Forest, I see you're rich now. I have AIDS, please take care of me and my kid that is definitely yours. Definitely

Forest, I see you're rich now. I have AIDS, please take care of me and my kid that is definitely yours. Definitely.

Attached: 1550399690941.png (847x357, 457K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I will, Jenneh. I'll definitely, Jennayy!

So, is the kid HIV positive?

>Lt. Dan married a gook

My girlfriend put a 2 year protective order against me and my son that we have together. I am supposed to move on with my life and get better but all I think of is suicide. Is there any reason at all I shouldn't overdose on heroin? My son is only 2 and will most likely forget me completely in 2 years anyway. After that much time she could probably tell him anyone is his dad and it would be as believable as saying I am. I really think I'm going to kill myself in 2 weeks. I'm waiting to save a couple of checks and then I plan to take a bus up to NYC cop some dope and shoot up right before jumping off the Staten island ferry. With any luck my body won't be recovered.

i'm forced... forced chump

Is this the directors cut? I dont remember forrest saying this

Did she do it because your a junkie?

People don't just take heroin once and awhile.

Had she stuck with Forest she would've been still alive though. Now she has to leave her kid behind with some billionaire tard.

no bitch is worth killing yourself over you shithead. man the fuck up.

ah man i got AIDS, time to settle down and stop snorting coke

I have borderline personality disorder so it is impossible to be in relationships.i threatened to kill myself and kill her if she left me. As crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't ever hurt her. I was just drunk and desperate. It was mother's day and my mom died a few months ago. now I have no one.


Yeah I realize it. I am tired of life in general. Maybe there is nothing worth killing yourself for but is there anything really worth living for. Just take OPs post for example, it is exactly the kind of saccharine sentiment we are all supposed to live for, but it is obviously ludicrous.

Impossible, really. I'm not even angry
Anyway, I'll probably do it and I'll post about it on here maybe. Except some fag might try to expose me and stop it from happening. Luckily fentanyl is pretty lethal.

had a friend in a similar situation. he killed himself over a bitch/money/kid etc. at his funeral the bitch fucking laughed. fucking laughed that he was dead, and killed himself, over her. think about that.

you posted this a few days ago,didn't you

Attached: what the fuck jennay.jpg (720x405, 103K)

came here looking for this

I used to have borderline, user. I wish you the best. it possibly gets better if you're lucky

That is fucked up. People can be heartless.
Still here for now fren, the thoughts have crystallized into a definite vision.

Seriously though, is there an explanation in the book for how she got AIDS or hepatitis or whatever but didn't give it to forrest or the kid? Did she just go back to slutting it up with scumbags after she had the kid? Is it canon that it's definitely his child?

What did you do to get better? I'm sick of the constant battle in my head. At this point I realize why she can't be with me but it doesn't make it any better.

Od on opiates fucking hurts man. Like suffocation. You don't just drift off dude, just dont

No I've done it a few times on accident and was completely unconscious. Besides the pain of my continued existence is far greater than temporary pain of death.

to tell you the truth, I met another girl with BPD who eventually killed herself 3 years into our relationship once her mother died of cancer, so basically I got PTSD'd into a different, more tolerable disorder but uh
Uh, erm, uh. Just excercise and it all gets better! Positive attitude!

lmao I still had that trip from another thread
but seriously user just don't kill yourself, and in all likelihood you outlive it. you become "harder" than the misery itself. sounds edgy and retarded but it gets better around the time that it gets horrible.

I'm sorry that happened to you but I appreciate the dark humor. How do you cope with life

Doesn’t it... make more sense... to kill her?

you're lookin at it, pal.
this is me. bury yourself into a dark perspective until everything that is miserable is normal and everything that is traumatising is merely miserable. also daily distractions (the complete retarded chaos of Yea Forums is a good example) are good.
you have to live like a shark, constant movement, otherwise you die. even though this is an anonymous image board, I hope to "see you around" for a while.
life is supposed to be a miserable fucking experience, that is how you attain the most unique perspectives of life. anyone and everyone gets to experience the fun, normal side of life. it is not until you become completely fucking insane like me and pic related that you get a little taste of other aspects of life.
I am probably not a role model for mental health, but if you want to exit the BPD mindset I definitely am.

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Yeah she fugged darkies.

No asshole I actually love her
Oddly this is the single good piece of advice I've gotten since all this happened.
Maybe I will finally read Schopenhauer

Man shouldn’t this be the time you turn things around. If there a such a thing as a 2 yrs restrictive orders, it puts be for some reasons. Take some time to think it over, sober up prolly and become the father this child deserves to have.

Attached: chuckle.gif (250x250, 992K)

If I could have been that person I would have. Genetically and historically fucked, I attempted to be a good man but couldn't. The more you find yourself in the dark corners of this world the more you will see how common failure and misery really are.

Just blow a load in another slut and make a new baby boy if it means that much to you.

never read him, I'm more of an Ellul fellow myself but my meme philosophy has nothing to do with your issues. I suggest /soc/. That was my homepage during my BPD days, Yea Forums will continue to make you feel like shit. Yea Forums is a bunch of edgy 14 year olds who just want to cause chaos.

Bill said, "u no wat that is crazy that he had gone and did that but I guess that's the way things goes." "Wel i rly don't no wat to do bill but i gues if i will eat a candy i will be a litle bit hapier about these unforsen cirumstance." Bill nodded and looked out the stained glass window of the church. All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, a realization came to Cindy. ""U R SO RUDE AND I AM DONE W/ UR DRAMA !!! i haev importat thing to be doing and guess wat u r just going ON and ON and OON wit all ur nonsense like rly do ppl even have time for all this cause i sure dont i am a adult and there is adult stuff i am spose to do and yet u espect me to sit here and just read all this foolishness well guess wat u r childish and were ur manners are i dont no but u should be ashame of wat u had said to me when all i had did was be sweet to u from the very begining and i even plan on make u my bf one day if u was lucky and then we would get married.