Why do girls hate Elliot Rodger again?

Why do girls hate Elliot Rodger again?
>supreme gentleman
>his dad is a filmmaker
>smart(he's half asian)
Where did it go wrong? What did he do wrong?

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Serial killer vibe


no charisma, no charm. was full of himself

based wisdom

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He just expected women to fall in love with him and suck his cock without putting any work into it. In fact, he just kind of expected good things to happen to him, as seen by him blowing a ton on the lotto and then being shocked when he didn't win.
A large reason for his attitude is based on how he was raised. His father was largely out of the picture, and thus he was raised by his mother, a woman who never had to work for her riches but instead was just given them because a rich man fell in love with her. Indeed, if Elliot had been a woman, she easily would have lost her virginity and probably gotten married off to some rich white or Jewish guy like her mommy. That's basically where his little sister is at right now.

/thread actually

Based. Can't find a single flaw with his plan.

>He just expected women to fall in love with him and suck his cock without putting any work into it. In fact, he just kind of expected good things to happen to him,
that is exactly what happens to chad

Dumbass thought that men would be come non sexual without women being around. I’m convinced he was a closet fag, because his ideal world is a fags paradise.

How was he not a Chad?? He had money, good looking face, and didn't have any serious disabilities.

women in general hate asian men, even if they are a hapa

asian men are bottom tier. always.

A Chad does not look like a twink user. He was way to feminine looking, girls for the most part like masculine men, homos like dudes that look like boys or little girls.

5'9", 4 inch dick, asian, and autism

If he was gay he would be getting his ass pounded all day long probably.

I know a number of the dudes he mentioned as absolutely hating. They barely remembered him, and when they found out laughed their asses off.

Dude was a real dunce

Without invoking human rights or other such memes explain what was wrong with his idea

So you want to live in a world with no women? Yeah a big no from me. In 10 years it would just be a world of dudes fucking each other in the ass. Id rather have pussy.

Did you not read it? There are still women but they are imprisoned and starved and tortured in slave labor camps.

He also says they would be artificially inseminated and locked away from regular society. Men would not know women exist, there would be buttfucking in no time. Count me out.

He was some kind of Asian/Native — natural pussy repellent

Also he was a short effeminate Asian male in so cal who only wanted a blonde bombshell. He never had a chance unless he was a self made multi millionaire. Basically his delusional expectations were way too high.

asians aren't smart though

1. male hapa
2. short
4. little to no social skills

Elliot was too cowardly to take the trannypill

This attracts women though.
t. have been told my numerous women I come off as a serial killer, and yet I have had bareback sex and came inside numerous women in my city.

His plan is retarded. Let’s play the tape through, shall we?
>imprison all women
>men quickly become gay
>men no longer have families
>war breaks out immediately as there is no power structure in place
>world becomes a hellish landscape within 5 years because everyone is genociding everyone else
>descent into apocalyptic madness within a decade while resistance fighters continuously try to rescue women from guards who are probably trying to rape them every day
Yeah, this guy was a regular genius.

Dude was seriously mentally ill and most certainly had some type of autism. Like this is super obvious if you actually read his manifesto (or listened to Mumkey Jones's fantastic audio book version like I did)

He would go into a fit when he would walk by an attractive girl and they wouldn't go up TO HIM, he had literally no idea how human interaction works.

His insecurity.
He reeked of desperation. If he just acted chill he probably would have done fine with the ladies.

He's rich yet failed to get any girls. LOL,

Because he was a loser + penis envy

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then explain Prince. there's a large group of women who get turned on by androgynous guys.

>majority die off only the survivors are left to rebuild
he was a genius

That was the 80’s, man. Shit was different

If you read reports of people who knew him, he was a grade A autist. Nearly mute in social situations. People would try to include him and he would give monosyllabic replies and go off to isolate himself.

All faggots here know nothing about chads
A chad isnt about money or possession is mostly looks and a chad give women a protection aura, elliot gave women a creep aura which is the complete opposite of the chad aura

Women do approach men though, as long as the guy is good looking

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>There are people, ON THIS BOARD, RIGHT NOW, who think this way
Jesus christ

Rodger is a phallic man.
His entire life was about being desired by women (his mother), which is the single most repellent thing to a woman.
Sane women only date men who have accepted their castration.


To add to this:
For Rodger, sex is The Thing: that which his desire is always circling but which the pleasure principle prevents him from actually attaining.
Think of the Joker in TDKR when he says he is a dog chasing cars. He wouldn't know what to do with one if he caught it.
Even if Rodger had sex, he would still be an incel. He wouldn't know what to DO with it.

everybody would just turn into a fag in a world without women

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some do, the large majority of women will not make the first move

What about gay people though?

Chad's have to learn too retard.

>that is exactly what happens to chad
No, Chads actually have to put themselves out there and put work into it, same as everyone else. If a Chad acted like Elliot did and just awkwardly sat at a bench waiting for some girl to just land right on his penis while fuming at couples, that Chad would never get laid. Meanwhile, a girl who just hangs around will eventually catch to eye of some guy who wants to get his dick wet and will pursue her.

>Even if Rodger had sex, he would still be an incel.
That's not how the word "incel" works, you retard.


Rice nigger genes and anyone who carry them could never be handsome. That is why male cosmetic surgery is quite popular in most of the East Asian countries.

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the only difference here is hair gel
everything else is minimal, they pretty much look the same

When I was in college I knew a dude who acted like Elliot Roger, and that was before the shootings.
Always bitching and whining about how women reject him and yet
>he flirted with a chick in front of her boyfriend, a Chad, but he’s such a weaklet Chad didn’t need to defend her since she was strong enough to scare him off
>a girl from his class accepted to have some coffee with him at starbucks, he immediately thought it meant she wanted his dick, tried to kiss her, she shoved him away
>he pursued the same girl for weeks, when confronting her about his feelings, she still rejects him, he immediately punched the wall right next to her face, she had to change college after that
>after changing college, she also changed her phone number so he could stop spamming her, he begged everybody to get her new phone number

And it goes on like this. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up getting dicked in the ass by some fag as he was so desperate.

>If a Chad acted like Elliot did and just awkwardly sat at a bench waiting for some girl to just land right on his penis while fuming at couples, that Chad would never get laid.
pure incel


instead of writing women off completely, he was obsessed with them