Great fucking choice for the new blade

Great fucking choice for the new blade

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fuck you bitch i want the tax evading nigger

I agree, and making the Netflix shows non-canon is the icing on the cake.

Hes got a deep voice and looks cool, but this fucker couldn't do his own stunts like Wesley Snipes.

How can you even know that

Should have been a red head

remember when Blade came out and everyone went to see it not because Blade was black but simply because he was badass as fuck?
the second half of the 90s was the utter peak of balanced technology, peace, comfort, race relations and civilization and I barely caught a glimpse of it.

He's decent choice but obviously nothing can substitute absolute madman that is Wesley eyes shut closed Snipes.

It's incredible how internet allowed liberals to fuck things up.

blame retard cops for shooting any black person
>cops shooting black people
>this means wypipo alll badd!!!

Man that scene at the club where blood starts raining is beautiful. Wish movies were still shot on film

Wesley Snipes is a top tier kino name too

1995 - 1999 was a postracial society in the west, or at least the genuine beginnings of one. plenty were ready to move on but because some were not here we are.

The day that everyone finally realizes that everyone around them can and will film them and upload it to the entire world in a few seconds will be a good day

I agree, Snipes is too old. Just make this shit R rated. Maybe ill give this new woke MCU a chance

>hey what about... ladders

it was obviously intentional

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One step away from playing Dutch, i can feel it.

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Holy shit just realized this

I can't believe I didn't see this before, holy fuck that would be PERFECT

Who would play Revy tho?

i'm so fucking down it hurts.
god damn this is gonna be kino

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this but mild chuck

He'll never top Snipes but he's probably the only great working black actor in his age range atm.

Isn’t it gonna be weird that the same actor played 2 different people in the MCU?

>go to work
>get shot at by blacks
>try to stop innocent people from being raped, mugged or shot at by blacks
>ultimately need to fire back to stop the blacks

Funny how the context always proves the darkie was in the middle of a violent crime during the shooting, huh?

>>ultimately need to fire back to stop the blacks
Sometimes, yeah sure, but when someone is running away you don't need to fill the air with fucking bullets

1) i haven't seen blade, should i watch them tomorrow?
2) shouldn't the old blade be first casting choice? there are no heroes over 40
3) why didn't they white wash him? I'd watch it if they made him white.

She's gonna be in the movie and you can't do anything about it

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Kill yourself mouse shill

>always proves
It doesn't tho


1) yes
2) too hype watch Blade
3) kys then watch Blade

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the sad thing is that you are absolutelly right. early 2000 i was a kid and my fave hero was Spawn, because he was cool and not a BBQed nog. Damn, boi, i miss the early 2000´s. I miss the days of peace.

why cant they get snipes to play blade?

should have made him a white ginger

>but when someone is running away you don't need to fill the air with fucking bullets
Sure you do. They shouldn't be running away if they're innocent. Obey LEO instructions -> don't get shot. It's super simple.

>) shouldn't the old blade be first casting choice? there are no heroes over 40
Snipes is 56
>3) why didn't they white wash him? I'd watch it if they made him white.
Haha your topical humor is funny user haha

>pg-13 blade
>with the guy from that gay movie and the season of true detective nobody watched


august 1999 - august 2001 were such fresh years full of hope.

This is unironically the only thing Marvel Studios has right now that has any promise?
>Black Widow
>Doctor Strange 2
>Disney+ Series?

Don't know yet user. Awkwafina can play that ballsy personality that Revy has but i cant see her looking like her.

I can't wait for Snipes himself to chime in on this. You know he's been hoarding copious amounts of salt for just this occasion.

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>commit crime for which penalty is not death
>run away from law enforcement, clearly not threatening anyone else
>cops pass a death sentence on you anyways
Go masturbate to your police state fantasies somewhere else

Exactly, nothing there is grabbing my attention.


Nice try mods.
This is the post I replied to.

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Fantasy world
How it should be ain't how it is

Guardians 3 but that won't happen for years

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Keep telling the truth brother

Why didn't they pick a redhead to play Blade?

>be nigger, commit crimes, all the time
>ignore orders & run away from cops after crime - because they're running they should be let go (LOL)
>their monkey asses justifiably get shot
*dialate* *drumpf! drumpf! *dialate*

Hopefully Blade won't appropriate Asian martial arts through the use of a katana and Chinese fighting styles like in previous movies. Hopefully the same will be true of future Deadpool movies.

Civil society is enforced by violence, user. Read a book sometime lmao

There's a reason a Black Widow film wasn't made for ten fuckin' years. Nobody cares and Shang-Chi is literally the most boring and "Who?" character of all time.

Guardians (and Thor 2) is exactly why Eternals won't do as well as everyone hopes. What more could they do in a wacky space adventure?

Has Blade guy always been black? What if they cast a white guy?

>blacks shoot blacks to death constantly
>***utter silence***
>occasional black gets killed by a cop, 9 times out of 10 justifiably with video evidence proving it was justifiable

Revy? Angelababy.

Why isn't the new Blade white?

Step 1: don't commit crimes

It does. The nigger is always a negative for society

Is this some subtle new meme meant to expose the hypocrisy of changing characters skin colors?

It's meant to expose the hypocrisy of bitching about them being changed TO white, while constantly changing them FROM white.

It's not that people shouldn't be punished for committing crime, it's just that I don't think people should be put to death for dealing drugs or stealing a car

>new meme
Saying things like Hitler can be played by a fat black woman and Black Panther by a white Aryan dude is not new.

>the cops are the ones who are retarded

Yeah sure thing pal.

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I sincerely hope they don't ruin the movie with superhero team-ups and cameos.

Like okay let him show up in a Spider-Man flick I guess but keep him away from the other shit

>when you watch a 90s rap video and they are well spoken with minimal swearing

the jews were having none of it

White people deserve to suffer. They all be working jobs and sheet and only give us some of their money. They should give us all of their money. Whipepo be stringy.

>I don't think people should be put to death for dealing drugs or stealing a car
That's not what it's for.
It's for refusing to comply with police, and most often fighting with them and/or making sudden maneuvers that MIGHT be pulling a gun on them.

>when you watch a 90s rap video and they are well spoken with minimal swearing
>minimal swearing
>the 90s showcased the rise of gangsta rap
>minimal swearing
You're retarded right?


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90's rap is fucking Shakspearian compared to faggots today.

>It's for refusing to comply with police
You shouldn't be put to death for refusing to comply
Sure if they attempt to pull a gun or otherwise be a threat then put them down, but if someone is running away you shouldnt be allowed to just gun them down

Oh, that's actually a pretty good cast i guess.

Truth, but don't be a dumbshit and act like the era that brought us FUCK THE POLICE had minimal swearing

>if someone is running away you shouldnt be allowed to just gun them down
That rarely happens vs the overall # of police shootings. But they shouldn't be let go either, otherwise why wouldn't everyone just run away?

I wasn't even the one you replied to originally.

Literally the only choice they could have made that wouldn’t have worked me into a seethe. That said, FUCK Marvel I still ain’t watching this poo poo diarrhea.

i blame the occupy wallstreet fags for doing a halfassed wojak revolution that pushed the jews to putting the propaganda machine into over-time, distracting people with identity politics bullshitt, making sure everything is "diverse" to piss people off, BMWF couples into everything, blackwashing everything, pushing white on black crime to the forefront of every new station, all to distract everyone from rising up and bathing ourselves in the blood of the wealthy and powerful

>You shouldn't be put to death for refusing to comply

>be cop
>catch nigger commiting crimes
>ask nigger to put his hands up
>he dives and reaches into his saggy pants


>shoot the nigger

>Invite the nigger to discuss contemporary race politics

Did you choose B? Because you just got shot by the gun he pulled. You didn't die, but you will wear a colostromy bag for life, your dick won't work, your disability will run out, your wife will leave you, your kids will grow to resent caring for you and white liberals will blame you and laugh at you.

occupy got infiltrated and destroyed from the inside but yeah pretty much

You're essentially agreeing with what he agreed with & just beating a dead horse.

For the Chink film. I wonder how far the shill media and progressive will race guilt people to go see this film? Will they go as hard as they did for Black Pander?

>can't even have a thread about blade without political bullshit
Fuck sake

>not shooting someone automatically means letting them go
Why are people being retarded

Wesley Snipes couldn't even open his fucking eyes.

A shot in the leg isn't fatal & is entirely justified IMO if you're dumb enough to run.
But if the cop misses & it's a fatal shot, he should have to deal with the consequences.

>commit crime
>decide to bypass the justice system entirely and run away
>cop shoots you

why didn't he show his eyes?
>he just didn't

Can Wesley Snipes blush? They never did explain that.

Welcome to 2019, it's only going to get worse.

>Oswalt recalls that Snipes would stay in character throughout the whole shoot for the film, and when Oswalt introduced himself, Snipes simply said "I'm Blade". Furthermore, "a lot of the lines that Ryan Reynolds has were just a result of Wesley not being there".

>It all came to a head when Wesley Snipes apparently sat down with David Goyer and said, according to Oswalt, "I think you need to quit. You're detrimental to this movie". And apparently, Goyer's response was "Why don't you quit? We've got all your close-ups and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in".

>"And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note 'From Blade'".

is this the alita nigger? i liked his character, it was surprisingly appropriate for a black guy

It was a different time.

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>remember when i was a kid and everything was great

why didn't they cast him as an asian woman?

>A shot in the leg
Yeah because everyone can just randomly become Deadshot. You're trained to hit the chest for a reason. Are you the same kind of person who says "why didn't they just shoot the gun from his hands?"

They shouldve gotten a white guy. That would make me feel included in this vampire killing story.


>he can't shoot the wings off a fly
Kek what a shitter.

>everyone can just randomly become Deadshot
Honestly, if you can't shoot a fleeing suspect from behind in the leg while you're standing still from a distance less than that of half a fucking football field they shouldn't give you a fucking gun nor badge in the first fucking place.

>discussion of movie just announced
have sex

If they're black just shoot them in the head honestly.

Remember when Hollywood could make a movie about a black superhero without the internet calling it white genocide?

a shot in the leg can absolutely be fatal retard. Your femoral artery is there.

All cops should be required to have Stands. I mean, how are they supposed to enforce the law otherwise?

why does he have a conehead

It's not that he couldn't; he just...didn't.

his head is normal shaped just the haircut

Then don't fucking run from the guy you know damn well has the legal authority to kill you to escape a fucking possession charge.

absolutely fucking BASED

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should've been hannibal

That last bit hurt since I honestly liked luke cage And the whole Harlem vibe the show had

Hollywood doesnt care about chinks as much as with nigglets

I did as well, but
>unrated Netflix series
>"mature" & violent
>has to fucking censor "Bring da motherfucking Ruckus"

Honestly when cotton mouth got fucking murdered by the crazy bitch I was surprised

do you honestly think in 15 years time people will be going "wow 2016-2019 was such a great time to be a kid!"

Every single generation does this shit.

I really don't think it will be the case, these have just been too fucked due to politics no matter who you are. Either the left is mad because everyone is a racist bigot nazi or the right is mad because all of their movies/games etc are being ruined, add onto that how popular social media has been in the last ~10 years which isn't something people can exactly look back at fondly. It's just been a steaming pile of shit honestly.

Is she gonna be black too?

There is far more poetic rap in this half of the decade, but mainstream rap has always had easy-to-digest subject matter and basic production.

Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.

Shang-Chi seems interesting. I like kung fu movies and they're including the real Mandarin in this one, which they said they've been building up to.

It really has little to nothing to do with how things actually are, and everything to do with everyone looking back on their youth fondly regardless, unless they had a truly shit one.


blade is the matrix for black people

Blade fanbase is overwhelmingly white

the human blood farm fucked me up when I first saw it tbqh. I was like 12 IIRC

I totally agree but the film is in the hands of Disney, so, it's going to fucking suck.

Will never be better than Snipes. Snipes is the perfect Blade.
Never read the Blade comics btw.

Based Purple. He's already faced Deacon Frost.


will the movie be r-rated and will Mahershala actually preform his stunts/ hand to hand combat?

Based and redpilled

Social Media fucked everything up.

>I honestly liked luke cage

Mike Colter was trash as Luke Cage tho

with so goddamn many kids killing/mutilating each other and themselves because there's nothing worth living for but dying for? the rest on medication deluding them into non-thinkers? that's a real hoot.

The marvel cinematic universe is only canon one way.
Everything that happens in the movies is canon in the shows, nothing that happens in the shows is canon in the movies, unless a director explicitly makes it so.

will he open his eyes?

This OP post seems so bad. like a shill post with little thought put into it or someone that's trying to sound like a shill.

In Northern Europe; Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, police are trained to explicitly aim for limbs, like the legs, if there's no necessary need for lethal force.
I have Swedish, Danish and Norwegian friends who are police officers and order of confrontation is usually;
>Try to talk the suspect into going peacefully
>Threaten the suspect verbally
>Pepper spray/stun-gun/baton/physical force
>Fire a warning shot into the air
>Aim for legs to disable the suspect
>Aim for center of mass but use the least amount of force necessary
Every shooting by an officer is subject to an independent investigation. Intentional lethal force should only be used when there's a direct confirmable threat to life of the officers or the public. So it's basically only permitted to shoot to kill if the suspect has a firearm in a threatening manner.

Once a suspect has been taken down by a shot, medical care should be administered immediately, if all the necessary steps are followed and the suspect dies from blood lose, it's usually unfortunate but acceptable.

A few years ago in my town a man with a machete charged some officers and was shot once in the leg, and while the officers were cleared of wrong doing from the shooting they were reprimanded for not going him medical care quickly enough so he bled out.

oh god I fucking forgot about that shit. what a legend.

kino characters
subpar plot

Is he a fag in this too? How many movies have they made him a cocksucker in. Moonlight, that one where he's down south with viggo mortensen, and true detective?

Didn't that album come out in the 80s?

Good luck with that.
Dude scandanavia has no idea what is in store for them with their new immigrants.

So what about all those times when whites have gotten shot by cop?

never been a huge rape fan, but what i hate most about modern rap is the lyrics being fucking nonsensical just so that they rhyme and have a flow

nah, it was the bank bailouts. right after Obama took office. It basically told everyone that the system is fucked and there's no justice. everyone's just been getting crazier and crazier since then.

yeah I was thinking about this not too long ago
back then I haven't even seen a black person in real life but loved Blade, Bad Boys, Eddie Murphy films
being x skin color was not the selling point of a movie, wonder where we went so wrong, but I agree with

He's too old. Dude is almost 50

She's a red head, so yes.

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Yeah, compare the reactions to Blade with Black Panther.

>but loved Blade, Bad Boys, Eddie Murphy films
I still love those movies and all those 90s hood movies.

>never been a huge rape fan
Same here but it was better in the 90s, I agree. They just don't struggle like they used to.

It's gonna be a waste of casting because of it's PG-13 rating

Black don't crack. Samuel L Jackson is 70, and was 61 when the first Avengers came out.

Blade won't work in todays world. Trenchcoats, techno and katanas does not fit in the modern world, only early 2000s.

Samuel L Jackson isn't playing someone who needs to fight vampires and do choreography.

>Everyone went to see it
This is a zoomer board. They have only seen blade on Netflix or Amazon prime

We were young and things were simple. I'll admit I thought Spawn was the most badass movie back then

>new Blade is the guy Alita stabbed
Isn't he too short for that?

Also, there's absolutelly no fucking way he is 1,88 meters, the insecure manlet most likely lied.

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Another character black washed. Will it ever end?

>morpheus drinkin a 40th in a death basket

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Bullshit. I remember when the swedish guy swordsman walked in to a school. They just shot him center mass. Not the legs. Why are you spreading lies on the internet?

Is that fucking Hannibal Buress?

holy shit

>he thinks black people like vampire movies

I thought he looked like Blade in Alita.

You mean during the time period a democrat was in charge? 90s progress was all slick Wilkie asshole.


modern liberals are destroying all forms of art

by "art" you mean "capeshit and video games." don't pretend you /pol/ rats know anything about art.

Fancy that. Fans appreciating a superhero movie where the superhero casting choice looks like the comic book counterpart.

The fuck you mean? Mother fucker doeant even have a widows peak. Just because he won some awards you think hes a good fit for the tole FUCK OUTTA HERE.

dem cops shootin black ppl fo no reason smdh, he wuz gone church helpin his momma, shit be fucked yo

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>libshit thinking he knows even the first thing about what is and is not art


This is going to be fucking garbage. Snipes was Blade, and without Snipes, it isn't Blade. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt as fuck.

Just because the old movie was good doesn't mean this will be. It'll be Blade making transphobic vampires explode into fairy dust and some strong womyn shit. PG-13 ensures it

Is Nicole our girl?

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1) It's a great first movie, decent second and think silly third if I remember right
2) Old blade is too old, Wesley Snipes was also awesome in Demolition Man
3) It's a black character in the comic

I'm a zoomer but I saw it on VCR when I was younger

Al Simmons isn't resurrected into his own body. Very early on he tries to regenerate only to find out that it's the reanimated corpse of a cracker, specifically to stop him from wasting all his power trying to take back his old life.

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I like the actor, but he's no Wesley Snipes.

here's your new blade bro

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>he didn't get it
He tried to cover up his burned flesh with skin but the magic backfired and he turned white. Later on he was able to properly regenerate his skin.
The body itself isn't his but isn't of a white dude either, seeing as how Al Simmons's remains are still in the grave. His new body is just a copy of what he looked like after he was burned. It's made out of necroplasm.

>reaches into his pants for something
Yeah, I'd shoot him too.



It's a good choice until you realize that it's being made by nu-Marvel so ìts going to absolutely suck ass.

This. People were hyped about Simmons playing JJJ and what happened? They turned him into the exact fucking opposite of what JJJ is.

Matrix is the Matrix for black people dumbass
>t. Black person

>unironically using strawmen

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Wesley is Blade. Blade is still the best capeshit ever.

Blade is a codename.

You passed the test, you can come in.

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The only problem with blade is the awful CGI at the end.
Otherwise its a nearly flawless fantasy-horror action movie.

The white guy appearance he takes on is that of the most dominant soul of the Legion inside Spawn, Jim Downing.

But didn't Jim become Spawn at some point? Fuck man, I'm confused.
I skipped the Downing saga entirely.

I stopped reading after issue 50 when he goes back to hell and gets his face ripped off.

I'll have to see a trailer before I pass judgement but I'll definitely give him a chance as long as the Mouse doesn't give us a shitty PG-13 kiddy version.

These threads are so messy rn, retards scrambling to find a way to be bothered by a black blade. stay mad Yea Forums

Good. I watched the first episode of Daredevil and thought it was fucking garbage. Now I don’t feel obligated to watch them eventually.

Are you implying that life will get better, so that their childhoods won't be seen as a golden age?
Are you a believer of Progress, user?

White boi po po just afraid he gon whip out his BBC and make him suck it

>I watched the first episode of Daredevil and thought it was fucking garbage
Daredevil was actually good though, what didn't you like?

The first season is alright. Ignore the ninja bullshit.

Al Simmons kills himself in a Dead Zone, fucks off to oblivion.
Jim Downing takes over as Spawn
Eventually McFarlane takes back creative control and Al Simmons pulls out the sword in the stone deus ex machina to kill the whole arc
Satan Saga and Hell On Earth are a kick ass fun time before the series gets shit again

Heard they're planning something big for issue 300 but I haven't read it in a while.
Might pick it up to spite marvel & dc sales tho.

I bet Wesleys been borrowing money from Niggas telling them hes making a comeback as Blade


Hope it's R rated

>a comeback
The blade movies were actually just day in the life documentaries of Wesley Snipes' night-job as a vampire hunter.

Have they actually said that or are people assuming that the shows are non-canon because he played a character in Luke Cage? Having the same actor play different roles isn't that much of a big deal.

>pg-13 blade
We'll see...

The world ended in 1999 and everything since is a simulation

The singularity has already happened

whats wrong with this head. Why does this muthafucka look like bert from sesame street.

It's gonna be as bad as Blade 3, who cares. NuMarvel would never be able to produce something as soulful as B1 or B2.

Really good actor, sad he has to do capeshit

>PG13 Blade.
Eeehh, it's not gonna be the same without the over the top gore.

Zoom zoom

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Not true.
Alfre Woodard played characters in both Luke Cage and the MCU.

Wrong photo bro

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How come every black person ever shot by either a cop or another nog is always just about to go back to school and get a degree? So odd how that's always the case.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

It's not as bad as most people think.

I mean what you rather see a redo that can never touch the original or the sequel to White Men Can't Jump where an aged Sidney Deane catches up with a graying Billy Hoyle to start scamming uber competitive olympic swimmer that I've dubbed 'Black Men Can't Swim?'.

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The same truth applies, white people just don't act like every white person is innocent and that racism or something else is to blame.