So tell me Yea Forums why do you keep lying about Get Woke Go Broke when it's VERY obvious that EVERYONE loved Captain Marvel save for a few contrarian trolls and bigots?
It's the number 1 movie on Amazon right now.
So tell me Yea Forums why do you keep lying about Get Woke Go Broke when it's VERY obvious that EVERYONE loved Captain Marvel save for a few contrarian trolls and bigots?
It's the number 1 movie on Amazon right now.
Disney is paying Amazon to keep it number one, don't you realize that?
Get Woke Go Broke IS a real thing, but Captain Marvel wasn't really "woke" in any way + it was tied to the most anticipated movie of the year, so it's not a good example of this.
Thirdly, and a lot of people will only admit this in secret, but Brie isn't as hateable as some think.
Get woke go broke isn't immediate it's the future. Marvel has made two "sjw" movies so far, the beginning of the end. Once you focus on social justice instead of making movies you start to shit the bed.
Nah she is, she spent the entire marketing campaign whining about white men.
She only ever said a single thing about white men, in reference to a Wrinkle In Time not being "made" for them. Halfway true, but she worded herself poorly so it got blown out of proportion.
I don't know a single person who has seen this movie
it's just really boring, I don't really know how anyone could like it unless they like it for the sole reason that it ties to the mcu
people who get angry online represent a small fraction of movie goers
>One exception (that was HEAVILY marketed to normies who don't know any better, and sandwiched between two of the biggest movies of all time) somehow invalidates all the other examples that prove the point
no one liked the movie and no one here watched it
I think it's one of the weaker MCU films but it's still really, really great.
I love all of the MCU films, even The Incredible Hulk and Thor: The Dark World.
Captain Marvel is actually one of my favourite MCU heroes right now despite her film not being as good as many of the other MCU films.
Plus, Brie Larson is pure waifu material and Captain Marvel is the best MCU girl.
Did Disney do any of this shit with A Wrinkle In Time? No, they didn't.
How about with Solo? No, they didn't do this kind of shit.
They didn't do it with The Nutcracker and the Four Realms either.
Let's go back further. They did not buy their own tickets or pay anyone else for damage control when Tomorrowland bombed, and they didn't do it either with The Lone Ranger, John Carter, Mars Needs Moms or Winnie the Pooh 2011.
And, they were actually afraid that Christopher Robin was going to fail, to the point that there was an embargo on it's reviews despite it being one of the very few actually good live action remakes, and it's actually a really great film.
It still made way less money than many of the other remakes like Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast.
Granted, it didn't have China because the Emperor hates Winnie the Pooh, but still...
Disney didn't do any of the same things they apparently with Captain Marvel to save Christopher Robin.
>She will never smile at you like that
why live
Literally just say "enjoyed your work in X movie" and she probably will.
did not read
go away gay name
still has a beautiful smile without editing, nice try w/ the hate tho
I love her smile and her sips.
Because schizo right wing culture warriors don't actually care if what they say is true or false.
They'll just lie through their teeth over and over because muh meme magic, ignoring all evidence to the contrary.
>mfw a brie thread is starting to form
>mfw might get called a shill again
Wat do Briebros?
And then just like clockwork the weird shills pop up to divert attention away from the negative criticism.
Weird how that happens, considering it's been proven that the CIA actually visits Yea Forums to astroturf and gaslight.
they only delete the threads because they know they'll fall for her eventually too
Just tell me how to get a peak body-weight HS gf with chubby cheeks.
Disney can suck donkey dick as far as I'm concerned. Brie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Disney, Netflix, whatever conglomerate company you can think of
This, did you not see how empty the theaters were? Disney bought out every showing.
> Weird how that happens, considering it's been proven that the CIA actually visits Yea Forums to astroturf and gaslight.
So is it CIA or Disney or Discord trannies? It's always someone new with you guys.
>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?
It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.
Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!
Well it's obviously a damage control force because while Yea Forums and Yea Forums are a "vocal minority" they can influence public perception of certain movies if unchecked.
CreepyThinMan ONLY emerges when Brie is mentioned. Why is that? Don't you post in any other threads?
Dude, she influenced public perception herself by being a sperg. I could care less about public perception. I just see what 99% of people don't.
She's fine. If there's any shills in here, so be it. I agree with them.
Go away, you're creeping us out, skinnyfag!!!FACT!!!
As I already mentioned, why would Disney only do damage control just now and for Captain Marvel while their other failures didn't get this kind of damage control?
Only nerds like that shit. Superhero’s and watching that shit beyond the age of 9 is sad af
>It's the number 1 movie on Amazon right now.
And this is why you're here shilling it. Same reason why there were no Captain Marvel threads until about 6 months before it came out then every website was flooded with shill threads/posts like yours. Then everything went quiet until a week before th Bluray release at which point shill threads were spammed everywhere.
We know Disney has shill farms that employ mouse dick suckers like you. I didn't pay to see Captain Fungi and didn't pay to see Endgame because of that cunt while I'll never watch or buy the Spider-man FFH bluray because they attached it to that fucking cunt and her shit movie by making Fury and Hill Skrulls.
The MCU is dead to me now oh and we know (((they're))) going to have Black Panther and Captain Bitchface be the leads of Avengers 5 to fulfill the SJW mandated diversity quota of BMWF and I have no fucking doubt they're going to make Spider-man a twink and MJ a tranny!!!FACT!!!
>why would Disney only do damage control just now and for Captain Marvel while their other failures didn't get this kind of damage control?
Whatever argument you present to him, he'll disagree. People will be "shilling" her in 10 years when her career is over and someone will still cry shill. It is what it is.
Love Brie hate disney
I don't "hate" Disney, but I'm not a fan either. Certainly not interested in defending any of their movies/products/etc. Just care about Brie.
She could've starred in some shitty low budget horror comedy and I'd still "shill" her.
Also, I find it funny that in both Captain Marvel and Star Wars 7, the lead character is a white woman being propped up as being the best, strongest, smartest etc... while their black male co-stars are reduced to bumbling ineffectual sidekicks. Interesting how white women think they're the most oppressed people in history and never stop crying about "THE PATRIARCHY!!!" aka Daddy who didn't give them enough attention, a castle for them to grow up in, a pony or a trust fund. This is why they worshipped Dany in Games of Thrones, a spoiled little bitch who thought she was owed the world, only to turn on her when she went batshit and showed a woman's true nature and why women NEVER built a society and never will because they're natural born destroyers!!!FACT!!!
>brie acts like complete cunt on her own
>no no no blame the corporation for her actions and behavior
I think I've seen this one before.
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
> Captain Marvel grossed $426.8 million in the United States and Canada, and $701.4 million in other territories,
> As of July 18, 2019, Avengers: Endgame has grossed $853 million in the United States and Canada, and $1.930
MIGAtards, riddle me this. How come domestic gross for CM is only 37% of the total gross, while for Avengers it's 44%. Is it because Disney was buying tickets to CM in China as well?
The woman on the left. One of the most beloved female characters in cinema history (played by one of the most respected actresses of the last 40 years) who is strong, intelligent, determined and succeeds because of her perseverance and yet still feminine while able to command authority by using logic and reason. She has a cat. Same thing could be applied to Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs, except for the cat, although Jodie Foster does like pussy.
The woman on the right. A slithering cunt, played by a sociopathic narcissistic fungi breeding greaseball, being forced upon the public as a feminist icon and shilled by a corporation who is silencing critics while using misguided political activists to promote their product and attack anyone who see's through their agenda. She also has a cat!!!FACT!!!
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!
And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!
No one self-identifies as "involuntary celibate". It's something roasties project onto men who don't put up with women's shit. As if to say "oh, if you had sex you'd agree with me and give in to my demands". This is because women think they can get anything they want with sex and believe this because their white knight lapdogs betas would do anything for a pity fuck!!!FACT!!!
>>brie acts like complete cunt on her own
Yes, I acknowledged that here But it's
a) Blown out of proportion
b) Not her default state
She said some dumb things once and acted bizarre twice. I don't give a shit, she's fine overall.
Brie is a nice person.
From what I've read this movie is almost a parody of feminist and SJW politics. Funny thing is how this movie is almost exactly the same as The Force Awakens. Female protagonist is almost perfect, can beat anyone, do anything while her African-American co-star is reduced to a bumbling buffoon. But then this is because white women believe they're the most oppressed group of people in history and I haven't seen any of them asking why Captain Marvel isn't black, or Asian, or Indian etc...
Another thing I've noticed is how Rey and Carol have no parents or at least they're never seen and/or barely acknowledged.
Know why that is? It's because so-called-"feminists" are really angry bitches forever bitter that Mommy & Daddy didn't have a castle for them to grow up in, didn't buy them a pony and didn't hand them a trust fund. Because of their grotesque overdeveloped sense of self-entitlement this festers in their minds and when they develop financial independence they literally erase their parents from their existence which shows the complete and utter lack of gratitude these fucking bitches have. "Oh, you gave me life, raised me, fed me, clothed me, educated me, but you didn't hand life to me on a silver platter, so FUCK YOU, you don't exist".
They remind me of Molly Ringwald's character in Pretty In Pink, a snobby bitch embarrassed because her and he father were lower income and she didn't want people to know about her background. Or in Mildred Piece where here daughter Veda is a spoiled fucking brat who hates that her mother is a working class parent. These are the type of women who create characters like Rey and Carol.
Compare those to Luke Skywalker or Conan The Barbarian. Luke lived with his aunt and uncle, without whom he wouldn't have survived. Conan's parents were killed in front of him, he was enslaved but fed and educated. The differences between both groups is that when men achieve success, they want people to know where they came from because it's a matter of pride that they can say "look at everything I've done with my limited resources" but you don't see Luke looking down on his aunt and uncle, do you? Boys and men have fantasizes about fighting bad guys and winning but there's always real struggle in the best of those stories because we know hardship builds character.
Now compare Rey and Carol to Jyn from Rogue One and Motoko from the recent live action Ghost in the Shell movie. Maybe they weren't the best flicks but I actually liked them and one of the reasons is that we seen where Jyn and Motoko come from which humanizes them and makes them endearing. Jyn's parents were killed and she was raised by someone else, ala Conan. We know she had a hard life and that gives her character. Same thing with Motoko, who finds her mother. That hits me in the feels. They're real people in unreal worlds and that grounds everything.
Rey and Carol are caricatures created by rabid feminazi's and when they scream about the "WHITE MALE PATRIARCHY!!!" it's their way of rebelling against their Daddies. But you'll notice that you don't see these women bitching about their mothers and it's because they expect their fathers to be the breadwinners and be given everything they wanted simply because of their gender. Kinda like how feminists scream at white men that "THESE MOVIES AREN'T FOR YOU, INCEL, MANBABY ETC...!!!" and when they don't make money it's "WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE US YOUR MONEY YOU FUCKING SEXIST PIGS!!!".
Based and larspilled
It'll be interesting how much Feminazi/SJW politics will affect the MCU in ten years.
Comic books are the prime example. SJWs infested the entire industry changed all the characters to women, and drove out anyone with talent for writing.
The results were completely predictable. People who liked comics stopped buying them. SJWs never buy the things they claim to want. Now indie kickstarted comics sell more copies than any of the marvel flagship ones.
The same thing is happening with video games and movies, hence the blatant desperation to make this movie seem successful and the endless screeching that only russian bots didn't like the Captain Marvel!!!FACT!!!
Why didn't Marvel cast an Asian woman as Captain Marvel? By doing so they could have one upped DC/WB by having an ethnic female superhero while also grabbing the Asian market easily, especially if she was Chinese!
I think it's because north American white women are insufferable spoiled fucking bitches who forever cry and whine that Daddy didn't get them a pony or let them stay out late and fuck their boyfriends or do whatever they wanted. This basically describes virtually every fucking cunt who calls themselves a feminist over the last 60-70 years who seem to forget that they got to stay home and raise the children while men fought wars and worked back breaking jobs to support them and their spawn.
Brie Larson is a perfect example. This slithering cunt has NEVER worked a day in her fucking life, had everything handed to her on a silver platter yet she still has the fucking nerve to complain about how hard she has it.
I hope that fucking snake accidentally douches with DRANO!!!FACT!!!
Aquaman worldwide box office = $1,147,761,807
Captain Marvel = $1,126,318,317
Even with the unrelenting shilling, system rigging, ticket purchasing and riding on the heels of the most anticipated movie of this generation (Endgame) that they shoved her into to create false hype while piggybacking her off a decades worth or work and effort, Disney's new flagship character was STILL beaten by a joke character whose solo film was coming off a box office disaster (Justice League) while it promoted pro-Feminism/SJW values (interracial relationships, strong female characters and an environmental friendly message) better than Captain Fungi whose message only appealed to North American white women who are the most coddled and entitled spoiled fucking bitches on the planet and hate their fathers which is the real reason why they cry "DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY!!!" because Daddy didn't buy them a pony.
Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.
Aquaman is the underdog who had everything going against him but triumphed in the face of adversity while Captain Marvel lost despite being backed by the biggest entertainment corporation in the world!!!FACT!!!
>People who liked comics stopped buying them
Nah, I just buy stuff that I like, which hasn't been affected by politics, like pic related.
The biggest irony is that Yea Forums hates it, and I've been called a shill there too. Unpopular opinion = instant shill.
>CreepyThinMan ONLY emerges when Brie is mentioned. Why is that? Don't you post in any other threads?
I post in lots of other threads but I like to spam these ones to beat down the Disney shills.
Cheese NoAss relies on virgin incel losers like them to shill for her and put money into her pockets. Every few years (((Hollywood))) throws the light on one of their cum dumspters and they come running like the thirsty dogs they are, lapping it up like the mindless drones they are and it works every single time!!!FACT!!!
haha YUCK how could anyone find her cute at all
They literally bought out whole theaters you idiot.
You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.
Know why that is?
It's because Obama got his first term and from 2008-2012 the left kept their bullshit on the down low because their primary objective back then was to make sure he got a second term. But as soon as he won the 2012 election these shitheads went fucking rabid because they were absolutely certain Hillary would run and win in 2016. So they were banking on 12 more years of Democratic rule in the White House. So they took the brakes off the crazy train.
It's no coincidence that in 2013 we started hearing these fuckers crying about the collateral damage and amount of FICTIONAL people killed in Man of Steel when they didn't say shit the year before when Avengers had New York getting BTFO. That's when I knew something was wrong.
Then they started screaming that GODS OF EGYPT was racist for not casting all blacks in every role. That it wasn't "realistic" in a movie about Gods with gold blood and giant fire breathing dragons, fer fuck sakes.
Then it was Ghostbusters 2016 when studios, specifically Sony/Columbia, started using gender politics to shield themselves against criticism by pretending that a soulless reboot of a beloved franchise with an all female cast was some sort of triumph against patriarchy. It's also not a coincidence that this was spearheaded by Columbia President/Stupid Cunt Amy Pascal, who is a Jew, who then cast Idris Elba as the mythic Gunslinger in The Dark Tower, based upon Clint Eastwood's 'Man with no Name' in the Dollars trilogy, in the hope of using race politics to cover for another fuck awful movie that also bombed like Shitbusters.
Amazon is not a theater, based retard.
Then Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump and this sent them into their current frenzy. Turns out screaming that "SORRY WHITE PEOPLE/MEN, YOUR TIME IS OVER!!!" at voters doesn't play well which is why Trump was given the Presidency despite losing by 3 million votes.
Ever since then it's been nothing but shrill shrieking and the absolute determination to shove their politics into anything and everything that white men enjoy while running it into the ground and if you dare try to criticize them it's "SEXIST, INCEL, MANBABY REEEEEE!!!".
Marvel/Disney used this last year to shill Black Panther, which is just as bad as Captain Marvel, while the SJW drones justify Wakanda's 100% all black ethnostate as being "realistic if the evil white man hadn't of enslaved blacks" but ask them why there are minorities in Asgard and they'll freak the fuck out that "ASGARD IS A FANTASY YOU FUCKING NAZI!!!".
Ultimately, it's fun shitposting but you're not going to get any honest debate with these people because they're ideological zealots who want everything their own way and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given time.
Basically, if you're a white straight male, you're the Devil incarnate, have never done ANYTHING to advance civilization or help others and these people wont stop until every single thing we have is given to them or brought to ruin purely out of spite because they think they're owed something that they didn't get from Daddy!!!FACT!!!
The fuck man. Any discussion about these movies has turned incredibly toxic, between the paranoid Anti-SJW types and the SJWs that act like obnoxious tards.
No wonder I hate this movie.
It just shows how much of a vile human colostomy bag Brie Larson is that this cesspool of misanthropy would rather worship a slithering kike instead of a white woman because the former shows more warmth and humanity, femininity and sexiness than that utterly disgusting subhuman fungi breeding greaseball Larson. We truly are living in The Twilight Zone!!!FACT!!!
Claims to have dated black men but no proof of this. In the interview with her, Chris Hemsworth and Don Cheadle, there's an altercation between her and Don where he clearly doesn't want to be touched by her and yet she did so apparently to antagonize him while their body language and facial expressions toward each other suggests hostility between the two. She's also seen in the attached pic using the internationally recognized OK symbol used by white supremacists. Finally, the first female Captain Marvel was a BLACK WOMAN named Monica Rambeau, yet the supposedly WOKE Larson didn't turn down the role and publicly demand that an African-American woman play her!!!FACT!!!
>the Disney shills
No such thing. The people who talk about Captain Marvel in a positive light either genuinely liked the movie or are trying to piss off the "incels" who didn't. If there's a shill, it's probably a single entity desperately trying to make a difference.
Most of the Brieposters just like her for her.
>Every few years (((Hollywood))) throws the light on one of their cum dumspters
So everyone is a shill then. I see threads with women all the time. Moner, BDH, etc, Amber Heard, etc. They're all shills according to this logic.
Oh and Larson reads Ayn Rand who preaches selfishness and greed as virtue which appeals to narcissistic sociopaths like her!!!FACT
Disney was desperate to create a female superhero to one up WB/DC who beat them to the punch with Wonder Woman. So Disney took a horrible character whose shitty books don't sell and knew they couldn't do anything with. So they decided that they'd try to turn it into a feminist statement thus suckering feminazi's and white knight beta orbiters into going to see it the same way they conned niggers into seeing Black Panther. This is why they deliberately made CM into a near parody of Feminazi/SJW politics and hired a massive fucking cunt to play the part because they knew she'd piss people off at which point they could play victim. It's a hedge. They pre-load the movie with the notion that if it flops it's because of sexist/racist/whateverist trolls. This way, at best they get more ticket sales from guilt views and at worst they save face on the floppage. Classic SJW strategy.
The thing that bothers me is the way (((they))) tried to paint the narrative that "IF YOU DON'T SEE THIS YOU'RE A SEXIST" as if men wont go see movies with female leads ala Resident Evil. Then there was the demented revisionism they tried to push that CM was the first female superhero movie and once people pointed out Wonder Woman and Supergirl they backtracked to say "the first MCU female superhero".
Cast someone attractive like Emma Stone and makes a good movie and I would have seen Captain Marvel. But that takes too much effort. So they made a piece of shit, starring a slithering cunt and shilled it as some sort of milestone against "THE PATRIARCHY" aka WHITE FUCKING MALES aka Daddy.
I just wanted a hot chick fighting aliens. NOPE. Can't have simple entertainment now. Everything needs to have politics shoved into it and I'm soo fucking tired of it!!!FACT!!!
I really thought I'd hate Captain Marvel like I hated Black Panther (which is the only Marvel film I can't rewatch), but the movie was actually ok.
Because of Nick Fury.
fucking based
>silly virgin white boy REEEEEING for 20 min
Honestly, fuck this site. Because of all the hate, I decided not to see it thinking it was shit. When I eventually saw it, I feel in love with her. She's literally a good person. Fuck this stupid board.
>Cast someone attractive like Emma Stone and makes a good movie and I would have seen Captain Marvel
Bullshit. That has nothing to do with it. The movie would've been shat on either way.
Meanwhile, people pretend like DC is the alt-right equivalent of Marvel, and act like Amber Heard isn't a shithead slithering snake far worse than Brie.
Amber Herd may very well be the harlot of revelations.
sure thing buddy, the moive was absolute fucking cancer, if your taste is that shitty, you should fucking kill yourself, you C.uck
This site just proves that Centrism is the best belief-system because both the left and the right are paranoid and delusional.
You have people complaining on Yea Forums about non-existing issues from the left, and people on Reddit complaining about non-existing issues on the right. Retarded as fuck.
the film doesn't explore progressive themes. It just stars Brie Larson who made alienating generalisations in press about white people. the film was actually extremely formulaic, although I did sort of enjoy it. Her character is pretty vague and I suspect that's completely the fault of the actor
the movie was shit and deserved to be shit on, brie being an unlikeable cunt didn't help either. but HollyJew wont cast pretty women anymore, now fuck off and shill you're amazon subscription service else where, pedowood will never get a penny from me again.
>look at this face she's making she a nice person
I just want to pound that face in
I am 60 percent sure you didn't see it. it was inert if nothing else
Do you feel bad about presenting as a moron? It's very clear you don't have anything to say and don't even understand what you do utter. I'm being genuine here -- you're just pollution man. Think about this please.
>you're amazon subscription service else where,
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Rich coming from someone on Yea Forums.
I do it for free bro
Brie is life
Also, why are (((they))) incapable of making a strong female character without diminishing a male one? Social engineering, plain and simple.
Disney is a leftist propaganda tool, they took White male chad Thor and turned him into a overweight, slovenly beta who sulks and stays in his room playing computer games.
Same thing with Hulk, a character who is the embodiment of righteousness male anger and aggression or so called ' toxic masculinity ' and turned him into a basedboy slapstick comedy character after he got his ass beat in a fight one time. They also had Black Panther's ugly little chimp sister smugly talk down to him like he was an idiot in Infinity War in order to prop her up.
They also undermined Tony Stark by having a character who got out of a cave "WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS" in Iron Man just give up and accept that he was going to die at the beginning of Endgame so they could have Captain May I Speak to Your Manager save him and give the worthless cunt something to do before she disappears for the entire movie only to show up at the end. This shows that they were determined to piggyback her onto the movie and wasn't involved until Disney mandated that she be included.
Meanwhile, in Aquaman the lead female characters are shown to be strong and determined and never at the expense of the male ones. Sure, there's some fun poked here and there but they NEVER go out of their way to make Arthur look like a moron, ignorant, sure (Pinocchio), but he never comes off like an idiot the way Thor, Stark or Hulk do.
Oh and at any point of the MCU was Black Widow ever shit on by her male co-stars or made to look incompetent?
Oh and I was blocked for a few minutes because one of you dickless fucking faggots went crying to the jannies while your fathers cry and drink themselves to sleep and every night because they have (You) as children!!!FACT!!!
meant for not you op
I watched the rip, mediocre at best, Brie performance was completely wooden, and her god damn valley girl vocal fry was infuriating , there was no character development and the politics was forced.
fuck off. I'm done with the MCU and hollywood in general.
Oh and now the faggots who run this shithole are deleting my posts.
>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?
It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.
Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!
Dude bro, literally have a sip and calm down.
This isn't healthy for you.
>they took White male chad Thor and turned him into a overweight, slovenly beta who sulks and stays in his room playing computer games.
Don't wanna defend Disney in any capacity, but that's not true. Hemsworth was the one who made that decision. He wanted to emulate Guardians of the Galaxy from the get go. We've already discussed this a while back. Felt like the character was boring otherwise.
Great taste. Yea Forums is retarded
> Brie performance was completely wooden
Not really, Brie played MC like she was supposed to, and she did great.
Oh wow, her character didn't laugh at that joke; this literally means feminism propaganda beamed into my brain.
Completely accurate post.
Stop listening to influencers and form your own opinions about shit, you're regurgitating almost verbatim shit i've read like 10 times with all the typical buzzwords to boot.
Why don't you fuck off back to Yeah, I know it's you JenniferLawrenceFan2004. Why have you changed your name? Oh it's because you're exactly the sort of cuckold white guilt numale beta orbiter loser who slobbers over thots like Lawrence and Larson, both of whom have taken miles of kike cock and cum and wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire you fucking loser!!!FACT!!!
Who has/had the best tits?
Cheesewoman, VJuice, fast times-era Pheobe Cates, or bad pusy?
Are you okay user?
>The biggest irony is that Yea Forums hates it, and I've been called a shill there too. Unpopular opinion = instant shill.
100% correct.
>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>"People hated Empire back then, too!"
>"Dividing the fanbase was intentional!"
>"It did something DIFFERENT!!!"
>"I love how it subverted expectations!"
>"It made me rethink my views on life!"
>"It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It was an 'intellectual' film!"
>"It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It was expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!"
I don't think you understand what the words your using even mean.
Lol, you're both schizos at best.
You seem overwrought.
Perhaps some fresh air will calm you down and invigorate your constitution.
you really had me going there guy
bad pusy, followed by cheesewoman. I havem't seen the other two tits
>now let me tell you why vaccines actually control your mind, Jews killed 6 million Germans in the Holocaust, and how the Earth is actually a rhombus
Let go of your hatred.
Learn to love Brie.
>Get woke go broke
> Muh "sjw"
>the beginning of the end.
>social justice
>shit the bed.
You may not like it or lack self awareness but that whole post was derivative buzzword diarrhea.
>100% correct.
100% correct, but my argument was in favor of Brie, so you might wanna reconsider that CreepyThinMan.
>Not really, Brie played MC like she was supposed to, and she did great.
so you didn't see the movie, great.
Not him, but it's hardly her best performance. Not even in the top 20, granted 90% of the films she's been in haven't been that great.
But she can act well when she needs to, i.e. Room & Short Term 12. Capeshit and the role of Carol doesn't call for that kind of acting. You can cast pretty much everyone in capeshit.
""Influencers"" just copy what they read on places like this. I am the influencer
Denial stage but you're on the right track already being on a Brie thread.
All you need to do now is accept her into your heart.
>denial stage
It's true.
This is my first Brie thread.
Felt a bit ashamed desu. Glad I stuck with it though.
she's an ugly alcoholic, the drinking has aged her she looks 50, and it's giving her brain damage, she needs to lay off the coke too, I hope she kills herself.
>Not him, but it's hardly her best performance
I agree but the reason for that is that not that much was required of her. She played a confident, strong character who is somewhat aloof because she had lost her memories. It's not a dramatic role.
She is not!
You just KNOW a well adjusted happy individual wrote this.
>she needs to lay off the coke too,
>I hope she kills herself.
I'm getting some mixed signals here.
I agree. To expect a kind of "dramatic" Oscar-worthy performance in a capeshit film that doesn't call for it is delusional. The "wooden acting" argument is grasping at straws.
Take the Brie pill that much angery can't be good.
>Denial stage but you're on the right track already being on a Brie thread.
I'm gonna spoil the fun and let you in on the secret. Nobody actually likes Brie but people still get upset that nobody likes brie.
>CIA astroturfing
Tell me about Bane. Why does he wear the mask?
watch that video, and try and tell me she's not off her fucking head on coke, it's 5 minutes count how many time she sniffling, she a fucking coke fiend.
100% this, She worked within the tight acting constraints of capeshit and still delivered a solid and memorable performance.
>Nobody actually likes Brie
Yeah, like is not a strong enough word. Everybody loves Brie (except for polcels).
>Nobody actually likes Brie
A lot of people do, but some of her more rabid fans kind of don't get her either. Particularly the ones on Twitter.
>Sniffing a lot means you're a cokehead
Having the sniffles doesn't mean you take drugs retard
t.someone who's never done coke.
>34 posters
>124 replies
Brie defense force is really at it today.
This is giving me shades of Daisy Ridley all over again.
Literally any woman that is cast by Disney to lead a film automatically becomes a cunt/dyke/cokewhore/feminazi/whatever.
Yea Forums is disingenuous and dishonest.
That's what these threads usually are
>I'm right
>no me
Yeah, that's why she pulls so many people to the theatre when playing lead roles, wins awards and makes millions with her charisma and talent alone.
Because obviously nobody likes her.
> why is this not one of those everybody posts nobody reads threads like we have on b
Kinda wish she remained unknown desu. Nobody would sperg out that way.
You could say the same about pretty much any thread on Yea Forums *and Yea Forums(nel)* my newfriend.
Your point?
My point is there are a few anons on opposing sides who keep arguing with each other, so the replies stack up pretty quickly. Most people don't give a shit anymore, which is good.
This board needs ID's to stop samefagging.
Yeah! We all love Brie!
Disney saves Captain Marvel because it's part of The Agenda, and not Solo because Solo isn't part of The Agenda.
I can already tell people apart, but I'm not against the idea.
If not for hate threads and pol outrage, I wouldn't be aware of Brie, like, I'm sure, many others. Hopefully pol will eventually move on to some other female actress from an upcoming movie by Disney, and we will still have Brie.
Nigger, you are giving Captain Marvel and the """""Agenda""""" WAYYYYY too much credit.
There isn't even news of a planned sequel for it yet (the 7 contract thing is a lie, I've checked).
Disney can't even beat Avatar yet, but they're busy defending a movie that came out how many months ago now? Get a grip faggot.
I don't believe that bullshit.
And I believe that Disney intentionally sabotaged Treasure Planet and Winnie the Pooh 2011 to kill off 2D animation.
>i like it because my imaginary enemy doesn't
Epic bro
> Hopefully pol will eventually move on to some other female actress from an upcoming movie by Disney, and we will still have Brie.
They will. Once Ariel and Jane Bond drop, those will be the main focus, and I won't be there to "shill" because that's not my problem. Only care about Brie.
That's not at all what he said.
Just relax and enjoy some Bries fren, you're losing your shit here.
No, I literally didn't know who Brie was as I don't watch capeshit.
>tfw watched Captain Marvel because of Alita vs Brie shitposting
>it's my second marvel movie, after the first Iron man from 2008
>actually liked it
I don't know how people can hate her
>I don't know how people can hate her
I know. If you watch this clip + the Wired autocomplete interview, you'll probably dislike her too.
But the redpill is that there are 50 billion other videos, including new ones, where she's perfectly fine. The whole situation has been blown out of proportion significantly.
Wish it was some other actress who bit the bullet honestly, Brie doesn't deserve it.
>barely made its money back
lmao my dude, see you tomorrow, when you make this exact same thread again
She was cute in Scott Pilgrim
>Yea Forums will defend this but shit on brie
Dishonest board. Take with grain of salt.
she very snarkily and arrogantly made that statement, she deserves every blowback
even as a reformed hater, she never triggered me even close to this much, sad!
Following that logic, you deserve the same thing, because we both know you've had moment where you've been a cunt yourself. Only difference is, the world isn't watching you so there isn't any pressure.
This. Don't get me wrong, my first impressions of her weren't very nice at all, but to outright hate her this much is weird as fuck.
The last time I was genuinely pissed off at a celebrity is when Amy Schumer made fun of Ryan Dunn's death, and even then, it was a roast, so almost everything is allowed.
>former brie hater here but seriously bro etc etc
I'd give the nuclear codes to Brie, t b h.
If people want to put Brie Larson in Star Wars, I would also want Brie Larson to voice the next Disney Princess.
I just hope her Disney Princess film would be in 2D and would start the big comeback for Disney 2D animation.
i want to hug and kiss Brie Larson
I want to hold hands with Brie Larson.
I don't hate her. I hate what she represents. This current idea that all movies must have women who are better at being men than men who all need to be made incompetent for this natural fallacy to play out. It's an extension of modern feminism which seeks to lash out at nature for perceived slights by manufacturing their own perverted fantasy of what nature should be. It all feels wrong and off because we all implicitly know what the natural state of our own genders is.
>wake up
>open Yea Forums
>see this Brie thread
Thank you Yea Forums
i want to talk about my feelings with Brie Larson
I want to marry and have a family with Brie Larson
I want Brie Larson to know that I love her
Shill all you like. We also implicitly know she's past her prime. You can't defeat nature.
>open Yea Forums
>no Brie thread
nothing worse
I am feeling very suicidal now and my love for Brie Larson is the only thing keeping me alive.
Brie would want you to stay positive no matter what
>150+ briepals
I declare this thread, official and inaugurated
nice false dilemma.
>172 posts, 37 posters, I declare your weak attempt at consensus cracking, laughable.
brie is not cute
That's it. You're a dead man.
Brie a cute
Phone posters deserve the rope.
She's so cute it hurts.
I just want to pinch those cheeks
i don't find her cute or beautiful but i really wanna fuck her till my dick fall off.
Her cheek game is unreal
>her wrinkle game is insane
I just had another dream about her bros wtf
godmanit etc gib Brie gf
>>>her wrinkle game is insane
new thread here, get in here briegang.
Did she sexually harass you in your dream?
Nothing like that
We held hands and watched her filmography while sipping margaritas. It was pretty Kino.
Also blessed Briepost.
sounds comfy
>tripnigger has abysmal opinions
Still making bank after March
Briehate aside Talos is a fun character
Yea Forums - television & film, for capeshit go to faggot
It is a film idiot
"Stronk wimmen"
The American blonde has been an iconic character since Hollywood began, Brie is nothing new at all. Most people don’t know about her political retardation and daddy issues, and the film isn’t woke, it’s just cheesy.
I know two guys who are quite based but think Brie is just another muff in a superhero suit so went to see the film purely because it’s marvel and they grew up with the comics. The only other person I know is a 65 yo who loves Marvel. All 3 skipped Ragnarok because of the wackiness, black Norse gods, ugly Valkyrie, and gay neurotic Waititi at the helm. Brie is just an average blonde nobody ares about the opinions of, Captain Marvel looked vaguely Top Gun rather than woke.
All the shit you named bombed though, so woke really did go broke
If people loved it so much, why doesn't anyone talk of it anymore? For such a supposedly beloved movie it's been forgotten real fast.
Is this your first day on Yea Forums?
The people on Yea Forums who talk about it are people who hate it.
Where are the people who supposedly loved it?
Only a few hours until Cap Marvel 2 is announced Briefriends
The thing about Brie is that you know, absolutely 100 percent know, that if you were to meet she would hate you with the force of a thousand suns. You could just say hello and she would become so disgusted she'd not be able to stop herself vomiting.
nope, i'm a chad, she would instantly fall in love
This. Over time people get fed up with non-stop SJW propaganda and diversity spinoffs, so they seek out additional entertainment sources.
And by the way, this is borne out in movie theater attendance numbers. Wokeness correlates with the decline over the long run.
> The thing about Brie is that you know, absolutely 100 percent know, that if you were to meet she would hate you with the force of a thousand suns. You could just say hello and she would become so disgusted she'd not be able to stop herself vomiting.
This sounds extremely hot but I doubt it.
No you're just an insecure white male and take everything personally.
Yeah, dude, Disney has only eight out of top ten grossing movies this year. You're winning because people are sick of their "SJW propaganda."
>Generic Spooderman Punches Thanatos into Space Volume 54
Capeshit aren't movies, they're assembly-line faggotry that are only consumed by pre-teens, and morbidely obese retards with the mental age of one.
The only difference is that even the biggest moron can now realise that the plot is copy+pasted since they made 20+ movies with the same one (only difference being the colour of the protagonist's costume), so now they're making them have different skin colours or different sex because the "customers" are too dumb to realise.
The first MCU movie had a large focus on social justice but go off chief
She legit said one thing once and everyone jumps on her like she's a massive racist lol
What a crock of shit. It's the exact opposite. She's probably one of the few actresses who cares about regular people and can engage in civil, down to earth discourse without being phony.
I hate jews and disney as much as anyone but fuck that namefag is obnoxious
With their latest movies, the politically-correct shit like the Mary Poppins remake and The Nutcracker didn't do well. Things like Toy Story 4 that don't promote white genocide have done much better. Sorry Schlomo, but people don't like to be preached at.
I don't care how salty you are they are still movies. Much like shit like Warcraft is a film.
He's not obnoxious, he's just "special" if you know what I mean. Once you have that in mind, he's acceptable. He has been very based at times.
>everything shown in a movie theatre is a movie, and therefore should be shitting up this board.
/car insurance commercials general/ when?
there is nothing "woke" about the movie though. it just another harmless-but-mediocre marvel film. it is like people who said black panther was "woke" just because it starred black people. also, only a small group of people have even heard let alone care about brie larsons political/social comments.
It's selling less blurays than Suicide Squad
The movie was blatant feminazi propaganda though
It wasn't though. The closest thing that came to that was a scene that got deleted.
Why do people still pretend that
i) The's not a good actress
ii) She's not adorable
iii) She's not hot as fuck
b) Captain Marvel is
i) a bad film
ii) not a massive commercial success
iii) somehow what Disney spent all its money on to pretend it did better than it did when they're not willing to do the same thing to push Endgame into the best selling film of all time
The closest thing is that cringe montage scene of white guys telling her to don't rise up and her rising up, which is 2012 tumblr in cinematic form. And that was in the movie.
>you know why they call it a cockpit right sweetie
Yeah I think we need to have a conversation about our disneyshill pest problem, Yea Forums
Because it's related to Disney.
Wish she never singed the contract desu. She deserves better.
>i) The's not a good actress
We have eyes and we saw her, she's not a good actress
>ii) She's not adorable
Read above
>iii) She's not hot as fuck
Read above, nice bimbo bolt on tits though
>b) Captain Marvel is
>i) a bad film
We have eyes and yadda yadda
>ii) not a massive commercial success
It was, it made less than Aquaman though
>iii) somehow what Disney spent all its money on to pretend it did better than it did when they're not willing to do the same thing to push Endgame into the best selling film of all time
We know they did this because they did this before, remember when they went over the top and Black Panther (((allegedly))) made more in the US than Infinity War? Look it up, it's pretty embarrassing
I unironically saw it last night for the first time. It was a meh at best. Not the car crash that people claimed but not the game changer that many in the media claimed either.
You're wrong.
Arguments : yada yada
You clearly didn't see Room. And if you don't think she's not hot as fuck then you're either blind or homosexual.
>The Pee Oh See movie did well, must be because of a conspiracy
That doesn't look like an argument buddy
Room is fine to be honest, she overacts
>The Pee Oh See movie did well, must be because of a conspiracy
No, don't get me wrong, shit movies do well all the time. This Lion King movie is breaking box office records as we speak and it's easily one of the worst big budget movies ever made. But Black Panther making more than an Avengers movie in the US is just too obvious.
Just parroting you buddy.
Not that hard to see coming. Everyone who went to see Avengers saw Black Panther plus all the people there to see "the first black superhero" because they've never heard of Blade.
I never say Go Woke Go Broke, it's obviously nonsense. To make 400 million donestic, you need some 40 million people to watch it, which includes kids and women, both of which are obviously retarded and highly susceptible to propaganda and marketing. Those will usually pull in their boyfriends/fathers etc.. Also, obviously, there's a certain amount of cuckboys who will see it anyway.
All in all you need 12% of the population to see it, assuming everyone only watches it once.
I think it's fair to say that 12% is a very conservative estimate of how many percent of the population are retarded.
Therefore, you just market this garbage to the mentally deficient SJW NPCs and a few dumb people who think it will be good because Infinity was okay, and you already have made more than enough money.
Understand that a successful movie in no way implies that anything close to the majority of all people have seen it. For any given movie that makes 400 million domestically, ~88% of all people don't go to cinema to watch it.
I like this statistic because it rekindles my faith in humanity a little bit.
Not everyone who saw Avengers saw Ant Man 2, which barely broke even (if it did at all). Black Panther making more than an Avengers movie featuring fucking Black Panther smells really bad
I didn't even see Ant Man 2. Black Panther was fresh enough that I was actually looking forward to it and it just had more pull. It was a legit cultural event and people are still doing the Wakanda forever thing. Ant Man 2 was Paul Rudd but small.
And as for Avengers, I was worn out by then, didn't watch it for months and ended up pirating it.