on so much in 13 years.
So GOTG 3 isn't coming out for many years? That seems like a poor decision.
James Gunn is too busy saving DC with Suicide Squad 2.
This. Trash eternal. Disney 9/11 when? Marvel Holocaust when?
it will likely be 2022 release along with black panther 2 and captain marvel 2
marvel is oversaturating this capeshit
Then why do you keep watching it? Why are you here, hour after hour, day after day, discussing it to the exclusion of all else?
>Agents of Non Canon
Shit show and you know it
>PG13 Blade
Blut und ehre
yea its the only marvel film im excited about
It's the deathly hallows symbol from Harry Potter
crap tier. I would read any of these as comic books, why would I pay to see them as films?
What, do you want more bleak, dark, edgy, blue and grey filtered Superman shit? Marvel has clearly found a formula that the masses enjoy while DC was too busy thinking character names would sell.
ah thanks
What if is going to be avengers from a different multiverse where Ironman is alive
Disney is so predictable
>What If series actually characters in correct races , Valkyrie as White Blonde
Marvel ran out of ideas KEK
I want my capeshit to be more like Black Mask.
Not hyped. But I'll watch them in time.
>Falcon and Bucky team up movie
Let's get it
Disney+ show
The absolute seethe of DCfags ITT is palpable.
Marvelchads are gonna be doing a lot of celebrating after we killed Avatar like we killed DC. And with all these projects coming out... the future is so bright, we gotta wear shades!
I don't think you really understood fight club
Who the fuck cares about them? This will go the same way as Inhumans
Those TV logos are so ugly holy shit
Butthurt pseuds have been saying this for at least 5 years (and 10+ marvel movies) but I'm not seeing it
>Pew Pew Pew Explosion, we got to get the big bad to stop the thing pew pew pew shitty cgi pew pew
When will this fucking trash end.
the Loki logo looks like dogshit and wandavision sounds like a a shitty infomercial product
Fucking kys. You capeshit plebs make me sick.
Project harder you seething incel.
>Now I have to keep up with a bunch of awful low-budget tv shows with a million episodes each in order to have any idea what's going on in the MCU
There's a movie called "If..."
What if Starlord didn't fuck it up in infinity war maybe?
In fairness Chris Hemsworth being a bumbling retard is pretty terrible now, so it'd be nice to have a genuine hero in that franchise
>big and important characters like Guardians of the Galaxy
I can't tell if comments like these are ironic any more
Are people unironically excited for any of this trash? If you care about absolute shite like this, why would you come here rather than one of the shithole cesspits made for circle-jerking capeshit?
>wanting a captain marvel 2
Im all for having a female avenger but the way marvel forced BW into that role never makes me not cringe.
>"Hey karate cop girl with no powers. Why dont you join us demi gods in battle. You can clearly help us tremendously!!"
Scarlett witch should have BWs place.
>"genuine hero"
i just want my historical epic back, capeshit pls go
capeshit please stop
the female crowd went to see regular Thor
what's the difference?
>Sony is doing a Morbius the living Vampire movie
sony is shitting out any spider-man related shit to keep the movie rights. Don't expect anything good.
Im still pissed marvel thought that twist was a good idea. One of the dumbest fucking things they ever did. The actual mandarin would make a fantastic villian. And if they wanted to do the whole hey it turns out mandarin was real and fake mandarin is gonna get wreckt. It should have been a post credit ending not a one off short nobody really even knows about.
i couldn't agree more. BW is perfect for movies like winter solider as a spy but not as some super powered avenger
Wesley should come back to be the new Whistler. He is old and his Vampire-human physiology is turning against him. He can only go full strength for moments at a time. He is staring down retirement because of this and he is bitter and resentful.
The previous films are cannon with necessary retcons here and there. They are alluded to. Good way to introduce he had a child, unbeknownst to him, by the chick from the first movie. A boy or girl can work on many different levels.
They old flame seeks him out because the child is manifesting powers and needs to learn to control them. Que bonding, training, fighting, and passing on the torch.
shang chi is literally just PLEASE CHINA PLEASE WATCH OUR MOVIES
Did they mention that either Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson will be playing Blade?
I wish they weren't waisting money and recourses on tv shows
When you stop paying for it.
It's an animated anthology series user
Try to not btfo yourself so hard next time
Falcon and Winter Soldier will be a fun buddy cop kind of movie, Love and Thunder will be Waititikino
Die mad
Okay Marvel I'm real happy for you and I'mma let you finish but WHERE'S MAN-THING?
>agents of shield wasn't bad enough
>now the tv shows are actually going to be important to the MCU and I'm going to have to watch some Loki shit to know what's going on in the overall story
>he doesn't want to watch endless Tom Hiddleston Loki hi-jinks
You gay or sumfin?
Loki was an uninteresting villian with boring motives
There I said it
Mockingbird when?
Hawkeye is already married though.
This is just the lineup through 2021, phase 4 is supposed to last until about 2025.
And there's already backlash all around.
Imagine a country embroiled in trade war with China and considers China one of the biggest threats to it makes a movie about a westernized Chinese martial artist superhero triumphing over his father, a quintessential racist depiction of the yellow peril, who aims to conquer the world.
Imagine if Black Panther's villain is a black man called Crow and his ability is whenever he did the pose of pic related he can steal your money. Don't worry though they reinvent the character after decades of running similar stories and now he has a son he abandoned who is a superhero using the power of rap and basketball to defeat his enemies.
>look mom! I posted it again!
i dont watch it
Obviously Fu Manchu is a racist stereotype so they changed it to be the Mandarin.... oh...
>welcome to the B side
>claims not to be interested
>spends hours every day on a Polynesian long-pork cooking forum discussing the topic anyway
i think ill watch wanda vision for olsens cleavage. other than that this looks kinda wack. im kinda tired of superhero movies. nothing from marvel will be similar to the story from iron man to endgame again.
They have to refill the bank after handing out 2/3 of their tickets to girls and black people. Can't show minorities underperforming in movie don't they.
The only one I actually want to see is the new Thor movie.
Who wouldn't want one?
>more films to get spammed all day on this board, preventing discussion of good films
And Bobbi have Hunter. Your point?
What is with all these literally who and literally what movies? There’s some fun stuff in there, but 90% of it I wouldn’t give a fuck about even as a longtime comic fan. Where the fuck are my muggas? Where’s DOOM?
Whites are better
They have the X-Men and FF just sitting there, I have no clue why they’re going for this F-list shit and side characters no one cares about
Based post.
Only /pol/tards are crying about capeshit because it interferes with their /pol/bait threads
I want to fucking die
will it ever end?
This. It's ban enough that they don't let me take bathroom breaks during my mining shifts but then they make me watch capeshit during my "downtime"? I only LOOKED at that girl, I didn't even do nothing, how long do I have to stay down here?
you're not allowed to post until you hit today's kernel quota
They'll never know unless you narc on me, and narcs fall in the molten butter pools a lot...
If you think anyone, anyone at all could live the role like Snipes did, you're more fucking delusional than he is.
>Dude you don't get it he REALLY IS BLADE
Now that Endgame is over, I am officially done with Marvel Movies. I felt like I had to see that story-line through. But now I literally have no desire to watch em anymore and I am very ok with that. Maybe I'll stream em or something if I'm with my nephew. But that's about it.
Serious question. Why hasn't DC/WB released anything similar to this? Do we even know what movies are they planing on filming?
>become captain america
>get relegated to a shitty tv show
They don't have a Kevin Feige so no, they have no plans. I'm sure they'll get a director for Flash any day now.
I can't wait to watch a 40yo jew hag being a dominant strong action lady lol
It's what people liked when watching Thor, specially the women
How can they raise the stakes, after wiping out half the universe?
>everything has to be bigger all the time
The name or the film? Because the series it's based on is pretty good.
Where's the tension? It's like the Cell saga being followed by King Piccolo. He'd be a joke to the heroes.
>Dr. Strange and Scarlett Witch duo
Only one I'm actually looking forward to
DBZ is entirely based on power wank though. If Marvel are sensible they'll focus on smaller stories with individual stakes for a while.
I don't think you understand how things work outside of Dragon Ball, spic.
>Kumail Nanjiani
>onions baka desu senpai
Its been more than three years oldfag
>Imagine if Black Panther's villain is a black man called Crow and his ability is whenever he did the pose of pic related he can steal your money. Don't worry though they reinvent the character after decades of running similar stories and now he has a son he abandoned who is a superhero using the power of rap and basketball to defeat his enemies.
But that's exactly how Killmonger is, what movie did you watched?
that's because you are dumb af
Considering the title is relatively similar to Lovecraft's At the Mountain of Madness, i wonder if the villain is Shuma-Gorath.
literally noone cares about warcraft besides chinks and blizzcucks
The only way they will fuck Blade up is if they add any social commentary about the tragedy of being black. Like they did in Luke Cage or Black Panther.
Enough already.
Oi! 'ave you got a loisence for that there telly, then?
hyped for Doctor Strange, Thor and Blade
>Ant-Man is kill
t-thanks Kevin...
I have no interest in watching any of that shit
be woke go broke hahaha
She’s fine as an avenger if they focused on her doing espionage. The scene of her interrogating Loki is perfect for her.
It gets retarded when she’s running around on the frontlines kicking robots and four armed aliens.
For Doctor Strange and maybe Eternals
The only function women have in relation to gods of thunder is getting raped by Zeus
>Don Lee as Gilgamesh
If the earlier leak about this being a tournament movie with Mordo playing as the secondary antagonist being true, then it has a good chance to be a kino.
Speaking of wich, i guess we should be glad the MCU hasn't touched yet the greek pantheon. I can't imagine what a mess a Hercules movie would have been.
>trailer literally ends with Hercules saying "Cool story bro."
>average MCU audience literally ejaculates
What dark times we live...
So basically, an even more neutered down version of the Mortal Kombat movie.
Really scrapping the bottom of that barrel now. Who in the world wants to see Falcon?
Like fucking Tenkaichi Budokai? Why do I not know about this?
dragon ball didn't invent tournaments
Are there going to be any white male heroes left? Spider-Man is a faggot who looks like a breeze of wind could take him out and nobody cares about Dr Strange. What's going to be left? They really need the X-Men. It's the only franchise left with any value they've yet to be able to use. Then again they'll probably use the little girl version of Wolverine knowing these morons.
Screencap this post, The Rock will be cast as The Thing
Isn't Richard Madden the MC in Eternals?
>pg13 quippy marvel blade
>chris pratt, sitcom actor
>now the modern kurt russell
you are based and retardpilled
I’m so sick of this fucker appearing in everything. He’s not charming or funny or anything really.
half of those are tv shows. I know for a fact that Falcon/Winter Soldier is being hyped for Disney+, as well as Loki
she looks handpicked from a shouldn't share thread
no where close to comic accurate. Like DC, they are just ripping off the titles of the best selling comic arcs. I wouldn't be surprised if the next spiderman is titled "Sins of the Father" or they have [a] "Secret Wars" movie[s], anything that someone with a hint notion of the comics would pay out their teeth to see