Remember the New World by Malick? I fucking love that movie

Remember the New World by Malick? I fucking love that movie

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>In 2004, during the filming of The New World, Malick forced Christopher Plummer to climb a tall oak tree. The task was very difficult for Plummer, who was 74 at the time, and took 3 unsuccessful attempts before Malick was satisfied with his performance [12]. This footage was not used in the final film.

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Absolutely based. Seriously some of Malick's best work

I remember this time I took mushrooms and they kicked in right at the point when John Smith was in the natives village falling in love with Pocahontas and I felt so deeply moved and spiritually invigorated by the experience. I honestly feel like it made a massive positive change in my life and lifestyle

Hey let's talk about good movies instead of corporate superhero movies


I don't know why I come here


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here comes the armor autist


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literally based

This is now an armor thread

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Shrooms do that to you and Im glad the movie helped you have a better outlook.

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I 'member it. Pretty good fucking flick IMO. Might be the only Malick joint I've seen though.

Thin Red Line is worth it too

I'll check it out, thanks.

My days of recreational psychedelic use and even weed are long behind me but I still have to say, New World and booms sounds absolutely based.

As a Jew I will tell you that Malick's movies get bad ratings because he is not a Jew. You, the stupid goyim, are our slaves.

You are a dumb race. Idiots.

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Probably one of the best combination of shrooms and movies I've come across yet, next to Karel Zeman movies

I feel like Herzog kino would be great on mushrooms. Aguirre or Fitzcarraldo.

I remember. Seen it in theater. People were leaving during the movie, fucking plebs.

It wasn't until that I had done mushrooms with Aguirre that I really appreciate the slow slip into surrealism that the story demonstrated

Not much about other peoples taste in media actually bothers me despite all the memeing I do on Yea Forums, but witnessing people walk out during this film would piss me off a little.

That's honestly how you know you're in an actually good movie

Im not sure that place beyond the pines is an actually good movie.

it turned completely stupid at the end

It's like Mulholland Drive. The bulk of the film is worth the shitty payoff.

No it didn't

It is, I've never personally related to a movie more in my life.

Thought it was meh first time I saw it. Saw it again a few months and this time I saw the light. Pure Malickino.

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That's another sign of a good movie

Why do we only have the new world, last of the mohicans, and to a lesser extent The Patriot as frontier kino?

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Malick always casts beautiful people in his films, why'd he drop the ball so hard on Pocahontas?

Money, vision and passion is lacking

What about Jeremiah Johnson?

She captured the wit and spirit of the character

She also captured most of the frame with her giant mutt manface

when i am in an altered state of consciousness that scene feels so healing to me. this movie is some shamanic ritual. true art.

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