Streaming is a fad. Cable TV will live forever

Streaming is a fad. Cable TV will live forever

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what is a Dav?

They lost money because every network and gas station is making their own subscription streaming service at this point. What happens when they realise that isn't profitable is going to be interesting.

Netflix never had any value to begin with

Netflix is a little too woke for me to subscribe

Lol cable's been dead for years. The only people I know that still have a cable subscription are [actual] boomers.

a short day

A bunch of right-wing snowflakes got pissed off when they made a show about AOC. Wouldn't be surprised if they cancelled their subscription out of sheer fury because of it.

If they'd actually watched the show though then they'd have seen that it was unbiased and that you were supposed to make your own mind up as to whether or not she represents a good thing in politics.

I had been bitching to my wife about kikeflix for years but she cancelled it all on her own about a year ago. I can't remember what degenerate show they were pushing but it kept auto-playing an ad when she'd open the app and it was pushing something vile and my kids were in the room and she just had enough and cancelled that shit.

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>going right back to what ruined cable tv
how do these companies not learn?

woah. conservatards really are the most powerful race after all. based.

Value is pointless and only matters to shareholders

Install an adblocker

>No Friends
>No Office
>No Marvel's Capeshit

I hope you love Bollywood, guys.

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>things that literally never happened

good, I hope they fucking die soon

How is that based? That's like assuming that because the History channel made a show about Hitler that the History channel must support Hitler.

The show was completely unbiased. I personally ended it with a really positive opinion of her but these same furious conservatives would probably have viewed the show as reaffirming their views against her if they had actually watched it.

This. While it doesn't help that 90 percent of their original content is absolute dogshit, people want the same stuff they've had over and over and when that leaves...

no way for me to prove it to you and it isn't quite worth the effort but insane how hard it is for you virgins to believe some people here have families

>That's like assuming that because the History channel made a show about Hitler that the History channel must support Hitler.
If you came out with a real positive opinion of him from it they probably did my man.

You saying it was unbiased doesn't make it true. You know what these companies political views are, even when they focus on true events they focus only on ones that confirm their worldview. Stop denying reality.

Pretty much this, Disney creating their own streaming service has probably fucked them the hardest recently and they took a whole load of shows with them. Netflix is just gonna be left with what they create by themselves and some old shit. Netflix shows and movies are mostly shit though, writing is almost universally terrible and the hamfisting of leftist politics in their shows just destroys the worldbuilding in alot of their shows

They're just timewasters and there's no Netflix show that really intrigue me besides a couple of non-American/Anglo ones.

can't wait to cancel my service again after using another free month to watch some history docs.

oops did the shareholders find out all the viewer numbers are fake and inflated 10x

thing I don't understand about netflix is - how the fuck are people obsessed by it so much? I mean, every new service that starts it's like ''but I have netflix, I don't want to pay for more'' and everybody is ok with them having a monopoly.
but they still haven't produced a really great show like hbo's been doing for decades
I hope they go under, their service is ok but content is shit

Get woke, go broke. Simple as.

>content is shit

When They See Us came out just last month and got amazing reviews from both critics and audiences. It's by far the most well received thing Netflix has ever put out so I'm not sure content has anything to do with this recent drop.

People are lazy that is why they don't even know how to torrent and netflix can be used even by old people

Thats because they started first and it was a buzzword for all that hated ads or the wait till next episode or the fragmented cable networks.
So they defend it, because it stood for something they liked and dont want to loose it now.

>but they still haven't produced a really great show like hbo

How many HBO shows have a perfect 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes? Because Netflix produced one this year.

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>Thanks for the $13, subscriber. Don't forget to watch my series about "White Privilege" premiering soon

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What's the point of Netflix in a world where Amazon Prime exists?


>political show was unbiased and you were supposed to make your own mind up
Funny joke friend.

muh tomaters

Not everything is Fox News dude. Unbiased political content is possible.

Do you really think EVERY reviewer on RT(see ) just happened to be an AOC supporter? She's not even that popular and the democratic establishment doesn't support her. She's an underdog that the right is trying to paint as some powerful establishment figure.

Scrolling through the docs the other day I think I counted 3 Drumpf docs and 1 Dumpf satire starring Johnny Depp. I believe the Obamas signed a deal with Netflix to produce some shows for tens or hundreds of millions of doallrs. There's no agenda though

you mean the only people with any money?

>Unbiased political content is possible.
>Translation: The content aligned with my viewpoint so it seemed unbiased to me.
Grow up kid.

And you think it aligned with all 83 critics too? That seems unlikely.

Question to non cable users. Where do you get your sport content from? Inb4 some random pirate streaming site where half the links don't work.

Welcome to the Hollywood run entertainment industry you fucking mong.

Keep telling yourself that dumb boomer.

I know a lot of couples who keep cable just so the wife can watch HGTV and shitty reality shows. I doubt too many single men under 40 still have cable, unless they really want to watch live sports

But I thought you guys said Hollywood was biased in favor of the democratic establishment? How would that lead to an AOC documentary getting all positive reviews when AOC is an underdog that doesn't get any support from her own party because they think she's too "radical".

>AOC is an underdog that doesn't get any support from her own party

What are you talking about? That's like the entire plot of the show in the first place.

You don't see people like Nancy Pelosi saying the same things AOC is.

lol I just watch the World Cup or Box with a crappy digital antenna

What freeview channel offers Boxing? The events shown on freeview here are extremely limited.

Lmao and can you tell me what race the majority of those reviewers were?

With every company making their own streaming service this was just a matter of time... it´s just riddiculous how many there are now. This makes people either pick one, rotate or just leaves alltogether and go back to torrenting. No one is retard enough to pay 3 or 4 services and go back to a "Cable" like model.

That said i think Netflix competition will be mostly Amazon Prime because it has a similar type of originals and whatnot.
Disney+ focus will be the capeshit, CGI remakes and SW. It´s almost liberating that all that shit will be on a single platform. DC focus will be their own capeshit and not even all of it as Watchmen is on HBO.

Overall Netflix or Amazon are the better ones i think and the ones people will choose. The rest of the content is going to be pirated.

I mean going by pure statistics I'd guess white. They're certainly not majority black or brown if that's what you're trying to get at here.

Don't forget Disney will have the Sneedsons too now. Sure they've been zombified for ages now but it's still an incredibly popular show.

Half of there shit is foreign trash. They need to add filters and tags.

>Hospitals and dentist offices across the US cancel their services because old ass sitcoms or home and garden shit is the only thing they have on repeat in waiting rooms

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this hbo is miles better netflix is good for interracial gangbangs nothing more

Because Most of us are forever alone never kissed virgins whose been on this site since last Thursday.

>nobody is going to choose Disney over better shit

>100% for a political documentary

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Netflix was always temporary, they were never officiated with official networks so they were the all in one. Once actual production studios and networks got off their collective asses for their own streaming, the purpose of an all in one source is lost.

remember when people were saying netflix was going to kill cinema?

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>Not everything is Fox News dude. Unbiased political content is possible.

I hope you're not implying only Fox News is biased, because that would even top your earlier joke.

>he can't afford digital cable w/ amazon prime

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Amazon and Netflix appeal to the same target audience while Disney appeals to another target audience. That´s what i meant, not that Disney+ would not be profitable.

Disney will rape netflix though and that's a good thing

Ghostbusters had over 100 reviews and it was sitting at 90% when it released.

>he has to bitch at his wife
>she does it on her own accord


>pretends to have a wife and kids

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Remember when cinema excommunicated Netflix from their petty awards out of fear?

Disney should just buy them. They already have Hulu.

Why not Google

well yeah fuck em they don't even release in cinéma

Haha this shilling is so pathetic

Google wouldn't waste the money. They're saving everything for when Amazon goes under when the investors propping it up find a new corpse to suck on.

>Cable TV will live forever
Oh boy I sure do love paying for a bunch of other channels I'll never watch just to gain the few that I do

I think she's the right's punching bag because she's dumb as fuck.

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Kill yourself retard.

>"subscription services will end piracy through ease of accessibility"
>it was looking feasible when there were only a couple of them
>now there are 5 million different subscription services and everything you want to watch is scattered across all of them
>people aren't subscribing to one service for a single show so it's actually easier to just pirate it
>piracy is still on the rise and services are accidentally encouraging it

What a hilarious turn of events. Greedy distributors is what drove people to piracy originally, and when streaming gave distributors the first real chance at actually defeating piracy for good, their greed took over again and they flooded the market with subscription services.

They are jews and therefore not white.

it's quite simple. it everything was available on one service, tv would be dead in record time.
but since everyone wants to have their own streaming service to not lose any money they ruin it for everyone.
so yes, tv will be relevant for a looooooong time

oh zooomy...

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they didn't even air a bunch of the episodes of her show, they were so bad they just never uploaded them

I think all kino and historically/culturally significant movies should be made available on a streaming platform maintained by the state

Not immediately obviously but even 5 or 10 years later

Yeah, strangely it’s the non English programs that are the only good ones, save for a few exceptions.
I started black spot out of boredom and it’s surprising for a Netflix show, no niggers or racemixing or agendas. Just a comfy French mystery show.

..and piracy longer than forever,

Ritual was an okay horror movie and devilman was pretty good, also the first season of stranger things and thats it.
I only kept it for always sunny, if they added curb your enthusiasm instead of shitty friends it'd still be worth keeping.

>Streaming is a fad. Cable TV will live forever
thats a pretty fucking dumb takeaway from this

What we're seeing is the natural dissolution of a monopoly. You tards think people are just going to start paying for every streaming service, when in reality the vast majority will simply choose whichever one or two they like best, creating actual competition so that the shows and movies that are made will have to actually be good.
This is a good thing, and all you fags complaining about it are literally retarded.

It’s a great takeaway

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>not just pirating all the shows and movies you've ever watched or wanted to watch and making your own monthly lineup and having a playlist automate it and stream it to all TVs in your house and then use that time and template to make multiple different monthly lineups and have them switch out on a timer periodically, randomizing the line-up of previous monthly playlists and then adding in /wsg/ bumps inbetween every 2 items on the playlist

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Paradox of choice is real. It's why I feel absolutely no joy when browsing my Steam library of 400+ games. It's simply overwhelming to know I won't have enough time in my entire life to beat them all.

That's only the case when you can't make up your mind and end up being overwhelmed by different options. So in fact, we can assume cable leads to a choice paradox more so than streaming because while in streaming you generally know what you want and just search for it and start watching, with cable you are always browsing because you don't even know what's on offer so you end up window shopping for content.

>why of course I don't pay for mediocre shows, I simply watch them for free.

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what software do you use to make those lineups?

netflix is paying way too much for content. dave chappelle got like 40 million for those 2 shitty specials lol

Notepad++ cmd scripts. It's fairly simple to set-up, it's just really tedious and there's probably better ways of doing it that I just don't know about.

oh so it only works on a computer? I thought there was some software you could install on your smart tv to browse through your downloads with the remote, fast-forward, rewind etc.

You can use Universal Media Server for that.

>netflix is paying way too much for content. dave chappelle got like 40 million for those 2 shitty specials lol
kek thats alot

I blame the Witcher because that series is complete poopie stinky

MANIAC is pretty good. Why did no one care about it and show is forgotten now?

>Conservatives cost Netflix 17 billion
Jesus Christ the raw power...

bro i have an interface to boot

remember to pick a naming convention for all your files for parsing. mine are like this "S01E003}Honky Tonk Women}CWBY.mkv"

He was saying that conservatives were powerful for costing Netflix 17 billion You fucking mongoloid

Are you 12 or retarded?

I don't understand how NBC and other channels think that anyone would subscribe to their streaming services. Only Disney is gonna be successful out of the all streaming services that are going to pop up

Netflix are the swarmy little disgusting jewish parasites that can't contain their autism and need for pointing the finger at whites and telling them what to do. Disney are the bigger jews, sure, but at least they aren't as insufferable. They're more subtle in their subversion and that I can appreciate. So in short - I can't wait Netflix to go down under.

Don't be a retard.

>ruin the last season of your flagship drama
>cancel all the capeshit normalfags loved
>raise the price as competition intensifies
wow what a surprise they're losing subscribers

I don’t even think libertarians exist in Hollywood, much less conservatives

>Disney are the bigger jews, sure, but at least they aren't as insufferable
Holy mother of shill you guys aren't even hiding it anymore, does this disney+ garbage have any new content?

I should not have laughed as I hard as I did at this G-rated joke

Their content used to be god tier.

>I can't wait Netflix to go down under
Australia doesn't have Netflix yet?

I'm honestly so surprised someone hasn't already put together a far better streaming service that I'm a bit suspicious Netflix was pulling a Pinkerton-esque "fuck over any budding competition before it can start" ploy.

You're trying too hard.

Does Disney promote anti-white propaganda 24/7 like Netflix does? Virtually every single Netflix original is like a blacked commercial. In a perfect world both wouldn't exist, but we do not live in a perfect world.

Like all Netflix shows, it was talked about for a little while when it first came out, but after about a week there is nothing left to talk about.

was it that big mouth show?

amazon prime literally is better. at least, it has more stuff I haven't seen 5 times already.

only problem with prime is that its split into too many subscriptions like showtime, hbo etc.
if they presented a cheaper all included package they could dominate

>Streaming is now just cable TV that you can binge watch.

user, you are not obliged to give money to people who despise you. Conservative's money is not your right.

Also, if you say is true, god damn, that's some absurd power they have.

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People don't and won't pay enough for content for it to exist without being supported by ads. That's basically where we're at. Streaming will either die, or diversify into a bunch of "streaming packages" that will essentially mimic cable, and in order to make the packages affordable to people, they'll be forced to incorporate advertising somehow. Piracy is forever, though.


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>Conservatives collectively took away $17B from Netflix
Wow I guess that's what happens when you cater your offerings to people without jobs and specifically attack people with jobs in your content.


Wow that's advanced autism, pretty comfy once it's done I'm sure. I set up a home media server I can control my phone, just using the shitty packaged Sony UMS, and it works fine. Maybe I'll do the lineup shit eventually.

google has youtube red

>Netflix said it was going to get 5 million new subscribers
>they announced thursday they got only 2,7 million
Add that with the shadow of menace coming from the future Disney streaming, and the fact they are losing their most watched shows, and you get this.

My opinion? This is well deserved. I will never forgive netflix for killing Black Mirror and The Last Kingdom.

Was it that dominatrix shit?

It's very fucking comfy. If I had to compare it to something it feels like I'm cheating in real life by doing it, like I've pulled away the illusion and have a total grip on the power that surges behind the scenes.

It's like opiates.

What exactly is Disney offering in terms of TV shows and what is their limit on the types of shows they will air?

I think Cable TV could be modernized if
>More packages dropped their prices significantly >On Demand and Live TV could be rebranded as a streaming service and livestream service to better target millennials and Gen Z
>Whenever Twitch does a Pokémon marathon or whatever people tune in, so the concept of live TV isn’t dead yet. Again, rebrand it more as a livestream service.
Stuff like YouTubeTV habe made great strides in doing this and more companies need to follow suit. Unfortunately it seems like the cable giants themselves won’t budge for now.

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>Whenever Twitch does a Pokémon marathon or whatever people tune in, so the concept of live TV isn’t dead yet
This could be fun and actually appeal to zoomers.

>"Warner announces: Friends first season marathon from 12 to 19pm"
>lots of chatrooms to choose
>people stay on those chat rooms fooling around, the marathon becomes an event, and advertising during the biggest marathons is expensive as fuck

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>You don't see people like Nancy Pelosi saying the same things AOC is.

They don't say it because they know full well they'll lose any support they've gained from Middle American citizens. They definitely think it behind closed doors, however.

I never understood why people paired ease of accessibility with streaming.
>requires internet connection
>lags others in your household if your connection isn't very good
>your favorite show that's there this week, possibly wont be there next week
>very limited selection due to licensing, you would need at least 4 different services to have most of the "hot" shows being aired
>even on a 20mb connection for some reason amazon video looks like 720 with a terrible bitrate and the blacks are artifacted, sometimes it looks a little better

and most importantly, it doesn't last. I always prefer a physical copy to my absolute favorites and everything else I have is on my PC HDD's with a set of backups in a secure location. There are plenty of less popular movies out there that are lost in time, both in seeders, quality, and streaming services(free or not) and it sucks to see.

this of course is just my opinion, 90% of people I know don't even care about enjoying movies or tv, they just want to be "in the loop" and couldn't care less about the narrative the movie was trying to influence them with. ex: watched ninja clip of him talking about his wife rewatching the entire first episode of S1 of stranger things before realizing she was half way through season 3 and forgot everything that happened. ex:2 all those animeniggers who watch their loli shows on 1.5x speed so they can finish it sooner and add a +1 to their MaL. These people don't care or critically think about what they consume, they just want another +1 that's likely going to be forgotten. streaming will always be here because people don't care about quality or preserving their tastes, they just want a quick fix like a meth addict out of pure routine.

I might resubscribe for one month if the DMC animated adaptation is any good.
Otherwise why would I pay 13 bucks a month to stare at a list of shitty original movies, find nothing to watch, and watch a couple of episodes of Star Trek again?
I can just pay under 10 bucks to rent a handful of movies, which is all I watch a month anyway, with absolutely no limit on what movie I choose.

When will Yea Forums have their own streaming service?

the ip holders getting greedy and wanting everything they own on their own services instead of licensing it out has made for a much shittier consumer environment that cable EVER was.

It was easy to access though. Most households had internet and since you had multiple ways to access it, like through a computer or even gaming console, it was easy to find something to watch.

It also boomed during a time where it was the easiest place to get caught up on shows you had never seen before, like Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead.

The fuck are you talking about, my dude? The DNC fucking hates AOC because she's trying to pull tea party on the democrats and replace moderates and career politicians with her brand of radical wackos. But they also see an opportunity in her to groom the youth and non-white vote and get back into the white house.

So what they're faced with is trying to court the far left media and urban millenials who want 'muh free shit, muh open borders, muh zero emissions', while also trying not to scare off moderates and swing voters by appearing to be actually willing to do the ivory tower commie shit that AOC and her crew is talking about. In reality guys like pelosi and harris are elitists who want to protect their friends and 'friends' power and money and have no intention of doing any of the things as long as they can avoid it.

Can they finally admit "media streaming good" was always wrong?

Because consumers don't either.

Why would they use AOC to get the Zoomer vote when she's not even appealing to most of their own? She's only appealing to college communists who already follow her on Twitter. Also, how the fuck would they effectively use her to shout for them when they want to still attract moderates? Are Independents willing to go with DoubleThink strategy?

I am p sure the Netflix Obabo shows and Ava Duvernay programming will more then make up for the loss of Friends and The Office (US). Diversity is our strength.

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we already do newfriend

Same reason that you had all those dems doing cringey as fuck cooking live streams after AOC started live streaming herself cooking and whatnot.
They're scrambling to get their head around social media after getting consecutively BTFO by first trump and then AOC and they think that the twitter crowd and the legacy media is representative of mainstream opinions, so that's what they're trying to court.
That's why every democrat at the debate put their hand up when asked if they would give illegals free healthcare, why the democrats scrambled to have their own 'green new deal' after AOC ambushed them with hers and why they flip flop over whether criticism of israel is anti-antisemitism or not depending on the issue of the second.

So it's just them trying to pander to scramble whatever support they can get? Damn, they really must be desperate.

Did you expect something else? They got killed last presidential cycle by a reality tv star, when all their polls and conventional wisdom said that they were sure to win. Plus to even get their preferred candidate into the running they had to shank an old jewish commie who mustered huge grassroots support through the internet. Now they're getting infiltrated and undermined by a bartender who wants to try to take over the party and turn it harder socialist than most Nordic countries and their newest barometer for public opinion, social media, says that people love what commies are putting down. So they're getting hit on both sides this time around, plus the field of candidates is huge and none of them are well liked, especially not the DNC's pick Biden. It's a shit show.

It’s not about profit. It’s about taking money away from Netflix. Amazon Prime is running at a deficit, but Amazon has the money to bleed as long as it hurts Netflix. It’s why so many of these services are shit.

What does Amazon gain from hurting Netflix by losing money themselves?

Wonder what's going to happen, are people really going to put up with fragmented supply of content or do they just want to kill streaming in general?

Amazons got a neat shopping monopoly so Amazon prime is not a big loss for them.

Netflix is a major competitor for Amazon DVD sales. And at one point people were so scare of Netflix might get simultaneous DVD releases. Which would have fucked Amazon.

Disney and Hulu also is only running a streaming service to fuck Netflix.

>Spooderman went from Raimi directing where the Uncle character stabbed black characters and then proceded to penetrate the stabwound, to this globohomo shit.

Netflix is trying to play the long game by borrowing and dumping their profits into generating capital to spend on their transition from renting other people's content to being a primary content producer and studio owner. Which means that right now, netflix has no money and is technically in debt; but shareholders like this because it means that netflix is more like to produce real profit growth in the future.
However, Amazon is trying to fuck Netflix over by running their service at a loss to produce and buy content, while also giving away the service at an unsustainable price point. They're doing this because if they can leech away netflix's growth during this heavy capitalization period, netflix will end up empty handed and saddled with debt, which will in turn reduce their spending power and their plans to expand their content creation to compete with amazon in the future.

This is the first Yea Forums headline post that looks so nice I could jack off to it.

how can I into lineupping?