What is your favorite jumpscare Yea Forums?

what is your favorite jumpscare Yea Forums?

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I don't remember any of them because I forgot about them after like 5 seconds. But probably that one.

The one in The Exorcist III. Great build-up.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.
You know the one.

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Part 3 when he's in the little window towards the end of the movie. Shits creepy as fuck.

The one with the corpse in Jaws always gets me.


The one in Mullholand Drive

mulholland drive caca face hobo goblin

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When George Clooney shot Brad Pitt in the face in Burn After Reading. The dumb face Pitt made and the sudden shock of a graphic killing out of nowhere in a comedy made me laugh for like 2 minutes straight.

what movie is that from?

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Friday The 13th

the one where Araki is eating a donut

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the record room?

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the best


That one scene from Mulholland Drive, it's not even a contest.


The one where Michael Haneke instantly cuts to a loud scene of a swimming pool to wake up all the people attempting to watch Caché.

The defibrilator scene in The Thing

>that obnoxious sound effect
>that overly bouncy walking

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my friend and I were watching that late at night and were kinda falling asleep by that point and that jump scare nearly made us shit our pants

Yup. I've gotten several friends who've never seen it before with that scene.

pic related

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bilbo mind

This shit scared me shitless the first time

This but unironically. Totally didn't expect it.

stop coping me faggot

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>not taking her home for a wash and fuck