What’s the most disturbing thing that you have ever seen?
What’s the most disturbing thing that you have ever seen?
For me it’s this because I thought it was real.
Care to clue the rest of the class in, user?
A synagogue.
TFW is going on here?
august underground mordum Is a film that’s made to look like home footage of people killing and raping a woman.
Is that Cannibal Holocaust?
>the intro theme song to that movie is so great
Cannibal Holocaust, despite being really kino, is pretty disturbing to watch.
Poor turtle
I like the BEWWWWWW theme
Inb4 the unfunny SpongeBobs house poster or the dead roastie with cut neck
I wish I could go back and put the genie back in the bottle. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea.
your mom's unwashed, hairy asshole desu op
What movie?
It’s not that bad hope solos holes are worst desu
Your Mom's vagina.
Kichiku Dai Enkai.
that scene in serbian film where the lady gives birth to a newborn baby and a guy rapes the baby immediately
The webm that shows up on Yea Forums every now and then of the guy fucking some whore's fresh corpse
Post it
I'm totally desensitized to gore and shit, but this picture literally kept me up all night when I saw it, and I'm in my 20s. There was this guy on Jersey Island in the 60s who would put on this mask and climb into people's windows at night and rape them.
he just wanted some rocks.
Human centipede 2
What is this meme
august underground, can't remember which one
they're basically just fake snuff movies
Boring answer but honestly the baby scene in a serbian film is still the most disturbing
>not the scene with the girl in the bathtub
Orginal Martyrs. Failed to finish it back in my college days and still stay away from shit like this, because now I know I can't stomach it
Vomit Gore Trilogy