Orville moves to Hulu for Season 3

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Guess this is going to be the last season

what the fuck is wrong with fox?

That's what they get for removing Alara.

Wow that’s disappointing news. I love this show for some reason but I don’t want to get Hulu.

>I don’t want to get Hulu.
I don't either, and I won't, but I'm still gonna watch it

Same. Imagine actually paying for TV lmao

so it's been cancelled

Between removing the 1 sexy alien and the episode that went overboard of black almost naked gay aliens it kinda killed its ratings.

The one episode in particular about the gay alien and his porns almost destroying the ship just jumped the shark at plaid speed about being some kind of moral message about porn over use into full on this is someone's fetish.

i said the same thing. look what happened to lucifer.

Seth hasn’t been funny for almost ten years.

Welp, it was fun while it lasted.

what does seth do after orville bros?

Will STD and the Picard show do well?

So Amazon has Bosch, Netflix has Witcher and now Hulu has Orville....

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Hulu wins.

>Sneed Sneed!

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The std shills are out in full force. Be gone faggots, go watch your abomination of a star trek show.

wake me up when they bring her back

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Don't forget she's here forever.

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I had a few hotter girlfriends in college idk what the fuck yalls problem is.

here's your new xelayan, bro

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Why are you lying on the internet, dude?

So sexy.

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They really fucked up making her the same race and inviting an even more direct comparison.

I stopped watching when Alara left

I'm on the trial still because I wanted to binge The Terror. Is there anything else on Hulu worth watching while I still have it?

>I stopped watching when Alara left

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>STD won
Would desu.

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>Ratings have dropped significantly in S2

Just be hapoy it's not cancelled and it has a chance to survive on Hulu

in five years everyone is going to have to subscribe to 15 different services to watch all the shows they want to watch.

shes an 8/10 chick at best 7/10 on her normal days. go outside faggot.

Or just keep pirating them like we do now.

This means nothing to me because I watched it on hulu already. It is a shame Seth fucked up season 2 so bad that it came to this though.

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That's how I watched it anyway. So no problems here.


>no more comfy live /orville/ threads


Aw damn I didn't think of that. Does Hulu dump the entire season out at once like Netflix then?

And it's going to end up costing more than cable channel packages.

Why was season 2 so bad????

80% of the season was relationship drama so Seth could use all the budget on a couple of episodes.

Too many relationship episodes and not enough scifi. For an exploration ship the Orville sure hangs around Moclus enough.

>std won
But they were already on an irrelevant streaming service to begin with


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Season 2 >>>>>>>>> Season 1

Some of their into the dark movies are ok, The Body, New Year New you, Down and I'm just fucking with you are alright. They also have all seasons of king of the hill

Isn't there more chances to be continued? FOX watching for ratings, Hulu doesn't. It can go on like Black Mirror

Black Mirror is on Netflix.

My point is streaming services doesn't care for ratings and can continue with the show even after its cancelled. Hulu might buy rights for this and renew for more seasons, and its probably what happens with this move.

Your point would be better served if you could name one successful Hulu exclusive.

I guess I'm pirating season 3.

>he didn't pirated the previous seasons
go back to reddddit

ratings went up, source your bullshit

Are you serious? S2 ratings were worse than S1.

source? oh thats right. you have none.

I just looked at the ratings and you know what's funny? orville outperformed STD lol

like every tv shows, it decreases after the 1st episode: if we ignore the 1st, the S2 stagnated around 3 millions (while the S1 constantly fell down).

Disney owns majority stakes of both Fox and Hulu. This is Disney's attempt at making Hulu more relevant and more of an "for adults" streaming competitor to Netflix because Disney+ is trying to be family oriented.

It's going to get canned because no one likes Hulu.

The fourth (netflix) season was fucking garbage.

It's true. I'd like to see more Orville, but fuck Hulu, so RIP. Also hope STD ends.

There's your source.

Air date Episode 18-49 demo Viewers Viewers
demo change (millions) change
Sun 12/30/2018 02-01 1.52 -44.32%† 5.683 -33.59%†
Thurs 01/03/2019 02-02 0.63 -58.55% 2.821 -50.36%
Thurs 01/10/2019 02-03 0.74 17.46% 3.063 8.58%
Thurs 01/17/2019 02-04 0.73 -1.35% 3.012 -1.67%
Thurs 01/24/2019 02-05 0.74 1.37% 3.176 5.44%
Thurs 01/31/2019 02-06 0.68 -8.11% 3.105 -2.24%
Thurs 02/14/2019 02-07 0.70 2.94% 3.065 -1.29%
Thurs 02/21/2019 02-08 0.75 7.14% 3.050 -0.49%
Thurs 02/28/2019 02-09 0.78 4.00% 3.151 3.31%
Thurs 03/07/2019 02-10 0.63 -19.23% 2.935 -6.85%
Thurs 03/21/2019 02-11 0.64 1.59% 2.939 0.14%
Thurs 04/11/2019 02-12 0.60 -6.25% 2.585 -12.04%
Thurs 04/18/2019 02-13 0.63 5.00% 2.710 4.84%
Thurs 04/25/2019 02-14 0.67 6.35% 2.970 9.59%
Season averages

>Season averages 0.75 -40.34% 3.162 -26.93%
Ratings © 2019 The Nielsen Company. All Rights Reserved.
*Fast affiliate ratings, finals not available yet. †Compared to last season's premiere.
Season averages compared to previous season's averages.

no they release the episodes weekly but not everyone will be at the same time

Oh i already had this page open, I just wanted to see if you'd attempt to source your bullshit.

is correct

Ah ok looks like I will keep pirating it then.

Just for reference, STD season 2 had under 1 million viewers average

>This means nothing to me because I watched it on hulu already. It is a shame Seth fucked up season 2 so bad that it came to this though.
They probably made him choose between a funding cut and a move.

How is it still going? its unwatchably boring and preachy

I don't know why you keep bringing up STD. No one here thinks STD is any good but FOX wouldn't be dropping the Orville from their schedule if they thought it could be successful there. The only bright side is it still lives on Hulu.

How does a show go from the thing everyone's talking about to quietly removed to streaming service and cancelled in a year.

>It is a shame Seth fucked up season 2 so bad

And here I am thinking the Kaylon two-parter was fucking kino and amidst the best of tv show content for the last decade.

nice try tranny but you won't make us like STD REEEEEEEEEEEE

Orville threads are literally nothing but CBS shills bitching about it still existing. Have been for years. A lot of work for people who supposedly don't care about the show.

>borg remake is kino
zoomers were a mistake

Look at this faggot. Doesn't have a recording device and an antenna. Why the fuck not monkey balls?

That and the finale were the highlights of the season. For a series that only shoots 13 eps per season that's a lot of forgettable eps.

Yup, proud 30 year old zoomer, reporting in. Goddammit.

Hulu probably has the worst originals (except for Letterkenny, which was a Crave show before Hulu bought), but it has one of the better streaming interfaces and IMO the best selection of 3rd party movies and shows.


I don't even have a TV. everything is online now gramps.

The Kaylon two parter was alright. But then we spend too many episodes on weird relationship shit. And a finale involving timetravel that was entirely a big old yawn.

STD will NEVER be Star Trek no matter how mad that makes your bosses.

>not having a TV to entertain girls or friends

Fucking zoomer. Go outside and get laid, trust me you'll like it.

To be fair the show officially ended when Alara left the show for many fans. I know I stopped watching after she left.

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Sup, my fellow based, bro. Wez totally believe you.


>Go outside and get laid
This is both degenerate and illegal. Overall, very bad advice.

if you hate orville you're a tranny or a shill, both push std.

>invites friends over to watch tv
What's it like in the year 1996?

>yalls problem
>you alls problem
southerners/niggers were a mistake

I don't hate the Orville, I've watched every episode and been in the live threads here since the beginning. FOX dropping the show is still disappointing news.

Who said anything about TV? Over the airwaves can be accessed by computer with an antenna. Let me know when your balls drop kid and we can continue talking.

That's not an Alara replacement. Thats a show killer.

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Disney does not own Fox's television channels. They only bought 20th Century Fox.

I want her to crush me with her thighs.
>Why can't she crush me?

How many people actually own a TV tuner for their computer? Literally no one does that anymore.

At least there will be a season 3

Enjoy your eternal sleep.

>Disney does not own Fox's television channels. They only bought 20th Century Fox.
They own everything Fox except for the news channels.

She was in the last episode.

No they don't retard

STD was just the first nonbinary horseperson of the Trekpocalypse, if the trailer for Star Patrek Stewart: featuring the cast of Firefly is any implication.

CBS is going to ride that license into the ground now that Viacom/Paramount is getting subsumed.

>your face when STD will outlive The Orville

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sent to a graveyard

they renewed it for season 3 before it moved to hulu, so all is not as it seems

Kicked to the curb.

Gosh, wonder why....

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Seth said the chief reason is that the show won't be ready until late 2020 due to some of the stuff he wants to do for S3 requiring extensive SFX that can't be done in time for the show coming back during the 2019-2020 season.

Fox opted to let him take the show online to Hulu because they don't want other creators demanding similar extended hiatuses for their network shows while still keeping Seth happy so that he keeps doing Family Guy