When someone makes fun of Disney's Star Wars

>when someone makes fun of Disney's Star Wars

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When's Quinton's child porn arrest?

>when someone says they've never played a Nintendo Switch before

you made me spit out my drink in laughter

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>when someone says they actually like TGWTG



Someone needs to convince him to make a video on pic related. Think of the fallout

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>contrapoints will save YouTube!

Jesus christ

Ppl actually watch this guy?


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the best part about people making fun of soibois is the fact that they look exactly like soibois too

just virgin white guys marking fun of other virgin white guys.

>when someones gay best friend didn't join the military

>when someone says they don't drink onions

Not everyone on here is an incel like you

That's a nu-male, user

What's the dealio with Quinton right now? Last I paid attention to him, he was having a freakout and complete shutdown over people not liking him for telling Mumkey he was glad his channel got banned.

what happened to mumkey?


did he kill himself yet?

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mumkey cheated on his gf with some furry then started doing acid weekly and lost his fucking mind and now is marrying the furry even though she slept with a minor and cucked him twice. basically the gay fat numale will continue to enjoy success and happiness because he's fits in the hamster wheel while the guy who had a bit of sense and saw clownworld for what it was is now doomed to be miserable as he further chases delusion and rejects reality.

not yet.

Mumkey is a story I know about: after losing his channel, one of his best friends, Assburger, started abusing alcohol and Jackie, his girlfriend. Mumkey intervened when Jackie contacted him for help by calling the police, leading to Assburger's arrest. Jackie blamed Mumkey on it and started spreading rumors about him, claiming Mumkey had sex with his sister (Mumkey has no sister), but the main takeaway is that Mumkey lost not only his channel but one of his closest friends.
Mumkey's girlfriend, sheepover, saw that Mumkey was depressed, so she encouraged him to go out and meet fans. Mumkey did, and had sex with the first fan he met, a woman named Liu. Liu is an artist who draws all sorts of furry deviant shit, is into all kinds of deviant shit (her f-list includes shit like "knotting"), and she also fucked a 15 year old as an adult. Anyways, a friend of Mumkey's gets pissed at Mumkey and reveals all the cheating. Sheepover and Mumkey do couple's counseling, and sheepover is willing to work things out, but Mumkey says no and moves to live near his family and continue dating Liu. Liu, meanwhile, is still fucking this 15 year old, and loves him more than she loves Mumkey. Mumkey got cucked by a 15 year old. So, in order to keep Liu, Mumkey proposes to her, and she accepts, although she still talks to (and probably fucks) the 15 year old (who even to this day insists that Liu is "his bitch"). There is also a third man, turning this love triangle into a love square, who Liu stalked and harassed when he dumped her, and obsessed over even while fucking Mumkey and the 15 year old. The third man alleges there's even more guys, but so far, those other men/boys (since the third man claims they're underage) haven't come forward. Josh at Kiwi Farms offered a bounty on her nudes but so far, no pics.

Meanwhile, Mumkey makes a couple videos trying to defend his actions and act like he doesn't care, and how great pills are and other shit. He says he'll go on Dick Masterson's (one of his friend's) podcasts, then bails at the last fucking minute and announces, via his Patreon, that he's quitting (even though he gave Joji shit for quitting without making a video). He says he'll get a real job and just do Youtube as a hobby (but he's not going to delete his Patreon).
There was also rumor that Liu had dirt on Mumkey, specifically a sex tape.
And that's all the gay shit.

>(her f-list includes shit like "knotting")
Should I even ask?

Apparently a dog's cock swells and knots up during sex to prevent it from being dislodged. In other words


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