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>that wasn't terrorism they all just took wrong turns in those trucks and panicked because white people

>(((the washington post)))

>white genocide is a myt-

Well this is true, because many countries define painting a swastika or racist propaganda on a wall as terrorism.

racists can't explain why countries like Poland, Iceland, Finland, Portugal, and Ukraine have far more terror attacks than diverse France, Germany and UK


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OK so how is this Yea Forums related? Please, I'm very interested in knowing why you thought you should post this here.

When do you plan on making this post in the other offtopic threads that have been up for hours?

Racial/identity politics, height and women are really the only important topics across all boards

OK so how is this Yea Forums related? Please, I'm very interested in knowing why you thought you should post this here.

it's media related

go to pol forum

I just googled terror attacks in poland and iceland and the only thing that came up in the results were a distinct LACK of them, so I'm not sure what you're trying to point out.

>killing invaders and traitors is terrorism
ok moshe

>Guy moves with his sister-wife to a first world country
>Their retarded offspring can't adapt to any culture thanks to growing up in an incestuous household that few in the country can relate to
>Mows down a dozen+ people
>Counted as "homegrown terrorism"

well to them it is

>government gives them visas and citizenship
>but me no like them so they invaders


though its usually 3rd generation


nigga please

fug the government and what they deem right and wrong

have sex

go to pol forum

Wow fake news much??

>the government is my ally
Neck yourself anytime

Yeah, article forgot to mention that muslim attacks are included in right wing terrorism category

It's so tiring to have to put up with you /pol/ crossposting incels every fucking day of the week, I don't know if I want to keep visiting this board anymore. Every day you are bitching about something new, something that doesn't affect you in the slightest, and then you have the nerve to call other people 'sensitive' or 'snowflakes'. There's always something race or gender related bothering you, and for some reason you come to bitch here instead of staying in your containment board. You always come here and post the same comments, the same old memes, it doesnt matter what the subject is, you are going to say the same shit regardless. You're all so boring and repetitive, like an old broken record.

You are legitimately taking the fun out of this place. This board used to be great, but now it's turning to shit. You are driving old posters away and replacing them with more like-minded incels. I dont like this board anymore.

Why would you not destroy the government that put your life in danger by letting shitskins in? You either fight or dont complain.


>monkey cage
>spreading false news

at this point the right wing is nothing but old fat people, and sexless young fat people.

Oh shit you don't like this board anymore?

Social anxiety, as traditional urban sociology likes to remind us, is just maladjustment to change. This anxiety is experienced on both sides of the equation, for both the native and the immigrant. The solution to social anxiety is not to stoke more fear and isolation, but to extend an olive branch in good faith, in hope that that positivity can be reciprocated. Even if such an act fails you must try again- we must imagine Sysiphus as happy at the top of his mountain just before his boulder rolls back to the bottom for him to repeat his task all over again

Im sure this is pasta but regardless go dilate.

They're blatantly admitting it.

See You want to shut down threads that contradict your narrative because you have no argument, but your kind know you'll look like the censoring cunts you are if you admit that it's the political views that bother you. So you act like it's everything BUT the politics that are the problem, to the point where they'll try to convince people that discussion of a politically charged films aren't related to the board

We already know this, and so does most of Yea Forums, but you seem to think you're fooling people so you keep doing it. It's pretty funny, and one of the main reasons why we need actual /pol/acks and Yea Forums posters on nu/tv/. And yes people like OP cry wolf so much that they managed to make Yea Forums accept "/pol/ ideals"

Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Yea Forums - Television & Film


It's a fucking FACT incels, he's a journalist and he speaks the truth.

Richard J McAlexander, nearly 40 year old PhD student, did the research so you don't have to. Read and believe.

Attached: McAlexander.jpg (560x690, 115K)

have sex, incel

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jesus christ
this must be shopped
i won't believe any other explanation

[Citation Needed]

>the media printing blatant lies does not effect us

It does and it's Yea Forums related because they do the same shit with movies.

stay mad, right-wing retard

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>everything I don't like is fake news
imagine being this sensitive

>thinking the government gives a single fuck about their own people in 2019

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Has anyone here ever terrorized? Did you feel bad or good after?