Cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats...

cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats

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I just want to bend Taylor Swift over, make her spread her ass cheeks far apart for me, place my nose on the rim of her asshole, and inhale deeply

Cats (2019)

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Apparently people are butthurt that she has white fur.

>one lunatic on Twitter

Race doesn't matter, incel, except when it's pronounced for the benefit of non-whites. I am a trans-ethnic african-american european (formerly wh*te) and it insults me deeply when my brothers and sisters are not allowed to display their proud colours.

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That's how it always starts

Meant to reply to

It's entirely possible

How much screen time does her character have?

Based and gasppilled.

Why are normies so butthurt over this? Think it looks great. Gives me Moulin Rouge -vibes.

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You're an enormous faggot.

Her character, Bombalurina, is one of the most prominent members of the cast. She's almost always on-screen in some shape or form, and takes part in multiple musical numbers.

Because I am not a whiny autistic zoomershitter?

Literally the shittiest musical ever written. Makes Rent look like a fucking masterpiece, even though that faggot just ripped off La Boheme.

why do incels love musicals so much

Why not Cat in the Hat 2?

that would be awesome

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holy shit

Broadway tier

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pretty accurate.

I've seen lion king, and wicked.

>liking both Cats and/or Taylor Swift

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