Yea Forums is a leftist board now, /pol/tards get out

Yea Forums is a leftist board now, /pol/tards get out

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Drop dead, leftist trash. The only good commie is a dead commie. Fuck kikes and shitskins.

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but speaking about lefty politics isnt /pol/? I mean, technically, it is

/pol/ implies 'politically incorrect'
lefty politics and communism are allowed and encouraged by today's dominating zeitgeist, its not like you gonna get banned if you try but its looked down upon since you are just dancing to the song they allow you to, theres no bravery.

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all disney employees will be sent to the gulag immediately

yeah, about that

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so it’s going to be humorless and ignorant from now on? thanks for the tip, comrade.

Way to be played like a fiddle to be allowed to be divided and conquered, should've instead brought up Cheka, holodomor and Molotov-Ribbentrop

Hitler would've never entered Poland, thus no WW2 in Europe if USSR hadn't guaranteed Germany will not end up immediately in two front war by USSR joining the allies instead.

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funny cause pinochet fucked the economy

Yea Forums will always be a /pol/ colony now fuck off.

Yea Forums is Nazbol gang, retard go back to redd*t

based and nazbolpilled

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Interesting. You lefties wouldn't lie about something like this, would you?

based falseflager

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Just been watching original Twilight Zone. No blacks, no thots, 50's America looked so perfect what went wrong?

Chile is probably the most advanced country in south america right now.

Yea Forums was never political you faggots, go back to fucking reddit and let me discuss my movies again you pieces of human shit


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This isn't happening, this isn't happening

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>implying letf/pol/ isn't a thing

spotted the zoomer

>a handful of neolib faggots paid by Jewish and Democrat groups to post here means this is a "leftist" board

1989 called, it wants its dead symbol back.

Leftism does not work.

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>imagine actually still thinking communism works

Is leftism good for working class, heterosexual, cis-gendered, White, agnostic atheist males who manage their finances more efficiently than the average working class person? I'll hop on board the leftism train if it's going to help me, my family and my friends out instead of just taxing me to subsidize the worthless existence of swarthy leaches. It really sounds like it could be kino t.b.h.

based boomer

go back to Yea Forums you queer

that second girl from the bottom left is really cute

>kills 450 trillion people in 60 years
>dindu nuffin

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This but unironically

Death to all commies.

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it just hasn’t been done by the right set of faggots in a country full of stupid enough fuckers

not because of pinochet

Thanks to centre-left concertacion governments
Nowhere in recent history did Chile grew so much as those 20 years they were in charge

Good old fashioned market correction. The free market once again ousted a wicked dictator. Thanks again, capitalism.

Why are places like Singapore and Taiwan so rad then? I can't figure this shit out. Socialism works well for the nords. Capitalism works well for the northeast Asians. wtf is going on?

That's far right today though

ethnically homogeneous countries

The chilean miracle was a direct result of Pinochet's economic policies, you're as dumb as the people who credit Clinton with the economic boom of the 90's.

>left wing

pick one

Nice meme

Yes, but unironically. When you say "capitalism killed people", you have to blame on things with no direct hand of the system, like people starving in africa, every accusation is done trough indirect terms. Communism for the other side, all the deaths where directly cased by the government and it's agents through it's retarded policies or tyrannical attempts of control.

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/pol/ isn't right wing.

I think we can all agree that when arguing ideal economic systems the great and prosperous countries of South America provide several good examples for the rest of the world to follow.

In Singapore 25% of the GDP comes from state owned industries and the government owns 90% of the land and gets its revenue from land tax combined with the aforementioned state owned industry, this is why income tax is so slow. 80% of the people live in social housing. They actually use 5 year plans. Singapore is more """socialist""" than Venezuela

wow! so cool and relateble! i love dehumanizing insectoid corporatism now!

Virtually no economists believe that myth anymore. The Friedman view on the "Miracle of Chile" has been largely debunked and isn't taken seriously by anyone who matters.

well which is it


you heard OP, bitch. Get out.


Lefty/pol/ doesn't exist. /pol/ has always had true left wing and anti-first worldist circles.



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Except I'm a Strasserist and /pol/ has always welcomed me and people like me. Stop being a braindead neolib for once.

Isn't that fascism?

Marxists don't count as economists user

/tv has always been left, up until the last couple years when newfriend kekistan pepe spammers started invading. They say they hate Hollywood, but all they do is come here and consume their products nonstop.

Are there any movies about this event?

pure ideology AND weebshit? the hallmark of a wise and never incorrect absolute monster of logic and facts

He's probably talking about "mainstream" economists like the Keynesians, the Neokeynesians, the NovaNeoKeynesians and the new NovaNeoKeynesians.


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see you in the next night of the long knives

singapore is probably the most healthy nation on the planet

have sex

Opinion immediately discarded. Go back.

Based retard
t. Illiterate austrian """economics""" cultist

Keynesians conpletely fucked this country in the long run

what is the definition of healthy?

That's why they get a new name after every crisis.

Paul please go back to breaking windows and thinking the internet will go the way of the fax machine by 2005.

True leftists are the best baiters of right wing retards. Sargoy of Cuckad losing to based Jason Unruhe and others is proof.
You and what army, faggot?

Is there any group of "people" on the internet more cringe than ancap autists? Not even trannies and furries come close

60 million people died under Stalin
100 million people died under Mao
2 million people died under Pol Pot

Cue the 'that wasn't REAL communism', that was Stalinism!.....or Maoism!....or Pol Potism!

Communism is a dead ideology and basically just intellectual wankery by the dishonest at this point.

According to Google:
in good health.
"I feel fit and healthy"
in good physical condition, in good health, well, all right, fine, fit, physically fit, in good trim, in good shape, in fine fettle, in good kilter, in top form, aerobicized, in tip-top condition; More
flourishing, blooming, thriving, hardy, hale, hearty, robust, strong, vigorous, hale and hearty, fighting fit, fit as a fiddle, fit as a flea, bursting with health, the picture of health;
in rude health;
informalOK, in the pink, right as rain, up to snuff
"feeling fit and healthy"
(of a part of the body) not diseased.
"healthy cells"
indicative of, conducive to, or promoting good health.
"a healthy appetite"
good for one, good for one's health, health-giving, healthful, wholesome, nutritious, nourishing, beneficial, salubrious, salutary More

Nothing makes me cringe harder than Hoppean Lolberts. They should watch Maoist Rebel News and read a real book.

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thanks for proving my point comrades

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But Sargon didn't lose.

Why do austrian cultists always use the same tired jokes? I've hearing this shit for over a decade. Get over it, Krugman won a Nobel and austrian pseudoscience is dead.

It baffles me how there are people who are still unironic Maoists after how absolutely fucktarded his rule over China was to the point of him nearly sending the country into another civil war by the time he died.
Deng Xiaoping is the only reason China didn't collapse.

Reminder 8 Billion and counting have died in capitalism!

Cue the "that wasn't real capitalism!" screams from alt right Redditors!

Capitalism is a dying boomer ideology and basically is just perpetual retardation by the willfully ignorant at this point.

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I remember when Kissinger's Nobel Prize meant something too.

Sargoy was left speechless countless times in the debate. Watch it again, chud.

add some more billions next time

Xe doesn't look like xe works.

Holy shit the right can't meme.


so singapor is the country with the best cardio in the world?

Capitalism is literally more powerful than it's ever been and even the couple or so remaining communist countries are moving over to market based systems, face it your ideals died with the Berlin Wall.

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good one OP

Then how come the general global public including most of this board in general, especially the non-boomers prefer Democratic Socialism?

8 billion people people have died of old age under capitalism? Sounds right.

If you want a counter-example of what happens under extreme socially rightwing governments, then Nazi Germany is the best example. But only about 18 million died under the Nazis, that's still absolutely nothing compared to the people who died in the internment camps, or simply 'disappeared' under Communist regimes.

It's literally 18 million vs 160 million - far right vs far left.

cardio kills gains you stupid tranny


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I don't have the data on that, nor am I the guy who you were originally responding to. You asked for the definition of the word "healthy" and I provided it.

stay mad faggots

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Chud isn't becoming a thing tranny.

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They don't lmao, the media just pushes their beliefs. Same reason Trump won despite all polls leading up to the election saying he'd lose

Everyone knows the Peace Prize is worthless

> le fiscally conservative but explode the deficit man

>general global public supports democratic socialism
You need to stop browsing /leftypol/ m8, you guys can't even make it past the nomination process here.

If commu ism doesn't work, then how does Russia and China function?

Why are libs pissed that trump got supposedly elected by a communist nation?


Better dead than red.

>tfw you're a puppet for war criminals, traitors and drug dealers but that's ok because you played a self reliant cowboy in the movies

The seething replies only makes it better

Why does this board and Yea Forums in general complain about r/The_Donald, but not r/ChapoTrapHouse?

Nope, Trump winning was just a fluke

>j-just a fluke
Can't wait for this same excuse next year

It does, retard. It's another boogeyman like resetera

The entire soviet workforce died under Stalin?


Yeah thats right nobody liked carter so much he lost an incumbent race or your shitty politics. Just like today huh?

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>commies can’t even beat a 60-something old hag in the primaries

>Can't wait for this same excuse next year
absolutely delusional

do you think that if you took the time you could find other definitions of the word healthy?

Indeed you are if you think any of the dems have a chance against him

I'm a socialist but I hate the Identity politics crap desu

It's been almost 3 years now, how are you still unable to cope?

Leave your echochamber for once, not even your party likes him. He's a complete fucking joke

maybe. why?

Leftists are scum sucking faggots.

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Socialism will never work in the west bud. You might as well move somewhere else.

i don't understand a single word of this post. is it an american thing?

After you leave yours m8
You're going to be as disappointed as you were 3 years ago and I'll be here to laugh again.

The reason you cannot win is because I am a loser with nothing better to do.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

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It's never about television and film anymore m8

You're in for a really rude awakening m8

>hehehe silly americans hurr hehe

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It should, most of these faggots come from there.
If there was a chapo thread going on right now you'd realize they're all the same IP's

>these are the people calling you an incel on 4channel

i don't think singapore is the healthiest country on earth and the guy said it like singapore wasn't a fucking shitshow

K Sleepy Joe

i didn't say that and it's a way bigger indication that you're a moron if you can't make yourself understod

It has, my country has universal healthcare, free education, highly unionized industries.

Belle Delphine controls her means of production and is receiving income without anyone stealing profits from theft of her excess labor.
The only group making money from her is Patreon, which is doing so because it provides the service of the platform which enables her to make her money in the first place.
None of these things go against socialist economic theory.

Oh, okay. That's between you and them.

Reagan beat carter in a massive way. Carter's defeat is similar to the response to Obama and leftist politics of today.

mao killed landlords and rightists. no problem.

Which centrally-planned economic country do you live in again?

Stop reading biased news sources. Most mainstream outlets are left biased now, especially for the last 5 years or so. They don't represent the views of the public though, which is why companies like CNN and NYT have had a huge drop in viewership/readership.

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fuck jews

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>posted from my Dell computer

why doesn't contrapoints reveal his earnings on patreon, why is he hiding it?

socialism =/= centrally planned economy you tard
Socialism has to do with who owns the means of production, like worker co-ops. There would still be private firms doing what they want, but there wouldn't be capital owners or shareholders.

obama was a fucking neoliberal stooge whos warmongering killed hundreds of thousands. just because he pretended to be a nigger and pretended to care about human rights doesn't mean he's a communist. but you know that right?

Yea Forums is apolitical just as every other board that isnt /pol/ return to where you came from when you found us in 2016 (reddit)

God fucking damnit he's based

I know hes on the public side not a leftist extremist but under his presidency the US made a ton of leftist extremist advances.


>US made a ton of leftist extremist advances.
like what?

people owned stuff in soviet.

Just look around. The last decade went from Halo mountain dew to LGBTQ MeToo.

>waaaah coloured people on my TV means we're being socialist

>made a ton of leftist extremist advances.
if you fucking americans stoped saying shit like this you wouldn't be made fun of as much as you are. but please enlighten us. what "extremist leftist advances" did he make?

Real life kino

Who are you quoting?

>water is communist tier example

>obama made the women call out rapists
that might have been the internet, bud.

Why must politics be so partisan nowadays. This you're with us or you're against us shit is so fucking stupid, it destroys attempts at independent, innovative and creative thinking. It looks down upon critical thinking. I have both leftist and rightest political leanings depending on the subject. I don't blindly follow dogma.

> (You)

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That is a faked photo. Here is the original.

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Based af (You)

Are you saying I'm wrong? Obama is to this day still shuffling about as a mouthpiece of extremist liberal globalist agenda.