Can anyone recomment me some horror kino...

Can anyone recomment me some horror kino? I’m sick of childish stuff with cheap and infantile jumpscares and prefer a more atmospheric, slow-burn type of horror film. My favorites are pic related and Hereditary.

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Same I hate those immature jump scares! Try Lake Mungo or The Ritual

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The Ritual was okay.

Lake Mungo had a really good jump scare, other than that it's painfully shit

Hereditery / The Witch are unmistakable garbage.

> Hereditery / The Witch are unmistakable masterpieces that could be matched but never topped
here FTFY you pleb

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Hellhouse LLC

But Lake Mungo was about the atmosphere and dread, and the absolutely horrifying idea of what happened to her! The slow burn terror with the spine tingling presentation rocked me to my core. I slept with my lights on for 4 days due to it.

You probably didn't get it cause you were on your phone and had your lights on

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Attached: bateman4.gif (300x300, 3.6M) anyone recomment me some horror kino?/tv

First of all next time please shower before entering the thread you smell like onions and sad

And yes, we are making fun of onions horror

Lurk more, newfag.

okay, this is promising

you fell for the bait

Haunting of Hill House was great
I think it had like just one single classic jump scare in it, which made the scene even better

This kills the soya bean

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if you post this pic again, I'll track you and fucking kill you.

The horror is more cerebral, until they show that the mother of the girl was naked and full of injuries and the protagonist put her right next to his weakness. That was kind of dumb and disbelief-breaking.

I loved The VVitch, but Hereditary's ending kind of ruined it for me.
The Haunting (1963, don't go near the movie remake or the mini-series)
Carnival of Souls (1962, low-budget with bad acting, but the athmosphere is perfect. Don't watch the remake or the colorized version)
Cigarette Burn (2005, episode/movie from Masters of Horror)
Nosferatu (1922)
Cat People (1942)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014, not as great as people say, but really worth watching)
Inferno (1980, I think it's better than Suspiria, but most people don't agree)

What I hate is horror movies in which some legend/folklore turns out to be true 100% like the source material.
I hate that in books too. It's so lazy and immersion-breaking.

>Reccomending A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night here

You might as well ask /pol/ to not be racist.

I kind of liked Curse of the Cat People a little better. More waifu and it was a creepier (and sadder) story.

Fun fact when Blink-182 was touring for their California album I went to see them (For nostalgia and cause my buddy wanted to go) and Blink used Carnival of Souls for their video board

Blink fucking sucks live btw. I enjoyed A Day to Remember 100x better and I hate their music

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>Seeing Blink-182 live for any reason past 2001 or over the age of 14

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Jacob's Ladder is the most unsettling movie that I know of.

I've done acid only twice, and the second time brought back memories of that movie, which led me to a week-long depersonalization and psychosis. Can't even watch it now without feeling crushing anxiety and dread.

And fuck the soulless remake

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Curse isn't really horror though, more like dark fantasy. I love it too.