What does Yea Forums think about Death Note?

What does Yea Forums think about Death Note?

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Good until Light Kills L. Story should have ended there.

the concept is really interesting, makes me wonder why kikeflix tried for an adaptation instead of an original story in the universe.
overall basically this

It's one of my favorite Animes.
Young non-steroid zack effron would have made a decent Light.

The Netflix movie was awful and I hope Adam Wingard kills himself.

leave nigger

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Fuck Near and fuck Mello

>my favorite character dies that means the show has to end
Pleb-tier opinions. End your miserable fucking shit lives you horrible cunt bastards.

Fuck everyone who hated Near.

The point is that after L there's nowhere for the plot to go so they just bring L back in the form of another character just like him
Pretty obvious case of the writer getting fucked over by the kike editors at shounen jump

Near? More like gay LMAO

I'd use it to kill all jannies and sneedposters

>implying thats the reason and its not because they jusy arbitrarily kept it going with discount Ls

The whole point was the mind games between L and Light, you collosal retard

Whoa buddy theres no sneed to resort to violence

near and mello just suck ass as characters. Near is an autist that jumps to retarded conclusions without proof and mello is just an edgy autist.

>look its L, but smarter and with less interesting quirks XD
lol no

its alright white boy

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Near was cute

The anime is good. Do NOT watch the netflix adaptation

It is good for unintentional comedy in that sense. Its edgy, but it somewhat works, since Light is meant to have an overly high opinion of himself.

What is this running stance called?

Love it but Japanese overacting is pretty overwhelming at times.

The "if we run like this, the guards at Area 51 can't see us" stance


anger detected

they took the best character in the show, killed him, and replaced him with the two worst characters in the show


Near isn't smarter than L. He says as much.

>Do NOT watch the netflix adaptation
I kinda liked it, had it's own feel.

Go back to or I'm doing it!

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Near hate is justified. L worked for his discoveries by setting traps against Kira. Near just discovers information because "lol plot needs to advance"

See: Near magically figuring out that Mikami is X-Kira

I haven't actually watched the adaptation. I'm just shitposting

pick on someone your own size, you big bully!

>See: Near magically figuring out that Mikami is X-Kira
You do realize magic is a part of the show, right?

oh :(

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the person who did that is so based

I liked all the clever inventions Light did and how much of an insecure incel dweeb he was in spite of getting girls and being smart and handsome.

>watches mini tv inside a bag of crisps

He was a lazy faggot who ruined everything, that was he was. Hope he gets a public lynching to death

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It's not an adaption in any way. They just took the main idea and the names of some characters and made a complete different story. It's absolutely horrendous. They made a random shit flick and named it Death Note.

calm down, dude. we're just trying to have a fun thread here.

dude honestly had everything going for him.

I guess power corrupts, huh?
His decent into hubris was very well executed.

Light was a fucking idiot

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E;R did a good trio of videos on the netflix adaptation if you havent seen that go watch it

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Don't ever reply to any of my posts again

I mean the Netflix director didn't even think that it was possible for a chad to become evil. That's why Light in their version was a loser.

I've seen the first video and then decided to watch Death Note with a few beers just for fun and to laugh at it but it was so bad I couldn't even laugh and had to turn it off.

His Legend of Korra videos are legendary and I have never even seen that show

I like how everybody shits on Light for killing Lind L. Taylor and falling for L's trap when there is LITERALLY no way he could have known otherwise. Like, shit, he's not omnipotent.

I'll do as I like.

Hm. Yeah, the terror of a highly intelligent man going bonkers is very effective.

It's not that funny, no.

74% of the population is retarded, user.

I saw that after PewDiePie recommended his channel

>Food, money and girls imply a good life. There's nothing else someone could ever want let alone some abstract goal.
Are you trying to make me sad again? I'm sad that humanity is such a dumb bunch of apes

Negro who likes anime run

>good looking
>charismatic orator
>had loving family

Honestly, what else is there? He had everything.


no one is trying to give you the sads, fren.
Have a happy!

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