Name your favorite under appreciated kino

Name your favorite under appreciated kino

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2001: A Space Oddessy
Pulp Fiction
The Exorcist

Jewish-funded Blockbuster hit #47051 with White Male Celebrity and White Female Celebrity

The Pilgrimage, Wonderboys, and this retro feeling horror named Devil


I remember watching Amadeus in school a long time ago, I think in music class.
The teacher was trying to get us acquainted and more appreciative of classical music or something
I always loved when the teachers just said "fuck it, its movie day"

Being serious, The Big Year. Delightful comedy tbhfamiglia

Citizen Kane
I feel it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

Hot Fuzz

Avengers: Endgame

The Thing

A critical and commercial disaster upon release. Recognized as a classic of the genre today

The Year of Living Dangerously

terminus paradis. Romanian kino

Unitonically one of the best films ever made. I can’t believe how well it holds up, it actually looks better than most CGI shitfests released today.


>all of these
>under appreciated

>I remember watching Amadeus in school a long time ago, I think in music class.
>The teacher was trying to get us acquainted and more appreciative of classical music or something
God, imagine how horrendously depressed your teacher would be if he found out you grew up to become a batshit insane incel shitposting on Yea Forums all day.

Jewish-funded Blockbuster hit #67051 with Black Male Celebrity and White Female Celebrity

Ben is right, nobody under 30 knows what that movie is

Fuck young people haven't even watched the original star wars

SW saga is the new Final Fantasy, they start at VII.

Apocalypse Now
Dr. Strangelove
Godfather pt 2

>2001: A Space Oddessy
>Pulp Fiction
>The Exorcist
never heard of 'em.

What dreams may come. I know family guy made fun of it but it's heavenly kino

This. It's underrated now, not so much back in the day

You're talking about yourself user. Have sex sweetie.

Forrest Gump

I like this film too

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good list, zoomers these days probably can't appreciate classics like this

most people seem to find 2001 boring so i'd say this one is true to an extent

good goys

Gods and Generals



literally me. too bad that we've never finished the movie in class since we only had one-hour blocks: i managed to catch it on cable some time later

Hudson Hawk is very underrated, as is The Adventures of Pluto Nash.

genuinely adore only god forgives

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>watching Amadeus in music theory class and the teacher tries to skip past the motorboat scene in the beginning but I just rent it at the library and watch it on repeat that next weekend
Those titties were nice


Not under-appreciated in the slightest.


why do boomers make these cringy posts patting themselves on the back?


haha boy jews sure are stupid


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

one of the least funny films I've ever seen
The Thing became hugely popular over time user, it has had video game adaptations, a remake, it gets written about constantly on the internet, it isn't underrated in the slightest
Apocalypse Now is overrated

Pic related is my choice, just a fun solid movie

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The Last Boy Scout

edge of tommorow, i think people just write it off as a brainless flick but they do the time travel plot really well in addition to nailing the humor and action.

Why do zoomers buy bathwater from ethots?

The Assassination of Jesse James and I actually saw that shit in an indie theater back in the day, which wasn’t easy cuz the studio was burying it.

No such thing as what you just said. same for over appreciated. everything is just "Appreciated" at the amount it current is. It can't be more because no on has a time machine so fuck off with these goddamn threads that make no sense.

Edge of Tomorrow had an atrocious final third. The ending felt rushed, felt like they ran out of budget and ideas, and everything just fell apart. Really dug the rest of the film though

try X

The Force Awakens

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Freddy Got Fingered

This got so snubbed it borders on criminal.

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>it won a bunch of meaningless awards, that means it's appreciated in the mainstream
There's tons of oscar winning movies that literally no one knows about it, what a retarded argument. Amadeus is definitely under appreciated

Should have won ten

What a faggy list, may as well put Reservoir Dogs on there and post a picture of your Band of Brothers tattoo you closet queer.