Get in here bros
Wow they really just cast the ugliest nigger they could
Arachnomorphs can fuck off.
>Netflix adaption
>all the elves are black
>everyone is black
>this fucking show
God this looks like shit. Those comments are clearly shills.
this looks incredibly shit
>here's your Triss
Why did they cast extras as the main characters?
>people are racist against elves in the books
>better make every elf in the show black
How fucking lazy and pandering can you get? This is pathetic
I love the books, and I love the game. This looks gash no matter what one you're a fan of imo. Geralt looking so hench is hilarious.
>Fringilla in the books: "Pale, with a ghastly paleness"
>Fringilla in the show: As dark as is humanly possible
Bravo Netflix
>those comments
Are those bots or plants because none of them are from real people
>dryads niggas.
>Geralt as bulky as prime Arnold
>all elves are black
>that Triss
>ballsack armour leak was actually true
I expect nothing and I'm still let down. Also there are obvious Netflix plants in the comments.
Looks better than I expected but man did they fuck up the casting. Indian yen looks as old as Ciri is its absurd
It's almost an insult to the audience.
>"You people are too stupid to understand that something is racist unless different skin colors are involved"
Political agenda > lore,profit,viewers.
it looks exactly like the 1st gaem was: a shit
>thinking the 1st game was bad
You're a pleb and you don't belong here.
why is he so big?
there is something odd about the comments, everyone is asying its going to be amazing, but they all seem to say the same things
I wonder how much Netflix paid for those comments
Who is this? Is it Yen? Looks hot as fuck
The comments are fucking bizzare. They'll all bots or shills and none of them seem real.
Could she wrinkle her fucking forehead anymore?
>She looks better with half her face covered and lots of make up
We know, Lauren, we know
Stopped watching when a nigger appeared on screen
>Woah! The Witcher Netflix series?? This looks so good! Can't wait to see it!
And they gave her blue contact lenses to make her seem whiter lmao
I'm upset
>when you choose Bear armor + alchemy build in Witcher 3
Half of ever scene was a nigger.
Fuck this show
Why the fuck is Geralt speaking in an English accent
Why does it look so soulless
its nothing to do with the games
Who's the ugly little blonde bitch? Her mug is taking up too much god damn screentime.
Edit: this looks beyond amazing. I can't wait
> Wow.. so my favorite game.. is about to become my favorite show?!?!
> OMFG, looks incredible. Henry Cavill looks awesome. WOW.
> Looks like I have to keep my Netflix subscription now
>The true sucessor to Game Of Thrones. Im ready
What an absolute trainwreck.
I'm 100% going to illegally download this.
It doesn't look as bad as I was expecting, I still have no hope though
Whats wrong with her face in that trailer?
You guys know that Geralt dies in the end in the books, right? And that Ciri ends up in literal Arthurian Camelot?
This is honestly the worst part
Yennefer I can withstand, she can change/grow up and shit, but this one? not this one
Jesus when did he get that big
why are trailers so fucking loud all the time?
Yeah, you can tell it's all Netflix bots deperately trying to get people to keep their suscriptions
why does his right arm look plastic
>that lazy eye
fugg, can't unsee
hes fuckin HUGE
book ending was shit
he's a big guy
>27 years old
yen getting BLACKED
>not even 1k dislikes
What are you guys waiting for?
Old gypsy
Yen was born deformed/ugly. All the wizards/sorceresses in the Witcher stories use magic to fix their physical appearance and stay young. Yen is actually a 90-year old hunchback, she's just using magic to look young and hot.
you mean the chin? I guess a substitute for her being a hunchback in the books
I'm afraid that she's indian. It is a serious medical condition that cannot be cured, unfortunately.
Those aren't elves, they're dryads and they're supposed to look like niggers.
Because normies have ADHD and need constant noise and shiny things on screen to keep their attention. If they actually went after the books everything would be gray and still.
When she joins Aretuza she's a hunchback.
PST adaptation with Henry as TNO when
>tfw quadroon
>tfw fantasized about banging Yen
>they go and cast a fucking quadroon to play Istredd
Based Netflix satisfying my oddly specific sexual fantasies about a fictional character
Reminder that she is the youngest sorceress in the books
Oh my god they actually kept the ballsack armor.
What in the actual fuck. Disgusting. She looks even worse than we've been anticipating.
You've got to kek at how far they've gone to almost not show her in the trailers tho
>yennefer of habsburg
Literally all of the sorceresses should look 30 tops
looks cheap
you probably jerked off to evelyn claire you negro
>the ballsack armor is actually real
>I *cough* WUZ IN THE *wheeze* HARRY POTTERS U KNOW *farts dust*
Thank god I embraced the clown philosophy and could only laugh about how awful this looks.
Jesus, they really pushed the diversity stuff. There was more PoC in that trailer than literally the entirety of all three games. Let me guess, a woman wrote it?
I don't believe that
They're described as white haired. Also many dryads are originally human and blonde or red haired.
pls, Triss is literally a side character
The show looks like shit but Geralt looks fucking based
Triss is naturally young though, girlish even, she doesn't use de-aging potions yet unlike 100 years old hag Yen.
Idris Elba as Morte
i think she's the cutest one of the three even if she's ridiculous for the character, triss is a fucking atrocidad abomination and whoever cast her should be crucified
>supposed to look like niggers
That aside, I hope this adaptation does well. Henrys a great actor he deserves a big win
Don't know who that is. I did jerk off to a couple 3d edited game webms of Yen though, which was weird since I've never been into that stuff.
I mean, there was only like one arab guy in Witcher 3, so it's not hard to outdo desu
looks like that aunt that only comes around once a year and smells of fags and missed showers
No she's not. She's the one Geralt calls to Kaer Morhen to take care of child Ciri. She's our POV in the Lodge. She's there in the main battles. She's there, at Geralt's side, when he hits the dust. She's even called Ciri's big sister. She's one of the protagonists.
not him, but I have. I wish she'd do a CosplayPOV shoot as Yennefer
Bloody hell, how many brown mutts are in this exactly? We're look at the Jewish endgam right here.
This, I agree. I wasn't sold on early previews of Cavill as Geroldino, but he really looks good in it. Shame about everything else.
>dying to a peasant with a pitchfork
What a cuck
Yeah I'm thinking they're gonna get bleached hardcore
>here's your slavic folklore bro
I think Geralt looks great but the forced diversity just puts me off. Pass.
>Triss is naturally young
She's more than 50 years old.
>she doesn't use de-aging potions
Every magic user uses de-aging potions. Why wouldn't they? If you could literally stop the aging process in your early 20s and be completely immune to the possibility of dying of old age you'd take it.
This is my butthole right now.
It doesn't look like the videogames or the books. It didn't respect the source material, therefore, it disrespected its actual fans in order to please an audience that won't even watch the show.
It doesn't look like the books either.
And I haven't even read them.
>those aren't black elves, they're black dryads
Cope level 100
Lupita Nyong'o as Fall From Grace
Wew lad, that's a jaw to rival Cavill.
Penis armor is real
i wish trump was a real racist and declared war on the niggers so we could go back to clean white casts with good actors
Holy shit they've filmed this with the same lenses as Sabrina. It looks like dogshit
John Boyega as Dak'kon
God, I miss when casting was done like LOTR. 2001 was a good year. At least Netflix's Dark (ironically) is a good show.
As a black nerd, I'm glad to see more diversity in this. It's about time the fantasy genre dropped the trope of all humans being white alongside dwarves, elves, and vampires.
>We proud dryads!
>We didnt dont need no man not, eheh!
They gave her purple eyes actually
She's 16 years older than Ciri, not 36
you be too if some changed a godes in to a nigger.
>the pogrom of blaviken
>geralt slaughtering peasants by the dozen
>a farmers boy tries to sneak shank him with a pitchfork and it just shatters from Gerry's gains
>anything on netflix
why would they do this. the fucking scrotum armor looks fucking retarded. This is worse than havin 40% blacks in the show.
Die Nigger filth
It's not gonna succeed in becoming GOT 2, normies won't take to it
So then all we have are
>bored normies
>disappointed booknerds
>disappointed gamenerds
Cancelled after 1 season.
Kek, I went for that build and not even highest difficulty couldnt contain me. Defintely feels like this
trailer unironically makes me want to get back into SFM
i see just one black dryad.
Jesus Christ save us all
Same thing happened on reddit. 50 accounts instantly praising it the minute it drops
>once again playing a guy, wearing a symbol on his chest
Stop pretending to be black on the internet Cody
>It's unrealistic to see black people in a world full of magical creatures
Grow up
Dark is good.
That actually looks great, Save for the race swaps, Not a fan of his necklace either
>yeah, they call me the ABSOLUTE UNIT OF BLAVIKEN
>back when I slapped my way through those peasants and suplexed Renfri
>she was a good friend
I genuinely hope the average normie doesn’t get too hyped for this. I have puts in Netflix and that shit needs to drop
Fuck ever since King nigger got on the board of directors they've been pumping out more and more bullshit. Fuck Obongo
Sorry but I don't believe you netflix shill.
Oh god, the Nilfgaardian penis armours were real.
>Why wouldn't they?
Because Triss is allergic to magic potions. It's a plot point even, when she gets food poisoning.
Heheh I don't even have a Netflix account I just pirate their shit.
Fucking THIS. Just drop the Bitcher and get it going for some real kino.
He survives it though
Games are canon
Witcher was never good, this thing, the games and the books are all trash
If it's organic it'd work and people wouldn't bitch. If it's forced, it is glaringly obvious and takes people out of the show.
Henry's gone insane with the roids. WTF is this? Fuckin Conan?
>85% of the trailer didn't have Geralt in it
Jesus christ I just want episodic Geralt hunting monsters
I’m gonna make a movie about anansi the spider and make the entire cast white.
We have a talking spider, so what’s wrong with white people in Africa?
The blacks are the creatures though
>Black """""people"""""
nekkers couldnt talk in the books or games, why now?
More? It's down 15% in the last two days.
it's vidya game shit they better sell this right
Yennefer - Jesus Christ!
they can't just cast a bunch of identical 30 year old women that nobody can tell apart
>WTF is this? Fuckin Conan?
What is he solving complex murder cases?
> Dark Elves.
Yeah a monster of the week thing would have been better.
Shit you're right, I'd completely forgotten that. Does that mean she can't take Ortolan's elixir? So she'll just age and die like a normal person rather than be practically immortal like the other mages?
careful what you wish for
the different planes, Sigil and the plot is way to complicated and either will be butchered by CGI or idiots who never beat the game
She's just Indian m8, I bet she also has chicken legs n a flat ass
>Head of the show said people will be surprised how many monsters are in it
>see 2 in the trailer
Jesus fucking christ they are going for the Game of Thrones idea
All drama and none of the cool shit. I just wanted to see Henry suplex a vampire or some shit
There's not a single nigger or kike in it, the only fag is whoring himself out on a truck stop and doesn't matter anyway. It's full of white children and women.
>that top left pic is supposed to look good
Monsters are pretty rare in the books, several different characters talk about how it's getting harder for Geralt to find work because there just aren't that many monsters still around.
And that somehow means its good?
Sorry you can't fool me Netflix shill.
I'll never pay for your shitty service.
I didn’t get approved for options trading until today. I knew the drop was coming so I wanted to get puts ASAP. My contracts increased in value 300 today but considering how most of their viewerbase is normies who watch the office and friends and both are leaving next year possibly I hope it keeps dropping
we'll always have the video games
I realised it only now myself, despite reading the books like 10 years ago. Guess she's doomed, serves her right though.
ffs they couldn't even be bothered to do the eyes properly
>ItS BaSeD oFf ThE bOoKs NoT tHe GaMe
>miss the book descriptions by 208547340857 miles
This is fucking embarrassing. Even my homolust for Cavil can;t save it.
there is not a SINGLE good tv show/movie made by netflix. period. anyone who watches garbage produced by this company is a pathetic loser who's fallen for jewish tricks and i truly pity you from the bottom of my heart.
> Actually thinking people like this don't exist and are actually a majority
The Witcher medallion is the laziest fucking design too lol
Will they explain why one dark elf has so much melanin in her skin compared to the others?
dumb dumb. geralt can change how his pupils look. read the books dumy udm
I liked the peasant look of the witcher elves more
it made the contrast much more vibrant when space-elves-nazis arrive
black actors cost less
kikeflix cheapening out on production cost once again
Cavill is so fucking good bros
i hope they actually portray geralts witcher skills in tracking and detective work
also fuck triss and yen
shani best girl
Stronk independent aen seidhe that don't need no dh'oine
shani will be a tranny
its Netflix
prepare to be disappointed when she will be played by Whoopy Goldberg or Mishelle Obama
I have read them, no he can't
>Mishelle Obama
You mean Michael Obama.
Anna Henrietta was best girl
For some reason every movie/series is swapping redheads with black people so expect to see Shaniqua
They won't use Shani. Geralt fucks her when she's 17. That's statutory rape!
Literally never, geralt can track drowners but anything that has a brain will make him just go to ask for an echolocate spell from the witches and holla at them baddies before one of the girls comes in to coddle geralt and torches an entire wood
>female director
>female designers
>female writers
>the end result: all the females casted are significantly uglier than what the should and the male protagonist is a hot muscular chad
You cannot make this shit up right now
you fucking cannot
>he watches Netflix
You faggots deserve this
henrietta is an old hag
geralt needs young cunny on his cock
not some dusty old snatch
Yes, Anna Henrietta is a cutie! Her voice actor is playing Tissia in the netflix series. It's a shame Anna will probably be black in the show, though.
How will they ruin them?
It's kind of amazing that even in the US, the age of consent is mostly 16 or 17 but because California sets its age at 18 that's what most people (including most Americans) think is the minimum age for the entire country
dryads are supposed to look green you dumb jew fuck.
Poland's age of consent is 15 bro
Fucking film your own books then
What's with all the goddamn niggers?
Pleasantly surprised
Why is everyone upset
Who are they?
Too many niggers.
jesus christ
its sad just imagining how badly netflix will butcher this series
Idris Elba / Idris Elba / and Idris Elba
Because we don't like your product, Netflix.
its 2019 chum
if at least 40% of the cast isnt black then middle class white america wont watch
>Milva is squatting on top of the bridge as she is pressing
>'Milva!' you hear Geralt scream. 'What are you doing?!'
>She only smiles back.
>'M-muh body. Muh c-choise' as she shits out her miscarriage for every cis white patriarch to see.
I hope we get to see some Viroledan Naev'de Feaine Glaeddyv kino
>As a black nerd,
Why a negro even read? Please, get back to your cotton plantation now.
>no niggers
>no niggers
>Netflix adaptation
Can you answer why?
Well that's racist
gee i wonder why
you dropped your nigger word, buddy
It doesn't look bad.
The costume design appears to be good.
Geralt looks okay, although a bit too buffy.
What doesn't work for me is that it doesn't look slavic at all, where are the villages, wheat fields? It's all castles castles castles.
I hope this show is critically panned that way Yea Forums will love it and we can have comfy Witcher threads.
Regis, Milva, and Angouleme. Along with Cahir and Dandelion they travel with Geralt on his journey to get Ciri.
will Poland riot over this trailer?
well yeah, but checkin bones can't determine how smart people are, which is really fortunate for you.
Incase you don't get it, i'm calling you a silly billy. retard
They can but these creatures were never mentioned in the lore.
Hey at least they seemed to have kept all the villains as whites, right? haha
>costume design appears to be good
>ballsack nilfs
Fuck off retard.
She actually looks cute there though, unlike in the trailer
not with that fucking nose
Regis is going to be homo. Guaranteed
Literally nothing wrong with it there
>but checkin bones can't determine how smart people are
Actually, yes it can. Sort of.
Bones can tell you whether a skeleton is negroid, caucasoid, or mongoloid.
And as science has proved, negroids are not as smart as other races.
So you sound like trash.
Judging by the trailer it look okay in action, so what's the problem?
Don't forget thee bad men in dick clothes
Oh well.
>unironically believing in phrenology
Americans man, fucking hell.
Based. Checked. Nice.
Read the books.
That's not phrenology you retard.
Don't you watch any forensic shows?
He better not be or I swear to god I will go nuclear
He was a homo even in the game.
You like being trash? You think people care about trash's opinions? Trash doesn't have money or life, meaning you don't currently matter.
Stop being trash, life will get better
Netflix is not Lindy. It will die.
Sorry tranny, but that's incorrect. You can determine quality of nutrition from skeletal remains, and so in effect you could determine if someone was more likely to have a well functioning brain. Not only that, but you can determine ancestry as well, even into smaller ethnic groups if you use a database like FORDISC. t. Bio Anth major
at least she has big tiddies
go back
>Triss Merigold? Why yes, shes locked up
>Geralt: Is king Radovid locking up Mages now?
>No Witcher, She was arrested for stealing supplies and sending death threats to the king, also shes a Nigger.
what the fuck Netflix?
caosh ish a laddah!
I know nothing of this book/game series but isnt it supposed to centre around slavic culture and as such there would never be people of colour?
Think about, you're upset right now because it is exact type of shit you know they'd end up pulling.
Daily reminder that Sapkowski said he's on board with the racially diverse cast.
He also pre-emptively silenced you spergs by saying that it's a "fictional magical world".
Worth mentioning is that he's written many books that take place in real medieval setting that were lauded for being historically accurate, he knows this shit.
Stop confusing the games with the books.
This isn't phrenology (the study of things like skull shape to discern personality traits) it's just noting that different human populations can be identified using skeletons alone
> The bones of different races aren't real!
well, you've got me there to be fair.
>red hair is the rarest human gene on the planet
>lol lets cast whatever this is instead that's actual diversity
Well, yes, blackwashing is racist, I'm glad we agree on this.
I laughed way too hard at this
yes but this is netflix
its like telling a fag to stop sucking dicks
he actually can, they turn in to slits like when he's at the midsummer party (i forget it's name) and he's dancing with a girl but they move in the shadows and his eyes change and scare her off
You’re being ironic right? He’s fucking garbage. A glorified pretty face. A Himbo. Oh and he’s an dickhead also from what I’ve observed on set. I’ll say no more. Enjoy your low-rent LOTR with a steaming helping of SJW agitprop. He “deserves”.....just fucking lol. Utter faggotry.
Lol. Get a load of this guy.
>unironically believing in genetic determinism
>Daily reminder that Sapkowski said he's on board with the racially diverse cast
I'd be on board too if you rolled a dump truck full of cash up to my door.
>Despite making up 13% of the population they commit over 50% of treason.
>Hm? No, niggers.
Post actresses that could of been casted as Triss instead
Wait what, they made him homo in the game? I never played the expansions
Red hair was the game's invention.
He doesn't give a shit, he just wants the dosh at this point
That will be a yikes for me dawg
gain height
have sex
get a clue
watch ryan faulk
he sold the rights for two potatos and a vodka
>nogs and mutts galore
>shitflix patting themselves on the back for representation
>meanwhile, not a single slav actor in a slav fiction tale
Woah, so THIS is the power of American TV...
I think it looks awesome (haven't fucked with the game or the books).
Ignorance is bliss as they say and I look fwd to this filling the GOT shaped hole in my life while all you channies cry and whine into oblivion.
>I bet they're going to do this
>lol no they won't you're just a mental retard from /pol/ I bet
>no, they're going to do it, they always do
>u mad?
>see they did it and I'm just kind of numb to it all. it's not even worth a "called it"
So its just my imagination that black people are literally on average dumber and more violent than every other race?
>all these mutts and blacks
this is not Slavic folklore at all. and everything is too clean. looks more like GOT then the witcher.
This looks painfully generic also Yennifer looks like a retarded teenager how am I supposed to take her seriously?
Just plopping down people of every color in a clearly medieval european setting (it being fantasy is not the point, it's still european architecture, culture and folklore) will always cheapen the look and make any show cringeworthy.
>Post actresses that could of been casted as
is that Lou Ferrigno
>you channies
Okay user. Go prep your girlfriends black bull.
He's a greedy old fuck, extremely buttpained over success of the games. He'd do anything to spite CDPR, and probably thinks this is the chance, the official adaptation of books (not games! not games! as they keep reminding) by big bucks netflix.
>I look fwd to this filling the GOT shaped hole in my life
based red baron
he knew you can make the world a litte better place if you smack your wife once or twice a week
¿Pero qué es esta cosa?
Take a black baby and raise it in a upper-middle class white environment and it'll be identical to all of his/her peers. Take a white baby and raise it in the ghetto and it will be white trash.
I think I know where this is going...
The patrician choice.
>ignoring reality
No one cares about books, it's the videogames that matters, Max Payne is how you make a good and faithful movie based on a videogame
>Daily reminder that Sapkowski said he's on board with the racially diverse cast.
Daily reminder that to say otherwise is career suicide, duh.
>I hate them master witcher
>Mindless fools that grovel at your feet
>They beg for food, housing, coin, anything really
>They dont even have the decensy to acquire a living like peasants
>They are lower than the shit i scrape off my boots every morn
>Who? Mages?
>No you fool, Niggers
You don't understand. Sapkowski is a grumpy, old, painfully cynical man who spent a few years locked down in a library while writing his Narrentrum saga.
He's known for getting triggered over everything that he doesn't like.
If he says it's okay, he must believe it.
Lol trash
Who did they cast as this guy? Idris Elba?
The world isn't America m8. The age of consent in most european countries is around 15, give or take a year or so.
Fuck off nigger
Witcher only got relevance Thanks to the Second game period
It was a good invention, almost made me like Triss even after all the shit she'd done, the bitch.
>career suicide
he never touched a typewriter in over 10 years
How will Reddit and Twitter react to /ourguy/?
>Max Payne
>good and faithful movie
Not true.
Proven time and again. That black boy will still be more violent and dumber than his white peers.
Sapkowski has literally always been a "fuck you I'll say what I want" type. He's been enthusiastic about shitting on the games even though they were a huge promotional tool for his books and made him a ton of money. He hates most of his own fans. He's perpetually drunk and gropes cosplayers at cons. The man does not give a fuck.
I hated that entire quest and story arc. What an absolute snoozefest
Sapkowski has committed so many suicides up to this point that it's hard to keep count, starting with his idiotic squabble with Parowski (who literally published the Witcher books and came up with the store), hating on politicians of all sides, hating on public figures, hating on books and writers, he's a no-nonsense person, known for being a politically incorrect weirdo in Poland.
Because people think English accents are more sophisticated
Imagine being this naive.
>Daily reminder that Sapkowski said he's on board with the racially diverse cast.
Daily reminder that Sapkowski is getting funnelled millions by Jewflix in order to keep his mouth shut.
That’s literally not what twin studies and adoption studies show though. Genetics really do matter more than environment unless you are literally starving.
>Doing the Striga fight.
That was truly, truly awful. Holy fuck.
Actually looks good. Shame about the casting.
liked him
he is a CDPR invention, though
in a timeline many years after the books
Go make your own fantasy you fucking nigger.
Sapkowski - hero of the turboslavs
>Write thirteen stories
>Base three of them on Andersen's fairy tales
>Base three more on Grimm brothers' stories
>Base one on an Arabian tale
>First things First - Make fun of the folklore and the beliefs
>Make fun of that in the stories "the edge of the world"
>Laugh at the polish legend in " The Bounds of Reason "
>Name the main character "geralt"
>Basically use mostly celtic names like Yennefer, Crach
>Some romanesque names like cirilla, falka, fringilla or tris
>A couple of english names like Merigold
>Some Germanic name like Geralt
>And italian
>And german
>And even french
>Copy the monsters from Some american games like advanced dnd
>Turn irish into elven language
>Turn german into dwarven language
>Make your characters celebrate irish folk holiday
>Write an article about your inspirations
>Mix the slav fantasy with mud
>Finally Write the eight book
>Base one of the main characters on a japanese daemoness
>Become the master of the turboslavs
Shani looks exactly like my old hs crush I was too pussy to ask out.
Regardless, he still receives royalties, and I'm certain he would still like to keep seeing those payments.
>Fantasy Universe based entirely on WHITE EUROPEAN SLAVIC FOLKLORE
Go strangle yourself you stupid Plebbitor/Nigger
>seething over obama this hard
lmao whitey times up
Money surely plays a role in all this. But if you think he'd okay something only because of the money, you're wrong. He was publicly shitting on his publisher and former best-friend for years, basically cutting himself off his only source of income and making tons of enemies, because he didn't like the story this friend has written for a comic book based on The Witcher. He's legendary in being a painfully honest drunk grandpa with no filter. Alas, I don't believe it's possible to get this point across to someone who didn't grew up a nerd in Poland.
Not being annoyed by nogs i politically incorrect in poland.
And I bet he still has his price. And Netflix found it. They literally paid him enough money to get him to say whatever they want.
His tendency to just outright take languages from the real world and plant them into his own has always been a pet peeve of mine. I mean some are just outright stolen, with maybe an asterisk added to give it an "exotic" touch.
wonder how big the check was.
Not really true, nobody really gives a shit about black people here, most likely because there's like three of them in the whole country.
He shat on basically all writers and people in power in Polish fantasy/sci-fi scene and had to go through massive hoops and take a huge loan to get some of his books semi-self-published, before The Witcher game he was the very definition of persona non grata because he's physically incapable of being nice. And he didn't give a single fuck while at it.
I want to lick him
Doesn't exactly look like a swordfighter, but my dick allows it.
Not with a rented dick
My penis is confused. She's somehow attractive and ugly at the same time.
Your penis might have problems.
You see, that woman isn't attractive at all. Just ugly.
>muh slavic folklore
The people who sperg out about >muh pure slavic fantasy are always the people who never read the books and think their medieval James Bond ps4 game is the original story. Sapkowski is a hardcore lefty who detests racism and thinks the games are trash.
I know what my dick feels. There's something about her that's very attractive, but the overall package is ugly.
la bruja de los nilfgardos
Honestly this sounds based in a nihilistic way if she convinces botchling that it's better off not being born.
Greetings true friends
It would have a chance if not for the fact she specifically talks about how hard life is for a woman only.
This is still irrelevant. He's an established asshole, great. He still collects money on his IP (Witcher game notwithstanding). He gets money from the (((Netflix))) series, and he's also a paid consultant for the show. He is obviously not going to challenge the racial diversity because his paycheck depends on it.