Was he the Zodiac?

Was he the Zodiac?

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No he said he wasn’t

He said that he wasn't so why would he be?

but what if he was lying?

Maybe the Zodiac was inside of us all along

general consensus amongst zodiac aficionados is that he was not

The mother fucker died of a stress related heart attack the day before his court hearing, what do you think OP??

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you wouldn't be stressed if the press and police was all around you?

But he said he wasn't.

No, he was the butter churning man

>but what if he was lying?
that's a sin he wouldn't do that

who cares its fincher's weakest anyway

>saying this when gone girl exists

user, He clearly says "I'm not the Zodiac"
What are you fucking retarded?

That's just outright incorrect.

Not true. Zodiac is one of his best. Alien 3 and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo are his only objectively bad ones.

That's not Gone Girl lol

wait hang on

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>Truly, I have become The Zodiac

motherfucker he cracked it

GWTDT is actually kind of underrated, check it out again, Pretty good investigation kino, and Craig is great.

That’s not Alien 3 or Benjamin Button

The real Zodiac Killer were the friends we made along the way.