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Other urls found in this thread:

now THIS is powerful

Oh joy.


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Imagine actually being offended that Nazis are getting punched. Like, try and imagine how warped your worldview is when you're defending the worst mass murderers in history.

I'm dropping this series. I don't mind Dolores being the cringy main villian but shoehorning Mae as the Wonder Woman of Westworld is annoying as fuck.

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its over for nazis. i kinda wish we had strong liberated american women back in 1939, the war would have ended in days



>worst mass murderers in history
10/10. I look forward to the screencap of all the (You)s that you’ll get from this.

Exactly. Nazis were leftist socialists. I enjoy seeing anyone of bernie sander’s ilk getting their shit pushed in.


Hitler is about to get dabbed ON

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Do the workers control the means of production? No? Then it's not communism.



more like worst world

yep undercover /pol/ threads like this make it easy to get huge amounts of replies to your shitpost

>Like, try and imagine how warped your worldview is when you're defending the worst mass murderers in history.
lol. she believes everything the media tells her without question.

All this blatant anti white anti nazi propaganda must mean the Jews being more paranoid than usual.
Interesting times ahead of us.

Woah wtf bros I hate myself and turned neo-liberal now! Fuck having borders n shit let the brown masses in!

If you literally identify as a nazi then maybe it's good to hate yourself? Just saying.

You can’t be working in the fields and making managerial decisions at the same time pea brain.

why are internet nazis so fragile and paranoid?

I don’t, I’m not a socialist

>being offended
Jeez, just pointing out how it looks retarded, no need to start projecting

I thought Dolores and Mae wasn’t in season 3.
Why the fuck does it look like they’ll be the main focuses again?

Why are you so fat and greasy?

Sneedzis btfchuck

top tier bait

Do you incels ever stop getting triggered?

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>worst mass murderers in history.
The Nazis were not even close to the worst mass murderers, fucking kike

"Nazis" no longer represent nazis, they are a dog whistle for white people

what's retarded about punching nazis? they are bad and deserve to be hit, only a nazi would disagree

Now call them snowflakes, Jessica

What the actual fuck? I havent seen a single episode of this show but I thought it was some cowboy western?? Now its about nazis and future shit?

these days nazi is a metaphor for right wing white men in america. brainlet


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Das one of my fave webms f a m

And they say the left is brainwashed.

I'm totally NOT a nazi. I love seeing my home being overrun by millions of people of color who want to to kill me poison us with drugs, rape our children, openly mock me and force their backwards religion onto me. I love it. I'm happy. This is perfectly fine.

Refugees welcome Bernie 2020

>you're defending the worst mass murderers in history.
the communists?
as bad as nazis are, communists are 10X worse

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So what do you do in Naziworld?

you can't kill an idea

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>The Nazis were not even close to the worst mass murderers, fucking kike
Yeah, that distinction goes to the communists because communism is jewish.

>when they get the welfare checks in the mail

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Why can't incels/far-right handle the bantz anymore? I thought you were sick internet trolls?

Nice strawman.

>Remember the 500 bajillion!
Where are the bodies tranny?

>So what do you do in Naziworld?
Live in peace and harmony.

Horseshoe theory is real

Attached: Big Horseshoe.png (600x919, 102K)

Combat the nazis

I'd have passionate sex with a young SS officer stationed in my occupied town.

>lol why are you hitting yourself?
Who let the Kindergardeners in?

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have sex

You left out being a tranny

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Communists only killed christians and white people

This is why we are radicalized. This is why whites are waking up. Day of the rope soon faggots. We are going to retake our homelands and culture

well at least you're redpilled about how they all were fags

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Oh boy more violent niggers, don't see enough of those these days.

Crossdressing is peak comedy Kino.

>I said it so it must be true

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Yeah soon everyone's gonna get sick of seeing the bad guys lose and stick up for them, right? Absolute lunacy.

Most of the "deaths" were Chinks who are neither christian or white

remind me again what's the context where its bad to dislike nazis?

Buddhist chinese were white christians?

You became radicalized because some TV show, only some people irl have heard of, has a black woman punching a nazi in it?

from whom tho?
your government?

>this picture proves all Nazis were trannies!
>no I'm not going to investigate the context of this image and the time in which it was taken!

You forget that at one time it was so absurd as to be funny to see a man wearing a dress.

Imagine actually being a leftist.
Why don't you just kill yourself already?

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have sex

I don't get it any more really. Most of us have ancestors or relatives who killed nazis, were killed by Nazis or who cheered when the Nazis lost

Its like so much contrarian bullshit going on the most outrageous you can do is be decent these days
I think I'm just burnt out from the retarded outrage and trolling. Its like everyone is that retarded kid pretending to be even more retarded to troll people, even though the retarded people know it. Its just a world of retards raised by single mothers shitting in their diapers laughing about how everyone thinks they are really retarded
Goddamn. All you have to these days is point out Nazis were assholes and Mohammed was a pedophile and both extremist sides reee out

oops wrong pic

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they don't call them jiggaboos and jive monkeys for no reason

great webm user

still a lot of dead people

>hehe i have the high ground because im a centrist and dont pick sides
do you let your mom make decisions for you? the spicy or the regular tendies tonight?

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so I'm not allowed to dislike nazis because...other people agree with me? Should I also say the earth is flat just because most people think it isn't?

you're defending a political idea based purely on contrarianism, peak leddit cringe

>the worst mass murderers in history

Attached: death by communism.gif (580x2450, 165K)

relax, mostly

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Every white person who doesn't hate themselves is a nazi. That's why people are bothered by it. Don't spread slander about millions of people then claim innocence when you depict violence against them

Imagine taking Yea Forums seriously
Imagine thinking that the boards here aren't shilled 24/7

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Pretty ironic how the ''rebels'' who FIGHT DA POWA! Always parrot what the mass media tells them to think.

You tried but man, it’s weak.

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of course there are hilarious shows where men masquerade as women in Naziworld; it's so silly and entertaining

Jewish revenge fanfic.


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Dude its Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, hell even politics now. Everyone is so fucking sensitive and just bitches and trolls.

Because the people you are calling nazis AREN'T Nazis!

sorry im one part german one part hungarian, my ancestors were the nazis or allies with the nazis

When "nazi" means any white person who doesn't self-flagellate on demand, then this sort of media becomes an attempt to legitimize political violence against me and tens of millions of other non-shitlib whites. If that doesn't make you angry, then I don't know what should.

already been done

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Everyone dislikes the Natzi. Its this idea that there still alive and the FBI isn’t keeping tabs on the LARP community that’s bullshit. Richard Spencer is not a Natzi, he is just a racist idiot who thinks you can practically evict all the non white people in the US without a genocide? Oh but guess what cable news station gives him a platform. CNN. I wonder why.

>all that text
>no point

What are you even trying to say?

Wasn't this a show about robo cowboys?

so a person wearing a nazi uniform in a historically re-created nazi world is not a nazi? lmao gotta keep that persecution complex going huh

It's not about being offended. It's how annoying this is. We get it, the Nazis were bad. We'v ben seeing this for 70+ years now. Along with Russians they're the only politically correct villains and we see this all the time. The 3rd Reich is gone and actual Nazis aren't a threat to anyone anymore. It's not new at all, it's not brave, and it's not original. Make a movie where someone punches a communist in Maoist China in the face, or aTurk in the late Ottoman Empire.

Ever since the orange™ got elected pol and the far right have been infested with redditers attempting to be funny and cool.

It's not the fact Nazis are getting punched, it's the fact she's not getting murdered right then and there. She's doing her yaas kween slay impersonation in front of six other Nazis, why aren't they intervening? Why would a woman who is over a foot shorter than said Nazi be able to hurt him at all?

You know what would be cool? Arnold with a BAR in one hand and a cigar in his mouth mowing them down. You know what's not cool? Yaas kweenie slay being super-tough and cool by lightly slapping the Nazi-archy which sends a powerful message to women everywhere, snap of you agree because clapping could trigger people.

You can have drama, you can have action, you can't have all of them and include this. This is also why the new Wolfensteins suck.

Yeah I never really understood it. All those people defending the nazi's should talk to their (great) grandparents. Even the boomers have heard their share of the stories from the war. Especially if they were from occupied countries.

And now neither of them even exist

I don't defend Stalin

The fact that Russia is the worlds number 1 consumer of heroin and the worlds number 1 exporter of prostitutes brightens up my day :)

Counterpoint: the industrialized, capitalist white race is going to kill all people by changing climate and destroying all civilization, user.
So really, if we're counting the numbers, capitalism has got this in the bag.

>When "nazi" means any white person who doesn't self-flagellate on demand
do you have any proof of this that isn't a twitter screenshot of some literal nobody?

I think it's just the single mother generation to be honest. Those guys are attracted to any father figure who doesn't reject them

No, they're just LARPing and aren't a threat to anyone. Regardless, in the 3rd Reich no one called themselves a "Nazi" that was a term some Jew made up as a pejorative. They were National Socialists. These "Nazis" are as dangerous as the LaVeyan Satanists.

Did anyone actually make it all the way through season 2?

the views today called "nazi" are the views held by every one of the men that actually fought the nazis. Greatest generation produced the boomers and all was lost


Do you have proof that the sky is blue? Any peer reviewed articles?

why a black women? wouldnt it make more sense to be a jewish women?


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I don't know who are the half of these shit shows.

Just stick with the movie.

China is responsible for that.
>inb4 nod rill gobbulism

Black people were the real victims of the Holocaust.

lmao, desperate coping trannys

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Who actually told you anything like this in real life? You purposely expose yourself to retarded shit

starting to make sense why Hitler killed himself...

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>le Nazis
Yeah ok

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Nazis didn't kill all those kikes but I wish they did.

when you call a normal guy who leans to the right a nazi, it makes the more ignorant masses see Nazism as appealing. that's why i'm so annoyed at mass media overusing this term to mean basically "any white guy" It's not brave to hate an enemy that, frankly, doesn't exist.

WW2 vets fought against busing. How do you think they'd feel about trans kids or infinity third world immigration? They'd be "nazis" too by the terminology of today.

Too much text.

>being homophobic
The tolereant left everyone.

Trannies complain about nazis burning their books on one day, then say the nazis were the real trannies the next.

>/pol/ resorts to "it's only gay if the balls tough"-tier damage control

>caring about westworld after the shitshow of a season 2

hes only doing it because it gets a rise out of you without fail

>Reading iz hard

Attached: polbrainlet.jpg (600x565, 148K)

nazis were the real trannies and I hate them

That's just (((their))) propaganda to demonize them. Germany was the first openly LGBTQ tolerant nation and at least 40% of german soldiers in WW2 and 80% of nazi party leadership were non-cis

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>he's only pretending to be retarded
Still a retard

bearing in mind I haven't seen s2, aren't they all robots?

so no proof then?

What's wrong about crossdressing as a joke?
>it's gay
I've never had sex with a man let alone feel attracted to one.

Art imitates life

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>caring about westworld after season 1

reminder that liberals support the imprisonment of julian assange

No one says you're not allowed to. But there is nothing brave or daring about it. Being anti-Nazi is like being against Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire at this point. Meanwhile communists killed tens of millions after WW2 when Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini and still control about 1/5 of the worlds population.

It's pretty funny /pol/ has to justify being a tranny now

This is why nazi tranny posting is so effective

What is the goal in saying nazis were trannies
is it to make them seem like hypcorites
because to me it just makes trannies look like nazis

Not, but it's too much text for a meme.

so this is the right's fabled memeing ability

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Why were so many nazis fags? Seriously it's crazy how much evidence exists for it.

And why does /pol/ freak out if you try to talk about it?

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>armband on the wrong side
Nice fake vid. Where was that, Hollywood, New York, Seattle?

>armband on wrong arm

My old high school had to ban events where women would come as men and men as women for being transphobic.
But I guess they weren't being transphobic after all, they were just the real trannies all along.

That's a comic. Not a meme. Even if it was a picture of a frog with impact font underneath, it's still not a meme. Inbred fucking pig.

Most nazis are trannys but most trannys are not nazis

>Germany was the first openly LGBTQ tolerant nation
huh yeah, back when it was called the Weimar Republic, sure. Nazis then took over and sent the gays in camps.

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>Why were so many nazis fags?
What % were fags? I feel like this is just a clickbait meme.

I don't believe that you're not aware of the euphemistic slippage of the term "nazi" over the last several years. I think your demand for proof of a widely observed phenomenon is nothing more than a cheap rhetorical ploy and I won't indulge it.

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>dodging my question
>resorting to le tranny boogeyman
gg ez no re

The fascist authoritarian is a caricature of hyper masculinity just like a drag queen is for femininity. There is an underlining aspect of sadomasochistic sexual power dynamics in all fascism

so much tranny cope ITT

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homosexuality is the implicit last stand of white identity

you say that like you wouldn't expect someone who adheres to the ideals of the nazi party to be a complete retard

Damn, look at that tiny black IQ.

>armband on the wrong side
>must be fake!
or that fat nazi LARPer is too retarded to know which side the armband is supposed to go on. the guy clearly get knocked the fuck out, that's not fake

>muh death camps
nice try JIDF, those didn't exist. Gays lived openly and proud in nazi germany

They were leftards. Crossdressing might offend the trannies.

Why is every frogposter a retard?

>The left considers that fat guy a "threat" and wants to abolish free speech

good question

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This doesn't look like weimar to me m8

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How willfully deaf and blind do you have to be to miss how much everyone hated Maeve last season. Even the twitter crowd thought it was a bit much.

if most nazis are trannies then by definition most trannies are nazis. there are clearly more nazis than trannies, if you believe feminists.

"widely observed" yet you cannot provide any empirical or objective proof? interesting how you are desperate to debate meaningless culture bullshit but at the same time all your claims are self-evident and anyone asking for proof is an evil sjw

>sent gays to camp
But they didn't send hitler to a camp

Attached: gaydolph himher.png (1352x1078, 745K)

>all white people are nazis
>all nazis are trannies
No wonder white women need black dick so much

>another thread where cultural marxists get exposed for homophobia and BTFO

I dont get it.Will it be a WWII world setting ?



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How was season 2? I kinda lost interest after she increased her own iq.

So modern day?

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gays weren't in death camps retard, those were for the untermensch. They were in concentration camps and the majority survived the war.

Hey, at least thanks to communism we have 65 million dead chinks.

Yes, and it still looks ridiculous.
Also the people she's punching are probably actual humans

>there's nothing wrong with drag queens
>you're homophobic!
>the germans had death camps!!!
oh yeah, you're sure showing them lmao

It's also self-evident that a man is a man, but you deny that as well. Chess with a pigeon.

>nazis represent white people

No, they are dumb germans that did dumb german shit.

you're delusional
>Between 1933 and 1945, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested as homosexuals, of whom some 50,000 were officially sentenced. Most of these men served time in regular prisons, and an estimated 5,000 to 15,000 of those sentenced were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps.[1]

Raping Nazis > Punching Nazis

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I've been on /pol/ schlomo, the camps aren't real. Prove to me they're real

>have sex

After you collect your SS disability don't forget to dilate.

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he doesn't look like he's engaging in homosexuality to me m8

oh good wwII world, shall we have zombie apocalypse and teen vampire worlds for more old worn out settings?

Dude everyone knew the Nazis did tranny shit. Guys in the field would Fuck each other constantly. They'd spread stds fast hence why they started creating the first sex dolls

How is this not widely known by now
You probably were going to die, no chicks around, have a bro dress up like a chick and boom

when threatened just pivot to shrieking about trannies. good work

literally the first result is calling Trump a nazi

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Kike propaganda. Good goy.

Homophobic Russians erased the truth. Nazi Germany was the first rainbow nation and Hitler was history's first tranny

Attached: Gay Hitler.png (1613x824, 1.47M)

Say thanks to Ernt Rohm for that

go to the holocaust museum in berlin and see for yourself, it's quite comprehensive

fuck nazis fuck commies

a nice dose of zyklon b is waiting for you ishmael

That fucking guy one the bottom left and the top right always gets me. Jesus Christ.

>Media: *shows Nazis getting punched*

Why does posting about historical facts make me a leftist? Sure there are tranny leftists, doesn't change the fact of most nazis being trannys tho

Attached: gay tranny nazis.jpg (639x398, 74K)

>>give me peer reviewed articles and proof that the sky is blue
>fuck off with your bullshit
>>see you have no proof that the sky is blue

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Soviet soldiers rounding up innocent nazi trannys, 1945.

Never forget how far back the allies set back LGBT rights by destroying the Third Reich

Attached: gay tranny nazis soviets.jpg (2799x2109, 1.75M)

use google or read a book, the information is extremely easy to find

>most nazis being trannys tho
What percent of registered National Socialist German Workers' Party members were trans? How did that compare with the general population of Germany?

Muh rapes aren't even real

German women were so tired of most of their "men" being crossdressing trannys they flocked to the soviets willingly when they arrived

Attached: muhrapes.jpg (980x1912, 561K)

>muh if I don't agree with it it means it's fake

They were really true trannies to be honest. Most these guys were 16-20, they knew they probably wouldn't make it by the end, a lot didn't want to die virgins a lot were just horny. So they'd dress up like women and take turns, you can for real look this shit up. Stalingrad when you dig into it basically was gayer than san fransico

About 40% I'd say seems to be a good estimate. As for general germans, probably 1-2% but nazi degeneracy certainly increased that number

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Want to post anymore conversations you had with yourself?

nice try JIDF, go on /pol/ with this holohoax stuff and they'll btfo you.

Gays lived proudly and openly in Germany, many of their leaders were in fact openly gay

>give me peer reviewed articles and proof that the sky is blue
do you not think there are peer reviewed articles on the human eye's perception of color or the environmental process that makes the sky look blue? holy shit you are retarded dude

Was Hitler a homosexual or even transexual? Most evidence seems to point to "yes".

Thoughts? How do you think this influenced his behavior in the Second World War?

Attached: gayy.png (300x393, 94K)

/pol/'s holohoax infographics are more believable

Just look up homosexuality and the battle of Stalingrad. These guys were just fucking each other, gang bangs orgies you name it, they regularly sleep naked with each other to stay warm. On deaths doorstep, freezing and starving to death you just are going to resort to primal behavior its all well documented


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I've been on /pol/ a lot and not one person was ever able to prove the holocaust didn't happen or was intentional, compared to the mountains of evidence and witness accounts, including from nazis. Your whole tactic is dismissing any proof as faked, you have literally nothing else to stand on.

>all these replies
What is wrong with incels.

Who said there isn't?
You just don't need to post them to know it is true.

They killed less people than Mao & Stalin

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>comic exposes kekservative lonely white men being blatant hypocrites about free speech
>the only response they can give is "the left can't meme"

yikes. if the left can't meme then where did "based" and "redpilled" come from? hint: a black liberal and a pair of tranny liberals

Muslim love Hittler, islam is the gayest religion, coincidence?/pol BTFO

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I think if you demand those articles in order to establish that the sky is blue then you are not arguing in good faith as the fact that the sky is blue is obvious to anyone with an eyeball. As someone pointed out to you, literally typing "nazi" in twitter search is enough to establish the euphemistic slippage of the term. And yet how many posts have you spent nitpicking and demanding proof of the colloquial use of the term "nazi"? It's obvious to everyone reading that you are arguing in bad faith, do not wish to discuss how the new season of Westworld might be used to attempt to legitimize political violence against wrongthinkers, instead opting to argue a semantic point that you don't honestly believe. Fuck off.

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so what you're saying is that you know something is true, and peer-reviewed proof exists, but you simply won't post any? yes a very rational and believable statement indeed

>won't read books because reading is a jewish plot
well that explains a lot

Reminder that non leftists are massive pussies who shouldn't even be argued with.

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>le 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 trillion gajillion gorrillion deaths by communism

have sex


What makes a meme is not creation, but usage.
The same way Matt Furie didn't create Pepe as a meme.

It’s the same with the new Wolfenstein games. The show creators are trying to rile people up to think that Republicans are nazi’s and that they deserve to be punched.

it's fun to watch them back themselves into a corner every time

>westernized muslims

leftoids will forever be mad that they can't make Yea Forums another one of their echo chambers

I posit that republicans aren't nazis and yet still need to be punched

You can find Nazis despicable and also simultaneously recognize the obvious agendas and ideological undertones in popular western media.

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Nazi are shit but the rapes happened, slavshit.

Yikes sweetie....

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Why do you come here with no argument? Leave.

This will be funny to anyone born before 2002

> literally typing "nazi" in twitter search is enough to establish the euphemistic slippage of the term
yet literally the first thing I said was "do you have any proof that isn't stupid shit from twitter" This is what made you so angry because you base your whole worldview around being outraged about twitter.

>discuss how the new season of Westworld might be used to attempt to legitimize political violence against wrongthinkers
again, who exactly are the victims of this terrible oppression? Is the person in the picture not a literal nazi? people being mean on twitter is political violence now? If you are really outraged about political violence, are you also paying attention when its used against the left.....

>mfw Yea Forums is fulled up to the brim with commies AND nazis

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The damage control NEETsocs and /pol/lacks pulled with this dude was hilarious. It also lead to one of the cringiest posts of Yea Forums's history, which I'm never gonna let you forget, you faggot.

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that post is based tho

why are social outcasts so drawn to far left and far right ideologies?

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>are you also paying attention when its used against the left
Like when?

>people being mean on twitter is political violence now?
people on the right are extremely sensitive people, to handle with care. There was a time they were scared shitless of Dungeons & Dragons, and their most prevalent politician is the most thinskinned person on the face of the Earth despite being extremely rich and powerful.

Hiro... ban the freaking nazis!

Of course it's a negress.

Communism sucks, because people are shit and you can't create communism at all.
Nazism sucks, because despite most people being inherently nazistic, instead of exploiting this to the benefit of the nation, it just puts all the blame on one group of people that are currently overflowing the country.
So, fuck off with your ideologies, stick to your people and just try to lift not only yourself, but your whole community.

Why can't there be drawn examples from one of the most popular social media platforms, that is used not only by a great deal of the american population but also its corporate overlords?
>who are the victims of corporations dictating political views over media
The entire public

like when trump says the US will never be socialist and brown congress women need to go back to their own country even though they were born in the US. Also many white nationalist terror attacks that only incels and nazis deny are worse than whatever made up political violence punching a nazi is.

>stick to your people and just try to lift not only yourself, but your whole community.
anarcho-communism then

And Nazis only killed Jews and Polish people

Wtf I love now

>~11,000,000 Holocaust (including 6 million Jews)
>~18,000,000 non-Holocaust USSR civilians
>~145,000 non-holocaust German civilians (1933-1945)
>~1,000,000 non-Holocaust Yugoslav and Albanian civilians
>~270,000 non-Holocaust Czech civilians
>~320,000 non-Holocaust Western European & Scandinavian Civilians
>~150,000 non-Holocaust Hungarian & Romanian civilians
>~175,000 non-Holocaust Italian & Greek civilians
>~80,000 non-Holocaust Baltic civilians
>~50,000 other (American/Canadian civilians, North african civilians, Finnish civilians in Lapland war, Bulgarians, neutral country deaths, etc.)

Add me to the sea of (You)s, based user.

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Why do you always have to put some retarded labels on everything? That's like half the reason nobody wants to be friends with you

is this your first day here? this website is for all the social rejects around the world.

>dude facebook ads are literally destroying democracy tho

Negroes seriously are retarded.

>yet literally the first thing I said was "do you have any proof that isn't stupid shit from twitter" This is what made you so angry because you base your whole worldview around being outraged about twitter.
I don't use twitter. This is why I don't want to indulge your disingenuous demands for proof. You already believe my point about the euphemistic slippage of the term "nazi" but will continually move goalposts whenever evidence is provided.

>again, who exactly are the victims of this terrible oppression? Is the person in the picture not a literal nazi? people being mean on twitter is political violence now? If you are really outraged about political violence, are you also paying attention when its used against the left.....
I don't believe that you don't understand how historic Nazis* are being intentionally conflated with non self-hating whites. All endorsements of political violence should be subject to harsh criticism, unless you want a civil war.

*a wartime enemy, therefore against whom violence is definitionally legitimate

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ITT discord trannies shitting it up.

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>the worst mass murderers in history.
The communists?

because A) studies have shown twitter doesn't represent the views of the average person B) people can say whatever they want and a random tweet with 12 likes calling trump a nazi does not mean most people believe he is C) if the popularity of messages on social media can be manipulated, why should anyone consider it as proof? How can you tell which tweet is artificial and which isn't

why not use an actual article or source about corporate media instead of just saying "this thing is popular, but I don't like it, therefore it must be fake corporate propaganda"

meant to reply to

what's a discord tranny? Is that a type of nazi?

Attached: gay tranny nazzi.jpg (636x363, 66K)

>i'm too stupid to understand political nuance

Gotta love Stalin and Hitler, those two fucks are dead more than half a century, and they STILL put your retarded asses on fire and make you sperg out with your "akshually", when somebody mentions them.

I don't have to but that label exists whether you want it or not. When you express an ideal, chances are someone else thought about it before, maybe even wrote about it and named it. And what you aspire to is akin to the ideals of anarcho-communism, through no fault of yours or mine.

> implying

what democracy? You have democracy in America? First time I've heard of it.


That's the best part. People that watch shows like Westworld, basically a Democrat, think people like me rage over Nazism being portrayed as the bad guys. My grandfather fought in the war and I love seeing Nazis btfo. What I cringe at though is a fucking frail, sjw, tranny dropping a 200 pound skinhead with one punch. We're living in the biggest power fantasy in film history. If you were from the 19th century and watch True Lies and compare it to "insert Netflix original" you'd think true lies is some work of historical events.

Good answer, my man, but I was just shitposting. Still, appreciate your willingness to discuss something at least half-seriously.

>I don't believe that you don't understand how historic Nazis* are being intentionally conflated with non self-hating whites.
I don't believe you, and I've asked you over and over to show proof of this and you just keep worming out of it saying "it's self-evident" or "the proof exists but I just don't want to show you personally because I dont like the way you asked'

By this point you've been insisting you're right without evidence for 10 times longer than it would take to just google it and show proof. But you can't do that, because there is no proof. I don't know what you get out of this but it's really sad

easy to tell you didn't read it

Because twitter entire existence is through the funds poured into it, meaning that whatever is most popular on twitter is what the shareholders want to to see popular to its consumers.
>"this thing is popular, but I don't like it, therefore it must be fake corporate propaganda"
Do you need a source to prove that the celebration of throwing punches of someone from a political party on media is political manipulation over media? Are you dense?

> If you were from the 19th century and watch True Lies and compare it to "insert Netflix original" you'd think true lies is some work of historical events.
Shit, why this made me laugh. Also, your grandpa is based.

Found the redditor, you go girl!!!

>What does "nazi" typically mean when used in 2019?

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>throwing punches of someone from a political party
I wasn't aware the nazi party was so active in american politics. I also didn't know that just because corporate media says something it must automatically be wrong. Should we also think littering is good, or that time travel is real, just because the media says it isn't.

Maybe you should try holding your breath and counting to 1000 to own libtard big media


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what if we introduced the rumor that breathing is a jewish plot? Millions dead, just like that.

so you're so desperate to win an argument with no proof that you're literally going to invent evidence in front of me with a poll of 25 people on an imageboard.

I gues its safe to say the "peer-reviewed" thing is out the window then huh

yeah imagine getting triggered

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cry more chapo tranny, it's good and everybody except you likes it

People have provided proof, you just keep moving the goalposts and dismissing it. You don't want to discuss how political violence is being legitimized against wrongthinkers because you know acknowledging that is a bad look.

>I also didn't know that just because corporate media says something it must automatically be wrong.

shut the fuck up liberal

Dead political parties are political parties.
>I also didn't know that just because corporate media says something it must automatically be wrong
I didn't in the least imply that, but if you are the one that wants to just gobble down whatever it throws at your throat, be my guest.
>Maybe you should try holding your breath and counting to 1000 to own libtard big media
That relates to nothing on neither post


I heard is the jews, they are the modern nazis after all

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you keep posting this and you just get responses saying he's based, what a pathetic life you live, trying so hard to get everyone to hate this based man only to fail every time

>point out most nazis were trannys

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it's staged and your tranny psyops aren't working

keep justifying your degeneracy tranny

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what are you gonna do when this meme doesn't catch on and it vaporizes into thin air just like the maga cake guy

proofs it's all a big conspiracy

did you know big media says jumping from a tall bridge is hazardous to your health? And yet we have no evidence of anyone ever dying from jumping from a bridge except of course all the (((evidence))). Try it for yourself and see, they just keep lying man

prove that russiagate is real first

people have provided: a strawpoll with 4 votes, and twitter screenshots after I specifically said twitter is not real life.

There is no peer-reviewed evidence for what you're saying. Stay mad

Not even that guy but I'm find it funny, cope more

After seeing the amount of seethe ITT I'm gonna take up nazi tranny posting

>when you need peer-review to define a word

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Those aren't humans so it's okay

good hopefully this will make bernie win

I like this one.

>I didn't in the least imply that

>whatever is most popular on twitter is what the shareholders want to to see popular to its consumers.
ok so explain how you decide which popular things are real and which aren't. If you make decisions based on evidence, why is it when I challenge a claim about nazis your answer is "corporations bad" and not to show the actual evidence (which I am so sure exists)

just imagine getting upset over small trivial things

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sick bait my friend


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yes, i need a peer-reviewed study to show that calling people nazi creates political violence against innocent people who are not nazis. That's a very silly and complex claim that you still have not given any evidence for.

I think its just to feed your own victim complex really

Jews cope

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Is your reading comprehension really this bad or are you just dense? It's only stating that twitter is pushing down ideas to its consumers, it makes no claims of being "good" or "bad" as you claim to have been stated in " just because corporate media says something it must automatically be wrong".
>your answer is "corporations bad"
No, my answer is that corporations trying to push political ideas to the public is bad, wether I think they're good or bad. You pretending to be retarded won't change it.

>You're not a witch, right? Why wouldn't you want witches to get justly punished? We're only going after witches after all.

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Give proof that jew are not the everyday tranny nazi

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Don't bother with it. From start to finish it is an incoherent mess. Hooker bot gets more super powers as well, just to make it even more awful.

you're not getting away tranny

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>my answer is that corporations trying to push political ideas to the public is bad,
ok so should I doubt climate change because corporate media pushes it? Should I doubt the moon landing was real because corporate media pushes it?

What you are saying is basically extreme and pointless paranoia since you haven't given any other reason then "corporate media talks about it". Also that doesnt even make sense, left-wing media was calling the right nazis way before the mainstream was, it's not like cnn invented the idea white nationalism is wrong in 2016. God you're painfully retarded

Makes sense since Don Zion loves his Israel