No surprise that Yea Forums gives Netflix a free pass on this, just because she's vaguely cute and has a big rack

No surprise that Yea Forums gives Netflix a free pass on this, just because she's vaguely cute and has a big rack

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Yen is a poo in the book?

uniroincally looks like good casting, whats the issue?

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yennefer looks like a currynigger now.
god damn this was the most important cast and they failed

its okay she got whiter

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>Here's your triss bro
Yen gets a pass because it couldve been so much worse

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>and has a big rack

>whats the issue?
Your eyesight.

Post the rack

Essentially this. Despite the casting, Yen was only the fifth or sixth worst thing in that trailer, so she gets a pass

>this is triss

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>free pass on this, just because she's vaguely cute
there is a problem with this?

Oh god I am so full of WOKE, white people are so awesome, using all these WOKE CHARACTERS. WOW, WHITES ARE REALLY GOING THAT EXTRA MILE

well i dont give a fuck i torrent all tvseries so they cant have any profit

I like how they chose a light-skinned Indian girl just to sneak in extra diversity points.

Didn't they turn the elves into niggers at some point?

The problem is you're blind. She looks like literal shit.

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Show the titties

She looks great in that picture

where's the rack

Not only is she black, she's fucking ugly aswell
I wouldnt colonize her even if I ran out of spices

Yeah, if you have gypsy fetish.

She looks white, who cares

She doesn't get a pass, though. Never did. Only shills pretend she's oh, so cute and fitting for the role. She neither looks the part, nor has the presence of a powerful sorceress and completely wilts away next to Cavil while her character is supposed to be of at least equal stature.

>She looks white
Let me guess, you're american.

who are you trying to fool, lmao

hey bookfags
netflix's witcher is based more on a certain book, right? sword of destiny or whatever?
is the book told entirely from geralt's perspective? or is a good amount given over to explaining yen and how she became a sorceress?

yikes bro

spoken like a true argentinian

Are you seriously expecting any kind of accuracy in a show where the elves are niggers, Yen is a pajeeta, and Triss is some old nigger whore?

I think it's the last wish and sword of destiny
and neither has an origin story for yen, so theres no reason to show uggo hunchback Vengerberg

Looks fine to me.

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>t. Prince Harry

>explaining yen and how she became a sorceress?
most sorceresses became that way because they were too ugly to get married, elves are the only ones who do it for fun
that's literally the canon reason in the books
yennefer was a hunchback, sorceresses can make themselves look better with magic

She went topless in that brit detective series. 8/10

i have a hunch that the 5 white roasties that they put in charge of "writing" this train wreck shoehorned yen's story in like this and are taking the spotlight away from geralt
see? (also thanks for confirming, user)

Yet another redhead replaced by goblina. WTF is this trend? After MJ, Arielle, now Triss.

Better goblina with big tits than a flat chested blondie stick.

the jew fears the redhead and asian women

Looks better than the game version of Triss.

Only because she has big tits (which we don't even see in the show). She's a 3/10 otherwise.

we need pictures

she looks GOAT cmon

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user, you should know better. They’re not white.

How the fk is she ugly?

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Looks like a gyppo prostittute I fucked for 80 bucks. Get some standards mate.

Looks like a random gypsy.

Pleb taste

Only yuropoors and slavniggers are butthurt about the casting.

How about posting a real pic, not one that's been airbrushed to hell to make her look whiter, with good lighting and angles to hide her baboon features and witch nose?

Jesus christ, they really picked some ugly diversity hires for this one.

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Yes, white people are mad. Amerimutts are cheering for the destruction of the white race as usual.

Kys my dude. Either like it or fuck off.

>see? (also thanks for confirming, user)
no problem, I'm not entirely sure though, it's been years since I've read the books
But afaik Yennefer appears like twice in the last wish, and her past is only hinted at
That said, Geralts part gets smaller in the books over time, he is still very prominent in the short stories, but in the later novels he's almost a minor character. So they might aswell give all characters that are important later a good introduction now

Why the fuck would you pay for fucking a gypsy?

Only because circumcised amerimutt golems have standards already twisted enough to consider third world trash attractive.

no fuckin way

I'll do neither, shill.

Reported for being off topic. Enjoy the range ban from a fellow crossboarder.

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I had just broken up with my gf and I wanted to fuck something that night. Also, I hate to admit it but I like nutting on the faces of minorities. Makes me feel like I'm putting them in their place.

based quality control user


Well, Americans obviously pay to go watch them in cinemas.

>Vaguely cute
She's hot, user. Don't delude yourself.

>literal fucking gypsy
Thanks leftshits, really thanks.

>She's hot,
Yikes. At least be a bit more subtle, shills.

>She's hot, user. Don't delude yourself.

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>guys, she got BIG TETAS so casting is good

I don't like the games or the books. I will probably not watch the show since is netflix crap, but I'd fuck the shit outta her, given the chance.

>I don't like the games or the books. I will probably not watch the show since is netflix crap
ok, thanks for your opinion mate.

(((Netflix))) really cranked up the poz with this one. They even turned Istredd, the guy who cucks Geralt, into a black guy and all this despite despite the director claiming she'll stay true to the source material. The chutzpe these fucks have is astonishing.

and Yea Forums was crying when they heard that netflix might cast a roach. i prefer the roach.

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Trissfags eternally BTFO.

Brown qt

Literal baboon

roach is the horse user


>big rack
Gonna need more proof of that.


is this accurate? i wasnt in the thread

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Can't be. They're black cocks. Black cocks are good. But Nilfgaard is bad. Can't have black cocks being bad. So the logic fails there.

They're already called the "black ones".

>I fucked a gyppo prostittute for 80 bucks
>Get some standards mate.

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Holy shit, this is little mermaid tier black washing

>tons of makeup
>straightened hair
>good lighting

Lmao. Are you shills even trying?

What do you fucking want? A shitty webcam picture taken right after she woke up? Why the fuck is good lighting a bad thing?

>aaaaaaa why yen not a cumskin REEEEEEE
lmaoing @ all the SEETHING /pol/incels itt

>patriarchy smasher
god i wish she smashed me haha

>thinking that's not ugly

Looks like the witch from tangled.

Nigger, we already saw how she looks in the show without all the glamour makeup >What do you fucking want? A shitty webcam picture taken right after she woke up?
If a woman doesn't look good in the morning she doesn't look good period.

She is pretty but does not look like the character

leftism was a mistake


>paying 80 bucks to fuck a gypsy
are you fucking retarded?

So you're saying that a woman who looks good in the evening doesn't look good? Kinda paradoxical

A woman who only looks good with a lot of makeup and under specific lighting and angles is not attractive, yes.

>Yen is now the immature young witch while Triss is the snarky older witch

Nevermind the race, what the fuck were they thinking?

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I don't think it's based on the games. Either way, you're totally face blind.

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yenfags in RUINS over the truth being shown to a wide audience

How hard was it to give her a red wig? She'd look at least close to triss that way.

Im racist and i wanna smash her real bad

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They look like they fuck white wolves

>big arab nose
No thanks.