When Cortes arrived in Tenochtitlan it had a population estimated at 400,000 people, making it one of the largest cities on earth at the time. Why is this period of history so underrepresented in film?
When are we getting Aztec/Conquistador kino?
if even based Mel confused Aztecs and Mayans, better do not let Hollywood to touch it anymore.
>400,000 people, the largest cities on earth
lmao there's rural villages in Tennessee with more people than that.
Because the conquest of the Americas by the Spanish is extremely politically incorrect. Hollywood knows they can't twist the narrative of Aztecs being peaceful savages since it's well known and documented how brutal they really were. It also doesnt fit in the narrative that other native American tribes in the region teamed up with the Spanish to take down the Aztec. It's a shame too considering how the conquest of the Aztecs is one of the most balls to the wall insane stories in history.
Because there's no real way to show it without resorting to
>white man racist
>brown man incompetent and got BTFO
>lmao there's rural villages in Tennessee with more people than that.
america wasn't even a country by then
No there aren't
I would prefer just Aztecs without the conquistadors.
A rural village doesn't have half a million people, you brainlet.
the desolation of tenochtitlan is a tragedy of mankind
it was a literal fantasy floating city
2000 years of Aztec books and history, lost
anti spanish butthurt is getting stronger
>400,000 retard shitskins that got btfo
Asstechboos are so fucking pathetic, lads.
Good one.
>Aztec books
I’m more interested in an alt-history kino where the Aztecs won.
The Aztecs got their shit kicked in for being dicks to their neighboring tribes and for being to fucking incompetent to do anything about the Spanish.
There is no way to spin the narrative for the modern SJW Netflix audience to make them look good.
They got BTFO plain and simple
>euro spics reach their land
>spics think they are some type of gods
>use them and their weapons to war with other factions
Have no one to blame but themselves.
He came dancing across the water
With his galleons and guns
Looking for the new world
In that palace in the sun.
On the shore lay Montezuma
With his coca leaves and pearls
In his halls he often wondered
With the secrets of the worlds.
And his subjects
Gathered 'round him
Like the leaves around a tree
In their clothes of many colors
For the angry gods to see.
And the women all were beautiful
And the men stood
Straight and strong
They offered life in sacrifice
So that others could go on.
Hate was just a legend
And war was never known
The people worked together
And they lifted many stones.
And they carried them
To the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up
With their bare hands
What we still can't do today.
And I know she's living there
And she loves me to this day
I still can't remember when
Or how I lost my way.
He came dancing across the water
Cortez, Cortez
What a killer.
It's makes me so sad knowing that those Spanish niggers ruined such a beautiful looking civilization. But then I remember that said niggers are currently being flooded with migrants and are set to become a minority in their own countries soon and I don't feel sad anymore
US companies don't know which side to villainize in order to not upset 56% of their viewership.
-_-; retards, they were called amoxtin and were literally books
>Aztec codices (Nahuatl languages: Mēxihcatl āmoxtli Nahuatl pronunciation: [meːˈʃiʔkatɬ aːˈmoʃtɬi]) are books written by pre-Columbian and colonial-era Nahuas in pictorial and/or alphabetic form.
Oh, so some coloring books by the incompetent retards that allowed themselves to get their shit pushed in
Who is responsible for this view of natives across the world? The casual tone regarding human sacrifice as well as the notion of no war or rage is a load of shit.
dozens of diseases were what wiped out the aztecs
millitary might had nothing to do with it
(well, Colombians did impressively defeat countless Aztec armies, even though colombians were literal satan on earth)
>tfw no Guadalete-Covadonga kino with Don Pelayo
>tfw no Clavijo kino
>tfw no Navas de Tolosa Kino
>tfw no Toma de Granada kino
>tfw no Gran Capitan kino
>tfw no Lepanto kino
>tfw no Juan de Austria kino
>tfw no Duke of Alba kino
>tfw Inquisition did nothing wrong kino
>tfw no Conquest of Incas kino
>tfw no Hernando de Soto kino
>tfw no Conquest of the Phillipinnes kino
>tfw no Cartagena de Indias kino
>tfe when no Carlos II kino
>tfw no Felipe V kino
>tfw no Fernando VI kino
>tfw no Fernando VII kino
>tfw no Dos de Mayo kino
>tfw no Desembarco de Alhucemas kino
>tfw no Alcazar de Segovia kino (The italian one is me)
>tfw no Battle of the Ebro kino
>tfw no kino spanishverse
> mixed pictorial, alphabetic Spanish manuscript
epic, simply epic.
Any good books on the Colombians?
Never, because Zhao won't want to watch it
Imagine being an Aztec living on a floating city covered in temples that are meccas to human sacrifice, and suddenly some fair skinned guy covered in metal armor with a gun rides up on a fucking horse, all things you've never seen before. It must have been one of the most surreal moments in human history. The siege of Tenochtitlan was also crazy, urban warfare between Spaniards and Natives circa 1500.
Movie about aztec
> Cringe and cuckpilled
Movie about Incas
> Based and redpilled
Incas architecture are most KINO than aztec culture (dirty canibalistic indios with 0 civilization)
Probably nothing soon. Especially anything that would resemble an "epic"
me too 2bh. it's a nearly untapped well of aesthetics, history and mythology.
this could be cool too.
Reminder that the Habsburgs would have turned Mexico into a first world country but Juarez, on command of his American masters, murdered him.
Hard to do without it being a CGI clusterfuck in this jew era of filmmaking. Not interested unless it can be done practically. Pass.
>you'll never have this battle on screen
could have been kino
>2000 years of Aztec
Good b8.
good song though.
They should make a movie about Huitzilopochtli.
>conceived by feathers falling in his mother's cunt
>single-handedly wrecks his 400 brothers to defend her
>tears his roastie sister's head off and throws it into the sky where it becomes the moon
>trolls the aztecs into building their city in the middle of a swamp
I believe Aztec leaders and shamans would communicate with him by getting blasted on Ayahuasca
Fear and Loathing in Tenochtitlan: I'd watch it.
>in their own countries
Spaniards have multiple countries?
Because if we wanted to watch spics cutting each other's hearts out we'd go to San Diego.
apocalypto is the closest we will ever get
face the facts
I don't think he confused them, he just made the jungle dwelling hunter gatherers the protagonists and the urbanite Aztecs the villains
How much Spanish is in your average, modern day Mexican?
If they're majority Spanish then I guess the Aztecs will be uncultured savages. If they're majority Nahuatl or whatever then I guess it'll be noble tribesman v evil (white) Spaniards.
Can't piss off your soon-to-be-majority viewership.
Probably in another decade when they are the majority in the states
>One gruesome detail I read before about the Spaniards is that they captured a native girl with her newborn. They threw the baby towards a pack of hungry dogs and made the girl watch her baby be torn into pieces
Coming soon. Produced by Spielberg for Amazon with Bardem as Cortes. But it's probably going to be PC garbage. I can't even imagine how 2019 Hollywood will cover the fall of the Aztecs.
Humans came from Africa you fucking bigot
this a killer rendition
>writer was also one of the writers for the first M:I, American Gangsters, and created The Night Of
yeah i think it's gonna be kino
How is it balls to the walls insane?
we missed our oportunity
it wont be produced during our timeline, too cis male and white
Do the one based around killing that auatrian
>what is practical and CGI integration
when was the last time it was done right?
So why not twist it in the other direction, make the Conquistadors menacing yet relatively neutral until the non-Aztecs reveal their brutality? Sort of like having two 'villains' and turning them against each other
They can placate the plebs by having an Aztec and a local serf romantically escape and run away from the destruction or some shit
They could opt for a everyone is shitty and as bad as the other approach. Outside of some moaning cunts online that write clickbait people would be fine with that.
100 drunken rebels conquered the most powerful empire in the Americas
No single person can be blamed. Rousseau romanticized "primitive society". As early as the 1850's some Americans were forming societies to preserve and protect indigenous people. Some wrote books and pamphlets heavily romanticizing them. Since the 1960's the New Left partially inspired by things like anarcho-primitivism made a big push against modernity and have done a lot to demonize it and the people who created it.
yeah they didnt have book they have these weird knot things, also probably people memorized stories the length of books through oral tradition
Everything from start to finish. The fact that Cortés expedition was illegal because he fled to Mexico before beign arrested by Cuba's governor. The burning of the expedtion ships by Cortes to avoid mutinies and force the men to stay on the continent. The stories of Geronimo de Aguilar, La Malinche and Gonzalo Guerrero (spanish castaway who became a Mayan lord and married a mayan woman 10 years before the expedition). The encouters with the natives. When the spanish enter Tenochtitlan and can't believe what they see, even the ones who saw Constotinople and Florence before. Narvaez' failed expedition to arrest Cortes and bring him in Cuba to face a trial. The massacre of the city elites by Cortes second in command who forces the spanish to seek shelter in Moctezuma's palace beign besieged. The Noche Triste who might be one of the most kino event in history by far. All the fucking battles, including Otumba against ennemies 100x larger. The siege and sack of the capital etc...
Cortes expedition is legit one of the greatest human adventure of all time.
Cast him
American education lmao
Fuck. I need a good video or book about this kino
Javier bardem
iirc zuma can't figure out whether to kill or worship the spanish and finally decides on kill but fucks the whole thing up, so there are a lot of different angles.
>Cortez is sent from Cuba to establish commerce and diplomatic relations with the natives
>Discovers ship wrecked Friar who learned a native language
>Hears rumors of cities full of gold
>Forges alliances with numerous tribes that were enemies of the Aztecs
>Decides on his own to conquer the Aztecs without any Spanish authorization with a few hundred Spaniards and slaves
>Builds up alliance with tens or even hundreds of thousands of natives
>Take Aztec emperor prisoner and use him as puppet
>Extreme paranoia results in constant conflict
>Spanish send another expedition to check up on Cortez
>He fights them and observes the survivors into his force
>Goes back to Aztec capital
>Emperor's brother is leading a revolt to reassert order
>Cortex losses the fight and retreats to the jungle
>Launches siege of the capital and sends out native allies to harass the entire region
>Enormous force takes weeks attacking the capital
>Eventually break down the defenses and wear down the Aztecs until they win
There are other based conquistadores like Alonso de Ojeda, Nuñez de Balboa, Pizarro or Narvaez worth of a film.
Bernal Diaz del Castillo's book is incredible and explains everything with a lot of deyails but has some boring parts.
Yes he was an interesting character but a weak and naive leader. And there is still a bit of mystery surrounding his death to this day.
people live in that flyover. color me shocked
el peruANO
>some fair skinned guy covered in metal armor with a gun rides up on a fucking horse
Are you fucking retarded?
Because we barely know what happened and what to show. We know the history very, very roughly. Same reason that every time vikangz are on screen they either pillage brit isles or maybe throw lightning bolts at giants with odin at their side, sometimes both. We know (next to) nothing else of them. How do you make a historical movie without history?
Conquistadors can be done, pre-colonization america not so much. Best it can be is "roughly inspired, ziggurats and shiet".
There are some good ones, like pic related
I don't know if they were used during the conquest, but guns for horse riders were developed around that time.
Isn't this sympathetic to the natives to the point of historical inaccuracy on Braveheart's level?
i didnt think so. its more about the inner conflict of a native who had been converted to christianity. its not saying the conversion was ‘bad’ but just that its really hard to change your entire worldview even if your conversion was genuine
They had guns back then.
The problem would be the lack of any good guys if the film was historically accurate.
He was a puppet of France
>tfw no Aztec gf
The Royal Hunt Of The Sun covers Pizarro.