Rumour : Fantastic Four Reboot by MCU to take places in

>Fantastic Four was special code name for space mission/team in 60's led by Howard Stark and Hank Pym
> Movie will not focus on origin story just intro will touch on details. They were lost on space mission and stuck to Negative zone everyone at SHIELD thought they died thats why it will be big surprise for Hank Pym
> They are given/bought Avengers Tower and turned into Baxter Building
> They operate name "Future Foundation" during whole movie title is also Future Foundation not Fantastic Four.
> John Krasinki , Emily Blunt are already confirmed cast members respectively. Joe Keery from Stranger Things is huge front runner for Human Torch , The Thing has not cast yet but they think middle eastern/brown guy for role.
>Hank Pym , Nick Fury,Maria Hill, S.W.O.R.D(new space SHIELD) will be in movie
> Victor Von Doom will be in movie but just merely as business/science/politician man from Latveria
> Main antagonist will be Super Skrull which will be corrupted / re-engineered by Kree.

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>Fantastic Four was special code name for space mission/team in 60's led by Howard Stark and Hank Pym

Why don't people like OP get a screenplay career instead of making shit up and post it here?

screenplay writing consists of churning out millions of words, only to have some producer cross out everything with a large red magic marker, throw it out and get his nephew to write one.

>Fantastic Four was special code name for space mission/team in 60's led by Howard Stark and Hank Pym
>> Movie will not focus on origin story just intro will touch on details. They were lost on space mission and stuck to Negative zone everyone at SHIELD thought they died thats why it will be big surprise for Hank Pym
Sounrsds 0retty gread... but does that just age Doom up on Earth or does his science and Magic keep him young?

>Victor Von Doom will be in movie but just merely as business/science/politician man from Latveria

Doom is younger than Fantastic family but since they were stuck in negative zone when they come back they will be in same age zone ( Reed - Sue 37-33 respectively, Torch is 30 , Thing is 40)

Doom is same as Reed.

>The Thing has not cast yet but they think middle eastern/brown guy for role.
stopped reading at the last word of the post.

>Emily Blunt as invisible roastie
We went from 24 years old Jessica "is Spain in Europe?" Alba to post wall 36 y old Blunt? Seriously?

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> John Krasinki , Emily Blunt are already confirmed cast members respectively.
Dead giveaway that this is fake. John Krasinski was already considered for Captain America like 10 years ago. He got all the way to costume tests. He said as soon as he tried on the costume, he felt stupid and dorky, and said he'd never play a superhero.

Pretty obvious that something would happen in the film (idk, some explosion scarring his face?) to set up him going full on Doctor Doom in the sequel. Haven't you figured out how these franchises work yet?

What triggered you so hard about the word "role?"

Did daddy shove dinner rolls up your ass?

Diversity is our strenght, in fact movies ticket sales are at record low.

ten years later endgame is the biggest movie of all time and all of his cash cows have been milked dry (the office over, a quiet place flop, jack ryan dead in the water)

wasn't the stark tower bought by OSCORP in far from home?

John Krasinksi sucks ass. He is a fucking snide clown, that seems like a walking joke. He was a faggot on the office and every role since then.

John Krasinski shouldn't ever be the lead in anything

>Platypus faced Emily Blunt
>Nick Fury AGAIN

>people never change
also Reed wouldnt even wear pajamas

nope , in construction it shows 1-2-3 - ? which heavily implies Fantastic 4

No you idiot that was a nod to phase 1, 2, and 3 of the mcu. Now they're moving to phase 4

A quiet place made double its budget in profit

Looks like trash, but
>S.W.O.R.D(new space SHIELD)
This sounds really cool, too bad cool names like this are wasted on shit writing and lame characters.

Really, fantastic four must be the most boring possible kind of heroes ever.

The fact that the redditors are even considering that goofy doofus to play the smartest man in the marvel universe is baffling to me.

Why though , Reed is amazing character and there are no family of superheroes in MCU / or comics in general. Its unique concept.

Their powers are unique , their villains are literally best wtf with " boring " shit.

You want him instead ?


I think 2005 guy was nail in casting in terms of look

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lmao, they're really going all-in on the 'Skrulls are the good guys!' BS, aren't they?
Hard to pick a bigger way to intidate that they don't really understand the comics than that.

>wasting a POC casting on a character whose race will be ambiguous after his transformation

Just like we hide black panter's face behind a mask this makes sense

Fantastic Four movies are franchise killers. Will this be the end of the MCU? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

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>Joe Keery

Why choose the lamest fucking dude and not based billy?

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Most low budget horror movies do.

Because to get a job screenwriting, you Dad has to already work on Hollywood.

The fuck are you gonna do, Frank?

>Dr Doom was a former employee of Tony Stark who attempted to make his own iron man armor after an accident at Stark labs

Not another F4 reboot

because hes balding

Its not F4 reboot if its called Future Foundation


That's some creative bankruptcy right there


>He is a fucking snide clown
so reed richards

Yes defend the jewish character like a good goyim, we raised you well.

Am I the only one who wants zac efron for torch? Steve is ok but hes no chad, which johnny storm is

>Thing has not cast yet but they think middle eastern/brown guy for role

But he's a Jew

Everything else sounds good tho

>Future Foundation
Watch they add other two words to the name that start with F, so they can call it the Fantastic Four (F4).