Be married to a literal 10/10

>Be married to a literal 10/10.

>Fuck it up.

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>try to beat her up
>she kicks the shit out of you and takes a poo in your bed
holy based

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yes that is what happens when you marry/date based solely on looks. you will get bored with that person.

coping uggo

Dumb phoneposter

>marrying succubi

Johnny most definitely got tired of her shit and pussy

this is a none bulli board

johnny debt couldn't handle the Heard

You've never been in a long term relationship with another woman other than your mother, I bet.

>marry a “lesbian” whore
>it doesn’t work out

it's true though. if you could have any woman you want, your best bet over the long term would be a 7. someone you are attracted to but isn't so attractive as to be hyper uppity and deluded. plus the gap between a 10 and a 7 pretty much closes past 40

she cant keep getting away with it

maybe 7.5

You can just tell that woman is the archetypal American prom queen who is really an evil manipulator deep down.

God i wish that were me

Have sex

post someone with a better face then faggot

>10/10 physique
>0/10 soul

Kill it with fire.

>Marry to a 10/10
>She slowly drains your soul
Depp got out just in time. Good thing he has all those evidence.

>Depp got out just in time
uhhh I got some bad news bro she got him too

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>>Be married to a literal 10/10.
nice fridge that's all

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How can I get her to drain my soul? Not that I would want that or anything haha

on my phone, too lazy

Now that she hit the wall her attempts to be seen as a victim will intensify

no she ended ole johnny

even Elon Musk left her for ugly Grimes
she must be horrible

and that's most certainly a good thing

>takes a poo in your bed
fo real?

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pics or it didn't happen

>be literal 10/10
>fuck people up

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>Fragile Amber Stan


>be a literal 10/10
>penchant for tall white boys

I have a chance guys

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>be literal 10/10
do you know about this?

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I know about this.

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Looks like a tranny.

Attached: Amber Heard dating simulator.webm (1920x804, 3M)

lol maybe in chinkland

Attached: Amber Heard Divorce Proceedings against Johnny Depp.webm (650x480, 2.15M)

>makeup to impress the court

Almost right. The key is youth and inexperience in women. You can marry a 10/10 and never have problems, if youre wealthy/attractive enough. She has to be a virgin and max 19 years old. Women with age and sexual experience become more and more prone to arguing, lack of fidelity and generally a sense of joyful femininity.


Attached: Amber Heard stare.webm (1920x804, 2.99M)

She's fucking evil

god she's so excited that she's gonna get all that money

I've had my eye on her since she appeared on The IT Crowd
She's perfect
but so were the other two beauties in that film
(crazy mom from FOB and Sonoya)

Attached: amber heard sub.webm (1920x804, 3M)

>batshit insane
Pick one

i need more informations

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uhh 10/10?

You some kind of faggot?



>looks like Miley

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>photoshop icon is the least inspired icon ever
what did adobe mean by this?

She's the one that pooped in his bed

Attached: amber heard.webm (1280x720, 3M)

She's crazy as a shithouse rat.

What movie is this, do they fuck?


take it back

she's mine

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What if she took a poo in your mouth? That would be so gross haha!

>marry abusive bitch
>get blamed for said bitchs bad behavior because calling out the truth is a bad thing when women are involved

Gross. Looks like JLaws dyke aunt.

Literally a succubus

>Implying he wasn't the victim

She's pretty, but a 10/10 she is not.

She also used to be a lesbian so she's definitely up for ffm

she looks better with red hair

>people are still defending Depp
holy cringe

That's not even a 7/10

which mistress T vid is this from

literally didnt do anything wrong, he got had by an insane gold digging bitch

He knew what he was marrying. Unless you've fallen for the "muh victim blaiming is always wrong" meme there is no reason to feel sympathy for him.

he didnt at the time, he realized after they married, he told multiple people "i think shes going to try and take my money" a few weeks before "he hit her", everyone who knows Depp has said he couldn't have done it

Pure demonic evil

Ate Depp's soul and drained his lifeforce

nah she'd get mogged hard in asia

I just learned that All those girls are over 30

Lmao I had the exact same thought user
Absolutely KINO taste you have there

My ex was 10/10 but her personality was so horrible I sometimes outright refused to have sex with her or being near her. You have no idea how repulsive women can be. Looks don't compensate for rotten character.

Get a load of this faggot

god i wish that were me.

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Looks don't stop women from being crazy fuck bags.

pics for proof


Attached: amber heard bath 2.webm (1080x800, 3M)

Depp wasn't sufficiently alpha to handle a 10/10 psychopath.

>shits in your crib
>tells on you to the babysitter
>beats herself up with your toys
>spits in your formula

Usually the hotter they are, the shittier the personality. Nothing like a lifetime of men falling all over themselves to sniff your farts to turn you into a selfish spoiled bitch. I guess it all turns around on them when they get old and their looks fade, but the smart ones see it coming and usually divorce some poor bastard and take his house.

Go on

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Why doesnt she get those roles? She might have a decent career than.

>Is that it?

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The Playboy Club was cancelled after 3 episodes.

Attached: amber heard bunny.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

The absolute proof that beauty is just one part of a woman that is actually less equal than her personality.

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>microwaves your binkie
>duct tapes it to your mouth
>stuffs you into an empty diaper bag
>ties you into the stroller
>pushes you down the steps
>blames it on the dog

>swn be your abusive momy

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