I just want a /film/ board to get away from these redditors

I just want a /film/ board to get away from these redditors

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Ted Kaczynski was a redditor and a boomer. Fuck him and his cringy caveman ideology.

You're a retard, Ted would be mailing Redditors pipe bombs. You're just a slave to your technology.

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Here's your film board bro

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Film as originally just a way to spread propaganda more effectively, fuck Hollywood and fuck film.

Heres the reddit shitskins behind

>ted is refusing progress so litterally ugh

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You really think i can't shitpost on two boards? i am currently at 5 haha theres no place you can go to escape my anus

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LMAO Teddit Cuckzynsky BTFO

extremely redpilled.

solution: quieter machines

>LMAO Teddit Cuckzynsky BTFO
how? the image confirms his hypothetical example.

The based Boomer is having a great day mowing his lawn and Ted is crying in his cuckshack.

Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

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I want a film board just so I can fuck with you guys. Think about it, how can you actually differentiate film from the average movie? I'd make thread after thread praising the cinematography of every shitty movie I can think of and I will make the sneedposters look like girl scouts.

I want a movie about the whiskey rebellion with the action of the patriot and kinoism of John Adams

Missing a bunch of happy merchants

If they made banning capeshit/nuwars/reboots and modern sequels and reimaginings on site a thing that board would be a paradise.

We're never going to get it though. Chinkmoot just wants to datamine he doesn't give a shit about this site, and the election brought in too many dumbfucks who permanently ruined the culture.

Is quoting/admiring Ted K the single most cringe and tryhard thing you can do?

he has some great points

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There is nothing more NPC than disliking him.

no you wouldn’t

You underestimate my lack of a social life, user

Adam sandler, kevin smith, and david spade

write your manifesto and start sending mail bombs to jannies

sneed was a kazinskiyite

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