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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't wait for Netflix to die

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Why is netflix so desperate to blackwash everything it produces? It's disgusting

was this in the video game?

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Jesus did you see the muscles on him?


this is getting ridiculous

Yes, when Geralt is hopped up on too many potions. Basically short-term super steroids that may kill you if you take too many.

>the dicks armor are real after all

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Is she pushing her fucking tongue into her cheek or does she just look like that? God what an ugly shitskin. This shits gotta stop man I’m getting real tired of it

wallpaper worthy

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What's wrong with her face for the first 2/3rds of the movie?

>not even 10 seconds and already a nigger

Also in the book, when he's preparing to fight the Striga, the other guy shows up and nearly shits his pants when he sees Geralt's crackwhore face

is this from the Inhumans?

Trailer* fuck

read the book

back to /pol/


That’s how the actress really looks. It’s some sort of birth defect that happens in third world countries. She looked awful at the q&a

>nigger elves
>nigger everything
>pre teen handsome geralt
>shit cgi
kill all netflix users

I'd like to see those muscles on me.


she was born a hunchback who ended up using magic to look young a beautiful

Stop with this back to /pol/ shit. Do you think this board is only populated with people who think like you? Fucking loser

it actually seems alright
not so sure about the we wuz elves though

Maybe it’s some sort of flashback to when she was a hunchback?

>projecting this hard

>niggers calling niggers niggers

looks good. What's the problem?

>back to /pol/

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>yes I am, how did you know?

>female knights

Looks okay.
Of course, it is a Netflix Oregano so it's probably going to be pozzed to hell and back and then cancelled after 3 seasons.

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Literally the inbred spanish guy.

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I never played the game, were there niggers in it?

Those were dryads

> Born in 1173, Yennefer had a rough childhood from the moment she was born, having been born a hunchback. Her father immediately detested her due to this deformity and blamed Yennefer's mother for it, claiming it was through her side, with mages and elven blood, not to mention her having had an abortion before, that caused the deformity.


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2bh that's hunchback yennefer, seems like they are going to show her backstory

>Those Nilf armors
Pfffhahahahaha, they were real, it was all real, holy shit


The most embarrassing shot is the one where she screams and it looks like fire is coming out of her mouth, that one was really bad

Sorceresses use magic to make themselves attractive. Yennefer is canonically a troll faced hunchback but she made herself hot. Considering all the shots of Yen in the trailer are pretty obviously in situations where she's first learning about magic, she's not going to be attractive yet(or at all since she's a poo).

...Why are the elves black?

Back to /pol/you stupid nigger.


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looks good





Henry Cavill is going to carry this terrible show hard.

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I've read all the books didn't remember that specific trivia, is it from the games? Anyway, yes, it was said in the books she was born a hunchback.

Those were elves, you retarded 56%

what an ugly whore

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elves shouldn't be all females?

>The elves are all black
Here's hoping that Vernon "Nigger with knife ears? Get the shears" Roche makes a guest appearance

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So does she actually physically change her appearance or is it smoke and mirrors like mysterio shit and Geralt is pounding some wart covered pussy

it is based on the books or the game? this looks bad.

>Adapting Butcher of Blaviken chapter
>Pavetta and Duny chapter
>Striga chapter
>Thanedd Ball
Looks like it's gonna be a good adaptation boys. The only thing that would make it better is if they included the story about the golden dragon Villentretenmerth

Are the normies actually getting hyped for this? Or are the youtube comments corporate astroturfing?

>americans blackwashing european art

what's new


Women need to start being beaten again.

I'm not sure if by pirating all my media I'm still contributing to this degeneracy

Nah I’ll stay right here limp dick. As long as it bothers you

>They took that scene literally
They’re retarded.

books, with express consent from the author

I guess they're supposed to be the dryads which were all female iirc.

This Triss is unforgivable, they at least tried to make Yennefer to look like Yennefer but what a fuck is this Triss? She doesn't look like the games or her book description

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back to /pol/

To be fair, your generic soldier armor in real life didn't look any good either.


Unfortunately based roche is video game only so we wont be seeing him in this book adaptation

that's not triss at least i hope it's not

Looks pretty good. What about what we've seen is triggering Yea Forums so hard?

Back to nigger you stupid pol!

1. Elves being negros
2. Elves all being women

That's about it.

if i had never heard of the games/books before i would think this is some bland ripoff of game of thrones with a much smaller budget

But some user says she gets her norks out so ho hum

is that an african female knight? HAHAHAHHAHAHA

did you not see the cast list that was announced a fucking year ago

Nope. You’re gonna have to deal with me fat boy, keep crying though

I hope those were dryads with Ciri, still why not make them green-ish godammit

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It looks really good but:
>"Elves are the original sorcerers of the continent"
I thought the elves arrived during the conjunction as well and that the Vran were the original inhabitants.

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The CGI monsters look really bad but I'll watch it for Cavill. I ain't gay but I liked how he looked without his shirt.

>I hate country music and express that, but it actually means I love country music, wow!

Botched her charisma roll there.

>some bland ripoff of game of thrones
It's literally the reason why it's been made in the first place.

>original sorcerers of the continent
>black woman steps forwards

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Retconned. They're clearly making it their own. It's not going to be as authentic to the books as we originally thought.

It's. Fucked.

Probably about 50% astroturf and 50% reddit/tumblr/etc. upvoting the astroturf.

Its over brehs

Do other countries think that the USA is like 40% black? If you watch our media I feel like you’d think that they were way more than 13% of the population the way they push them into everything.

>I thought the elves arrived during the conjunction
i thought there are like different kind of elves

I chuckled when they showed niggers.

Also lol at that CGI spider.

I'm honestly not too peeved, because, at the end of the day, it's an adaptation. The books will always be the books and the games will always be the games, and the show will always be the show

Unfortunately, something like the Halo show is gonna be canon, so we're gonna get shit like everyone on Blue Team being retconned as canonically black going forward

Oh man that's bad. I guess since Yen cheats on Geralt with a black-ish dude they decided to have Geralt cheat on Yen with a black-ish girl to even the score?

What we should have gotten.

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Its going to be we wuz natives, like the current attempted political narrative that african americans are the only native americans

Something about that face is like that of the older single aunt in the family still clinging to her young and loose days.

Same happens in other countries. I was shocked to learn that black people are only 5% of the British population, I would have guessed at least 25% from their tv shows and movies.

The vast majority of euros talk down to me for the way our country treats minorities so I guess not


>not even a wigg and contact lenses
>balls/dick armor as "metaphore" of patriarchy
This decade is cancer

Yes, I’ve talked to Europeans who are genuinely shocked when I tell them it’s only 13% and then they always ask why they’re shoved so much into media

yeah but who wears dicks on their heads into battle

Its a slav work, based on slav myths and legends. Therefore clearly niggers and a usa outlook on race and racial politics is clearly what is required and necessary

It's based on feminist propaganda.

I'm not upset, but it is fun to laugh at the train wreck.

The writers are gay, female & black, what did you retards expect?


Woah it actually looks... good? Yeah, I'm gonna renew my Netflix sub for this. The true successor to GoT in HD, for only $13 a month? Sign me up.

Who the fuck wrote this

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it's not even 5%, more like 3%

Britain is far worse when it comes to this than USA

they South Asian minorities are bigger there but you'd never guess it from their productions

Gnomes, halfings, and Vrans where. Dwarfs came later and then the elves. Humans came last.

they're right, fuck off to /pol/


wtf is this shit

fuck netflix, I hope they lose 1,2 millions subscribers more for this bullshit!!!!!!!!!

Looks pretty well done. Kind of surprised. As far as the black people I don't care, im not a giant sensitive pussy

Shove a fuel rod up your ass and enjoy the afterglow, faggot.

Well the kind that arrived during the conjunction are aen seidhe, whereas the original from their original homeland of Tir Na Lia are aen elle, but they're still both from the Tir Na Lia world and not native to the witcher continent.
The distinction is just a matter of culture. Think of them as the difference between Eredar/Draenei or Draenei/Broken.

Brit blacks are such weasels, the term BAME is thrown around sometimes which means black and minority ethnic when blacks are one of the lesser minority groups, largest being ‘asian’ (indian,paki,bengali) and poles and the like. They saw the opportunity to grab political power due to the osmosis of american racial grievance culture and they took it lol

Do blacks realize they are treated like little toys for ivory tower lefties? I feel like if I was black I’d be offended by the way they treat blacks like children.

>/pol/ complains about adaptations of things they have no familiarity with

Thats Triss. She was confirmed for it for a while

More like "WE WUZ EGYPTIANS AND INVENTED SCIENCE AND MEDICINE AND SHIT NIGGUZ". They'll claim every black person is more likely to know magic or something. Dead on arrival.

Looks too much like GoT

fuck you and your mother, no one asked you what you thought

how the fuck has no one checked these quints? you absolute beast

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it was confirmed already dipshit

Looks okay. Seems like they are doing Yen's backstory in this season instead of waiting till the end like in the books which is the right decision as it explains why Yen is such a giant cunt.

Yes but im guessing you have an iq of at least 100, blacks as a group dont and therefore cant see the pandering as well, while those who can often take advantage of it leveraging for more stuff and so begins the grift

I'm a little offended by the condescending/patronizing attitude, but I'm too busy enjoying a scholarship that I absolutely don't deserve but got only because of my race to care.

>muh /pol/

try to defend this

it actually looks decent, but
>that triss

She's Triss, I'd still fuck it though. She has that exotic mommy vibes.

Tom jones? Black
Henry vii? Black
The first witcher? Shiiiiite, it was a brutha

Did gnomes and halflings have their own cities and structures?

this is what happens when you get blacked

she paid the toll

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>like my diverse Netflix adaptation or go back to /pol/
If anyone needs to go back somewhere, it's you.

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I think it looks cool desu.


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About both I'm guessing. This just looks like a generic fantasy show and normies usually like that

You all get is a fantasy series based off a video game with magic
Who cares what skin color they are besides snowflakes

Remember my nubian user, everywhere you go in the school you will be the dumbest in the room and are only there so whitey feels better. Best of luck before you flunk out tho! Try not to get accused of rape in the meantime

welp time to go marathon some ryan faulk videos

Jesus, I was sure people were just fucking around and shitposting about this for so long. I was convinced the Dick/Ball armor was just from some random spregs larping in Plastic Hats and Garbage Bags.

But No, that shit is actually in the fucking show.

this post is so fucking cringe holy shit

Henry will bring it home, I've got faith.

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And thats better?

those are rogue jaffa

Netflix is astroturfing hard on this trailer with fake accounts upvoting and commenting. They want this crap to be the new GoT but it won't be. Netflix will continue to lose subscribers

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henry looks like a good witcher afterall

who knew writers also did production design

I only played the second game, is it feasible to marathon the trilogy in a month?

thats fucking brutal

fuck you popcorn eating fat american

>everywhere you go in the school you will be the dumbest in the room
Idk. My SAT score was pretty damn good (2140) it was my GPA that was pathetically low (barely over a 3.0).

>Best of luck before you flunk out tho!
Oh maybe I should have clarified. I'm enjoying the *benefits* of that scholarship. I already graduated.

>It looks really good
you kidding right? looks like a straight to vhs film

Alt right sjws are wigging out on YouTube about the black casting
I'm loving the reeeeeeeefest

good thing its not real life then ay

of course it is, dont play dumb

Guess green body paint was too expensive. Or they thought painting them green would "erase" blacks.

Do you have a job/school or a life?

>not posting the best part

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i'm not a bookfag, but according to games' wikia:
>The elves arrived on the Continent on their white ships during the Age of Migration, two thousand years before the arrival of humans.[1] They established several settlements and towns across the current-day Northern Realms and fought some wars with the dwarves.[2]

>The latter arrived on the Continent after the Conjunction of the Spheres following the destruction of their ancestral homeworld.

maybe. the 3rd game is pretty big, but you also have the option to play the 3rd in a "story mode only" sort of way

Niggers make up most of their auditory, duh.

these aren't elves these are driads which were all women

From ten years ago.

>Woman in full armor in battle

This pissed me off more than the niggers

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I feel so bad for him. He really wanted to play Geralt and look what they've done. Seriously what other actor would be that eager to play a character mostly known for a video game? Besides some zoomer meme actor like Michael B Jordan or some shit.

wow, so they couldnt even replicate the medallion?
or is there some kind of lore reason behind the one hes wearing in the show?

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true this

The actual game part of all three ranges from dog shit awful to painfully mediocre.

Just watch the cutscenes on Youtube.


also yenn and triss are fucking hideous, yikes.

Fantastic! Try to not to commit any crimes when you’re out and about, don’t want to pad those statistics any further. Also, for your benefit, look at finding a way to not plummet house prices and turn neighbourhoods into ghettos wherever you go

the medallion in the books is flat

Yes. Witcher potions are very toxic and if you take too many, you will die. Only a Witcher immune system can handle them.

I'd really hate myself for skipping one but its probably for the best. I could easily spend a month playing the third, its supposedly massive.

That's Queen Meve ya dingus

Seriously, my dude looking absolutely ripped.

>Hrmm, toy novelty medalion's humming...

You gonna make me? Fucking loser keep your mouth shut lmao

dryads have black features, all they needed was a green paint, guess that was too expensive

Thanks man, I'll do my best.

never a chance, stupid american company can't do anything right


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nigger it's based on a book, there is no 'right' medallion

I liked witcher 1, but it takes a bit of getting used to. The games first impression is that it's going to be really shit, but after a few hours I started to enjoy it

>we wuz elves
>we wuz natives
>we wuz knights
>we wuz mages
>women as knights
>shitskin triss and yen
>written by women
maybe women need to start getting beat up again

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/pol/ owns this place you dumb nigger

2’s is awful, and then very slowly, becomes tolerable before it then ends.

At least 1 is just dull while 3 is just rather pedestrian

gotcha. thanks.

He’s probably like a top 2% black so he’s fine. The reason blacks suck is because the average one has an 85 iq. That user is probably just like a normal person.


Then no chance, just play them steadily a bit at a time, no need to rush them for the show, they’re good games


it looks like boring shit

an american

this is whole show is a fan fiction

its based of books you blabbering retard

Looks like wakanda not the slav myth creatures

seething /pol/tards, go back to your /ptg/ circle jerk and die for Israel.

But his kids and partner... let alone his community and family...

>Urcheon of Erlenwald

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>But his kids and partner
I post on Yea Forums, you think I'm ever gonna have kids?

Wow I did not think it would be this bad. Impressive.

he is too big i can't self insert

no use telling the american that, they don't read

Well, now I know how and where I'm gonna watch it... IF I'm gonna watch it at all.

FUCK NIGGERS. You will NEVER be a real woman you tranny

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The curries have no self esteem and aren't so fragile or liable to sperg out... well, at least the Indians are. The Pakis are probable content when they have semi autonomy over their communities.

Yeah they're going whole hog on this.
>niggers fuckign everywhere
>nigger elves WE WUZ AEN SEIDHE
>nigger Triss doesn't even have red fucking hair
>woman on the battlefield, not a sorceress, a regular woman with a sword
>nilfgaard penis and scrotum armor (this is just embarrassing, its just so infantile)
>essentially making the series about Yen, and her empowerment as a wymyn

Who said I support kikes? You’re obviously the one sucking Jew dick if you’re supporting this. Delusional lmao

Shes british i think, of some sort of mix which i cant find
Slavs have historically oppressed blacks and need reparations in their media

>Lambert scolding the elfs for squandering their resources . jpg

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No, everyone has white skin. One of the expansions had a traveling merchant from the deserty region that's never really explored in the books though.

But if you mean niggers by how they act then yes. Filthy fucking knife ears and dwarves are the niggers of the Witcher.

I'm gonna pirate the first episode and watch about five minutes of it

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*more self esteem

Looked at your lots stats for rape? You can do anything that you set your mind to!

>he cute

No no, you were right the first time

triss can look like anything she'll still be thirsty little worst girl. dumb zoomer

This was at least explained
people from a distant land

I wish Mads was cast as Geralt instead

Attached: Mads Mikkelsen Geralt.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

Those aren't elves retard, they're Dryads.

This is fucking ridiculous

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Triss has chestnut hair in the books.

This, it’s not progressive, it just looks weird and makes people pissed off.

geralt's casting is literally the last problem of this shitshow

>go from a 10/10 ginger to a 5/10 mulatta or someshit

the absolute state of netflix adaptations

What an absolute disgrace.

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Read the books you literal nigger Triss has auburn hair not the flaming red shit she has in the games.

If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that

Fuck Netflix

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That fucking arm. Is he on roids or is he that autistically dedicated?

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Who the fuck do you think you are? The characters in the book have been altered for fucking American leftist politics, that’s so wrong and deranged.

Thats some dark chestnut, is she a nigger in the books?


this is what you get when stupid fat american women control creative decisions

I'm not trying to be that guy but the books were big on females in combat and that shit, Saprowski's kind of a cuck


>is he on roids
do you really need to ask

hahahahahaha oh man

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god shes so mediocre looking

Yennefer of Mumbai. Straight out of bollywood.

If he didn't have long white hair, you wouldn't even know it is The Witcher.
It looks absolutely nothing like the books or games. Just some unflavoured american fantasy thingie.

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Maybe. I'm spitballing. Maybe they're so self hating they don't feel entitled to the gibs unlike arrogant blacks.

yes, like THIS and not this abomination

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I like my Geralt with an AMERICAN accent not a faggy British one

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Deranged indeed.

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No, but thats not what i was talking about. Thats not even a real negress faggot, just a tanned bitch.

I didnt excuse her being an african.


she cute

Hes busy with based kojima

yes, agree, british accent is too faggy for him

Back to /pol/ lmao

>Here's your Yennefer bro

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this is way worse than i imagined
and i actually liked the stills they posted previously

Not a /fit/ autist, so don't know immediately. Not that roids would surprise me. I'd like to see how he responds to roid questions now. He only addressed roids back in like 2013 IIRC.

we call them "wine aunt"s

Looks nothing like Yennefer but still better than the disgrace that is Triss



/pol/ ====>>>>

Attached: black-nazi.jpg (678x392, 49K)

I honestly pity the person who made this image, how sad

>real life armor doesn’t look go-

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thats what gets me most about the american left. inclusion and tolerance and shit but they are absolutely incapable of thinking of something else then american issues. everything happens within americans and everyone they talk to is american.
i fucking wish they would be as isolationist in policy as they are in thought. the world would be better off

So books or the game?

Looks kino.

Eh, I'd fuck her. I don't mind poo ones. I've going to hookup for one when new uni years starts. Still annoyed over the changes causes its obviously a fucking forced agenda by hacks that came up with shit like penis armor.

You can get a better medallion off fucking etsy


They’re like 1% or something but racist effete cunts like Idris Elba keep bitching about ((diversity)) and they get forced into everything, even historical dramas they have literally no place in.

Get ARS.

i don't care about the race but she's way too fucking young to be Cavill's love interest

Huh, the paki, although miscast, is kinda cute.

Would like to see her and the blonde, or her and naomi scott, lez off

One drop rule mystery meat whatever, Triss has blue eyes in the books btw.

Damn. With all your ideas you should be a production designer. Hollywood needs idea guys right now

Was that the Blaviken thing?

>Emhyr is a midget

That's Black Blood, he's preparing to fight something that sucks.

I thought Boyega was the faggot that bitched and moaned about this shit. I can't recall Elba sperging out. Would have heard about it on now on Yea Forums whenever Elba is mentioned.

How do you go from this...

Attached: yennefer.jpg (500x750, 68K)

Haven’t you got some IT to fuck up for a white guy to fix?

nah, the writers would overrule him anyway

This they should have dubbed over Cavil with Cockles voice

Better yet they should have fucking cast MADS AND NOT THIS FAGGY BALDING BRITISH PEICE OF SHIT

Yes but it doesnt look as retarded

Whats that moffat quote about engaging in revisionism to make the nogs feel good?

sad thing is it truly is a better idea than what they did

>Black Dicks coming to get ya! RUUUUUN!
Made by Netflix

>believing Yea Forums insiders

They clearly know more than you

Poo girls are okay. If you get one with a decent, sarcastic dry sense of humour, there's some amusing banter where you make fun of each other's background

soulless ame***n garbage

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In a world full of magic, dwarves, monsters, having brown skinned people is what makes it a dealbreaker for you? bunch of racists

>the war is a manlet uprising
Makes sense.

Which are green in the book, not black

Well this looks like total shit. How the fuck can you have a Polish culture fantasy story and fill it with so many black people? Why the fuck do the dryads look like Jaffa? Most of the main characters don't look like they're supposed to look because muh diversity. What a shitshow. I'm surprised they didn't make Geralt black

It’s based on a European fantasy book you fat, repulsive racist fucktard.

checked, kekd and squirted


>like the current attempted political narrative that african americans are the only native americans
I'm 99,99% certain that nobody is saying that

>not believing the fucking trailer

They're trying to lock in a base of the heaviest internet users (the ones who set and follow internet trends) for the upcoming streaming wars, and this torrent of garbage shows and movies is what millions of dollars in market research has determined people who identify with internet culture and feel emotionally invested in it want

A company worth 150 billion dollars knows its business better than you do.

Lmao this looks cheap as fuck

pale black haired white girls are literally top tier and they make her a 6/10 poo
im mad

Elba hasn't ever sperged out about it because he's actually a good actor who can get roles on his own merits. You're probably thinking about Boyega.

Painting them green would erase blacks. Can't have that.

imf pho ugly cauth i canf gat muh tongue ou muh cheeh!

It gives me a kind of high budget Hercules vibe

they know how to spend 14 billion a year more than me for sure

Yes they're

I bet they elves are black and humans moslty white as some take about colonized you know because humans rekt'd and seeded elves so bad they fucked off to never neverland

Wig looks way better here

Attached: w1.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

It's my type, man. Although I think I prefer dark eyes over pale blue eyes for that type, although dark grey or dark blue is kino. Still would fuck poos if I found them attractive enough.

To pol!

It was about making 1810s London have the same demographics has 2010s London in a Dr Who episode:
>"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.
>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
It's very strange and I genuinely don't understand what the purpose is. I'm a 56% mutt living in Baltimore but if you made a tv show showing 1819 Baltimore looking like 2019 Baltimore I'd think it was fucking ridiculous.

is....is that the medallion?

>I wish geralt was a mumbling dude who slurs all his words

Some of them are rather attractive but they really often come off as stuck up and full of themselves with very little to back it up. Also they are rather insular, hard to access and their ethnic community seems to be their world

Shrivelled black dicks
>Thats what you Witcher fans deserve - Netflix

britain's fucked because the majority of our tv and movies are made and set in london which has demographics similar to america, while the rest of the country gets scraps.

asians don't get shit because they mostly don't care that they're not in whatever period drama the bbc is vomiting up, they've got shit from their home countries they can watch

Disgusting, it's like they went out of their way to make her especially horrendous, even compared to the mediocre Yen cast. Poor Triss fags, you have my condolences.

across from her is a black knight!

is triss black in the books?

That's Blaviken?

yes, we mortal kombat nao

am I supposed to know what that means? sorry I don't live on /pol/

>can pay $70,000,000 for Eddie Murphy to do standup

>can't pay costume makers to make better armor


Guess I got lucky with one that's pretty down to earth. But the family is definitely has the stereotypical Indian autism and domineering element. Parents still think the girl hasn't touched a drop of alcohol at college cause otherwise there would be a massive sperg out.

it's not like it's ever happened in the books or games before......

you incels will find anything to complain about

Attached: saskia.jpg (1280x1024, 333K)

Yeah I saw the fucking trailer, but the armor design has nothing to do with
>muh patriarchy we want them to look like dickheads
Look I fucking working on the series, it was my job to overlook different teams and how their work is coming along. The design team and concept artists did some good armor design in the concept art, but the studio we hired to make the armors had a mix up and we couldn't afford a new order. So we had to work with what we got

oh no not my best girl
this can't be happening

>ameri mutts talking about my countries demographic problem like babbling uneducated retards on Yea Forums

Attached: ah bejebus.jpg (349x326, 61K)

Do you use more shadows mod?

Listen i saw i on twitter with a few hundred likes a while ago with hoteps all uh huh-ing and clap emjoiing. Logic is that whites came from europe, indians are native and blacks were forceable taken and therefore have no prior identity or prior polity to fall back on making them the first united states americans. Im not saying it makes sense just the clown world has endless loops, many more yet to come

Even if you disregard the fucking terrible castings, the whole show looks like garbage. Like an early 2000s WB/CW show.

The dude from Superman should be ashamed, I hope that paycheck was fat as fuck for taking a role in this dogshit.

What's wrong with your faaaace?


Attached: Yennefer 2.jpg (1920x1080, 992K)

yen after she puts her magical makeup on looks nice desu

Attached: yen.jpg (1024x561, 51K)

>we wuz magicians n shit
>humanz lived in caves 'fore we helped they asses
Fucking americans.

They couldn't make Snatch nowadays without backlash for evening featuring Jew criminals and having the black robbers being grossly incompetent and pushed around/owned by the white gangsters and Vinnie Jones.

It's different for dragons
Link it then

This but actually, for real, this is not a joke, unironically.

Witcher 3 generated an absolutely staggering amount of high quality 3d porn, it's up there with Bioshock Infinite and Mass Effect

Once the show comes out it's going to be the new Game of Thrones and become a mainstream hit. Deal with it, nerds.

shes suppose to be a hunchback but I guess the actress just wanted to stick her tongue in her cheek instead

>reeeeeee I don't like black people
What a professional and objective criticism. Is there anything else or is this all we're gonna cry about?

They never explain why it’s “better” to have brown people in your country. Nobody is forcing japan to take in brown people.

Acute radiation syndrome. Look it up. Real fun.

And Overwatch. 3D porn and waifus were what made the game popular.

The purpose is rewriting history, who controls past controls... and so on.

If we have been always mixed then racism is wrong both morally and factually! The bbc always pushes this shit putting nogs where they dont belong (and its always blacks because your grief merchants came over here) and because europe has been homogeneous they have to dispell that myth if theyre going to turn population into economic units only, associating indentity only with consumption and not heritage

Well at least her eyes are purple, that's something at least.

how are you able to type with Achmed railing you so hard? honest question :)

i want to _____ that pajeet

can you blame them? you mongs talk about them in the same exact way

you deserve each other, you absolute tits

i believe it's a physical change. not Melisandre-style.

You smashes? Do her parents know shes sexually active? Because that would be a fund can of worms to open id imagine

You can cry about the /pol/ boogeyman, or you can leave

A while ago, i dont remember where. If you never hear it again consider yourself blessed. If you do, then well, you can say you heard it here first!

it's Tris before she uses her magic to make herself beautiful.

physical, Geralt feels her shoulderbones are out of whack and realizes she must have changed them in her youth

I'm unsure if you're completely delusional or just plain stupid.

Why is every historical movie based on the Roman empire have british actors? Why is every biblical movie white people?

Every famous actor is on hgh. And most rich men.

Its hardly a boogeyman if people admit being from there and their talking points are replicated here verbatim.

Yes they are. There have been a few media waves to get the japs to open up to more immigration. Often they sidestep the demands by talking about robots lol

Unironically: Jews want to sell race mixing. Google is doing the same thing.
it's never black couples, but interracial ones, think about it.

That woukd made sense if they actually adapted an original fantasy story with black heroes instead of ruining Polish books.

They've got no clue. She said to me the mother would be unhappy the guy's a white man, even if was a long term thing with both deeply in love and all. Honestly kind of entices me further. I've have people close to me that married in Indian and how much the family sperged out, to the point there had to be two weddings, with the second one being the Indian one in some shitty community center needed to satiate their autistic demands.

Yeah, Satan, as a poo, take it from me that every Indian girl is like this.

>"Oh my girl is so pure and academically focused!"
>cut to her getting railed while coke covers her chin

And my mom wonders why I don't care for Indian chicks...

Oh well boo hoo

Can't hgh fuck you up if you aren't using it very precisely or not taking a bunch of other shit to negate negative effects?

Because romans are cultured, as is the popular (read:yank) perception of brits. Also many brits are cast as villians, so whatevs i guess.

And biblical movies are made by and for the consumption of whites and jesus often becomes the race of the people worshipping him, rather simple really, 21 jump street and korean jesus.

Those examples are just shitty hollywood shorthand that has developed, not much related to anything said prior

Down to earth when interacting with, certainly no angel. Had pretty honest chats in the past where she made zero pretensions about being a pure good girl.

She doesn't look like someone that is old or mature enough to be Ciri's step-mom. And honestly she looks too plain to be a seductive wicked sorceress type. This show has some really baffling casting choices. Fuck a quick google search found a few MILF Indian actresses if they are so hell bent on having her be played by an Indian.

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Just search your browser history

some insane feet stuff in there

That's fair, I've talked to Indian chicks like that too

On one hand they made triss and frangilla ugly niggers but on the other hand I wont be too disapointed that Geralt will BLEACH a teenage looking Indian girl

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>Why is every historical movie based on the Roman empire have british actors?
Americans associate British people with history, royalty, and "class". We associate Italian people with the mafia, obesity, and the New York Yankees. So naturally our tv shows and movies about the Roman Empire heavily feature Brits.
>Why is every biblical movie white people?
Prince of Egypt?

Lol enjoy yourself user. Id thought theyd want a mixed kid, like asians, i know a few poos who gush over mixed white/poo kids. Yeah marrying into that community oriented v. autistic culture i imagine could be a massive deal breaker, also their women seem to go to seed heavily. But carry on bleaching my happy nabob

Honestly what said. Looks way too young to be Ciri's step-mother or Geralt's lover.

that's exactly what it is. netflix wanted a known fantasy property so they'd have the next "game of thrones," except with more "people of color."

Seeing as you're a poo, I'm guessing they go wild when given a bit of freedom and try to enjoy it as much as possible before going home after the term ends? I can have a gin and tonic right now in front of my mother and that's cool but, as I wrote, the girl as sure as shit can't and has to lead the parents to believe she's a good girl that touches no alcohol at university to avoid their wrath.