So its just a coincidence moon photos looks exactly like Kubrick cinematography?

So its just a coincidence moon photos looks exactly like Kubrick cinematography?

Attached: 946559A4-6D85-4002-AA8F-928F743D0432.png (1280x843, 1M)

Other urls found in this thread: dollars unaccounted&oq=trillion dollars unaccounted


Attached: 41A0C88C-825C-4660-994C-B3C8FC051711.jpg (1600x1200, 232K)

them lighting
dat framing
dat long lens

Attached: 52F9042E-6B21-4D49-A0DE-54F069B14D54.jpg (600x400, 77K)

>one giant leap for mankind
>50 years later that's still as far as we've "leaped"

Attached: images (1).png (506x606, 16K)

Is it just me or does the sand and color of the ground change when it gets to the shuttle, it looks like a wallpaper.

What do you want OP?

one gigantic leap for jewkind

they werent anticipating the internet hd and such. sorta like 2016 when hilary clinton went among green screen crowds. they dont give a fuck if anons fifty years later will spot the falsities

Not a single argumemt against the moon landing being real is valid or convincing at all.

Junior, there's a thing called paper, you can print pictures onto them. You don't need high definition tvs to view high quality images.

Attached: image.jpg (1163x1500, 256K)

What did they use to make the flag stay up like that? It can't just be an ordinary flag, that would be impossible. There's gravity on the moon, plus there's no air resistance so the slightest bit of movement when they let go of it would send it wrapping around the pole constantly.

>What did they use to make the flag stay up like that? It can't just be an ordinary flag, that would be impossible. There's gravity on the moon, plus there's no air resistance so the slightest bit of movement when they let go of it would send it wrapping around the pole constantly.
A piece of wire along the top edge.

Its covered in wax iirc

If there's enough light bouncing off the surface to light him up like that while the sun's shadow indicates the sun is behind him then why isn't the surface reflected light bouncing off his helmet and causing massive amounts of lens flare?

I would have just tied a rock to the bottom corner

that reflection in his space helmet is something kubrick would think of

Prove this really happened. You can't

>Russian satellite checking on their mission too
>implying they would have not jumped at the chance to embarass the USA forever

You lead an ignorant life.

the sun isn't behind either of them. its to the left of the image and in front of the man pictured in the image

moon landing conspiracies are the ultimate retard test

btw is is impossible to fake this kind of 90 degree shadow in a studio
not with 60s technology at least

> not just faking the photos
yikes no wonder they lasted just 70 years

but actually going to the moon is

Why does everyone act like the moon landing was some impossible feat? On paper, getting there isn't actually difficult; you've got takeoff/separation, a long trip where you basically just maintain your trajectory, landing on the moon, a game of golf, and then the whole thing in reverse. Solving these problems were not beyond our reach in the 60s, and I'd say that about 10 years is a good enough timeline for all of these things to get figured out.

Go away, JJ.

In the Kubrick movie it was more rocky

Attached: 531A7DC1-ADA9-472C-92E5-4B9EF5D4206D.jpg (707x328, 21K)

We can't even get to the moon now, you simpleton. Stop believing everything you see on TV.

>We can't even get to the moon now
We can, we just have no interest. There is no reason for a manned mission to the moon when we could just send robots, and as far as we can tell there's not really a reason to even do that. Stop believing everything you see on YouTube.

Well I always just wonder what the point of all the Apollo missions were if we've never once been to the Moon. Those rockets clearly existed and clearly went into space and were designed to do so, so was it all just dicking around for a few months just outside the atmosphere so as to fool the Russians? That isn't to say some of the footage was real, though.

That was the pinnacle of America. Diversity and obesity came next.

They never went further than low orbit

we need more wars
without them technological advancement slows down drastically and men turn into hyper faggots

Of course the space technology is all plausible and while most moon hoax proponents also say that space travel in general is a hoax/impossible, I would say that the technology was there to do it but they didn't take any risks with Apollo 11 and just faked the landing. The spacecraft went to orbit, maybe it even circled the moon and went back, certainly the capsule landed on Earth and was picked up by an aircraft carrier, but were Aldrin/Armstrong/Collins on board? Did they attempt to land on still pretty much uncertain terrain? Although the tech is there, the landing was highly difficult. Maybe they actually did it later, after all, there were 5 other supposed landing.

what a cop out

there's been one war going on since 2003 and another one since 2001, how much more war do you want?

Guy clearly has alzheimer’s or some shit

Is that just a theory, or is there proof for this? Adjusted for inflation, it wouldn't shock me if those missions altogether cost near a trillion dollars, it seems VERY bold to assert it was all just for a month-long spacewalk.

Attached: wt3kg84s.jpg (1280x843, 560K)

what he meant to say is that the infrastructure isn't there any more. we can't go to the moon tomorrow anymore than we can't start cranking out atari 2600s tomorrow. it would take years (or longer) to create another lunar lander than meets all of the safety requirements that have come up in the last 50 years. we more or less gambled that the last ones weren't going to fall apart, explode, or crash on entry, but NASA doesn't operate that way anymore.

the question i pose to you is: how did america keep the moon landing hoax a secret from the russians for over 30 years when we couldn't keep a blowjob or a hotel break in a secret from our own country? how massive must the conspiracy be if multiple independent space agencies say they confirmed the presense of the apollo lander and human footprints on the moon?

wew fuckin based as fuck

Check out how shitty the LEM was constructed. Shit was made with Mylar and construction paper lmao

one giant feed for sneedkind

What's on the darkside of the moon?

because the dumb fucks admitted it
also a big lie is harder to disprove

>how massive must the conspiracy be?
It's like the Matrix, only that in reality it's put into action with stage magic, smoke and mirrors. Today it's even easier, you can just make shit up entirely.

>also a big lie is harder to disprove
yes, and you've fallen for one

Who took that picture? There’s no camera in the reflection on his helmet.

The USSR would have made a point to expose nasa for attempting a hoax. It's all real. They've even got satellite images of the landing sites

Moon hoax and flat earth etc is a psyop to discredit real conspiracies like 9/11 and the elite pedo rings

money disappears in sinkholes all the time dollars unaccounted&oq=trillion dollars unaccounted

>in front of the man pictured
>even tho his shadow is in front of him

He means a "real" war. Microwaves, tvs, computers, moon rockets many medical advances and MKULTRA all came out of the great wars through either direct innovation or things like operation paperclip and obtaining results of japanese war crimes etc.

I watched the documentary to celebrate the event. I love it. Simply phenomenal. The footage and the choice of music. Space exploration is so interesting shame that every other thread about it is just baiters pretending to be followers of some braindead boring conspiracy for morons.

Attached: listing_apollo.11.2019.jpg (500x500, 31K)

So uh, they’re faked, right?

>haven't been back in 50 years
>wanting to go back now
Why? Why wait so long and if there isn't anything important there, why go back instead of going to another planet? Did they finally figure out how to destroy whatever moon monsters are up there? Or is it because we never really went there in the first place.

After Apollo 8, the astronauts from that mission also went on a PR tour through the USSR, where received by engineers and scientist and gave interviews.
After Apollo 11, the soviets reported it somewhere on page 9 and the only communist country the astronauts visited was Yugoslavia.

They met aliens and they forbid humans to attempt any landings for next 50 years.

>2001 A Space Odyssey released in 1969
>Apollo 11 moon landing was in 1969
>surface of the moon in 2001 looks nothing like the apollo 11 NASA footage
>OP and Owen Benjamin BTFO

Attached: 1560521597785.jpg (1600x1066, 313K)

Wouldn't that make the fake obvious?

What the fuck is this braindead train of thought? They want to get back before going to Mars as well as private companies and several more countries. The geographical poles will the next prize. It's not just about prestige or science this time people want to land there for economic reasons. Not yet space mining but beginning of deep space exploitation.

>Russia: "That moon landing footage by the Americans is fake!"
>Masses: "It is?! Wait, so is your stuff real?"
>Russia: "Uh..."
It's liars depending other liars so people don't see through their lies

*ultimate redpill

>*ultimate redpill
No, that's nuclear weapons.

The fact that no one bothered to commercialize travelling to the moon is what makes me think it was a hoax.
Rich idiots would pay tens of millions to visit it, even for a half hour space walk, even if a dozen of them died each year trying.
Itd be the same thing as rich idiots climbing mount everest and stepping over the bodies of last year's frozen rich idiots.

It's true Kubrick shot the moon landing, but he was a perfectionist and demanded to film on location.

OR we could go with Occam's Razor instead of elaborate hoax theories of hundreds of NASA people being kept from the truth: Kubrick had nothing to do with Apollo 11 footage.

Of course no one replyes to the only reasonable post in the thread

how is his shadow in front of him?

Attached: 1546405289879.png (1280x843, 1.6M)

Not fucking policing some third world craphole. A full on "Totaler Krieg."

>The fact that no one bothered to commercialize travelling to the moon is what makes me think it was a hoax.
>Rich idiots would pay tens of millions to visit it, even for a half hour space walk, even if a dozen of them died each year trying.

I like how you think you know EXACTLY what millionaires would want just to support your argument.

By your logic, we would have flying cars by now because millionaires would spend any amount of money to have them.

No flying cars outside my window yet.

>No flying cars outside my window yet.
Because it doesn't work?

I watched it as well. Absolutely amazing. Planning to watch "From The Earth To The Moon".

but if it was a hoax, wouldn't try to make the spacecraft look super cool and believable?

also, none of the things he points out are actually made from the materials he assumes they're made of

>The USSR would have made a point to expose nasa for attempting a hoax. It's all real. They've even got satellite images of the landing sites

Russia, Japan and China have all been to the moon with probes and rovers. Any one of them would have loved to expose the USA as frauds for the moon landings.

Its something the hoaxers never bring up: If NASA faked the moon landings, they knew they would have never gotten away with it and they would eventually humiliate the USA completely when another country landed on the moon and saw the landers and USA flags were not there.

But hoaxers never bring that up.

I really doubt most of them haven’t even seen 2001 or any other Kubrick movie

Pink Floyd

>the moon landing was faked

which of the 6 do you guys mean?

>police actions
total war you faggot

Dude what if we didn't land on the moon but the moon landed on us man.

100% Jimmy Carter's fault.

All of them. All of modern space travel is fake.


The loud hoaxers that get publicized all the time are disinfo, of course they wouldn't ask the obvious questions.

No other country on Earth comes close to America, how are they so based? How has Europe faded so much and America dominated in all aspects of civilization?

You have two options there. One being that no one calls anyone else out because of funding that gets funneled in a 'scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' scenario.
The other is that all the agencies are complicit in their activities. I would say it's the later.

>all space travel is fake

>it doesnt work
There is a guy in france on a flying board.
Hovercars could be made if there was these millionaires begging to have one, just like you said in your post, but there isnt.

>hurr it no count if a bald ape didn't go there

Attached: 2gFsuMe.jpg (960x502, 52K)

>some faggot icy rock that's not even a planet
fuck off

Because boards are far easier to propagate than a fucking 2 ton steel machine. It literally doesn’t work with our technology, you fucking retard

I would argue that the manned Moon program was part and parcel of American militarism and imperialism. Like the Star Spangled Banner before sporting events, it was fetishizing American militarism and the Cold War. Flag waving illustrated. Apollo helped normalize ideas of American exceptionalism, imperialism, and infinite government spending to make America “look great.” And like all great propaganda, the people propagandized not only don’t realize it, they’re proud of it.

It is. In filmmaking terms, this is called a matte painting backdrop. It was the go-to method prior to VFX to place a character in front of a difficult-to-obtain scene.

I know you think you're making an enlightened post, but everything you said was pretty clear to anyone -- especially when it was a "space race" against Russia and there was a major push against Communism by the US at the time.

Both sides propagandized the race to the Moon. Nothing mindblowing there.


>only one photo of Neil Armstong on the Moon.
they clearly had cameras, did Neal go all camera shy?

Attached: no stars out today.jpg (792x446, 117K)

>no stars
even on Earth it's impossible to capture stars plus an environment that's brightly llit

>no stars
easiest way to spot a brainlet in these threads

Or a third option, of course, that the moon landing is real
I mean hey, people can ACTUALLY BUY telescopes good enough to spot the fucking flag on the moon right now
Why the fuck would THEY keep it a secret
Not to mention every NASA employee the past 50 years has to have lied to his entire family and kept that from the truth
Do you actually believe the US government is that competent?
Last time I checked their federal computers can be hacked by literal teenagers

the horizon lines are clearly fake, you can see them clearly in every photo

>moving the goalposts
nicely dodging the "no photos of Neil on the Moon" issue I see.

You mean in bad quality YouTube videos

>literal brainlet damage control posting to save his 80 IQ from having to think too much

don’t forget becoming the world’s welfare office

Why does he sound mentally challenged?

heres a photo of the Earth from the Moon, using a lens to capture the distant light. still no stars. care to explain?

Attached: earth from the moon.jpg (1024x768, 87K)

They actually took a lot of photos but not all of them came out with good quality/werent blurry/out of focus

Yes but people are still in denial

>shut up shut Up shut up about the Neil photos it scares me!!!!

have you tried using your brain to think it through or do you need someone to spoonfeed you every bit of knowledge?

t.NASA disnformation agent.

We went to the moon, only virgin brainlets believe otherwise.

it's just a coincidence that you look just like your cousin ricky OP

t. Brogu

>yeah we took like 50 photos of Neil but they all kindas sucked so we deleted them all, sorry!

Take off your tinfoil hat

photoshop to keep up with their lies

Whether a flag is or isn't there doesn't help.
It's not that everyone in the office would know about it, it's compartmentalized. The people in the know seem to be of Masonic background.
NASA does good work in aeronautics and robotics, but the tech won't work in space, nor will any of it reach there.

>Lets show all the hundreds of out of focus and blurry pics just because

Not true. This photograph was taken on the way to the moon. This photo is impossible from low orbit.

Attached: Detail.jpg (1024x768, 780K)

>only one photo

Attached: moon landing.gif (320x240, 1.46M)

from the earth to moon is good, but stop watching after episode 7, the rest are useless

exactly this
go into orbit for a few weeks and come home

>the west is dying because of its wars against iraq and afghanistan and he wants more but "real war"

>Yeah this telemetry data sucks too. Cya!

>why isn't neil armstrong in more photos? the moon landing is fake
talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater; this is the problem with conspiratards, they take one thing they cannot explain and assume everything about the event is fake. if you explain the thing they cannot explain, they just move the goalposts to something else.

Why do people still try and argue that the moon landing was fake? For what purpose?

All those countries are in on the hoax though.

in this moment, they euphoric. not because of any lies that the lowly sheeple believe, but because they are enlightened by their intelligence.

>hundreds of pics out of focus, only one in focus.
its like they didnt train how to use their equipment.

>Masonic background
Fuck off nigger lover

they're brainlets that live meaningless lives so they have to put down other people's achievements out of jealousy
it's a classic, well documented coping mechanism among low IQ individuals

Attached: b88f4c48afae1d3e659796f1abafacaf.jpg (540x960, 69K)

>the most monumental event in human history.
>take one photo

Attached: 4tard.jpg (2272x1704, 558K)

Why accept that it's real? For what purpose?
Even if it did happen, what has even come out of it aside from some sense of pride?

Same logic as huehuehue aliums maed dhe pyramids hurhur.
People refuse to believe humans are capable of doing anything

>one photo
this is your brain on eurotard insecurity
you will never achieve anything as great as that

>take one photo
That would be a real shame if it happened
Thank god that there are dozens, not to mention all the actual videos of the earth etc from orbit and beyond from missions prior to Apollo 11

Because it costs more than tens of millions

>everything conspiritards bring up is explained with common sense
>USSR basically conceded defeat (soviet propagandist couldn't come up with a response)
these 2 are reason enough to discard what hoaxers say

because the pole is like the bent straw

Have you ever tried to use a camera while wearing a space suit and not being able to shoot at your eye level

way to ignore the rest of the post, friendo

The Moon is huge, a third of the size of the Earth. So if you were stood on it the and looked at the horizon it would still go off into the distance for hundreds of miles (like my image.)
So try to find me a picture on the Moon where the horizon doesnt end after a few hundred feet.
protip: you cant.

Attached: Iceland_22.jpg (1200x795, 257K)

Nigger look at this shit - you think that piece of shit is air tight???

> one photo

Photography is completely irrelevant. You can prove the landing without any of the footage.

Most hoaxers don't even know that there were 5 other moon landings

The moon is full of literal dunes
Of course it ends after a while, since it's not a flat surface
Jesus Christ eurofags are in full cope today

Because Europe destroyed itself twice while America thrived as an European bastard in a vast land with the best resources in the world.

How are you so retarded? There are dozens of images still not in the public domain. Not to mention the equipment was mostly used for live streaming to Houston. I refuse to believe faggots like you are this brain dead.


Attached: aiportraits_1563574222.jpg (512x512, 19K)

when China eventually put men on the Moon for the first time America will be so butthurt to see its nothing like Kubricks movie.

a lot of people are flagrantly failing a lot of very obvious retard tests these days
dark times are coming

the stuff he was talking about were outer layers of the module which were slapped on for heat isolation
the inside structure was made of metal and air tight
literally just fucking google it

>I mean hey, people can ACTUALLY BUY telescopes good enough to spot the fucking flag on the moon right now
no they can't lmao, no telescope available in the market can spot an object that small on the moon

>the publics taxes pay for the Moon mission.
>the public arent allowed to see the pictures.
t Moon Cuck.

>these are the people that are hoaxers irl YM9cCtwz4

>no pictures of Edmund Hilary on mount Everest
Does that mean that he never climbed it?

>first insects on the moon

How dumb can you faggots be

wow! no moon dust at all on the lander! amazing!

Attached: lunar_lander.jpg (895x904, 181K)

You can see the shit they left there with a decent telescope you stupid incompetent zoomer

Most in this thread is shitposting

The rest just do it because it makes them feel smart that they contradict something by blindly latching on to the most popular dumb conspiracy theory there is.

the astronauts never talk about the view of the stars while they were on the Moon. it should have been mind blowing to see them all without an atmosphere, but no, they dont say a word.
Even when asked about them in interviews they replied with "we didnt really notice them."

Go on - Apollo 11 archive. Literally thousands of raw and colour corrected images from all stages of all the moon missions. Im done with this thread, the retardation involved in persisting with your moon hoax disinfo is staggering. And sad. good day

The lunar reconnaissance orbiter took an interesting set of photos of the landing site.

Attached: Landing.gif (600x612, 1.59M)

Im amazed at those landing rockets in the 60s that didnt even move dust even slighty, why are we using them today.

>You can see the shit they left there with a decent telescope

>this is 100% real and not fake bullshit

>colour corrected
Manipulated then

Public taxes go to funds for roads, colleges, local municipalities and system works, like library WiFi, water works and working drainage. I know you’re retard baiting, so I’ll stop here. Not worth my precious time arguing with someone as fucking dense as you.

>Why accept that it's real? For what purpose?
What is the purpose of knowing the truth? Really?
>Even if it did happen, what has even come out of it aside from some sense of pride?
So people should stop competing in races and any form of compassion everywhere because nothing comes from it except a sense of pride? lol

Have you ever looked up why they didn't see stars on the Moon? Like what would cause that?

nice reading comprehension, faggot. I said pictures of NEIL ARMSTRONG on the Moon.
read things slower and it will sink in eventually.

No telescope on earth can see that close.

seek help

Problem with flat earthers and moon loons is that anytime anyone gives any proof it's not good and satanic

>NASA. Is satanic to then

>Any mathematician or scientist or engineer is paid off or dumb

>Some of them (flat earthers etc) actually use each other as references but deny people using references they dont like

>People like Owen "I got whipped by a kid" owen says hes smarter than scientists

>All of thier "proofs" can be literally debunked. Have been. By private people and larger names

>Anyone with a brain can under simple ways to throw off flatters such as

1: Why can't we see the entire planet and all continents from super high orbit. If its flat you should regardless of its size

2: Why cant you see the sun and moon at all times with special equipment or height

3: Why do they use the "if you zoom in on a ship you can see it" as proof when the ship does always go under the horizon. Just takes a lot longer

And the biggest why

4: Why would they lie about us being on a ball. If it was flat why not tell the people. What so they actually gain by saying we are on a ball? Explain. Fags

Also. The Bears are gay cultists

>NASA isnt a tax funded organization
holy fucking brainlet

wow look how REAL this Apollo 17 launch is from the moon! I'm glad Houston was able to control the camera with no delay to perfectly pan with the spacecraft

see >The technology was ””””””””destroyed””””””””

You havent even opened the flickr page you absolute dribbling retard. Most of what you see on the internet is "manipulated", if you want to try and put it that way. It doesnt make the subject matter any less real. Regardless, as I said, there are hundreds of raw images freely available that demonstrate beyond any doubt that there was no hoax. Now fuck off and sit on cactus

the atmosphere ?
oh wait a sec...

>the question i pose to you is: how did america keep the moon landing hoax a secret from the russians for over 30 years

Because it's hard to prove it being untrue.
And the tech to track these things is not as precise as people think it is.

Okay guys where did they put the moon buggy? It's huge and heavy yet the lunar module was always the same. Did they have a huge cargo compartment that didn't do nothing the first few flights? Spaceflight is always tightly calculated so were did they waste fuel on overcapacity that was only used later?

>Public taxes go to funds for roads, colleges, local municipalities and system works, like library WiFi, water works and working drainage.
Public revenue (at least from income taxes) go to pay down interest on debt to the federal reserve, nothing else)

>didnt move dust even slightly
There's actual video of them landing and them talking about the dust going up retard
You can see it in Al Reinert's "For all mankind"
Not that you watch movies, the dumb nigger you are

>mars and venus would be easily photographed from the Moon.
>not a single one.

Hey astronauts this is your president calling from a rotary phone on Earth with absolutely no delay - how are you boys doing?

>It's huge and heavy
I love how braindead moon conspiracy mongoloids pretend to care despite not knowing a single thing about the subject

Your link is broken so I'm helping a brother out

>There are people with niggerball player mentality in here

Attached: 1563574966720.jpg (564x593, 245K)

Easier than that. The surface of the moon was bright. They had a choice... adjust the aperture to see the stars (which would wash out everything on the surface) or adjust it to be able to see the surface (which would make the stars invisible). They chose to show the themselves on the moon.

How did he prove it then?

Bluepilled: The moonlanding was real
Redpilled: The moonlanding was fake
Truly enlightened being with infinite amounts of understanding: The moonlanding was fake, they actually shot it on Mars.

>The virgin N1 vs the Chad Saturn V

Attached: N1+Saturn5.jpg (317x567, 32K)

Number 4 always comes to usually being God or "if we live on a ball in the middle of nowhere it means we are little small nothings in a bigger galaxy " so it seems flatters are religion fags who need to feel special

So they believe in the firmament (the dome) created by god and the sky is made to please us and remind us we are important to the galaxy

I never got why people think us being little tiny specs compared to the galaxy makes us useless? Doesn't that make us more important because we may be it or at least it for a long distance?

I just find that "umm we gotta be in a dome" to be special sort of the most arrogant and gayest ideology.

He photographed Tenzing on the summit and the view on the scenery below.

>literally dozens of raw film reels free to view
>hurrrrrrrrr durrr manipulated

Armstrong was carrying the camera basically the entire time. You think an elite test pilot come astronaut is going to stop for a selfie? No. He was doing his job

The photo artifacts and floating crystals conspiratards masturbate to are actually the rafters, lattices and lights in the soundstage.

But there was a delay, they timed it to film it properly

I'm not talking about photographs of stars, I'm talking about the astronauts using their eyes to look at the wonders of the universe. there is literally no descritopn of it by any of them.

If they lied about the moon landing, what else did they lie about?

>color correction is manipulation
By your absolute literal definition, saving anything in any format is manipulation, as well as taking the photo in the first place, because technically speaking not every color is support by not only human iris’ but our digital cameras.

quick rundown on the moon landings
i know nothing about them
when i search 'real pictures of moon landing' i get no satisfying results
i cant find anything online other than hype around it being the moon landing. i find no actual real stuff
how did they stop above the moon
how did they slowly land down on the moon on the landing shuttle
was it really risky like climbing everest? only got enough air to last a few mins?
what happened if one astronat went AWOL and walked a far distance from landing site?
how did they get the landing shuttle back up to the spacecraft above?
were the astronauts paranoid about death?
how did they get back to earth?
why do the spacecraft always look covered in tinfoil?
did anyone die in space? are there dead bodies floating about?
was there really close margins of error/death?
how come everything about the moon is so vague. like i know 100% everything about everest (certain death, people go crazy and strip off clothes, thin air). i know everything about antarctica. how come i know nothing about ths
why are there like 5-10 super high res pictures but everything else is low quality and video is low quality
how didd they stream to earth from film that needs physically printed etc
the whole thing confuses me. ive probably got about another 100 questions/feelings that i feel are unanswered and havenever been shown to us


> In his autobiography, Aldrin excuses what he failed to do. "As the sequence of lunar operations evolved, Neil had the camera most of the time, and the majority of the pictures taken on the Moon that include an astronaut are of me [author's emphasis]. It wasn't until we were back on Earth and in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory looking over the pictures that we realized there were few pictures of Neil. My fault perhaps, but we had never simulated this during our training."

"We didn't spend any time worrying about who took what pictures," Armstrong graciously recalls. "It didn't occur to me that it made any difference, as long as they were good.

"I don't think Buzz had any reason to take my picture, and it never occurred to me that he should. I have always said that Buzz was the far more photogenic of the crew."

Look for yourself

>>the question i pose to you is: how did america keep the moon landing hoax a secret from the russians for over 30 years

>Because it's hard to prove it being untrue.
How fucking retarded are your hoax theories going to get? They left lunar landers and flags on the moon, all other countries would have to do is see that those things are not there and those countries would call out the USA immediately, and other countries have been to the moon already with probes.

i think i prefer stagnation to death

>surface temperature of the moon is +130c/-180c
>absolutely zero cover from full exposure
>thinking anyone could have survived on it
OK champ
im sure their god fearing raw patriotism protected them from the commie sun.

Attached: 1420841105228.gif (240x234, 2.72M)

because they would look the same as seen from earth, tiny specks of light

(Leaves his Xmas Eve family time because he cant shut up about moon shit) GUYS OK I LEFT THESE IDIOTS OK I WANNA TALK ABOUT THE MOON AND THE SATANIC FUCKING NASA CUNTS
(hits dog)
(internet goes bad because he is on cell phone wifi)

Attached: 1563457545344.jpg (1842x1036, 82K)

Why didn't he tell him how to use the camera? Was the POC good enough as a guide but not good enough to use superior technology?

Have you tried reading or watching anything related to the Apollo program?

No one smart enough will even reply to your bait. It takes 10 minutes reading the public Wikipedia article that answers every single question your proposed here. Just because you want to be retarded doesn’t give you the right to shit over mankind’s greatest achievement.

The model of flat circle was the rationale for the second coming that was said to be seen by the whole earth, which doesn't work with a globe.

When you plan ahead you can actually predict the ascent rate etc.

are you retarded? learn to search

>absolutely zero cover from full exposure
except, you know, the spacesuits they were wearing

Yet he made this photo. I'm not buying the "Buzz was jealous so he didn't photographed Armstrong" theory.

Attached: Neil Armstrong photographed just minutes after becoming the first man to walk on the Moon, 1969.jpg (1400x1425, 238K)

He didn't know how and Everest was no place to teach him with almost no time until they had to go back.

>Most of what you see on the internet is "manipulated", if you want to try and put it that way. It doesnt make the subject matter any less real.
You’re glowing

>oh wow, how could the president possibly have called mission control?
>guess this means the whole thing was fake

Good thing they wore extremely well designed suits to protect them from harmful radiation (which the Earth as well is exposed to) and traveled at the exact right time in July where the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. Take your meds, schizo retard.

Without diversity we wouldn't had landed on the moon you dipshit.

Believing in clearly untrue and debunked conspiracies is one thing but some take it too far and it destroys their lives. Unless Benjamin is just mentally ill and if not the Moon he would find a different mania.

I used to entertain the possibility of the '69 landing being faked when I was a teenager, but since then I've learned a lot about science, and even more about cameras, photography and filmmaking. Anyone claiming it's faked has a room-temperature IQ, honestly.

heres a nice 360 degree image of the Moon horizon on a flat surface, see how it stops after a few hundred feet in every direction?

Attached: kinographic.jpg (6254x1784, 1.38M)

I dont buy it either. It's obvious that they were super busy when walking, Armstrong had the camera, and they also never simulated the photography (at least of armstrong) during training, so it didnt happen. Aldrin actually expressed remorse about it.

>Later, Aldrin expressed regret about the oversight. "When I got back and someone said, 'There's not any of Neil,' I thought, 'What in the hell can I do now?' I felt so bad about that. And then to have somebody say that might have been intentional.... How do you come up with a nonconfrontational argument against that? I mean, that was just such a divisive observation, and Neil and I were never in the least divisive. We really were intimidated by the situation we found ourselves in on the Moon, hesitant and with an unclear idea of what to do next."

I have no problems with people on the Moon, personally I have problems with those pictures.
In particular the camera (working with extreme conditions) , the shadows, lights, etc etc.

A lot of people in this thread that are just like Owen Benjamin(most likely fans of his): You believe your own bullshit long enough that you just can't let go of it and admit you are a retard.

Do you seriously not understand how direct fucking light works? Kill yourself for the good of humanity.

Gosh, it's too bad no one thought to give them underwear with liquid cooling.

Attached: Temp_Control.jpg (1600x2227, 223K)

He fucking sucks.

Attached: 493960.jpg (640x480, 61K)

The guy has a camera at his waise but it's too blurry to see.
Watch this shitlords. Not 11 but 17 in not bad quality.
Skip to 3 hours and 30 minutes.

In short, we've been to the moon.

Attached: earth from the moon.jpg (960x960, 53K)

>no delay
>clearly a couple second delay

Why samefag suck your own dick? Not that amazing of a realization, most are shitposting itt.

And all it took was Gene Cernan nearly frying his ass before they introduced it.

I don't care about proof, I just want to shitpost

It also wasn't a normal phone with a normal cable and connection.

China sent a moon rover a few years back. It looks exactly as it did with the Apollo missions. How do you retards refute this?

Attached: china moon rover.jpg (750x563, 128K)

even if it was, the round trip speed of light checks out

Is leaking

This. You faggot nigger tards keep replying, so ima keep shitposting.

>Height of the Cold War and the Space Race, US couldn't afford to lose this one to those gopnik fucks
>Film fake landing in a studio using a famous autist director in case shit went South with the mission so that we could save face (See: Laika)
>Mission is a success so we put evidence we were up there for future generations
>TL;DR Moon landing happened but the footage was fake
The final redpill

What kind of tubing do I need to buy in order to make a functional one, but for heating instead of cooling? It's for glacial expeditions

we are arguing about Apollo 11 being fake, not if we've been to the Moon you Moontard.

Anyone who actually believes we went to the moon is a fucking moron

Calling someone from space would actually be faster; space is a fucking vacuum and nothing will practically slow down the EM waves, unlike on earth. Keep going, retard.

I must admit that most pics from the moon lack depth. Of course you could explain that away with uneven terrain that obstructs the view to the distance.

where is the america flag and lander base?

redditpill more like

Why hire a famous Hollywood director to film fixed camera footage?


not Kubricks best work but its OK.

Maybe you should learn how camera lenses work.

Anyone who believes we didn't should be shot as a public safety liability. If you're too stupid to understand basic physics and the absolute basics of photography, you don't deserve to steal oxygen from the more deserving.

Except it's slightly beige/brownish.

>Calling someone from space would actually be faster
Imagine being this fucking retarded

China can build fake moon sets just as well as the US can.

are you actually retarded?

OK sure I'll bite

>Anyone who believes we didn't should be shot
N(A)SA glowniggers going all out

>If you're too stupid to understand basic physics and the absolute basics of photography, you don't deserve to steal oxygen from the more deserving
I bet you're the type of person who believe that the curvature of the Earth can be proven by things going over the horizon.

Meant for

Did they hire the corpse of Kubrick to direct?

come on guys this looks like a bad photoshop and i just took it from the nasa site

Attached: 364289main_6900937_946-710.jpg (946x710, 66K)

I like the flat earther who set up an experiment to prove the earth was flat but accidentally proved it wasn't.


Direct what, user? There were no actors this time.

>what is refraction

there is gravity on the moon you retard

If I had my way I'd have NASA reconstruct Saturn-Vs just to shoot you fucking cancerous retards straight into the heart of the sun. On your way there you can look out of the windows and observe a spherical earth on your way to the ultimate fiery death.

Attached: 1478035856293.jpg (219x239, 9K)

like it was filmed in a tv studio you mean

Even Saturn V models are big

Prove it, you cannot tool

Attached: HammerFeather.gif (457x363, 2.05M)

Van Allen Radiation Belt.

thats nice. still doesnt explain how the Moons horizon stops after a few hundred feet,

>that copy and paste
holy kek

Too bad they didn't have scientists who could plan a launch to go through the belt where it was its weakest.

Attached: Belt.jpg (625x350, 49K)

prove its on the moon , you can't

Did I offend the sensitive nasa-baby who believes everything a bunch of scam artists tell him?

Didnt the Russians give up on the space race when that komerov got burnt to a frazzle

Hey NASA faggots explain the chimpanzee that died from "microgravity"?

Based retard

radiation is not even bad for you, the sun is made of radiation

Read a book or if you're to stupid to do that watch Hidden Figures then shut the f up.

The """lander""" is literally made of construction paper and gaffer tape.

Attached: moon2.jpg (2349x2373, 435K)

Is this spacekino? I saw that HBO just made a rerelease of this in Blueray quality, I've never watched the original.

Attached: file.png (1046x1500, 1000K)

The entire Apollo program cost 100 BILLION dollars in today's money to land on the moon six times. The most expensive part was engineering the Saturn V, CSM, and Lunar Module. Even Bezos wouldn't be able to fund a successful lunar mission by himself.

Attached: stupid2.png (243x200, 70K)

The delta-v to get to the sun is actually much higher than what the Saturn V can provide after leaving Earth.

So!? Ain't no gravity to fuck it up.

we are floating in space right now, how can it be bad for you?

Haven't watched it myself yet, but people recommend it all the time.

Also, the new Apollo 11 documentary is worth a watch.

Go look at the Core Comrade

his new thing is that the moon doesn't exist

those edibles he took on joey diaz's podcast gave him schizophrenia

fun fact: Armstrong messed up the quote big time, man and mankind is the same

Moon hoaxers should unironically be purged.

Surely the more nonwhites we import, the more we will achieve!

No, I'm just sick of sitting down with you morons, precisely explaining the science of things to you, and then your retarded monkey brains being incapable of processing authentic information. Kill yourself.

>in clearly untrue and debunked conspiracies

I think you're underestimating the galactic significance of Tang

Attached: Tang.jpg (650x300, 53K)

>the sun is made of radiation
an cheese , or was that the moon ?

one small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind.

Then we'll build a Saturn-VI specifically for the job. Luxury fully-automated techno-intellectualist space fascism here we come.

wait thats PVC Plumb pipes an ape tape

>and observe a spherical earth
Earth is flat but the mass curves the space around it. Checkmate, ballearthists.

except he says "step for man", not "a man"

because the science exists that doesnt mean it was actually performed does it?

It went to CIA Black Ops moar likely

Assuming that thing is real, how much pure gold went into its construction?

the link to imperialism is somewhat enlightened
here's some context
(just watch it all, it's good)

>one giant leap for MAN
problematic. this needs to be erased from history and done again.

But it was all faked

Just because your birth certificate has your father's name on it, it doesn't mean you're not a bastard and your mother's not a whore, does it?

>crash course
yeah, nah

assuming a gender

Not much. It's mostly mylar and aluminum.

this guy gets it and are we not allowed at the north pole

Rude an Cope more kiddo

aww poor babby pulls the mom joke coz I called him out on the bullshit.

Attached: triggered snowflake.jpg (639x853, 156K)

that's not construction paper
it's the same kind of foil cover, but they painted it with a coat of some special heat resistant resin

well it looks like your posts can be considered pre-school. it was going so well for you too.

Yeah, I'm totally triggered. You sure owned this soiboi. Jesus Christ, grow up. Read. Learn. Stop believing what idiots on Reddit and YouTube with no understanding of science tell you.

I'm not your "kiddo", bastard.

Says the person with a pre-school level knowledge of physics. Please, kill yourself.


The volume of the Earth is 1.08321×10^12 cubic kilometers.

The volume of the Moon is 2.1958×10^10 cubic kilometers.

This means the Moon's volume is about 0.02 of the volume of the Earth.

So if you imagine the Earth as 100, then the moon would be 2 i.e. the moon is 2% as big as the Earth.

For comparison, the average volume of a human is about 66 liters. 2% of that is 1.3 liters. So if you're an average sized adult human and you represent the earth, the moon would be the same as a quart and a cup of milk.

There is no comparison whatsoever.

You can fly over the north pole all you want

You can also fly over the south pole all you want, but when you exit through one side, you enter through the other. This doesn't mean the earth is a ball, only that space itself has a curvature in an unseen dimension. It's kinda like when you draw a stickman on a piece of paper, and then you curve the paper into a tube. The stickman's space is still flat, but it has a curvature in a dimension it cannot comprehend.

The time it takes to get to the Moon would be a week long trip. The time to get to mars at it's closest points would be a 3 month trip then they have to stay for a bit more than a year than go back for three months.
7 days is a lot easier to gather resources for than 450(lowballing here)

I have some snake oil to sell you, rube.

>The stickman's space is still flat, but it has a curvature in a dimension it cannot comprehend.

No. The stick man could draw a triangle in his 'flat land' and add up the angles, and figure out that his space had a curvature. It's how we determine whether our own space is flat/curved without leaving the universe.