What if George smoked weed?
What if George smoked weed?
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Stoners are pathetic.
He’d probably borrow it from Kramer. His parents call the cops on him, saying George is a junkie when they find it in his bedroom.
Haha, that would be so crazy xD
gorg hit blunt
Okay, vote to legalize it and I won't be so vocal about its benefits and harmlessness anymore.
jery get ipad
>George cleaning his old room at parents house
>finds old “stash box”
>old joint
>smokes it out the window
>finds old playboy
>jacks off for 4 hours
>his mom walks in
*slap bass*
Shut the fuck up you entitled little motherfucker. You and every pot head should be put to death.
whats the deal with stoners? they're always freaking out! i thought weed was supposed to make you chill!
I'm sorry you never had friends user, but it's time to let that hatred go.
imagine if people who smoked reef and people who don't stopped thinking they're enlighted
Chill out man when I smoke I just laugh at my own cat or with my friends and get hungry. I don't go around killing or robbing people. Just having a good time.
Anti-stoners are just as pathetic, don't worry.
>Hey, marijuana isn't as bad as I was led to believe. It's fun, harms no one, and there are medical as well as social benefits to its use!
>Have to constantly look over your shoulder so you don't get 10-20 years in prison for enjoying the effects of a medicinal plant
>Hmmm, we need to be vocal about the benefits of this plant and resist any more efforts of prohibition!
>Fags like you complain about others trying to regain a basic human right to grow and consume whatever we want.
>Hurrr durr why aren'y ou chill!
Stop being a retarded Boomer and we'll be chill.
Reported your IP to the FBI
In what way?
how about we vote to gas people in possession of it so they either quiet down or get gassed
>medical benefits
can we stop this meme, also stop calling people boomers when you're clearly some gen x dummy stuck in 2002 when people cared about possibly the worst drug around.
Why are you against the basic human right to grow and consume a medicinal plant? Have you ever even tried it? I find he most vocal opponents of marijuana have never actually used it and therefore cannot speak to the benefits (or negatives) of it.
Usually the people who didn't have any friends to experience smoking with get bitter and hate the marijuana as a way to cope with not being liked or included when they were younger. Am I close to the truth user?
>can we stop this meme
Yes, as soon as it is legal on a Federal level and lab tests are allowed to be done (without fear of legal repercussion) to determine if the stated health benefits are pronounced as we are led to believe.
Don't like weed? Great, make it legal and we'll stop talking about it.
>when people cared about possibly the worst drug around
>Jerry, I've got symptoms of schizophrenia brought on by smoking weed!
>Come on George! That's crazy.
>Yeah, George, a little puff never did anyone any harm. Even I partake in the, devil's lettuce, giddyup
>Well on second thought George, maybe you should get to the doctor!
*slap bass keyboard plays*
people aren't against marijuana because it's dangerous, it's because it's a fucking time vacuum and turns you into a lazy retard
bad take
>time vacuum
>lazy retard
Also they should ban videogames, movies, image boards, the internet as a whole
this could work. they could do a whole bit about the last time gorges mom caught him jerking it and wound up in hospital.
Alcohol is literally poison. Your body start to rejected it and you can pass out if you drink too much.
>because it's a fucking time vacuum and turns you into a lazy retard
You're right. Better throw anyone who uses it in jail (on the taxpayers dime) for 10-20 year sentences if they have a joint on them. That'll show those potheads!
the soviets had it right where dealers were executed without trial, and the users were put into the gulag to build infrastructure.
>people aren't against marijuana because it's dangerous
Be against it all you like, if it's not dangerous it shouldn't be illegal.
snitch nigga we dont talk to police here on Yea Forums son
>it's a fucking time vacuum and turns you into a lazy retard
The goyim aren't producing at the highest efficiency possible!!! How could this be happening!!! Nooo!!!!
The soviets weren't right about anything you commie swine. As a freedom loving American, it is my God given right to smoke marijuana if I choose to. Keep your grubby Jew politics out of it.
watching child porn isn't dangerous so your argument is idiotic
yeah spending your 20s on a couch eating cheetos instead of actualizing your potential
Imagine posting on a television image board instead of actualizing your potential
It's dangerous to the children you degenerate piece of shit. Thanks for confirming to me that people who oppose marijuana legalization are literally fucked in the head. You pathetic freak.
came here for this
>child porn isn't dangerous
That's just not true though, is it?
>It's fun
>Have to constantly look over your shoulder so you don't get 10-20 years in prison
>social benefits
>we need to be vocal about the benefits of this plant
>It's fun
reconsider your priorities.
protesting, being paranoid, and constantly talking about a fucking plant is fun to you? this is why everyone hates stoners. get a hobby.
Why do you cucks hate personal freedom so much?
>t. was bullied by the popular kids that smoked weed
Still holding the grudge, eh?
Yeah, but they aren't.
I hate seinfeld
>because it's a fucking time vacuum
so is this website, and TV and film
They really are though. Most low IQ bootlickers are anti-marijuana, and its tiring listening to their unenlightened droning.
I know several +40 year old regular smokers and all of them are permafried, no exceptions.
Harmless my ass.
George takes acid and goes to the park...
>The ducks, Jerry. The ducks are the key to all of it. Everything is connected and the ducks are the key!
>Jerry: the ducks?
>George: the ducks!
You're right. Better throw them all in jail at the taxpayers expense. Even if they aren't hurting anybody. I mean, how DARE they enjoy something that you do not, even if the use is for pain management or other medicinal purposes. A decade in a cell should help them reevaluate their life that I don't agree with, heh.
I'm Unironically getting pussy now because I switched my personality around and did the opposite of my first instincts like he did in that one episode.
Maybe they can smoke some cock in jail since they like smoking so much heh.
whats the deal with black people
theyre not black and theyre not people
Cock doesn't have THC (the active component in marijuana that provides a "high") or any of the other medicinal components that contain effective anti-inflammatory properties. So I don't imagine they would.
>dude weed lmao
Stow using strawmans you fucking idiot.
I never said people have to be jailed for smoking weed, just that selling it as "harmless" is a lie.
And yeah, there's the medical thing too. I know dozens of stoners(I used to smoke too) and not one of them use it for that. The only fag that told me he's using it as medication is a burnout that's been smoking for 10 years and now "can't sleep if he doesn't smoke beforehand". I'm yet to meet one that has a legit medical reason for smoking.
Legal weed is just another way the megarich will get even richer while the population becomes even more stupid, self indulgent and indolent.
You would have noticed that if you weren't a fucking retard.
Huh, I'm sorry to hear that you and your social circle average out to a group of low IQ mouth breathing retards. I'm sorry to inform you that the marijuana smoking is an inconsequential detail in that equation though. A loser is a loser with or without marijuana (as you personally know). Frankly, I'm sick of the lowest common denominator population dictating what people like I am allowed to do. I should be able to grow and use marijuana if I wish to, yet fuck ups like you and your acquaintances coupled with the uneducated populace are why I legally cannot. In short, fuck you.
This is what I'm here for
Being drunk is literally the body's response to a specific type of poisoning. Meanwhile the human body has cannabinoid receptors so humans are literally physiologically designed to intake cannabis.
>Duuuude contrairian straight edge, let's not have sex and have epic lulz over Louder with Crowder haha isn't wholesome conservatism so funny and exciting
Would probably pan out like this: subplot about Kramer giving George a sativa strain instead of an indica because he got mixed up. Then George has a bad time, and later in the episode chews Kramer out for it much to Jerry and Elaine's entertainment.
Imagine having such a vapid life style that you need to substitute your lack of a personality with substance use and then have the audacity to call others """unenlightened"""
Cringe, literally retard tier
The thinking man's drug
>t. Pigman
The lowest common denominator population is the reason why weed is being legalized in more and more countries and states.
Don't worry, it will reach your country too, so look forward to being surrounded by even dumber people.
At least you'll feel even smarter than you do now, after all that's your role as one of the more enlightened soma consuners.
>strawmanning this hard
I've never met a highly educated person that was against marijuana legalization. Furthermore, almost every single person that I would categorize as interesting has in their past or present partook in marijuana (even if they choose not to disclose this fact with people resembling *ahem* "your stature"). The only people who are against marijuana, are those who have never tried it, individuals with low social capital that are bitter against popular individuals that do partake, those who refuse to research why it was made illegal in the first place, and low IQ individuals susceptible to propaganda. Where do you fit in?
No one is making YOU use marijuana. Your support of anti-legalization efforts for the millions of other people who would like to use marijuana is not only petty, but morally reprehensible. We're sorry that you're an uninteresting loser. Please don't take it out on others.
Only one of those posts was mine.
Then you launch an array of strawmans towards me, okay. Surely your list of types that not support legal marijuana is accurate and not a list of your personal biases.
You are not adressing the point of my post, your response reads as if all you could extracts from it is "weed bad".
Weed is extremely popular and it's constantly promoted in popular culture(music, tv shows, online culture). If it's legalized the usage will probably be even higher, and we are talking about a drug that has long term permanent negative effects on the brain.
Yes, some people smoke and they are fine. But a lot of them don't. As I said before, weed generally makes people(regular users) more indolent, lazy, self indulgent, slow and stupid.
I'm against the legalization of weed just as I'm for the illegalization of MSG or fluoride in water. It's bad for society. It makes people better sheep. It's a weapon to be used against the population.
Zoom out and try to look at the bigger picture.
And yes, I know it was made illegal because of the industry's fear that hemp would damage their monopolies.
they really aren't lol
wow guess he touched a nerve
You can be free of your addiction user. Look up your nearest AA or NA meeting and go find a sponsor.
T. Sober today by the grace of God.
coo hahahaha pe
normies dont know that jerking off while high is jerkino
straight from the horse's mouth: stoners just get high and jerk off
The true jerkino is doing that but with VR porn.
Literally Porn 2, regular porn is obsolete to me now.
George Constanthigh
God literally made marijuana for human usage. The Jews keep it outlawed so their pharmaceutical interests can sell harmful opioid painkillers to destroy white countries.
So that's why all thosw jew produced tv shows, music and online magazines keep promoting weed.
But what would the storyline really be?
>all this whataboutism
you're right user
what general principles should guide what is made illegal? should things you deem a waste of time be made illegal? and, surely, you can't seriously claim that posting on Yea Forums isn't ultimately a waste of time, can you? you don't understand how to argue
you jerk off too,
it's just when i do it, it's at least twice as good
weed is so much better than alcohol in every way it's not even funny
only alcoholics and friendless losers who can't find a dealer disagree with this
Not him, but I think substances that harm the mind should be illegal.
I'm a literal communist, though. The society I want is very different from ours.
I'm against legalization and you are right. That doesn't mean it's good or healthy, though. Just that being high is pleasant as fuck.
>substances that harm the mind
I doubt you've thought this through. Who do you trust to determine what "harms the mind?" Weed causes zero to negligible neurological damage, so you're talking about a purely psychological phenomenon. And even then, how can such a thing be measured in otherwise healthy, stable people. My guess (and maybe I'm being uncharitable) is that you simply want to control people who are different than you
So your position is a petty power fantasy masquerading as a poor attempt at utilitarianism? Your understanding of this world and the God given freedoms that every person is born with is laughable. I really hope you're young and can grow into a more enlightened ideology. You seem bright, but incredibly misinformed and your misplaced urge to control society comes off as juvenille.
Correct, it keeps the non-violent offenders flowing into their private prison system (worth billions of dollars every year).
>only alcoholics and friendless losers who can't find a dealer disagree with this
Nailed it. This thread is full of them.
>but other things waste time too
making marijuana accessible wont remove other time wasters, it just adds another particularly potent one. plus they have synergy with each other
i'm not actually about making it illegal though
Okay, well what about this? You're a little bitch. Care to offer a rebuttal?
sure thing user, how about this:
have a cry faggot lmao
>i'm not actually about making it illegal though
so you're just baiting? enjoy the rest of your day retard
They inherently aren't, by virtue of being sober.
>anti-stoners are sober
autism is a pretty potent intoxicant
>So your position is a petty power fantasy
I don't want our world become even more of a shithole. We are already stimuli addicts with fried out dopamine receptors, but there's still room to worsen. Weed is another form of soma.
>your misplaced urge to control society
My urge is to oppose those that already control society. These things don't happen by chance, or because of grassroots movements. There's a purpose behind.
>Your understanding of this world and the God given freedoms that every person is born with is laughable
This is not about innate freedom and the nature of the world itself. Monsanto is rubbing its hands at the idea of its poison GMO weed being consumed by everyone.
>can grow into a more enlightened ideology
Give me a fucking break.
Based lol
Damn son. You tell it like it is.
Those things I mentioned often promote the legalization of weed, not just weed consumption.
>anti-MSG truther continues his selfless crusade against weed on 4channel's Yea Forums
look at yourself
I used to be one of those “weed bad XD” guys till I actually smoked it with a close friend. Now I love weed.
I really do think the people that are opposed to weed are sour grapes nerds that are mad they didn’t smoke with their bros.
Let me ask you something. Are you for or against "illegalization" of alcohol as well?
I smoke weed but that's ridiculous of you, pull yourself together you little shit, just stay alert and not too doped up, and keep your stench out of people faces like the rest of us.
dont project just because you specifically were a sour grape before you snoked weed.
i had it the other way around. i never was much of a weedhead, just some at weekends and partys with my bros.
most of them are hopelessly addicted to at least weed. most of them tried a lot of other drugs and it definetly left its marks.
i´m not even clear how i want to police it. alcohol is still the worst of the common drugs, but the long term effects of weed are disgusting as well. no drive at all, no attention span and memory issues.
again, i dont want to demonize it either. i wished my dad gave it a shot when he was dying of cancer. also it might help some socially awkward people, like me, to an extent. it might also hurl them into a hell of paranoia.
>religion, the opium of the masses
you might as well have the dignity to get addicted to an actual drug, pathetic
Is it possible that some people can enjoy weed casually, others to find it habit forming and detrimental, and that some will dislike the effects and choose to abstain?
Maybe this plant is neither “good” or “bad”
That being said, George would clearly freak out and possibly cry. Kramer would enjoy Seinfeld would feel no effect and Elaine would get horny.
You chucked enough patriotic buzzwords that he can't argue back without looking like he hates murica
Well done
>Yes, as soon as it is legal on a Federal level and lab tests are allowed to be done (without fear of legal repercussion) to determine if the stated health benefits are pronounced as we are led to believe.
>Don't like weed? Great, make it legal and we'll stop talking about it.
so you didn't post on Yea Forums or watch Seinfeld before seeing that episode and being inspired? Also what is the opposite of Tuna?
This is why decent people who smoke just keep it to themselves and actually judge how healthy it is for them by how much or little in affects their lives, rather than getting pissy and blaming the government when you're fired for shpwing up to work high. Basically if you can't interact and work with the rest of people who don't, then you're a retard
Addicts like us should not use any mind altering substances user. There is a solution.
AA/NA has nothing to do with religion, and trust me weed was the least of my drug problems.
>AA has nothing to do with religion
>no-experience retard badly guessing based on satirical adult comedy shows
Take it from the guy whe went, dumbass
it's literally in the twelve steps
>I smoke weed but I don't want it legalized
So you're either a subversive kike or a illegal grower?
Higher power doesnt mean theism, it means setting any priority higher than alcohol. As in, submit yourself to work for something higher than your self who always turns to alcohol. Yes traditionally this language would mean God, but this is a highly secularized concept and is an effective practical design to get people caring more about family and the future than the egotism that leads to drinking.
Speak for yourself. I haven't smoked in several years because of the legal repercussions, but I detest that this decision was not made out of my volition.
There is no such as an addict, just a weak person. Imagine if society was ruled by what was best for the weakest of the species. Well, it would resemble the Hell we currently live in that kowtows to weaklings like you.
SO many seething friendless zoomers who cant even hold down a job on this site. When you grow up you'll understand why men have a drink or smoke at the end of the day.
>I cannot control my base instinct for pleasure seeking therefore drugs should be illegal for everyone
Pieces of shit like you ruin it for everyone.
I didnt say that, but evangelizing about weed and then blaming the individual you're berating for not having made it legal, is retarded anti-social behavior.
Its AA man, what do you expect? Are you really such a paranoid atheist that you won't let people in recovery use spiritual language to address their self-destructive egotism? Whats the cost to you?
>George starts vaping because he thinks it's cool and makes him look younger
>he accidentally gets some weedvape
>freaks out
>Kramer convinces him it's not a big deal, shows him his stash
>George becomes an insufferable pothead, Elaine hates it
>He needs clean urine for a drug test at his job. Tries to guilt Elaine into doing it because she cheated that one time. She doesn't go for it
something something ending. George's parents would either freak out at being asked for urine or reveal that they smoke all the time. Kramer can't do it for obvious reasons and Jerry would be revealed to have tried it with Kramer while George was off doing something else.
>everyone that uses drugs or drinks alcohol is an addict
Haha so you're one those retards, eh?
That's what he meant, he's saying some people are addicts and they shouldn't use any addictive substance, whereas others aren't addictive people so they don't have go choose to abstain at risk of addiction
Not him but the cost is that the program teaches that it is impossible to get clean by our own efforts and that being clean is only possible via your "higher power" Its obviously identical to the religious submission its modelled on and isn't about curing addition, rather trading one illness for another.
>That's what he meant
No it wasn't. He implied anyone who uses drugs is an addict. Read a couple of replies up.
What behavior isn’t a basic human right?
Murder, cannibalism, theft, etc. Basically anything that directly harms an individual that is not yourself.
Its either entirely consensual, or a court ordered recovery program for people who have committed crimes due to alcohol. You're right its harsh but you have to realize how deep of a problem people are dealing with here
Its really not much of a disease to have a spiritual aversion to the object of your addiction, but wheb someone does become addicted to their spiritual therapy then yes they should get an intervention too
>funny thread topic immediately ruined by incels and their irrational hatred for a literal plant and people who actually had friends growing up
>watching child porn isn’t dangerous
Weed evangelists have their own prerogative and demand more than they think out of a conversation. I like weed and all but at a certain point you are literally asking for gang weeders to rise up
His brain would turn to mush like every other stoner
But what if kramer tweet?
You're literally every annoying faggot I had to put up with talking to at freshman college parties
So after freshman year everyone shunned you as the antisocial loser you are? Gotcha.
Funny how weed elicits so much passion out of retarded stoners when there are so so many more worthy causes to go bat for. But no, me wan good feely drugdrug is the thing that gets young males angry
No, after freshman year people started smartenning up and caring about more important, less juvenile shit. Not everyone had your college experience, autismo
If you weren't so dimwitted you would understand the underlying issue is personal freedom.
Fuck permanently discontent punk weeders, functional compartmentalizing weeders are way more based
I get the sentiment, but the actual subject is weed
>Hey, should we invite user to go out with us later?
>Ew no, he's such a weirdo. He was such a freak in our Freshman dorm.
Does this sound accurate user?
Then how about fight for personal freedom that matters, like against constant surveillance or the right to defend yourself against government, rather than the right to giggle like braindead retard at rick and Morty after smoking an epic bowl xD. Stupid faggot
>I get the sentiment
Clearly you do not.
t. state school
Maybe as the story of your life, bitch. I actually got pussy and had friends
That we should permit it on principle because drug laws oppose the freedom to do drugs, I get, you'll just notice that not all laws and society revolves around permitting things the public remains u sure about simply on this principle.
>fighting for my right to grow and smoke marijuana is mutually exclusive and I cannot possibly support any other personal freedom issues
>A person who smokes marijuana or cares about the freedom to do so without threat from the government must be using it for escapism purposes, there is no other reason they would want the right to use this medicinal plant!
Nice strawman.
What percentage of weed users are productive people, wna dwhat percent are creating or prolonging depressive lifestyles because of it?
>Its about FREEDOM, man
>ok the freedom to do what?
>uuuhhhhh, to get fucked uppp?
The founding fathers would be proud
Haha I bet user, if that's your headcanon ;]
Legal weed is sweeping the nation so why worry?
>its MEDICINAL so it should be legal!
>oh user I'm sorry, do you have chronic pain or chemotherapy induced nausea?
>uh no it just helps me take the edge off bro , this world is so fucked
Your life is so predictable
Literally every founding father grew hemp, and used hash for medicinal (and possibly recreational) purposes. You're an idiot.
Sorry but I'm not a delusional pothead so I'm not capable of believing in aberrations of the real world
It should be legal because what I put in my body is my business and the state should have no say in the matter.
Weed will be banned in the ethnostate. Youve been warned
No mutts are allowed in the ethnostate. Sorry man.
They also fought and died against the tyranny of government, so maybe they deserved the fruits of their labours, baby. Also give me a source that they all smoked hash. I wont wait up because you're making it up like the delusional stoner I know you to be
>They also fought and died against the tyranny of government
Yes, I'm glad you agree that letting the government decide that possession of a medicinal plant will result in incarceration is in fact tyranny of government.
Learn to read nigger.
Yeah, see how well that ideology is going for Amerifats? 70 percent overweight/obesity ratio and diabetes / heart disease epidemics. People are stupid and their lecherous habits should be constrained. There is a good reason why the most dangerous drugs are illegal in most countries
I always lol internally at the phrase medical marijuana, its a good gimmick to let stoners get wasted, clever
>pic related
Marijuana and hemp are as American as it gets. Suck it bitch.
>Classic stoner not being able to read the whole post.
Still waiting on those sources, champ
The one truthbomb in this thread comes from a non smoker. I am shocked
Here you go low IQ bitch.
I said hash, not hemp you illiterate faggot
Fucking wrecked.
Fucking owned lmao
>Jerry get Uber
>Kramer comes in his own car to pick him
>You have to pay Jerry
>But it my car
Stupid stoners all the same, cant read cant debate can just complain while they wait for dominos pizza
Yeah, this
>NEET weed smoking fatty with nothing to do but samefag while he waits for his welfare check to come in
Unique poster count didnt increase. Truly pathetic
>There aren't multiple people currently posting in this thread
New to Yea Forums, eh?
I cant say I agree with the flat 'its my body so controlled substances cant exist'. Asbestos is fucking illegal too, like really pretending the idea of a controlled substance is so evil and never moral is ridiculous, like youre using the blanket statement incorrectly when there are much more pointed arguments to make
So then you agree that all stoners are equally braindead monkeys whose peak discourse is typing "BOOM ROASTED" when their 3 brain cells have become exhausted. Thank you
>asbestos and a medicinal non-toxic plant is the same bro!
Nice false equivalency.
'Freedom' and 'rights' my ads, fact is your fathers are still alive to vote against it, and pretending you're the only citizen is bullshit
>All these losers angrily debating weed like it hasn't been legal in Leafland for almost a year now
Cry more cucks.
Weed is being permitted medicinallly across the nation, but thousands of medicinal plants are controlled substances. Amphetamines and cocaine are also controlled medicines that can be used illegally for recreation
This post earlier in the thread should help you I'm sorry people ostracized you for being a loser. Try to let that hatred go and move on user.
>Weed is being permitted medicinallly across the nation
>Amphetamines and cocaine are also controlled medicines
Yes, outlawing these is also ridiculous. All substances should be legalized, especially all natural substances.
Sure but at the same time weed legalization is definitely happening so why worry as much? No need to act undignified as a weed smoker in this age
How could the dumbest post in the entire thread help me? Its literally muh feels and "you just havent tried it bro, trust me".
Newsflash - I have, I was indifferent to it. It's the societal implications that are troubling. @ me again in 5 years when the Canadian cohort studies demonstrate significant increased precipitation of psychosis and Schizophrenia cases
>I actually care about the health of marijuana users and not about withholding an individuals rights because they enjoy it and I do not.
Big yikes.
So is it 'internalized boomerism' if i smoke weed every day but still cringe when people say 'medicinal plant'? Its like I dont even disagree with the point, but it still seems a spazzy and manipulative thing to say
>Be a fucking leaf
>dudeweedlmao PM makes it legal but lets the provinces decide how they'll roll it out
>Pretty much every province fucks it up hard and now we just have greasy natives setting up dozens of shop in shipping containers on their reserves selling weed and making bank
Day of the rake any time guys
>No one is making YOU use marijuana. Your support of anti-legalization efforts for the millions of other people who would like to use marijuana is not only petty, but morally reprehensible. We're sorry that you're an uninteresting loser. Please don't take it out on others.
That was the part you needed to read. I'm sorry you grew up a loser user. Don't take it out on the rest of us =[
Yes it is a terrible buzzword argument, the vast majority of marijuana proponents don't really care about its pain and nausea properties but will still use the term as ammunition to defend it. And this is coming from a fellow weed proponent. A lot of the arguments are asinine and lack cohesion, which is a big barrier to expedited legalization
Ya seethe, bitch?
Ya finna big leaguing me?
>if you dont smoke weed you're a loser
Keep going down that stereotypical pothead tunnel , friend
Most advocates for marijuana also advocate gun control. Pretty telling t b h
t. butthurt stoner
>Most advocates for marijuana also advocate gun control.
In reality the exact opposite is true. Have you even heard of the Libertarian party?
I see you and I think alike. Its a bit of a paradox because more than half the people outspoken about it are displaying antiaocial tendencies and are ACTIVELY letting their interest in a recreational drug cause a fight. They claim the fight is society's fault, and sometimes its true, but some of you guys who cant let it rest ARE letting your drug use affect your behavior and sense of understanding towards others
But opioids are cool, man.
Weed is almost harmless. It does make you slower and if you overdo it you'll be retarded, but if you're not already retarded to do that to begin with, you'll be fine. I smoke when working as it helps me focus while doing boring inbetweens. To keep it Yea Forums related, it helps with getting more immersed in a movie.
Where as +40 year old alcoholics and opioid based pain meds addicts are all just fine and dandy!
Hot take: I'm an elite and enlightened individual entitled to both free drug use, and to vote against this right for the masses for their own good
Have you ever heard of every college kid ever ?
>using marijuana will literally get you 5-10 years of incarceration in some states
>hurr durr why are you so argumentative about wanting the right to use marijuana, maybe the drugs are effecting your mind bro!
What an unbelievably stupid thing to say.
Here, use this to help build your strawman.
>I'm an elite
When times get bad enough that we turn to cannibalism I'm going to eat you first.
>I smoke when working as it helps me focus
The mental gymnastics of an addict
>identifies as sub-elite
Why the low confidence?
I think we have a different definition of elite.
Times are never bad for people like us, in fact we keep society running so people like you don't resort to cannibalism. When your cannibal self comes to eat your betters, we will send you away with surplus crops like the rest of the hyena
Thats what i was belaboring
We will see.
he'd simply have a panic attack and talk about how horrible the experience was
Where are you where there are no handy community men and farmers? Like, what world do you live in where we just start eating people like a hive animal?
Elitism is something you are born into. Ability and personal talent may gain you wealth and prestige, but new money rarely ever makes the transition to old money.
Not necessarily. Elite is a word that means superior, and no I did not mean the chubby bankers who get cannibalized when I said elite
Read the whole sentence, user, or are you too stupid to know what "inbetweens" are?
Then you are misinformed.
>stretch this meme as much as humanly possible
a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
"the elite of Britain's armed forces"
Its a word that means superior in a group, and I used it to mean superior handler of drugs
In short, the post-apocalyptic oasis towns formed by the community-minded handymen of today, will have weed farms in them, and the only reason the rest of you would get any is to destabilize your roving gangs of degenerates
You're actually the one who is misinformed.
Weed bump
based and weedpilled