Who's your sneedfu?

who's your sneedfu?

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Farmer 1 makes my boihole twinkle

Imagine looking like this and telling yourself that you're passing as a woman.
Trannies are the most pathetic example of make believe in history.


Trannies are so fucking stupid that they can’t tell when people are lying to them lmao

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i'd buy this as a very unattractive girl

Literal mental illness just being allowed to play out with no regard for the consequences. Why is no one helping these people?

so these are the faces behind anime posts...

I will beat these faggots to the death

It's all according to plan, pump estrogenic chemicals into our environment and this is the end result, pussified men.

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Wow. Bill Hader really has let himself go.

he's so ugly he could have been the "based" kind of ugly guy. What a waste of potential.

>tfw likely trans
>tfw can will myself out of dysphoria with incredibly basic mindfulness meditation
>tfw i realize i never had any trans thoughts or feelings before some serious trauma in my life

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>tfw normal
>look at all this degeneracy without understanding whats wrong with these people
>after years of sympathizing realize these wackos think they are normal
>realize they need to be purged
>i go full 14/88
See i blame you fucking retards

hell yeah dude you sound like a real man passing the blame
maybe just accept that you're a racist or something instead of trying to make it someone elses fault

I swear to god 95%+ of homo and trannies were touched as kids. the few gay guys I have known, every fucking time it comes out that they got buttfucked at summer camp by some 40 year old

we don't think we're fucking normal lol. we know goddamn well we aren't. every tranny on the face of the earth is lying straight to your face and you're autistically eating it up. just keep telling the truth. that's what i'm doing and it's working wonders for my mental health.

Jesus Christ

This but unironically

Wish o was bakc in theoa kwkeh.

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Bruh, look at this dude

Typed out a while greentext reply and it made me realize I’m completely normal. Thx frogposter

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Child molestation is how gays and trannies reproduce.

So banning anime is not going to happen seeing as how the Jews know it warps minds. Is this revenge for the nukes?

Extremely based.

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>Happy they’re a man and enjoy all its privaliges, but also enjoy fantasizing and imagining life as a girl?

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damn atleast make sure you're not gonna go bald if you transition lmfao

what the fuck does japan getting nuked have to do with jews?
is this your brain on /pol/?

The leading studio in "cute girl" anime just burned down and like half their staff is dead.

true trap mode is patrician
the fuck ever happened to just being a femboi? why everyone gotta chop their cocks off now?

American trannies were a mistake.

How do you even know your trans?? Some teaches you or born with it

More people would respect trannies if gender reassignment wasn’t a thing
>Your genitals don’t define you
In the same breath
>I’m gonna mutilate myself to feel more like a woman

I'm sure there is an army of losers in Japan ready and willing to devote their entire lives to draw cute anime girls for a meager living. The studio will be fine.

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it's acquired behavior that you're predisposed to if you're neuroatypical. i liked the idea of androgyny as a kid but i didn't pick up serious trans thought until after i had some big trauma. its a cognitive bias that you use to try to cope with a reality too big to consider. of course that's exactly what makes it so insidious and difficult to treat. just because it's acquired doesn't mean it can be easily unacquired. i still got some work to do.

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are you actively trying to get rid of those thoughts or that want to transition?

Why not just be an androgynous guy or femboy? Why poison your body with chemicals/surgery?

Go to /cuteboys/ they hate trannies over there and view hrt the same way natty bodybuilders view roids

the thoughts will come and go based on my deeper mood. some days i wanna be 100% girl mode, other days thats some gay shit i don't even wanna think about. in either case i'm ethically opposed to transition because trans doctors are fucking butchers. i will never go under a knife or take a pill or a shot to be what i want to be.

Most of the people who become trans are failures as men. Incels/virgins/losers who decide to become their idealized woman (in their diseased heads anyway)