Selling my bluray collection, HOW?

Why do I live in this unfortunate country where you can hardly even GIVE a movie collection away? People pay like ONE DOLLAR for used top tier movies, unscratched.

I wish I could get rid of my collection, I have 3-400 movies and all they do is sit in the plastic boxes under my bed.

I feel like shit when I see americans who buy storage lockers and find old FUCKING DVDs, USED DVDs!! And go like "Yeah 20$ per DVD!"

Also, I live in a small mountain town and nobody is in the market to buy movies.

What to do? :^(

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Yeah... the problem is, I have to ship the movies, and shipping is like 5$ per movie... no matter how many I sell to one person, the shipping costs stay the same per movie.

The same retards who think the storage locker used DVDs are worth $20, are the same retards who try to sell creased, filthy, not particularly rare trading cards for thousands.

Um, no?

Donate them to that down syndrome dude whose house burned down along with his extensive kino collection. Just email his parents first. I don't think they allow him R-rated stuff.

In my country, it does yes.

I guess if I shipped a fucking crate with 200 movies, the cost would only be like 100$, but there is nobody who wants more than like two or three movies.

Hmmm... I don't have any porn if that's what you mean. All quality hollywood boxoffice movies.

I can see you're new to the whole selling shit online game.


Google "down syndrome house fire DVD collection".

No, son. That isn't what I meant. I meant what I wrote.

No, I just live in the most income-hostile country on earth.

I thought I made a score once, I found this company that sold padded envelopes perfect to send movies in, for .2$ per envelope, but when I got to the checkout they demanded a company name and said they didn't sell to private citizens so I'd better just buy the same envelopes for 2$ each at the post office.

Garage sale, doofus. Just accept that no matter how you try to get rid of them, you're not getting much unless you have rare OOP movies, which you don't. Or just keep them. Do you really need that space under your bed freed up?

What is an OOP movie?

Also, I live in an apartment. No yard to do a sale in.

Out of print. What country are you from?

Give them to me, I'll pay for the shipping.

Oh ok.

I'm from Norway.

I don't know, I might have some that are very hard to get... Some of them took me a lot of effort and money to get.

Just start listing them on ebay, shipping is paid by the buyers.

Yeah. But they always go like "Can I get the shipping for free? XDDD"

Yeah but it costs money to put things up on ebay, and OP already mentioned that shipping costs are high for individual movies

From the top of my head I have "The lion in winter" with Patrick Stewart and Meryl Streep, I can't seem to find it being sold anywhere that I have looked...

No, sorry Glenn Close.

Hell, I found it on sale anyway.


I guess I won't bother with selling them. Who knows, youtube may become illegal some day and I'll need some entertainment.

is my bluray collection, you want to buy?

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>What to do? :^(

Donate it to Goodwill, take the tax writeoff.

I did think about donating some of them to the public library... no goodwill stores here, only recepticles for shoes and clothes.

Norwayfag here. What city and what movies? I am a collector and I have around 50 movies on my list that i can’t find anywhere

Just a small place south of Trondheim.

Name the movies and I can see if I have them :-)

I will pay 1000kr + shipping (149kr) for 20-30 blu-rays if you have some of the ones i need

I am sure we can make a deal, but show me your list and I will check :-) I might have them all, and I might have only a few.

City of god
Life is beautiful
Dear Zachary
Apokalypse nå
De andres liv
Requiem for a dream
Nawals hemmelighet - Incendies
Kom og se
Before sunrise, Befoe midnight and Before sunset
Paper Moon
Dead poets society
12 monkeys
Short term 12
Synechdoche NY
Sing Street
Boogie Nights
True ROmance
The Insider
The conversation
Almost Famous
Waking Life
Donnie Brasco
The fugitive

Ok, was that all the movies? I think I have some of them. Let me check and I'll be back in a bit.

Ok, I am back.

Sorry, I had none of those, about ten of them seemed familiare, especially I was sure I had "12 monkeys" but they must all have been in my DVD collection which got lost during a moving about a decade ago.

Beklager :-)

Post a pic of your collection, there's plenty of physical media collectors here. You probably won't find a buyer but it's worth trying.

Ok, hang on :-)

I dunno, I might have miscalculated my collection but here it goes

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even more

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Why are you selling them though?

the rest

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and the rest of the rest

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Unless you have boutique stuff (Criterion, Arrow, Scream Factory, etc.), nothing is really rare unless you're looking for a very particular cover.

Because I don't watch them anymore. And I want to regain some of the money I put into them.

Yeah. They have started reissuing the movies that were hard for me to get a hold of a few years ago.

Yeah. The only movie I know that doesn't have a NA/EU bluray release yet is The Straight Story. It's fucking criminal that Disney won't rerelease it. There's a japanese bluray, but it's 140$ CAD brand new.

Remember that everything you see on eBay is the price which it is still not sold for.

Oh yeah, and a bluray of the Japanese cut of Johnny Mnemonic

Yeah, but I almost never see any of the films I have, listed for sale used. Most people just have shit taste ;^) or they are trying to get rid of bad movies which they didn't like.