What did the Warcraft movie did wrong?
What did the Warcraft movie did wrong?
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Focused on the original story instead of Arthas.
they used the retconned draeni
they did not use neh'zul
still a good movie desu, if you disagree ur just a virgin contrarian
wasn't ironically directed by this guy
not enough thicc goblin shortstacks
This, a warcraft 3 movie would've made normalfags more interested and would make a better movie. THEN they could've done the current movie and go from there
Seriously, just following the events of Arthas's battle against the scourge and his subsequent fall would've been perfect. Oh well
Aside from not making it about Arthas, their biggest mistake was using live action humans. Their cinematics team is incredible, I still don't understand why they don't just make and sell their own movies on the side.
Apart from everything else being underwhelming and uninteresting, this.
Well the idea was to make a movie about Warcraft 1, then Warcraft 2 then Warcraft 3, but that wasn't a very good idea because WC1 and WC2 are hardly remembered except by Warcraft fans. Meanwhile WC3 is a classic.
The fact that Duncan Jones had never played a Warcraft game and that he only got the job because his dad was David Bowie.
They didn't go full CGI, the humans looked retarded
>orcs are the good guys
no undead no party
Where are you getting that from? As far as I know he is a big fan and has played all of the games
Shitty pacing, soft writing, and deviation from source material. Also fpbp, besides maybe the War of the Ancients Arthas has the best plotline.
the human scenes were too obvious with the green screen environments, but god damn did the orcs look great
"Well Arthas, I made it, despite your directions" "Ah, Paladin Uther, I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable patrolling!"
"Egads! My city is ruined! But what if.. what if I was to kill the civilians and pass it off as a scourge purging? Oh ho ho, devilishly holy, Arthas!"
"Ah, Paladin Uther, I was just... practising my smiting! Care to join me?"
"Arthas, why is there fire coming from your city?"
"That's not fire! That's the light, from all the blessings! Mmm holy word shield!"
"Paladin Uther, I hope you're ready for soul warming Holy Wrath!"
"I thought we were casting holy word Shield?" "Doh, No, I said holy Wrath. That's what I call Holy Word Shield."
"You call Holy Word Shield, Holy Wrath?"
"Yes. It's a regional dialect."
"Uh-huh. What region?"
"Errr Upkingdom Tirisfal."
"Really? I'm from Andorhal and I've never heard the expression."
"Oh no not in Andorhal, no. It's a Hearthglen expression."
"I see."
"You know, these Holy Word Shield are quite similar to the ones they have in Necromancer tomes."
"Ohohohoho no, Patented Menethil Holy Words, an old family blessing."
"For holy word shield."
"Yes, and you call them Holy Word Shield despite the fact that they are obviously unnatural."
Changed the Burning Legion into the dark side.
The works of Duncan Jones far outstrip the artistic merit of anything Blizzard has ever released.
Shut up Duncan and stop riding your dead dad's coattails.
They weren't though? There were a few orcs with empathy that had no desire to attack the humans, but the vast majority of them willingly went along with Gul'dan's plans before they were even transformed into fel orcs
>original story
Alright, you got your (you) you humongous fucking faggot. The worst thing is that you're probably not even trolling, you're probably some genuinely dumb zoomer subhuman trash who thinks that the jumbled fan-fic mess that has been retconned 100 times by shitty writers that is modern WoW "lore" is anything like the 'original' story.
Even Warcraft III retconned things, but at least it wasn't ultra gay and retarded like now.
Shouldn't you be jerking it to your dancing night elf character?
Your dad is dead and he isn't coming back, Duncan.
>their biggest mistake was using live action humans
This. The king actor was especially fucking garbage
>he doesn't jerk it to night elves
What are you, some kinda turbofag?
You must really hate Bowie for some reason. That isn't going to make the Warcraft movie good, Blizzdrone.
Not him, but having a soft spot for Blizzard material doesn't make you a paid shill. I hate what they've become now and I hope they crash and burn horribly, but they told us all some really great stories back in the day.
They let Hollyjews have control of it. Blizzard should have just funded it entirely themselves and done their own thing with it.
The Hollywood suits cut off a ton of the orcs because they wanted to get to the humans faster. This shows a total lack of understanding of the target audience.
The orcs looked fucking awesome. Really the entire film should have been CGI.
Just take the Warcraft 3 story and let the Blizzard art department handle the entire thing. Keep any mainstream movie people out of it and you have a god tier visuals and a great story.
That's all that was needed.