Why make a CGI character who's most defining feature is her big eyes and then proceed to make them mud brown?
They could've made them ocean blue, emerald green or even gold colored instead
Why make a CGI character who's most defining feature is her big eyes and then proceed to make them mud brown?
They could've made them ocean blue, emerald green or even gold colored instead
She looks so elvish in this pic
Discord trannies falseflagging their own shitty movie again.
Dilate ladies
Because that’s what she looks like, retard
My guess is, they probably did try and it looked too outlandish so they went for brown.
Don't care they should've made em this color
Shit taste
>SJW pandering movie made for muttmericans
gee I wonder
>girl says hi to me
>turn around
>see her disgusting brown eyes
>shout "DIOS MIO"
>walk away
Made a webm of OP's pic
user I...
God I don’t know the artist who originally drew her but that shit is beyond stylish
Because that's the colour they were in the source material, you shitter.
The OVA had a lot of character design and lead art done by Nobuteru Yuki, who's unreasonably talented as an artist.
The future is brown, racist
>mud brown
They're hazel.
try befriending a real girl
Woman friends fucking suck. They want to be constantly entertained, while at the same time never entertaining, and put little effort even in the conversations. It is like dating, but without the payment for all the effort.
who is this gf
>being an emotional tampon
>for free
Her eyes are RED
>Orange as the martian sand
It's literally poetry
a real live girl who is waiting for you