Thank you EU

thank you EU

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Other urls found in this thread:

very based get fucked kikes

absolutely based

based and eupilled

After ruining the internet by threatening to send webmins to jail if they don't tell you what everyone already knew 20 years ago in the form of popups they really just need to ban them from making any important decisions forever.

fuck off with the /pol/itics fucking virgins

>tfw you haven't met your weekly quota of watching german tv and your netflix subscription is cancelled

t. can't read

>transparency is bad
Holy fuck how cucked and retarded can one person be

>imagine not wanting to watch local documentaries about defensive wars against muslims or christian traditions

What exactly does that mean?

So like Netflix in the UK by law would have to have 30% of their catalogue be shitty UK terrestrial shows?

And what happens when Netflix says "Fuck off"?

To be fair some of the local content in France and Germany is quite good, problem is people don't watch it because it's buried under FRIENDS, an Adam Sandler flick and Stranger Things.

>german tv shows can't compete with american tv shows
>instead of trying harder they go with another commissary directive singed by Adolf Hitler or some other Ursula von Whatever
fuck eu

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I don't understand this to be honest

you get what you vote for
or not

EU is based.

We've also started measures against amazon to break up their monopoly inside Europe.

What you mean you don't want to see Disney rape and pillage all dying american franchise they purchased while they were dying to milk them until they die completely like LucasFilm, Pixar and Marvel?

Anglosphere BTFO by based EU

Ah, so I guess that's why all those shitty websites insist on telling me they're using cookies.

HBO GO is actually pretty good at this
I live in a small, eastern yuro shithole but still, HBO GO is completely localized, everything local subs and there are shitloads of local movies and documentaries and even quite a lot from other eastern yuro countries that otherwise no one would watch or know they exist

And now that Based Britain is set to leave the EU that will mean 30% of French and German "content". Enjoy your pseudo-deep drug-laced softporn.

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so watch that crap if you want, don't force it on us

You are not local in France either before you leave you moron.
No wonder you brainlets want to shoot your foot.

You stupid? It would mean 30% of uk content in uk.
The EU is not a literal country, it's confederation.

So it's country-specific local as opposed to EU-wide local? Holy shit this is even worse than I thought.
Imagine being from Croatia and having to cope with 30% Croat content.

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>To be fair some of the local content in France

you mean Marseille ?

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Imagine liking more than 30% of the shit britain makes after the 90s.

>paying to watch american media

hmmm I wasn't aware Harry Potter came out in the 90s

>more shitty state funded propaganda that no one watches
thank you based eu

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as bad as american nigger faggot propaganda

The content that is produced by our public broadcast company can be watched for free at anytime we want, I think as long as you're in the Netherlands, and the biggest private broadcast company has their own on-demand catalog, despite barely anyone watching that one. Could become an interesting situation.

Didn't the EU fuck up the internet with censorship some 2 odd years ago? Some bill that passed easily and unnoticed. Some people kicked up a bit of stir on here and there were some people on youtube warning about it as well. Anyways, the days of everyone wanting to bridge a gap to other parts of the world with original and interesting content are have been gone for some time now. I just use google, youtube and pornhub. So I only get to see a small part of the net probably. The results you get to see are heavily filtered. Which is a pity. It's all again corporate now.

>vote for retard Manfred Weber
>get retard Uschi von der Leyen
I guess it kinda works

i dont think anyone is censoring the internet more than america right now

>Yuropoors basically admitting their movies cannot compete unless backed by legal threats

voting is for idiots

democracy is a meme especially in the diverse hellhole the west is turning into

Can't decide if I like this or not. On the one hand I like seeing the American monopoly on culture destroyed, but on the other hand my country just makes shitty movies.

America applies zero censorship to America. Do you mean Alphabet Inc, Fuckerberg, and @Jack?

but seriously stuff like au service de la france is actually pretty good

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noooo how will hollywood make money now??

Fuck this gay shit. Let’s go WTO!

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>America applies zero censorship to America
unless its politically incorrect

But 90% of those movies are 10 times better than the capeshit and faggot tv shows garbage that are popular on those platforms, pleb

Liveleak was nice for a while. Not really my bag to watch gore, but at least it was something raw again. Iirc they got neutered after that whole thing with the guy who shot up the mosque.

>Enjoy your pseudo-deep drug-laced softporn.
I will?

there's no hope for you, you don't just have bad opinions, your entire moral values system is wired wrong

enjoy your culture police euron

They are so great people refuse to watch them unless you make a law?

VERY based
Kikewood btfo

Let the europoors do their thing, user. They want to feel special while they're paying an American company so they can watch local TV.

You people are fucking retarded, this is step one.
The next step is to pay for it... through YOUR taxes. After all, if the EU demands, the EU will have to pay for it, since Netflix is neck deep in debts, they can't pay for it.
So if the EU pays for it, the European citizens will have to pay MORE taxes.
Did you hate all the interracial/homosexual/pedo propaganda that Netflix shits out? Congrats! Now you'll have to pay for it! Like the English TV licenses but worse!

Most european countries have what's called public media. BBC, DR, SVT, France TV ect. They exist under a certain set of obligations unlike private media since they are state funded. Be educational, promote local culture, encourage locally grown media ect. It sounds like a media monopoly, but it isn't since it is living side by side with the private competition which there is a lot of. I can imagine that EU did this since most people nowadays watch streaming services more than regular TV, and they want to transfer the public media system onto it. But since streaming services can't be bothered with localisation, they only offer american media, which effectively has created a monopoly.

based, less schifty things and capeshit, more Dark and eurokino

It's to promote local production instead of letting foreign stuff flood the market. Same thing happened to radio statons in several countries all across Eyrope.

It's a weird attempt to prevent international culture from becoming a thing. If you're an Alex Jones supporter, it's a kick in the face to the globalists I guess

After all, if the EU demands it*

Also, now their Marxist propaganda is being released in YOUR OWN language! Boy, I do love the EU!

>he doesn't know how to find kino

I mean, I like that this will cripple disney+ before it even comes out, but like... this seems stupid

Some of our local shows are not that bad. They have an own identity that doesn't try to imitate their bigger counterpart. This whole discussion to me is a moo point though, since I don't use streaming services. I buy physical media. Every now and then.

Aren't most of the shows already about black men fucking white women?

It's to try and make sure that not all the media you consume is American (speaking from the perspective of a non-American)

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Based EU. Fuck kikes and fuck angloids desu.

>being proud of the indoctrination industry built by German (((refugees)))

Don't think their intentions are noble in any kind of way. I'm all for more choice on the menu but that's not what they have in mind.

Why can't they just set up a website or streaming platform to make it available to people who want it instead of dumping more trash on the already garbage filled catalogs of netflix + other platforms. Is it because they know no one would watch state programming on purpose? I sort of feel sorry for you EU fags like what the fuck were they thinking. Was this something you voted on or was it "voted" in for you by "representatives"?

it's called protectionism they've been doing this in theaters since forever, now they will regulate streaming too

The rules don't just have to apply to Sweden now

>Guten Tag Herr user
>Ve have been informed zat you didn't watch your mandatory amount of EU certified Kinokunst yet. Not to worry, it reads here zat you have already seen Das Boot, and according to our files, you enjoyed it. My associate and I compiled a list of other things you might like. I for one very much enjoyed "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter". Now you are obliged to watch at least 2 items on zat list by the end of August or we shall be forced to take drastic measures, like sending you a letter or putting you into a reeducation camp for the muttified.

>the topic has something to do with 30% therefore any other statement including 30% is relevant

voted for by representatives of course. State programming is not that bad though, it's not mindless propaganda like in a totalitarian state. It's just, yeah, what's the bigger picture here?

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this nigga gets it, you people are dumb s fuck

put me in the screencap


Absolutely based.

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They should instead demand that they offer the same content everywhere.

>Why can't they just set up a website or streaming platform to make it available to people
They already have that, but remember that it is state funded. The website is absolute garbage and most of the old shit just randomly disappears.
>Is it because they know no one would watch state programming on purpose?
I haven't heard anyone bitch about it other than the fact that it is state funded. The content itself is usually of pretty high quality.
>Was this something you voted on or was it "voted" in for you by "representatives"?
Do americans vote on every piece of legislation? No, we both vote in representatives and let them deal with it unless it is something major (which this isn't). They saw that public TV needs a place in a wave of american streaming services. I'm personally glad. More historical documentaries to compete with the american interracial soap operas

joke's on them, most of the media I consume is japanese

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i was enjoying the headline till this post

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its basically another holocaust, the evil germans are stealing money from the hardworking jewish community in hollywood just so they can cling on to their bigoted white male culture

It’s just a way to make money for the EU. They’ll pay the fine and continue as they are now

Or you could try a revolutionary new approach of letting people choose what they want for themselves.

WHAT!? No. I think it's just better if the government tells websites what kind of content they're allowed to have and how much. It just makes yurosense you see.

Do Americans get to watch europbs now? It might be cool to see a bunch of different shit our sub fees aren't paying for this time.

>it's user finds out why fascism sucks episode

If yuros want to watch yuro content can't they just do it on a yuro streaming service instead of requiring every streaming service in the world to cater to them? All this means is that companies like Netflix are going to bid bottom dollar to get programs that was technically produced in these countries. It doesn't mean they're actually going to make anything good for you yurotards.

If a giant meteor struck Brussels and collapsed the EU into a pile of dust, they would be a day to celebrate. Fuck E*ropean """people"""

I love the EU.

I highly doubt that all those streaming services will be compensated in any way.

>Did you hate all the interracial/homosexual/pedo propaganda that Netflix shits out?
Thats entirely due to Americans loving that stuff.

>to get programs that was technically produced

Honestly I can see them simply not operating in the EU and then the EU begging them to come back.

>OMG I hate Europe and Europeans!
>Why cant you just BE Americans!?

How about you white genocide a bit faster than you currently are?

They will literally have to be. Netflix is already neck deep in debt as it is, most likely they simply do not have the money to make a bunch of EXTRA shows simply because the EU wants that.

So since they probably can't even afford it, they'd either stop with Netflix being available in the EU (obviously not gonna happen) or the EU has to fund it themselves, either fully or in part. And that makes much more sense, since this gives a perfect excuse to tax Europeans more and get more money.

Again, Netflix is already in debt, the idea that they can make extra shows just because the EU says so is impossible. Or they'd have to accept more debts for it but the EU taxing Euros more makes more sense imo.

They certainly won't get money from the govs, they will simply rise the price or flood catalog with the cheapest local garbage they can find which will result limiting better content.

>American business turning down money no matter what the other costs are
Are you from an alternate dimension?

Yes, I reworded a sentence and forgot to change a word. You were correct to quote this.

Who says netflix is making the programming? They are just streaming already made local shit.

Such as the TV series with constant mutt face? I dont want to watch TV shows where Africans and mixed race people pretend to be white.

Attached: mutt fave.jpg (720x405, 40K)

These quotas never work well. It just makes the required party buy up programming that was too awful to be sold anywhere else. They'll throw some pennies on the dollar crap on there that yuros will never watch, technically meet the requirements and absolutely nothing will have changed for the better.

>it's not mindless propaganda like in a totalitarian state
Nigger what? State TV is usually full of propaganda. Either of the state in question or whatever hivemind journos have in the country in question.

Why is EU internet so good bros?
>support local and cultural creators
>privacy is enforced
>Facebooks Russian propaganda can GTFO
>limit the spread of pornography and degeneracy

USA is just whatever boring retarded filth and Russian propaganda schemes sure yeah freedom of sp33ecchh is EveueuUything hahahaha TRY THIS APP IT MAKES YOU LOOK OLD

>USA internet

If the expenses outweight the profits then yeah, they're not gonna do it. If the EU isn't covering the costs they won't have the money to do it. These streaming services are in no way profitable.

The market is way too big for that. Such a stunt would crash their stock value. The streaming services has made a disgusting amount of money so the whole "we can't afford royalties" is just a ridiculous claim. They'll bitch, but suck it up

M8, this isn't something euros wanted, it's just that some euro streaming companies/TV producers probably lobbied for it and EU officials are always eager to fuck over American companies.

Based 'having a stroke'-poster.

Are you German by any chance?

You need to make money and the more you diversify and cater to the needs of what are basically negligeable groups the smaller your margin of profit gets and the bigger your business needs to be for it to be sustainable. That's my brainlet understanding anyway. So I don't get why we have to keep on diversifying while they're cutting into their own profits basically. It would be better to have one concentrated channel through which you get your information. The people who don't like this system could rebel against it and it would be part of their identity. Now it's all become so scattered and entangled and people don't really have a group to latch onto anymore. What should be great: 'Everyone gets to choose' has become one giant clusterfuck basically where everyone is divided and the big dogs are feasting on the bones. I reckon it's as much the fault of the masses as it is of the elite. Wanting everything for the cheapest price and the whole year around, while retaining your power of purchase. Let's take in some shitskins too, to soothe our conciensnesses. But don't raise the taxes! Don't take our jobs! Corporations are always without conscience, everyone knows from the getgo. But we turn a blind eye when we can eat strawberries in wintertime. Globalism is a shitty turd and the consumer is just as much at fault for being a lazy complacent shit.

National rights distributors fucking international companies in the ass again using the EU as a hammer to pass laws with which they can gain guaranteed income. They're fucking leeches. And the EU a fucking threat to the people in Europe. Such an utterly corrupt pile of fucking shit.

based. its 30% less american bbc worship and feminist propaganda

Lol wrong
Instead of being indoctrinated by the us now you'll have your own gov telling you islam is good and fuck history

it’s almost like there’s an agenda other than making money

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>Netflix is already neck deep in debt as it is
No they aren't. They just didn't see the rise in profits they expected
>Netflix lost more than $16 billion from its market cap following the report, bringing it to $142.2 billion. The stock is still up more than 21% so far this year
That doesn't sound like "neck deep in debt" to me. They are doing fine
>make a bunch of EXTRA shows simply because the EU wants that
The point is that the EU want less of the garbage Netflix produce. All Netflix has to do is show more locally produced content

Why do Eurofags REEE about Americans being nationalists but also have their government force international companies to play Euro content?

As opposed to having the u.s. tell you that Islam is good and fuck history?

yes very BASED indeed we need more local masterpieces like blanda upp! yankee stuff is not aggressive enough

Attached: wOW_Z8.gif (320x180, 1.6M)

>No they aren't [in debt]. They just didn't see the rise in profits they expected
It might not kill them, but they are sure as hell in debt

This is not representative. It is telling about Marxism and how it has seeped in through education though.

It's not coming from the people. It's corporations using the EU to manufacture revenue streams. See, they hold the distribution rights for national content. By forcing the streaming services to have a quota, they are guaranteed to have licensing revenue for those 30% written in law. It's simple as this. Money. Fuck the people, fuck the nations, fuck Europe. All they care about is money and the EU exists to facilitate their will. That's all the EU has ever been about. It just gets dressed up in democracy and other feelgood PR to give it the image of legitimacy and benevolence.

I fucking love German TV.

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oh god

>everyone lives in sweden

>dont watch tv
>dont watch netflix
>now i can not watch netflix to not watch tv


>Euro/int/ trash spend the middle of this decade whining about how the EU imported millions of refugees
>Euro/int/ trash now are like 'based EU, I lovee the EU, I would cut my worthless little cock off for the EU'
So when are you giving your daughters over to your local BASSSEEEEEEDDD euroweek camp?

Attached: euroweek.jpg (900x600, 88K)

Eurofags have nothing to do with anything the EU does. It's a Moloch basically, where you don't get any say and they keep you in the dark about any decision you might rise up against. They have to get interpreters to even understand each other. What is it? Last time I checked (some time ago) it was 26 nationalities. It's a trainwreck and nobody dares to say we should turn back the clock. And if you do you get ostracized and publically chastized. It should've never been more than a trade organisation. Not this monstrosity we have today. It's the tower of Babel basically. And I'm not even sure people at the helm understand themselves.

those guys would be considered white in america lmao

How retarded do you have to be to think having to close a pop up message before using every single website is ok because you're too dumb to understand every website uses cookies?

Chop chop

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The EU is trying to force Netflix to broadcast the propaganda produced by their member state governments on their service. Basically just communist thuggery.

loving the seething kikes itt

What a fucking joke.

Government regulation is retarded and simply creates monopolies.

lolwut? America isn't censoring the internet, we live in a rare time where the FCC is actually relinquishing much of their authority over the internet via ending net neutrality. Did you just miss the EU's article 17 debacle essentially legally requiring all websites to submit to their censorship demands to remain accessible there? Or the pressure China puts on Google, Apple, and other tech companies to censor content they don't like? You're a fucking retard.

America bad
Communism good

Nicely put.

Most of the local content is government funded and controlled ala the BBC. This has nothing to do with cultural monopoly and everything to do with the EU enforcing its propaganda networks.

Top Kek eurofags are so fucking dumb holy shit

Holy shit.


Thank god for cuckold sweden. It delivers half of the jokes to its neighbor's

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Company illiterate euros actually think this means Netflix will produce 30% local content

All this will do is drive netflix and other streaming services out of your countries

Why is government regulation so useless?


There are brainlets on here ACTUALLY defending the EU?

Do you guys love the taste of corporate/statist boots or something?

oh no, not netflix! my life revolves around random corporations successes and failures

Why are you defending EU

Why do you enjoy licking corporate and statist cock?

Then don't watch it.
An your doing is propping up government propaganda telling you to let in refugees lmao

What do you think this "local content" means?

Why are commies so incredibly dumb?

>30% "local" content
>Pic Related

Attached: lead_960.jpg (960x720, 119K)

Local content of course being sermons from mosques.

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i dont
>government propaganda telling you to let in refugees lmao
yeah like netflix doesnt have enough of that already
the idea that im supposed to care if they leave or not(they wont) is absurd

Are you shitting me, m88? German Yea Forums is total fucking garbage.

That would just be unsupportable, unless they simply buy the back catalogue of shitty local channels.
I guess they could try and make netflix EU and treat the whole region as one, but I think rights would be a nightmare and so there will be minimal content other than netflix produced shit.
This is just the EU being protectionist arseholes, like they are in everything because they can't make their own internet/technology giants they've got to punish American ones.

do countries other than the US and UK even have tv programming

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> It sounds like a media monopoly, but it isn't since it is living side by side with the private competition
having a uncompetitive advantage (state funding and controlled licensing) creates a monopoly. the BBC lobbied against private national radio for decades and watching ITV with ads is a fucking pain.
>only offer american media, which effectively has created a monopoly
That's not a monopoly. Anyone can start and internet streaming service. It's not a monopoly if people don't want to watch shitty local media.

You know all those "kino" movies people post here and many euros have seen as kids or on tv in general?
It's our state TVs that try to keep our culture.
If you are a capeshitter just ignore the post.

>promote local culture

what does that even mean in practice?

>Yea Forumspol/: le ebil joos in jewllywood

I hope it's just russian trolls and not genuine idiots.

If you needed any further evidence that brexiters are functionally illiterate...

do dubbed cartoons count?

In all fairness, Europe doesn't have much of a movie industry. Other than France and Germany maybe. Italy had two directors I can think of, but that's not a movie industry. As far as joint collaborations go I can't think of another one than ' The Neverending Story'. I'm sure there's been others, But it's always a hassle to get funding. 'Tv shows' as kids was mostly just imported cartoons from Japan. Feel free to prove me wrong though.

Based EU but I don't care, I'll never subscribe to netflix.

>This is just the EU being protectionist arseholes, like they are in everything because they can't make their own internet/technology giants they've got to punish American ones.

You think it would've been different if it was the other way around? Fat fucks who slip on a McDonalds floor sue over there just because the system entitles them too. But you are right, it's just the EU flexing. Which seems laughable, because they're always trying to take the moral high ground.

>The selected content can't be accessed.
>Your total viewing time of state propaganda this month is 00d:02h:43m:21s.
>Please select state content of your choice and watch for a duration of at least 00d:00h:16m:39s to unlock selected content.
>While watching the state content, please prepare to answer questions when randomly prompted and make sure to solve the captcha to prove that you are human.
>Disclaimer: Answering the questions in a way not desired by the government can lead to the closure of your account and additional investigation.
>Remember: More lives than your own depend on your conformity. Information is a privilege, not a right.

You should because there are big natural naked tits on german tv.

Even though I am against socialism and government intervention, I'm so tired of English media that I might actually like the outcome of this. If it gives us some more Euro kino, fine by me.

Bulgarian here, state TV is a laughing stock but gets solid funding from the Ministry of Culture. We get talk shows about religion, small-scope documentaries about local historical figures, televised theatre production, folk music and dance productions. Pretty much whatever the ministry deems worthy of funding.
To give you some idea of context, other TV networks are pretty much all"
>reality shows/competitions based on western ones
>Western cinema/scripted TV
>Turkish soap operas

No we won't, faggot.

Yeah that was fucking retarded. There are "I don't care about cookies" addons though if you don't mind bloat.

its propaganda plain and simple
you cant be watching too many american movies else you may be getting funny ideas of voting against the party

Which party you idiot. Europe has parliaments.

stfu retard, that's what happened in England and even in other European countries, part of the taxes go to public broadcasting.
Not only WILL it happen, it's ALREADY happening.
But now you can add Netflix to the list.

This law is useless. Netflix could just offer its normal catalogue and then pay some bulgarian hobo 20 euros to rant into a mic for a week straight or however long 30% would be. Thus meeting the local content quota for that country.

They wouldnt have to actually produce or license quality locally produced content.

>All this will do is drive netflix and other streaming services out of your countries
How is that a bad thing, oh wait, you're one of those mouthbreathing retards who watch netflix.

Documentaries. Those hiking programs where people go to different villages. Gardening programs. Cooking shows. TV shows. In my case nordic noir would be the most obvious example of something with local culture. Movies that takes place locally. By "promote local culture" its not meant as a nationalistic wank fest, but rather just something we can relate to. An American program where a guy travels around and try different BBQ is promoting American culture, but it doesn't say much to a lot of europeans since they can't relate culturally

It's about money.

So the catalogue is going to get even worse because Netflicks will pick up whatever trash is on offer which, naturally, won't have much in the way of rival competition. It's going to be Women's football news all over again where people just scroll passed that shit to what they want to see.

>And what happens when Netflix says "Fuck off"?

I'd love to see a company try this one day. The EU doesn't have the balls to block a major internet giant and couldn't if they tried.

>watching TV

Flanders has studio100 which is a relatively big player in European kids shows.

German tv is 99% utter trash

You're not in Europe anymore. And we will take your Bond movies, because they are, in essence, European movies. Bongs are too retarded to protect their heritage. You will pay us your taxes to watch dated shitty Bond flicks where you can reminisce on the great empire that once was through watching some ape superspy in a costume. I hope we just give you the Craig ones. My regards to the Queen mum.

My mom watches this, looks pretty comfy and the daughter is getting riper by the season

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I meant English language media. Not literally English from England. I share your distain for those delusional inbred island monkeys though and I'm not even in Europe, but that's a whole separate point from the one I was making.

Wait what the fuck? How does the EU honestly think they have the right to tell American companies to cater their content to Europe?

The EU is fucking delusional to think that they have any right to do this shit, America is the only country that should be able to legislate the internet, and that's not because I'm super patriotic, but because they are ostensibly american companies. Fucking europoors.

Its called national sovereignty

Europe is anti national sovereignty, dimwit.

Same reason A$ap Rocky isn't released yet.
You can't go around bullying the whole world son, there is laws. Sharia, for one.

>Americans being nationalists
Because you have no nation and it's just ridiculous to see you pretend otherwise.

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Imagine being so afraid of Yank media you have to do this, it's embarrassing.

That's your brain on socialism and the reason why giving the government more power and resources is always a bad idea. Even if they somehow do something good with the money in a non wasteful efficient way (hahahaha) there is no guarantee the next administration will, but they sure as shit aren't going to lower those taxes the last administration raised because taking away le """free""" gibs is a sure way to lose votes from brainlets. Which is how you end up with a Europe where every country has close to 50% taxes and lets in millions of low skilled low IQ Arabs to save (hahahahahaha) our retarded wellfair state from collapsing.


the EU might be awful but it's still preferrable to the hollywood jewish cabal

>And what happens when Netflix says "Fuck off"?

Netflix becomes literally illegal in a market area of about a billion first-world consumers.

There is literally nothing wrong with being nationalistic and protecting your borders.
t. Euro

Ignore """people""" like . He's probably a Swede.

Honestly they should just ban Netflix completely, Netflix is shit.

Like Apple, Facebook and Google fucked off from Europe when they got fined for tens of billions... Oh wait, they paid up like little bitches and bent over backwards to serve the EU market.

Attached: EU always wins.jpg (633x600, 38K)

Please have sex

>There is literally nothing wrong with being nationalistic and protecting your borders.
>t. Euro
If only EU did it sometimes.

youll find dozens of articles like this

EU takes free money outta mutt corps pockets, whatcha gonna do about it cuck?

There is a level where lawsuits don't matter anymore though. Could you imagine Sony or Microsoft going bankrupt? Or Apple or Facebook. We've seen it with the banks. You can't run these companies into the ground. They have a bigger GDP or whatsitmacalled than some countries. Netflix is still young though, they might still get sacrificed. Seems like Amazon is above anything now too. It might happen, but I think they're close to intouchable. It happens on a national level too, where the government bails out companies. Why the fuck would you even pay taxes anymore.

>Calls other people company illiterate
>doesn't know the EU is the biggest consumer market in the world
>Oh yeah lets totally just stop selling our product in the biggest consumer market on earth as a power move against their government
I'm not defending or attacking the decision either way, but you are an idiot who clearly doesn't know the first thing about business and should stop pretending you do online to people who might not know better.

I know, user. I know..

Oy Gevalt listen to this man

Dude, I don't think you realize the difference in power between a massive coalition of nations like EU and any corporation. EU *CANNOT* lose a lawsuit. It writes the fucking laws to begin with. Anything Google or Microsoft or, yes, Netlfix, can do is file a complaint, which will be put into a shredder and they'll have the options of paying up whatever they're told or leaving the continent. All of them have chosen the former.

EU approved content only I'm sure. Enjoying paying for your own propaganda EUcucks

> EU

> UK

Not for long, lad. Which means the BBC catalog won't count against that quota. Guess it's 30% French movies and Bulgarian documentaries.

Hollywood shit is propaganda too. At least watching our own propaganda is patriotic.

I want more German kino like Dark.

yes but this shit will be directly approved by the government/EU

There's plenty of Eurostuff to show.

Attached: 1551102078570.jpg (1200x628, 539K)

>shit will be directly approved by the government/EU
Where is this written, retard?
It just means that there must be space for the usual local stuff you fucking idiot.

It has not the big blockbuster capeshit industry, but has an industry.
Also you can also watch older stuff, that is very good. I watched 60s-80s italian movies with my parents and there is so much that is incredibly good.

laws not passed yet brainlet

source: your ass

>The govt demands I pay taxes. Good job they're now obliged to pay it for me.

Imagine being pro EU lmao

Remember to give your house to Mehmet the refugee, Hans

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Which seems funny to me, because what if Facebook, Microsoft, Google and why the fuck not even Coca Cola had a conglomerate of their own. And they told the EU they can fuck off. They wouldn't be able to sell it to the electorate. My best guess is it all overlaps, and all of this is just flexing. Some of it might leak out in public, or be made public, but so what? The riff raff don't care. I have no faith in law at that level whatsover, it's all backdoor deals. Only reason law exists is just so they can fuck with each other. Maybe it keeps us civilized, or maybe it doesn't. But I do not believe in the power of Human written Law. You need to be with two consenting parties to begin with. One of them tells you to fuck off. What are you going to do? To me, I think we're back at schoolground level and it's survival of the biggest thug. The Law might be something holy, but of what use is the law when you can just postpone a case indefinetely just because you have the money?

Long story short: They paid, if they paid at all, because they wanted too. Not because they were muscled out. Just taking a stab in the dark though.

That pic is spammed a lot , but is confirmed not being made by any EU organization.
Is fake news, not sure you are an idiot or you are intentionally spreading it, Ivan.

>Arunas Vinciunas, Lithuanian ambassador-at-large in Brussels, said the poster was part of a campaign part-financed by the executive body of the 27-nation European Union.


Seethe harder you square headed German pig

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all EU politicians look like sociopaths, its really weird.

Oh lel. In Finland we can watch shit on either online from the YLE site for free by simply making account there and then we have domestic streaming services as well. This is clearly from some backwards western Euro countries.

merely coicidence

That's a lie. You are spreading lies and your reaction is a huge giveaways of your intentions.

Verhofstadt is literally a libertarian which is the exact opposite of a communist.

You are expecting sincerity from russian bots, and culture from brexiters.

if it means the people doing Dark get more jobs, I'm okay with this.


True roachkino

>Verhofstadt is literally a libertarian

Attached: 1546796255357.png (645x773, 49K)

The man has good work ethic though. He lives and breathes politics. He's also a vain and dangerous man who'd sacrifice his own mother just to get a footnote in the history books. I think he really believes in the European Project. I saw where he got his question in with kikeberg. Gloating and condescending as fuck. Him getting acclaim from his stooge European collegeaus while he's the biggest stooge himself is scary. European Army, why don't you go fuck yourself. He's an egomaniac on a powertrip. I'm glad the bongs took some of the wind from his sails. He never forgave them for it. We in Belgium, were just glad to get him out of the way. He was gone to the European level and we never had to see him again.


>wants a supranational government that overrides everything
>h-he’s a libertarian

Europeans are thick. That’s why you elect people like Merkel who import rapists and bombers.

He's VLD, he wants lower taxes and shit like that

He wants to use EU for leverage in economic negotiations etc.

Basically United States of Europe. It has nothing to do with left or right wing.

Being pro-EU doesn't mean being pro left wing politics as the EU is comprised of a parlement of different parties, left and right wing. The right wing parties had the majority last election. It's probably going to go down with the increase of mudslimes though.

look at his fucking politics retard, hes spent decades building up the power of an international governing body, thats easily the most non-libertarian thing I've ever heard of

It does suck we have to agree or disagree to cookies on every site we visit now. It's a small inconvenience, but you get fucked with commercials all day long on the internet anyway. So was there really a fucking point? Was it the EU protecting it's users or was it just people flexing? I'm pretty careful with what I do, but I reckon 50% of my life is available on the internet anyway. And I'm ancient, anyone born after 1995 has 80% of their life available on the internet for sure. What the fuck are these cookies gonna do? At least we have a choice? Really, that's what you think matters to us? How about you give us some choice on the issue of immigration you dumbfucks.

I'm not even saying he's right I'm just trying to explain his ideology.

Imagine a Texan during the Civil war that believes in limited government but also believes the US should be united to get better trade agreements with Canada and Mexico.

Now EU is not the US and he believes giving the EU more power will help Europe economically by making it more cohesive like the US. I don't know if I agree with that, but that's irrelevant, that's what he believes. He's a pro EU libertarian. That's his ideology. He isn't a socialist.

>different parties, left and right wing
>right wing
>in Europe
Lololololololololol, oh my god, only difference between all-leftshit EU parliament is that some of those leftists have more national leaning and don't want to kill all Europeans outright.

We voted for them so they represent what right wing Europeans want out of the EU. If not we will vote for another party that is more aligned with our opinion about the future of the EU.

not the user, But I reckon I'm a pro Eu libertarian. Easy how you explained it. Never thought of myself as a libertarian before, seeing as I see it thrown around as an insult so much on here. It's nice to be able to finally put a label on it. Maybe this is how attack helicopters feel.

libertarians dont exist outside of the US
hes pro-big gov, aka not a fucking libertarian. you eurotards have stupid views on politics

Does that mean you'll see European written content? It can't be worse than the American too shit for hollywood liberal writers.

Libertarians are anti big government. Verhofstadt literally wants another tier of government on top of national governments.

You’re retarded.

End goal for the EU is to replace national governments.

>libertarians dont exist outside of the US
And you say we have stupid views on politics?

America changed a lot of political jargon and colors from the standard that the rest of the world uses (like less government is blue, more is red. But the US reverses this).

In Europe Libertarians are called Liberals, they want less taxes and less government regulations, their color is blue. I simply used the term "libertarian"before because this is an American website and you would confuse "liberal" for what you call "liberal"which is closer to what we in Europe would call "social-democrats" or "christian-democrats"or something like that. In your views Christians are right wing, but in Europe most Christian parties are more center left. Everything left of that is socialist parties (red) or green parties (which are basically extreme socialists most of the time). Right of Liberals (=libertarians) are the Nationalistic parties. They are almost always actually National Socialists, but nobody uses that label for obvious reasons. They are represented right of Liberals for historical reasons, but in the economic sense they are far left of liberals.

Liberals in Europe are Libertarians in the US. They want everything American Libertarians want, they just have a worse start (Europe is way more socialist than America) so they argue over other points because they pendulum is so much more shifted towards the left.

That's never what he stated. are you trolling or do you just have bad reading comprehension?

Ironically that girl was killed by a 'new swede'

>stupid french quota laws will now be forced on the rest of Europe

t-thanks EU

You forgot "Oy Vey"

have sex

It's written on the statue in front of EU parliament, that is built in the image of Tower of Babylon.

Verhoefstadt is on the YT literally stating that he wants the Empire of good.

imagine being surprised by this though

I'm from Croatia you dingus, our state-owned TV channels are also the most watched TV channels and they are pretty based, basically what this guy said

how is this a bad thing?
Less of american homosexual jewish propaganda.
The best tv show on netflix now is a german one, there is also some great spanish show apparently that I'm not interested in.

This the EU, not the UK, lmao
Most handholding laws in the EU came from UK MEP's


Also in the EU we sell stuff to each other.
Say in italy there are french, spanish, german, austrian etc tv series that were or are popular.
With less bullshit compared to much american stuff (but that is bought anyway).

You clearly didn't read anything I said.

Hey look it's another retard who fell for the EU bogeyman!

they cant make good tv so they make it law that Netflix pays for the shows nobody likes.

>what happens when Netflix says "Fuck off"?
they probably pay a fine and that fine is almost certainly much less than all the shitty licensing fees for all those shitty local shows. They just have to be able to prove that they're putting in a tiny amount of effort and they can just pay the fine annually and will likely never see any real punishment.

True. I always found it weird that most Americans only found out about Der Untergang (Downfall) from those meme videos. I heard some American say that this was an unknown movie until those memes. Which struck me as weird as I saw it in the cinema in German and I'm not even German. It was kind of a blockbuster in theaters here.

See the comments above.
"In Europe there is not movie industry".
For le 56% anything that is not capeshit-tier production is not an industry.

ancient aliens but in russian

america seizes torrent domains and megaupload etc

You are literally posting on a website that was unironically moved to fbi controlled servers because the content was "problematic". Ask moot.


Based Holly W Shekelstein


Don't disrespect our proud Shinto tradition

>Turkish soap operas
Fuck, you got those too? What the hell happened these last years, suddenly there's a ton of this shit.

I don't understand

WIll all netflix movies be unlocked in all countries?

>through YOUR taxes
Ha, nice joke.


>It's built in the image of Tower of Babylon
That's badass. To come out outright and say it. It means you are willing to defy a 5000 year old document, thinking you can do better as humans and wipe your ass with a prophecy. Or it means you are the Devil and hiding in plain sight.

>Hollywood is not a tool for american propaganda

Attached: Hollywood, massive propaganda weapon.jpg (1000x1547, 164K)

Attached: kek.jpg (800x450, 61K)

>he wants lower taxes and shit like that
top kek so what?
that's only a tiny thing libertarians want
he's a central bank cocksucker and wants a massive government
fucking retard

You people are fucking brainwashed
This simply takes money out of the economy and gives it to a massive leftist bureaucratic state.
This isn't a good thing you gigantic fucktard
lick more boots

Holy shit the EU needs to be abolished.

Honestly this.
Big government is bad.
Abolish copyright and IP laws and abolish the EU.
Problem fucking solved.

Based, USA globohomo propaganda is truly unbearable.

Read what I actually said in later posts. Also calm down. Calling me a retard is not an argument.

>kill netflix faster by forcing it to pay for bbc garbage no one will watch

Why so mad Cleetus?

>Calling me a retard is not an argument.
Where do you think are?



>to pay for bbc garbage no one will watch
Doesn't netflix already do this?

Yes, but now they have to do the filming in Europe instead of California.

Basically protectionism for streaming services

impotent seething cope
your taxes pay for my healthcare
lick my balls :^)

Dark is quite better

based retarded false flagger

>Netflix will be forced to pay for making more lewd French animation with white characters

Attached: 1554545396833.jpg (520x638, 218K)

Care to clarify?

>surely people will accept bad government if I act like I'm eight

You know how I know you're a a fucking kike shill. You should be glad I pointed the finger somewhere else. Fucking Zionist. Jerusalem was never yours.

Abolished means to put an end to something.

Incredibly based

Great, more Berkeley students that know nothing about this site.





why do kikes think that its an insult?

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>you cant be watching too many american movies else you may be getting funny ideas of voting against the party
Yeah, or getting blacked

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Hör auf RTL zu gucken

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You know that's not what I meant. Pretty soon, well be stomping on you niggers all over. With our Brand new EU Army. Or even better yet have imported niggers stomping on foreign niggers. Sit back and relax.

I'm just glad we never got the army. Wonder what kind of smoke they were throwing?

Its the same situation here in Georgia.
Except for the fact that state-founded TV is usually underrated and certain dark forces are trying REALLY hard for Television to remain a Zombiebox.
Thank God everyone has Internet nowadays so nobody cares about television anymore, save for some grannies

>communist sickle n scythe

>Netflix, one of the most profitable enterprises on the internet
>in debth

I don't understand this world anymore.

Attached: 1516753521859.jpg (480x371, 14K)

Pretty insane that this would be legislated. Sounds like something that would be better left in the hands of the market. Still, anything that's bad for Netflix is good for me, I guess.

>one of the most profitable
who are you quoting

>Sounds like something that would be better left in the hands of the (((market.)))

>netflix is not in debt
>literally has 20 billion dollar debt

>borrow a sum of money
>invest some of it
>keep the rest
>apparently the investment is working
>borrow more money because now you are trusted
>keep some of that money

Retard, the EU gets its money from the taxes of the EU citizens. If Netflix can't fund these shows, the EU will have to. A.k.a the European citizens will have to pay more taxes.
More taxes to forcibly pay for state-funded propaganda.
Lmao, literally forced to pay for 'white people bad' and 'interracial good' shows.

>TFW the streaming services react by restricting the catalogue even more than it was before to comply instead of buying up more local content
>EU citizens get fucked over twice in one go
>*thank you EU*
masochist huh?

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>apparently the investment is working
Then why are they still in debt after all these years?
Their subscribers are not rising close to what they promised to share holders - and might even fall. These investments are everything but working.

pathetic deflection
if you ever work for one those coprs, remember that the money we take for free every now and then comes outta your wages
lick my balls, corp slave mutt :^)

debt is long term. Someone else will pay

good old Bernie Madoff technique

Didn't Argentine (or whoever) have their navy training ship confiscated in some countries port for Argentine failing to keep up in debt payments?