Remember when people would get bullied for liking superheroes? can we bring that back?

remember when people would get bullied for liking superheroes? can we bring that back?

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I'd rather live in a world where I get constantly mocked for liking Star Trek than have all of this type of shit happen.

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I actually want black Snow White to happen. Imagine the backlash, they'll have to course-correct themselves.

they would have to call it Black Ice.

They’d call it coal black and da sebben dorbs... oh wait

I dont get it

Snow = Ice
White = Black

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It would be Coal Black, brainlet.

Men always liked heroes. But back then men pretended to be mature in order to attract females (and females pretended to be caring and kind in order to attract males). When it was made obvious that the only factor of attraction was LHMS (being mature would be a small part of S), men didn't care anymore and went full manchild.

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"my girls"
aka white women

since black women don't actually watch this disney cracker crap

>caring about disney princesses
For me all female character can be black just to spite white women and stir more shit in feminist circles.

Already been done, and her name was Coal Black.

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But if young males of all ethnicities are programmed to be attracted to black women then you’re free to have your pick of the white girls.

>midgets half price
>japs free
Pretty based.


Which one of you watermelon eating, wide nose having, white woman raping , basketball playing, gun shooting niggers[spoiler/] made this?

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but i already have a mixed race gf.

>tfw all of Pocahontas’ descendants are white

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they stole this from you

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Why do people demand fictional characters be some type of self insert?
Can't they enjoy a story without being a part of it?
Am I just too patrician to understand plebeian behavior?

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