
She was his second wife and Ned doesn't descend of her or anything. But Catelyn has indeed Blackwood blood in her.

Maybe Bloodraven just influenced the events to have Ned marry Catelyn. We don't know what kind of children Brandon would have sired and if, he's suspected Ashara's lover, then he probably would have tried to marry her instead after he dishonored her. Which would have fucked the Tully pact. He sent blatant lies as "prophecies" to Rhaegar to kick statr it.

>Dany doesn't have Blackwood blood
Yes she does. Aegon V's wife was Blackwood. And Tullys don't have a family tree and neither do Whents, so where is this "a lot" coming from?

>She was his second wife and Ned doesn't descend of her or anything
Huh, you're right, my bad.

Blackwood does IIRC. I've seen Tully Wives there and Whent so I wouldn't be surprised if also the other way around. I forgot about Aegon's wife. But it wouldn't surprise me that the Stark and Targ thing is a redherring and the magical family is the Blackwoods. The symbol with the tree and ravens seem very relevant. And look at Catelyn's children:

>Robb was the makeshift of one of the greatest military leaders in Westeros, undefeated in combat vs veterans and he was just 16 (he was a dumbass on everything not battlefield related though).
>Sansa is going to be Littlefinger 2.0 except not morally corrupt master of courtesies and soft coercion in Court. If her ending is the same, she'll be Queen.
>Arya is a super ninja as a 11 years old who will be plot relevant against the Others. And will be Nymeria Columbus in the future.
>Bran is going to be a godlike King of Westeros (minus the North).
>Rickon is...Rickon there's always a black sheep

Brandon, Benjen Ned and Lyanna weren't anywhere as impressive as the new brood.

Plus Ned is dead and Catelyn returned to take numbers as Lady Stoneheart. Direwolves as family symbol is cooler than fish, so needed to get in there.

The Stark kids are protagonists in a fantasy story, of course they'll all be exceptional Mary Sue and
Gary Stus with unique talents. Plus they're George's favorite House.