Imagine dying as a virgin

Imagine dying as a virgin



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>in the end, the true Having Sex was the friends we made trying to have sex

I hate incels so fucking much, bros

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he had honour in his own way because he could've raped a lot of 10/10 blondes before cashing out

>he had honour in his own way
Killing innocent people out of nowhere is never honorless, you beta-ass subhuman


I literally want to kill myself so I don't give some incel the satisfaction of killing me in a rampage help me bros

>he could've raped a lot of 10/10 blondes
He literally couldn't because they didn't answer the front door, retard.

you wont do shit pussy

So is elliot proof that money ISN'T that attractive to women?

imagine hearing chad fucking your younger sister in the next room
srs. no wonder he shot up the sluts

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couldn't he have raped them at the school

Imagine being an incel lmaoo

So pathetic

atleast he went out with a fizzle instead of a whimper like mumkey

Innocent how?

Why didn’t he just pay for a prostitute? He would’ve lost all his preconceptions about life and could have chilled out probably leading to getting a gf

His personality was total narcissistic douchebag, which maybe able to fly when you’re an uber chad but not when you’re only a kinda cute manlet

legalize assisted suicide and this will end

>Killing innocent people out of nowhere is never honorless

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Imagine planning to kill some thots and instead killing three asian nerdy kids. Seriously, fuck this guy

Yeah, just imagine that haha....

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t. Virgin

This man is so utterly pathetic I have to laugh that people are trying to make themselves even more pathetic by following him and his 'teachings'.

Have fun dying alone, you fucking cunts.

Lol imagine being a normie in the prime of your life walking around thinking about what you're going to do tomorrow and you get killed by some virgin incel out of nowhere lol

>killing your friends a roommates
i understand strangers but what the fuck


because he didn't actually care about the sex, despite saying he did.

what he actually wanted is to be desired and loved by a female, buying a whore doesn't give him that. he thought very highly of himself and didn't understand why nobody gave a fuck about him.

I’m going to heaven a virgin while you degens are going to hell :)

The kids he killed weren't even the party goers/shallow whores he planned on killing. They were nerdy asian kids who were his roomates.

he went out with a bang and that's all that matters. normies are still seething. hell, i'd go so far as to say columbine could have been prevented if they had pussy

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I feel sorry for you, user. Please seek therapy. I'm not kidding right now, this is not a diss. You think you are right, but your mind is sick and you need medical help.

Elliott makes me believe therapy is useless for some people. He'd been seeing a therapist for what, ten years, and they never made any progress? His issues with friendships and relationships showed no signs of improvement? No signs he was going to go on a homicidal rampage? Either he didn't give a shit and had no desire to change, she was happy to cash the check from his rich parents, or more likely both of them.

7 people died in total
>3 nerdy asian kids
>2 average girls
>1 really unlucky guy in a shop
Even in his own view, they were innocent. He wanted to kill chads and stacies essentially, and he didn't get a single one.

He should've sold his BMW and spent the cash on the hottest woman of easy virtue he could find.

I ask you again - innocent how?

Actually, he's right. Toxic feminism is the most deadly ideology in human history. Worse than socialism or Islam.

>Yo! Try Fatburger from now on, you can get yourself a double cheese with fries for 2.95, incel!

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If you're a virgin, I can't imagine stepping into a brothel without bro's. Even now, I couldn't do it sober. There's a tresshold.

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He hadn't been seeing therapists, that's the thing. His dad and stepmom tried to set him up with one and even offered to go with him as a family so they could improve their relationship. He just didn't go to any of them really.

didn't eric and dylan both have prom dates?

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what do you mean by this post?

Answer my fucking question

Same. They are so stupid, and what's worse is that they have arrogantly convinced themselves they are in fact the intellectual cream of the crop.

Tell him what you mean then, faggot. Why don't you think they're innocent?

idk sounds like the ultimate form of life negation to me

we hate you too

Stop watching Paul Joseph Watson. It is destroying your mind. Stop caring about shitty feminism, it hardly affects you and they'll end up defeating themselves.

Search inside your soul and ask yourself why you would deify such a pitiful piece of shit.

because his mother still wiped his ass at 13 so he thinks the world has to do it too now

Then you need to fuck off and return to reddit

This man has the quads of truth. It vexes me that kissless idiots on these forums make us all look bad.

are you dense? I just told you how they were innocent and you kept questioning like you're some kind of ancient greek philosopher. Do you actually think 3 nerdy kids who did nothing, even by this dumbfuck's crazy manifesto, actually deserved to die?

Based quads

Not just that, but at least one of them had had sex. Dylan and Eric were just bored with mediocrity and not being at the top of the competitive pecking order at their high school. I was in 3rd grade when Columbine happened, bullying was suddenly taken much more seriously because you never knew if it was going to lead to some kid shooting up the school.

Have a wank and stop taking your frustration out on other people.

funny how anti-bullying did fuck all. it probably made things worse.

Where does this meme that he was richy rich come from? He was barely upper middle class.

>Gets his answer
Die retard

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I don't have to imagine haha

Islam is based atleast everybody here would have a loving wife.

H a v e
S e x

V i r g i n

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What does that have to do with them being innocent or not?
Nobody is talking about Elliot being innocent you brainlet.

Oof, that's a yikes and a have sex from me.

>He went out with a bang
Most of his victims were his asian roomates tho
They probably weren't chads, so he went out with a wimper

Elliot Rodger wasn't an incel because he was above 5/10 in looks. He could have gotten plenty of pussy he just never asked a girl out.


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>therapy is somehow going to magically change reality

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>tfw not going to hell for being a dirty fornicator

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worse, he died a pussy slave failed normie.
imagine being stupid enough do die because of pussy
i have more respect for wizards

i like to think he was ejaculating in his pants as he shot those whores.

I wouldn't even think about them, but they started showing up on Yea Forums a few years ago and ruining the board with their "edgy" forced memes that are neither funny nor clever. I have no idea where they got the idea they fit in here, but they don't. Maybe I'm just getting too old for this place.

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It really did, vast majority of kids who were bullied eventually made friends later in hs or college with other weirdos like them and could bond over the experience. Instead, anti-bullying gave us a generation of kids who never learned to forgive and forget, coexist despite differences, or how to settle disputes among their peers, and instead to just run to an authority figure if they feel bad. Which makes more kids complete psychos than before because they never learn to have mutual relationships to their peers, the boundaries end up needing to be adjudicated by a teacher or principal who is forced to decide who is hurt more.

>killed his three virgin roommates before he went on the stacy rampage
